
September 1, 2016
September 1, 2016

Blackboard Collaborate is getting an upgrade!

This coming Friday (September 2nd) Blackboard Collaborate ULTRA will be made available within all Blackboard course sites.

The new chat tool is a sleeker, browser based tool directly embedded into the Blackboard environment. The current Blackboard "chat tool" and the previous version of Blackboard Collaborate will be disabled. Please see the attached flyer for more information and support options.

September 1, 2016
September 1, 2016

Humber Interfaith Calendar - Multifaith Holy Days & Festivals
September 2016

In the spirit of diversity and inclusion, we provide the following Multifaith Holy Days & Festivals realizing that it is not exhaustive. Should you wish your faith’s days to be included, please contact the Chaplain at 416.675.6622 x4427 or for due consideration.

01 Thursday
New Moon The moon is at its least visibility.
September = Mdaamini Giizis / Genuuqwiikw (Aboriginal)
Mdaamini Giizis is also known as Corn Moon (Ojibwe). Genuuqwiikw is the season of mountrain trails and the fall hunt (Other).
First Parkash (Sikhism)
Commemorates the installation of the Adi Granth, the Sikh Scriptures’ first edition in the Golden Temple by the fifth Guru, Arjan Dev, in 1604 CE.

05 Monday
Labour Day (Canada/USA)
A national holiday to celebrate the contribution of labour to society by working persons.
Ganesh Chaturthi (Hinduism)
Honours Ganesh, a major deity, the elephant-headed God known as the “remover of all

06 Tuesday
Samvatsari (Jainism)
Dedicated to introspection, confession and Penance, especially for the Shvetambara sect.
Dashalakshani-Parva to Sep 15 (Jainism)
A ten-day celebration of one virtue each day by the Digambara sect, including: Humility; Honesty; Purity (Cleanliness); Forgiveness; Truthfulness; Self-restraint (Discipline); Ascetism; Study, Celibacy; Detachment.

08 Thursday
‘Izzat to Sep 26 (Baha’i)
‘Izzat, meaning Might, is the tenth month of the Baha’i year.

10 Saturday
Day of Hajj/Day at ‘Arafat (Islam)
Commemorates the concluding revelation to the Prophet at Mount ‘Arafat shortly before his death. Muslims on Hajj attend a service on the plains in front of Mount ‘Arafat.

11 Sunday
Eid-al-Adha (the Festival of Sacrifice) (Islam)
The concluding act of pilgrimage. As Abraham offered his son, Ishmael, to God, Muslims offer sheep, goats and camels. They distribute the meat to the poor.  Eid al-Adha is observed whether or not on pilgrimage.

12 Monday
Ghambar Paitishahem to Sep 16 (Zoroastrianism)
Celebrates the creation of the earth and the harvesting of the summer crop.

15 Thursday
Ananta-chaturdasi (Jainism)
The Festival of Ten Virtues is the holiest day of Dashalakshani-parva for the Digambara sect.

16 Friday
Full Moon The moon is at its greatest visibility.
Lunar Eclipse (Prenumbral) The Sun, Earth and Moon align in an almost straight line and Earth blocks some of the Sun’s light from reaching the Moon.
Ksamavani (Jainism)
A day of universal forgiveness when Jains ask forgiveness of others for wrongs committed during the previous year and, likewise, forgive those who caused them suffering.

22 Thursday
September (Fall) Equinox Start of the Autumn (Fall) season.
Mabon / Harvest Home (Wicca)
Celebrates life’s encapsulation as a seed to survive the cold, barren winter and the Harvest of the Vine which, as wine, symbolizes the Goddess’ power to transform youth’s sweet nectar into old age wisdom and spiritual maturity.

27 Sunday
Mashiyyat to Oct 15 (Baha’i)
Mashiyyat, meaning Will, is the eleventh month of the Baha’i year.

September 1, 2016
September 1, 2016

Welcome back. We hope that everyone had an enjoyable summer and is looking forward to what promises to be an exciting 2016-2017 academic year.

When classes ended in June, multiple North Campus Backfill projects were underway. Now, as we begin September, we’re pleased to report that 42 out of 47 projects have been, or will be, completed later this month.

The remaining projects are on schedule and are expected to open in January 2017, as we begin the winter semester.

When we’re done, we’ll have completed 146,000 square feet of renovations that will meet the growing needs of the North Campus, providing new labs, classrooms and office space for Humber’s students, staff and faculty. This is the equivalent of building 60 new homes (in nine months).

