
June 13, 2016
June 13, 2016

The rainbow flag hangs at half mast at Humber North after a ceremony held this morning in response to Sunday's mass shooting in Orlando.

Our thoughts are with the victims and their friends and families.

June 13, 2016
June 13, 2016

The Business School is pleased to announce that students from our partnership school in India, Parul University have arrived. Over the next two weeks students will participate in the Leadership Beyond Boundaries Summer Program at the Lakeshore Campus. During this innovative and culturally engaging program they will participate in three interactive classes: Cross Cultural Communication, Global Leadership, and Entrepreneurship and Innovation. During the program, students will learn how to communicate in a multicultural environment, entrepreneurs will teach students how to start a new business, and instructors will guide students to explore the global mindset needed to work across cultural boundaries. They will also have plenty of time to experience true Canadian culture. Students will discover Toronto and the surrounding areas during guided trips to local cultural attractions and can further explore personal areas of interest during their free time.

June 10, 2016
June 10, 2016

Humber College has replaced the paper version of your pay stub with an online copy. Beginning June 1st, the only way to access your pay stubs will be the online version. As of June 1st, paper copies will no longer be printed or mailed.

Please access your online pay stub by going to Here, you will find additional information, as well as a short video, a reference guide, and some frequently asked questions (FAQs).

If you have any questions, please contact your manager for assistance.

Thank you.

June 10, 2016
June 10, 2016

Humber is becoming a greener campus and everyone is participating! Humber Sustainability Highlights feature people and departments around the College integrating sustainable practices. This month’s focus is the change to paperless pay stubs brought to you by Humber’s Human Resources Department!

June 1st was the start of online pay stubs for all Humber employees. Mike Joyal, Human Resources Information System Manager, says there are many benefits to this change.


  • Employees have faster access to their pay stubs from any computer at any time.
  • The HR Department is able to utilize their time more effectively and focus on other projects.
  • Humber will save approximately $30,000 on labour and postage costs.

In addition to Humber’s benefits, there are some significant environmental benefits to Humber moving to online pay stubs.


  • Humber will save about 130,000 slips of paper every year. This is equivalent to approximately:
    • 765,818 litres of annual water savings,[1]  which is comparable to the water used by the average Canadian for six years.[2]
    • 1,886 kilograms of carbon dioxide [3] (a greenhouse gas) will not be emitted each year. That’s almost the equivalent to a third of a vehicle’s annual carbon dioxide emissions.[4]
    • 15 trees will be saved annually.[5]

In the fall of 2015, Joyal said HR hosted a series of Open Houses for Humber employees to observe Humber’s HR processes and to provide input. Employees made specific requests to have the ability to receive pay stubs faster and online both on and off campus.

A key part of this change being successful was making sure personal information remained secure. The implementation of Humber’s banner website in 2013 helped the HR administer online pay stub processes in a secure manner.

Joyal says the initiative to bring online pay stubs online is “about serving people better and giving them better tools.” So far, he says, “the adoption of paperless pay stubs has been phenomenal.”

June 10, 2016
June 10, 2016

The President’s Office is pleased to announce that Steve Bellamy, Administration and Jeff Short, Faculty are the successful candidates in our recent Board of Governors elections. Their three year term will begin September 2016. 

Please join us in congratulating them both!

June 10, 2016

After 35 years at Humber in the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Mike Badyk has decided to retire from teaching. In 30 years as a full-time faculty member, he has made significant contributions to the School, to our department, and, most importantly, to the education of thousands of Humber students.

Mike has been dedicated to keeping his courses full of the latest paleontological finds (Discovering Dinosaurs) and the most recent natural disasters and climate events (Dangerous Earth). By doing so, he has kept students engaged and learning about the world around them. Mike embraced learning outside of the classroom in the Nature of Ontario course and with a field trip to the ROM long before the term “experiential learning” was published in periodicals about pedagogy.

Please join me in congratulating Mike on his retirement. 

Dawn Macaulay
Associate Dean Liberal Studies
School of Liberal Arts and Sciences

June 9, 2016
June 9, 2016

North Campus: J2 Corridor Closure
Beginning Monday, June 13th and will last approximately four weeks

Please be advised that a section of the corridor will be closed on J2 (refer to the attached drawing for location). Exit stairs will remain open to allow for alternate routes.

The corridor is required to be closed as additional abatement is required in this area to suit new larger openings into the corridor.

The contractor has requested that work commence Monday, June 13th and will last approximately four weeks.

The contractor will hoard off the area using drywall and will provide proper signage to identify this as a construction area.

June 8, 2016
June 8, 2016

Students of Humber's Event Management program are producing a charitable day-long slo-pitch tournament on July 2nd at Coronation Park (downtown). Proceeds from this event benefit both Plan Canada's Because I Am A Girl and The Humber Scholarship Fund.

Registration is now open and we encourage you to support our students in their event and Humber's scholarship programs. To register, visit: Tickets are $25. Spectators are FREE.

For further details about the charities, please see attached flyer or email

June 8, 2016
June 8, 2016

The School of Creative and Performing Arts is pleased to announce Tatiana Jennings has successfully completed her MFA in Digital Futures at OCAD University. She is also the recipient of the Digital Futures Outstanding Thesis Performance Award for excellence in research and creative practice.

As an instructor in Humber’s Theatre Performance program since 1999, Tatiana has created and directed numerous original productions for the College. She is an active member of Toronto's theatre arts community and co-founder of the experimental theatre company Kadozuke Kollektif. She presented a series of multimedia installations and performances at Toronto’s Nuit Blanche from 2008 to 2013.

Congratulations, Tatiana, on your achievements!

June 8, 2016
June 8, 2016

Even the cool and damp weather could not discourage the spirits of over 190 golfers as they came together for the 4th Annual Humber College Classic golf at Glen Eagle Golf Club in Bolton yesterday.

Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, participants, and auction donors close to $125,000 was raised. Proceeds from the event will fund student awards and scholarships for Humber students.

The success of the tournament was made possible thanks to the work of many people, schools and departments from across the College. Special thanks are extended to the tournaments working group led by Alister Mathieson, Vice President, Advancement and External Affairs and including Paula Gouveia, Dean, School of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Wanda Buote, Principal, Lakeshore Campus, Lori Falvo, Manager, Marketing and Advertising, Ray Chateau, Director, Athletics, Krista O’Donnell, Chief Advancement Officer, Anna Samulak, Development Officer and Aurelia Kay, Events and Donor Relations Administrator. 

Thanks are also in order to all the staff and students who volunteered and helped out at the tournament including our very own Humber varsity golf Hawks, who helped lower golf scores and student musicians from the Humber Music program who entertained golfers after the scores were tallied and the carts were parked. Rudy Blair, Humber alumnus, graduate of the Broadcasting-Radio diploma program and radio personality, graciously donated his time as our emcee and auctioneer for the evening. 

Next year will be the 5th anniversary of the event and we hope we can continue to meet and with your help and support, exceed our goals. Stay tuned for more information and details to follow in the coming months.
