
November 21, 2018
Alex Hoa

LinX has recently gone through a rebranding and is now a café! While we no longer serve alcohol, our newly renovated space features delicious coffee, tea, espresso beverages and ice coffee options at affordable prices. We also program unique and exciting events to promote a collaborative space for students and staff to enjoy between classes and work.

In addition to our café menu, we continue to feature the popular Smoke's Poutinerie and the SoupBar every Tuesday and Thursday at 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The SoupBar offers a wide variety of fab soups and helps to address food insecurity on campus with a pay-what-you-can model for students. This new addition to Café Linx is in partnership with IGNITE, Humber College and Feed It Forward.

Make time for fun!

For more information or to see our full menu please visit our website,

November 21, 2018
Bharat Saini
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Humber College is committed to principles of equity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. To learn more about Humber’s Employment Equity Program (EEP), please visit the Centre website.

Thank you to everyone who has completed Humber’s Employment Equity Questionnaire. The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity appreciates your help in building a more inclusive Humber!

Please Complete Humber’s Employment Equity Questionnaire

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity invites all full-time, part-time, contract and sessional employees to complete the Employment Equity Questionnaire (EEQ). The information that you provide in the Employment Equity Questionnaire will be kept confidential and will only be reported in aggregate form for Employment Equity purposes. In other words, the reported data will not contain any personal identification. Having up-to-date knowledge of our workforce representation will allow the College to identify where underrepresentation exists, and to target its efforts toward removing barriers that may exist in the College’s employment systems.

Please note - the completion of Humber’s Employment Equity Questionnaire is voluntary.

How can I access the Employment Equity Questionnaire?

  • Hard copies of the Employment Equity Questionnaire are being distributed to employee mailboxes. Please return the completed questionnaire using the included addressed envelope.
  • The Employment Equity Questionnaire (PDF) is also attached to this communique (please see below). The Employment Equity Questionnaire (PDF) can also be accessed on the Centre’s website. Please return the completed questionnaire to The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity (5th floor LRC North Campus) or you can scan the completed questionnaire and email to Bharat Saini, Advisor, Human Rights, Equity & Diversity, at

Please visit the Centre website for Frequently Asked Questions pertaining to the Employment Equity Program.

If you require the Employment Equity Questionnaire in an alternate format, please contact Bharat Saini at 416.665.6622 x5160 or

November 20, 2018

Part-time staff parking permits for the January 2019 winter semester will be available for purchase through MyHumber effective Monday, November 26, 2018.

Thank you.

Parking Services
November 20, 2018
Michelle Trumper
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Hello Global Challengers of Humber!

We have a little progress update. First and foremost, many are holding steady in their rankings. Attached you will find the current rankings of the top 10 Humber competitors as of Friday, November 16 – with the IT Fembots remaining in the lead! The question remains, can they hold their Humber title year over year?

A few notable mentions, Running as a Service and Ctrl + Alt + Defeat are maintaining their second and third standings, respectively, while First Edition has successfully jumped three positions from eighth to fifth place. Way to go! 

As well, Lost in Pace and SWACsation Nation have moved up in the rankings.

While OE Mission Fit Possible and Overdue for Exercise have slipped just a little bit, it is any team’s ‘game’ at this point. 

Hallowe’en is out and Holiday celebrations are making their way in. With hundreds of calories to burn and thousands of steps yet to be taken, the hope is that Humber will ‘crush’ the final stage of this Challenge with a little under four weeks to go. The end is near everyone!

Remember, we are each responsible for our own effort, tot the outcome. Keep stepping and stay tuned.

November 19, 2018
Marie Kyrinis

College Council Highlights – October 11, 2018

The Humber College Council (HCC) held its second meeting of the 2018/2019 academic year on Thursday, October 11, 2018 at the North Campus. To ensure that the Humber community is informed of upcoming events, new initiatives and important issues, College Council reports the highlights of its monthly meetings. For more information or to provide feedback on these highlights, please contact We apologize for the delay in posting the highlights.



Barb Riach, Registrar, gave an overview of Humber’s enrolment numbers for fall 2018.

The fall 2017 faculty strike had a long-range impact on the application process for 2018/2019. Prospects were delaying their applications until a strike resolution was found. This shortened the recruitment and conversion process, bringing our numbers down overall. As a segmented group, the “strike withdrawal cohort” numbers are positive – 41 per cent of Humber students that withdrew during the strike have returned to Humber to resume their studies.

National trends for postsecondary education institutions include an increase to the international student enrolment to offset the decline of domestic enrolment, in part, due to a small(er) domestic high school prospect pool. On a positive note, Barb commented that Ontario colleges, in general, are partially protected from the overall national decline in domestic applications due to the almost 50/50 ratio of non-direct applicant pool to direct high school applicant pool. The next high school population increase (as it relates to prospective students) is predicted for 2021 to 2023. Final audit of enrolment totals will be completed in November 2018.