While we’ve worked diligently over the summer to complete the newly renovated spaces, there’s still some work to be done. As with any construction or renovation project, as we move in and begin to use these new spaces deficiencies may become apparent in the first few weeks. This includes any audio-visual or information technology that was undertaken as part of the renovation projects. At that level, we could use your help to make sure we get to it all. As you’ll see there are deficiency lists posted in the new areas, especially in classrooms. As you work and learn in the new spaces, please use those lists to write down any work that needs to be done or issues that need to be addressed. We will check the lists regularly and work to finish construction in a timely manner. We also recommend that those who are using newly renovated spaces to have an alternate plan should any audio-visual or IT issues occur in the first week of usage.

The Backfill Steering Committee would like to thank students and employees for their ongoing support and patience during this construction period. We are confident that the new spaces will be worthy of the work required to create them.

We would also like to recognize and thank all of the employees and our partners involved in the planning and construction of the new spaces. We appreciate all of the hard work that has gone into the project so far.

For more information or if you have any questions about the project, please contact Scott Valens, Director of Capital Development, at

We hope everyone has a great start to the school year.

Laurie Rancourt
Senior Vice-President, Academic and Co-Chair, Backfill Steering Committee

Angelo Presta
Senior Director, Capital Development and Facilities Management, and Co-Chair, Backfill Steering Committee

September 1, 2016
September 1, 2016

For both the North and Lakeshore campus locations, the contract for on campus print services with Grenville expired on June 30, 2016.

Through a collaborative RFP process with OECM and the 5 GTA colleges, we are pleased to announce that Xerox Canada replaced Grenville for managing the Print Centre services at the North and Lakeshore campuses.

To ensure minimum service interruptions during this transition, please use the following email addresses to contact Freddy and the rest on the Xerox Print Centre team for your print request needs including business cards:

Humber North Campus
416.675.6622 x4228

Humber Lakeshore Campus
416.675.6622 x3584


Don Henriques
Manager Campus Services

September 1, 2016
September 1, 2016

In response to employee suggestions for an online and environmentally-friendly way to access pay stubs, Humber College pay stubs will be available exclusively online. This change will make it easy for you to access your pay stub from home and from work. Your online pay stub is both confidential and secure.

Please access your online pay stub by going to Here, you will find additional information, as well as a short video, a reference guide, and some frequently asked questions (FAQs).

If you have any questions, please contact your manager for assistance.

Thank you.

HR Services

August 31, 2016
August 31, 2016

Looking for a way to help alleviate stress and worry in your life? Increase your happiness, mental clarity or concentration? Or maybe you are looking to improve your physical and mental well-being? Then our new Mindfulness Studies certificate may be just right for you. Participants in this program will study the history, theory and practice of mindfulness. Group discussion is highly encouraged and classes offer periods for core mindfulness practices including: meditations, body scans, mindful eating and mindful movement.

Learn the ancient practice of mindfulness and see how becoming wholly and completely focused on the present could impact your life in a positive way. 

Classes are starting Sept 21st at our Lakeshore Campus.

Cost: $250 per course


For more information contact: 


August 31, 2016
August 31, 2016

The third year massage therapy students are looking for participants for their final year research projects. If you would like to help these students learn what it is like to conduct research, and receive free massage therapy in the process, contact Jessica Stacey or Felicia Bremner, Clinic Managers (; 416.675.6622 x5055). Individuals who complete the study process will receive a gift certificate to the Massage Therapy Clinic at Humber College to use following the study. If you are not sure if you are eligible or need more information before you commit, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Here are some of the people we are looking for. When you call or email, please reference the study number.

The Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome using Massage Therapy
Study #: 16MT001

We are looking for an individual who was been experiencing pain, numbness and tingling in the thumb, first two fingers, and ½ of the ring finger. Documentation must be provided if the individual has been clinically diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, if a diagnosis has not been provided the clinic manager/instructor will perform a physical assessment to determine eligibility. Individuals who are experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome as a result of a secondary condition will not be eligible for the study. The length of this study is 8 weeks.

The treatments would take place on Thursday Afternoon.

The Treatment of Patients with Functional Scoliosis using Massage Therapy
Study #: 16MT002

We are looking for an individual who has been diagnosed with functional scoliosis by a physician (documentation must be provided). Individuals who present with structural scoliosis and neurological manifestations will not be eligible to take part in the study. The length of the study is 11 weeks.

The treatments would take place on Thursday Evening.

The Treatment of Rotator Cuff Tendinopathies using Massage Therapy
Study #: 16MT003

We are looking for an individual who has been diagnosed by a physician, chiropractor, or physiotherapist with rotator cuff tendinopathies (documentation must be provided). If a diagnosis has not been made, a physical assessment will be conducted by the clinic manager/instructor to determine eligibility.

The length of this study is 10 weeks.

The Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis using Massage Therapy
Study #: 16MT004

We are looking for an individual who has been diagnosed by a physician with rheumatoid arthritis in the hands (documentation must be provided) and who presents with pain and limited range of motion in the affected joint. Individuals who present with joint instability and severe joint damage will not be eligible to take part in the study. The length of this study is 10 weeks.

