Canada’s new Ambassador to Indonesia, His Excellency Peter MacArthur, met with students and staff from Humber’s Sulawesi Economic Development Strategy (SEDS) project in Indonesia to see an example of international cooperation in action.
MacArthur saw first-hand how students from the SEDS project are thriving in their new businesses showcased at the Universitas Hasanuddin (UNHAS) Marketplace Expo. He visited the stalls of several entrepreneurs selling everything from vegetable-based ice cream, to an app for home security – to organic fertilizer. MacArthur recognized the significance of SEDS in building the capacity of youth in entrepreneurship and took the opportunity to tour the newly renovated business center.
“Indonesia is a remarkable country and one of Canada’s most important partners in the Asia Pacific region,” said Ambassador MacArthur. “Our two countries value pluralism and democracy, and a commitment to sustainable economic growth through facilitation of small businesses, innovation and education to help build a stronger middle class.”
Humber works alongside seven universities in Indonesia to improve their curriculum and teaching methods in entrepreneurship. The five year program develops the creative and business skills of students in the classroom, while also provides on-campus hubs for students to explore entrepreneurship on their own.
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