
November 27, 2015
November 27, 2015

As a follow-up to the sessions that were held in October 2015, a 2nd series of consultation sessions are scheduled for December 2nd and 3rd 2015. These sessions are being held to provide an additional opportunity for those who may have been interested but unable to participate in the October 2015 sessions.


Recognized, in Canada, as a leader in post-secondary education, Humber continues to advance its mission in delivering high quality, high impact polytechnic education. As outlined in Humber’s Strategic Plan and subsequent Business Plans, Humber continues to identify and respond to the external forces changing and shaping higher education in the 21st Century. Similarly, through thoughtful investigation and analysis of economic trends and demographic data, Humber has positioned itself, soundly, as a leader in response to the Ontario Government’s Differentiation Mandate. Humber’s Strategic Mandate (SMA) submission clearly outlines three areas of priority:

Priority 1:  Enhancing Student Choice: Expanding Degrees and Pathways
Priority 2: Demonstrated Leadership in Teaching and Learning: Focus on Student Success and Graduate Outcomes
Priority 3:  Innovation, Mobility and Flexibility through Technology: Supporting Students and Faculty

Humber’s Strategic Plan focus on these three priorities has built a strong foundation to support the development of a forward thinking academic plan that will lead us to the successful realization of our institutional vision.

The Academic Plan consultation process, established in alignment with the feedback received from the June 2015 Academic Plan Survey, seeks to identify the essential components required to advance our academic mission. Specifically, the following forums are designed to provide opportunities for dialogue in-order to generate ideas, provoke discussion and create recommendations for the completion of Humber’s 2016 – 2021 Academic Plan. The sessions are intended to be largely informal and allow significant time for question and answer periods, particularly for individuals who may still be unsure of the purpose of the Academic Plan, how they can contribute to it, or how it may relate to their work.

In addition, the interactive “Academic Workspace” mentioned in the October invitation is in the final stages of development and will be launched in December 2015. This virtual workspace will provide the opportunity for those who are unable to participate in the face to face forums, or who prefer to engage in a written and asynchronous format. A draft Academic Plan document will be available for feedback via this website when it is launched.

The outcome of these combined processes will result in an Academic Plan reflective of Humber’s values. It will articulate a bold vision for the educational student experience and will bring voice to our collective wisdom while aligning academic priorities with our institutional objectives. Ultimately, the plan will provide a roadmap that will assist us in building a community dedicated to student success and achievement.

If you have not yet had the chance to do so, I encourage you to join the dialogue as we create an academic framework, dynamic in nature and responsive to student learning needs, employer and labour market needs.

Please refer to the table below for the December schedule of consultation sessions and RSVP (by November 30th) to specifying the session you will attend:

December 2 NORTH 4:00  to  5:00 PM LRC-6108
    5:15  to  6:15 PM  
    6:30  to  7:30 PM  
December 3 LAKESHORE 8:00  to  9:00 AM Art Commons Building
    9:15 to 10:15 AM 3253 Lakeshore Blvd. W.
    10:30 to 11:30 AM ART201
December 3 CARRIER 12:30  to  1:30 PM CAR134
    1:45  to  2:45 PM  

Contact: MaryAnn Rad, 416.675.6622 x4545,







November 27, 2015
November 27, 2015

Education and Training Solutions is running a food drive in support of the Daily Bread Food Bank. 

Please drop off any non-perishable food items by December 21st, 2015. Look for our Holiday marked drop box near our Xmas tree at LX104.

Location: North Campus, LX104


November 27, 2015
November 27, 2015

Join George Brown College and postsecondary institutions from across Toronto for a memorial service and workshops honouring victims of the December 6 Montreal Massacre.

The event will begin in the main lobby of George Brown's St. James campus at 200 King Street East in Toronto.

Date: December 7, 2015


10 AM - Welcome

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM - Workshops

  • Missing & Murdered aboriginal women
  • Black lives matter
  • Intimate partner violence: Trans/Same sex partnerships
  • Sexual violence 

12 PM - 1:30 PM - Memorial 

Contact: Erika Yoshida,

November 26, 2015
November 26, 2015

The School of Applied Technology is running a holiday donation box in support of the CP24 CHUM Christmas Wish.

Please drop off any toys or hygiene package in H221. The last day to place your donation in the box is December 16, 2015.