The treatment will take place on Thursday Afternoon.

The Treatment of Adhesive Capsulitis using Massage Therapy
Study #: 16MT005 & 16MT006

We are looking for an individual who has been diagnosed with adhesive capsulitis (in the frozen stage) by a physician (documentation must be provided). The length of this study is 12 weeks.

The treatments would take place on Monday or Thursday Evening.

The Treatment of Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome using Massage Therapy
Study #: 16MT007

We are looking for a physically active individual who, for at least one month, has been experiencing increased pain in the knee, altered mobility of the knee, and decreased ability to perform normal daily activities. Individuals who present with bursitis, patellar tendonitis, and patellar dislocation will not be eligible to take part in the study. The length of the study is 10 weeks.

The treatments would take place on Thursday Afternoon.

The Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis using Massage Therapy
Study #: 16MT008

We are looking for an individual who has been clinically diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (documentation must be provided). The individual must be in remission phase of their multiple sclerosis, and must be experiencing manifestations that impact their normal daily activities. The individual will be excluded from the study if they experience widespread loss of sensation and/or severe acute flare-ups. The length of this study is 10 weeks.

The treatments would take place on Thursday Evening.

The Treatment of Low Back Pain using Massage Therapy
Study #: 16MT009

We are looking for an individual who suffers from chronic non-specific low back pain with patient reported impact on activities of daily living. Pain experienced must be sub-acute or chronic (pain for more than 3 months). The individual will not be eligible to participate in the study if they present with back pain as a result of trauma, history or current disc pathology, spondylolisthesis, and history of back surgery. The length of this study is 12 weeks.

The treatments would take place on Thursday Afternoon.

The Treatment of Lateral Epicondylitis using Massage Therapy
Study #: 16MT010

We are looking for an individual who has been experiencing pain in the outer aspect of the elbow, painful or reduced range of motion of the wrist, , the inability to perform normal daily activities, and have had pain present for three weeks since the initial onset of symptoms (chronic stage). Individuals will be excluded from the study if they present with pain in both elbows, if there is a history of surgery to the elbow or wrist, or recent history of anti-inflammatory injections. The length of this study is 10 weeks.

The treatments would take place on Monday.

The Treatment of Iliotibial Band Syndrome using Massage Therapy
Study #: 16MT011

We are looking for an individual who has been experiencing pain or swelling in the outside portion of the thigh at the knee and/or the hip, pain with certain angles of flexion of the knee, and gradual increase in pain in the knee from repetitive activities (i.e. running, going up and down the stairs, etc.) or the interruption of repetitive activities due to pain. Individuals presenting with current ACL or meniscal injury will not be eligible to take part in the study. The length of this study is 12 weeks.

The treatments would take place on Thursday Evening.

If you would like more information about any of the studies above or would like to volunteer to participate, please contact Jessica Stacey or Felicia Bremner (; 416.675.6622 x5055). If you would not like to be part of the study but would like to make an appointment at Humber’s Massage Therapy Clinic, please contact us at or 416.675.6622 x5055.

August 31, 2016
August 31, 2016

Are you interested in investigation, security and technology? Then this new online certificate is for you.

From financial theft to child abuse, cybercrime can take many forms and the need for skilled professionals capable of tackling these problems is growing. Gain specialized skills and knowledge in an increasingly important area of criminology. This certificate introduces students to the world of cyber security, the types of attacks and techniques used by criminals to compromise information systems and the tools used to prevent attacks. 

The first course is starting on Sept 26th online.

Cost: $250 per course


For more information contact: 

August 30, 2016
August 30, 2016

The CTL is excited to announce a call for applications for the Scholarly Writing Boot Camp, taking place on October 5-7, 2016.

The Boot Camp is a chance to make a commitment to get a piece of scholarly writing done, by dedicating a consolidated period of time to writing in a quiet group retreat context.

Food and accommodations will be provided for the duration of the retreat. Spaces are limited.

For more information, and to find the application, visit:

The deadline for applications is Thursday, September 15, at 5 p.m.

Applications may be submitted to the Centre for Teaching & Learning (D225, North), or emailed to

If you have any questions, please contact Heidi Marsh by email or phone 416.675.6622 x5836.

August 30, 2016
August 30, 2016

Thank you to all of the teams who have registered for the GCC 100 Day Journey. 

We started registration with enough spots for 20 teams, however due to high demand, we have expanded the program to include 40 teams.  With that being said, we will not be accepting any more team registrations as all 40 spots have been filled on a first come first served basis. 

For the teams who have registered, your team captain will be notified when the starter kits arrive, which includes the GCC Pulse. 

If you have any questions about the program, please contact Elizabeth McPherson at 416.675.6622 x5159 or