Projections are estimated at 27,000 full-time, enrolled students.

Pathways and laddering or stacking credentials are on the rise. Humber has prioritized any initiatives that help move students onto a transferable pathway. At this time, 300+ students have executed a block-transfer into another Humber program (mainly a diploma to degree pathway).



Shaun Carson, Manager, Campus Life and Student Conduct gave a presentation on the evolution of the First Year Experience program, a student life initiative, targeting first year students.

FYE matches first year students with senior students to provide first year students with an on-campus connection and peer mentoring. Highlights include:

  • In 2017, almost 2,200 students enrolled in the FYE program plus 108 mentors
  • Fall 2018 is the first year that students enjoyed the benefit of FYE’s Strong Start program fully embedded into their curriculum. It runs for 6-weeks at the beginning of each academic year.
  • An Early Alert program launched in 2016, targeting students struggling with academics.
  • The next step is an Upper Year Experience pilot program that builds on the FYE model. Similar programs run at Western and McGill.



Paul Iskander, Director, Campus Services and Sanjay Puri, Director, Financial Services and Planning presented an update on Campus Services at Humber.

The Campus Services business unit underwent an extensive services audit. External market researchers with various expertise were brought in to evaluate and develop recommendations.

The outcome is a Campus Service Strategy with a clear vision leading to 2023.

Observations and next steps for residence, food services and retail, and conference services were made including: 

  • 1400 residence beds available; 300 students on the waitlist; review admissions, cleaning protocol, and demand analysis report 
  • Wayfinding issues earmarked for the food services and retail areas; implement tool to track performance and service commitments, and food safety 
  • Considering centralized college-booking system to support conference services 
  • Improving the data collection and accountability chain of responsibilities 



Nancy Simms, Director, Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity and Jodie Glean, Manager, Human Rights, Equity & Diversity reported on a recent audit of the Centre’s services and programs. The Centre conducted a survey in May 2018, measuring stakeholder satisfaction levels. Seventy per cent of clients rank the Centre as good to excellent. 

Survey Outcomes and Centre News: 

  • More outreach for non-full-time employees is needed. As a pilot, the Centre ran a highly-successful Human Rights training on a Saturday morning (September 2018) with 80 people registered. 
  • All human rights policies at Humber are under review to bring them up-to-date. 
  • Humber’s Gender Diversity Policy is used internationally at other postsecondary education institutions as the standard for schools looking to build a similar policy. 
  • Upcoming Knowledge Cafes for equity/diversity/inclusion (EDI) topics are being organized. Watch the Communiqué for more news. 
  • The Employment Equity Program has re-launched to help attract/retain under-represented groups at Humber. 
  • The Ontario Human Rights Commission published the Policy on accessible education for students with disabilities. It is an excellent report on how educational institutions are on the frontline dealing with young adults with mental health challenges. 
  • Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) update: As a publicly funded institution in Ontario, we are mandated to meet and excel at these legislated standards. The Centre is building tools for staff and faculty use. Making sure documents are accessible (AODA standards) when distributing to students or others and when posting documents to the web is the responsibility of all faculty and staff: o The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) offers workshops for staff throughout the year. Check offerings at:
  • The School of Media Studies has a fee-for-service one-day workshop, scheduled throughout the year:
  • The School also offers a free, online course at:



Ignite executive - Monica Khosla (President), Jeremy Largo-Afonso (VP North) , Graham Budgeon (VP Lakeshore), and Maheen Nazim (VP UGH) - presented the Next Level project, the 3-year Strategic Plan. 

The process began in August 2017 with IGNITE member research, to help shape IGNITE’s purpose and priorities for the next few years. Monica, Jeremy, Graham and Maheen have a busy year ahead as they address key priorities from the Next Level Strategic Plan on behalf of their constituents. The priorities identified were Student Life, Personal Life, and Future Life. In addition, each executive presented on their initiatives for the 2018/19 year. 

The next meeting of the College Council will be held on Thursday, November 8, 2018 at the North Campus. For meeting highlights, supporting materials, and opportunities to provide feedback please visit the College Council website at:

November 16, 2018
Maureen Martin-Edey
ext 4509
Developing High Impact Work Teams Workshop

This workshop will teach you how to develop and manage highly effective teams in your workplace.  Learn techniques to improve your team’s total productivity and develop and fine-tune your motivating skills. Topics include commitment and cooperation techniques as well as team development theory and practice.

​In this workshop you will learn to:

  • recognize team transitions and how to empower staff in both unionized and non-unionized workplaces
  • to master the keys to excellent communication: observe, listen, analyze, plan, and communicate
  • develop better ways of working together to improve team perform

Facilitator: Diana Kawarsky, The Soft Skills Group

Date: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 - 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Location: Room: H407, North Campus

To register, please contact Maureen or Michelle at or click here.

Thank you!

November 19, 2018
Leigh Gavarkovs

Student Personal Training

The student personal training program is a component of the educational preparation for students enrolled in the Fitness Diploma, Exercise Science postgraduate certificate and University of Guelph-Humber Kinesiology programs. Students provide personal training to members of the Humber and Guelph-Humber community, as well as members from our on-going partnership with Longo’s.

Registation is now open for Winter 2019.

Personal Training Program and Participation Requirements 

This program is open to Humber students, faculty and staff, as well as industry partners and takes place in the Humber College Fitness Centre (North Campus). The fee is $75.00 for the program. Choose one of two options:

Personal Training Options Winter 2019

Option #1
Fitness and Health Promotion
(Diploma Students)

  • Start date would be mid-January. Student trainers contact their clients during Week 2-3 of the semester to introduce themselves and schedule their initial consultations with their assigned client
  • Duration of program is 14 weeks (one initial consultation, one initial fitness assessment, 20 personal training session (two/week), one final assessment and one final consultation

Option #2
(third year undergraduate degree students)

  • Starts mid-January and runs until the first week of April.
  • Duration of program is 11 weeks (health screening/goal setting session, initial fitness assessment, eight one-hour personal training sessions (one/week), final fitness assessment and final debrief) 

**Commitment to all outlined sessions required for all programs as students need to complete all sessions to pass their course.****If clients or trainers need to cancel, provide 24 hours’ notice***

Register here:

November 16, 2018
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Have you ever wanted to learn how to run or how to run more effectively? Come learn from one of our very best - Katelyn Morgan who was the Captain of Humber's Varsity Cross Country Team. She led the team to a 3rd place finish in the Provinicals and a chance at the Nationals.

The clinics will run every Tuesday and Thursday from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. beginning November 20 and ending on December 13. Come dressed to run outdoors. However, in severe inclement weather, the running will happen in the fitness centre.

Meet at the Atheltics Customer Service Desk at North Campus.

November 16, 2018

Et Cetera is excited to annouce that we have print copies of our latest issue. You'll be able to find copies around North, Lakeshore and Carrier Drive campuses.

As always you can check out the issue in PDF or online.

Want copies for your office or department? See a news rack in your building that is empty?

You can pick up copies at North L225 and K107 or contact​

November 15, 2018
Vedika Taunk

International Partnerships

Humber has several key international partnerships and associations. These range from institutional linkages to promoting student mobility, the joint delivery of programs and international development partnerships. For Humber our international partners are long-standing and are mutually beneficial.

The Nanjing Partnership

Inbound Global Learning Opportunities

In 2016, Humber’s School of Social and Community Services (SSCS) developed a joint program with the Nanjing Forest Police College, in Nanjing, China. Through this partnership, students in their second year at the Nanjing Forest Police College have the opportunity to complete one semester of their studies at Humber College. Taking courses in Crime Scene Investigation, Police Foundations, and English Language studies, students have the unique opportunity to expand their knowledge of basic crime scene investigation skills and techniques and are exposed to the Canadian justice and college system. Currently we have one intake of students per year. In fall 2017, the SSCS hosted the first group of 25 students and welcomed the second group of 25 students in September 2018. The SSCS and Nanjing Forest Police College are developing opportunities for a second intake in the Winter or Spring semester.

Outbound Global Learning Opportunities

In preparation for the arrival of the Nanjing students, a formal invitation was extended by the Nanjing Forest Police College to Humber for both students and faculty to travel to China to expose Humber students to the Chinese college system, China’s justice system and to provide opportunities for cultural discovery and exchange. In March 2018, 12 Humber students from the Police Foundations, Crime Scene Investigation and Protection, Security and Investigation programs traveled to Shanghai and Nanjing, China with SSCS faculty and administration. A second faculty-led trip to China is planned for March 2019.

Visiting Scholars

For the 2017/2018 academic year, the SSCS hosted two visiting scholars, Henry Ke and Iris Zhou, from the Nanjing Forest Police College. Currently, the SSCS is hosting a third visiting scholar, Lisa Zhang. Lisa will be conducting joint applied research with a focus on the differences between China and Canadian policing and postsecondary education. The SSCS and Nanjing Forest Police College are exploring further opportunities for collaborative research and knowledge exchange with faculty from both partner institutes.

Delegation Visit

On October 16 and 18, 2018, the SSCS hosted a delegation from the Nanjing Forest Police College which included their Vice President, Director of Human Resources, Director of Student Services and an English professor. In addition to discussing new learning opportunities and pathways for faculty and students, tours of the Toronto Police College and the Toronto Police Forensic Identification Services were arranged.