Contact: Nelia Louro,

November 26, 2015
November 26, 2015

The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) recently made public a study surrounding investor risk, and Dr. Paul Griffin (Associate Dean of The Business School) was the co-author and the sole Canadian academic on the research team. The commissioned study has been receiving national and international recognition. The report, Current Practices for Risk Profiling in Canada and Review of Global Best Practices can be found here:

Keith Costello, President and CEO of the Canadian Institute of Financial Planning (CIFP), was among the first to contribute to the accolades. “This body of research presents a long overdue examination of investor risk perception in Canada and abroad,” says Costello. “As Dr. Griffin has been a long time board member of our organization and was recently elected Vice Chair at our annual general meeting, I am delighted that we can associate ourselves with him and this important body of research.”

Paul Griffin remarked that the project’s success was due in large part to the support received from The Business School team and from Humber’s Applied Research & Innovation team.

Please join me in congratulating Paul on this major accomplishment!

Dr. Alvina Cassiani
Dean, The Business School

November 26, 2015
November 26, 2015

After more than 11 years of outstanding dedication and service, Dr. Rebecca Milburn, Associate Dean, Preparatory Programs and Mathematics in the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences has accepted the position of Associate Vice President, Academic at Durham College and will be leaving Humber effective January 4, 2016.

Rebecca first began her career at Humber in the School of Applied Technology in the Chemical Engineering program. As a faculty member and program coordinator in that program, she was able to help establish key partnerships for the program in industry allowing the graduates to move almost seamlessly into a variety of positions. In 2009, she joined the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences as a faculty member who taught in both of our General Arts and Science and mathematics areas. Before long, her she found herself once again in the role of program coordinator and in 2012, assumed the position of Associate Dean, Preparatory Programs and mathematics. Under her leadership and underpinned by her belief in providing students with access to, through and beyond  Humber, the General Arts and Science programs have grown and established key partnerships across Humber with graduates now streaming into over 70 different programs at Humber. 

In addition, her focus on student success has translated itself into the re-imagining of our math learning supports delivered through our Math Centres.  Over 10,000 individuals visit the centres each year and over 5000 Humber students are actively engaged in a Math LOOC (Local Open Online Course) supported by a robust Head Start Blackboard site. Beyond her immediate contributions in the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Rebecca also gave of her time, passion and insight on a variety of committees at Humber and Councils across the province including the Ontario College Math Council, Ontario College Liberal Arts and Science Council and the College Student Achievement Project to name but only a few.

I hope that you all share with me well wishes as she pursues this new and exciting career opportunity where I am sure she will again foster innovation and creativity while supporting student success and access.


Paula Gouveia, Dean
School of Liberal Arts and Sciences

November 25, 2015
November 25, 2015

Humber Interfaith Calendar - December 2015
Multifath Holy Days and Festivals

In the spirit of diversity and inclusion, we provide the following Multifaith Holy Days & Festivals realizing that it is not exhaustive.

Should you wish your faith’s days to be included, please contact the Chaplain at x 4427 or for due consideration.

01 Tuesday 
Mnidoo-Giisoons (Aboriginal-Ojibwe)
Little Spirit Moon.

06 Sunday 
St. Nicholas Day (Christianity-Eastern) 
Celebrates St. Nicholas (from 3rd century Asia Minor) as the protector children and the bringer of gifts. Children leave shoes before a chimney or outside the front door of the home in the hope of obtaining Christmas treats. 

07 Monday 
Hanukkah (Judaism) to Dec 14 (The Festival of Lights and Feast of Dedication)
Commemorates the victory of Judah the Maccabee for religious freedom plus the rededication of the temple in 165 BCE. Hannukkah begins at sundown the prior day.

08 Monday 
Bodhi Day(Buddhism) 
Celebrates the day when Prince Siddharta Gautama) sat under the Bodhi tree vowing to remain there until he attained enlightenment.
Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Christianity-Catholicism)
Celebrates the birth of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, as being conceived without sin. 

11 Friday 
New Moon
The moon is at its least visibility.

12 Saturday
Masa’il (Baha’i) 
Masa’il, meaning Questions, is the fifteenth month of the Baha’i year.

13 Sunday
Aga Khan’s birthday (Islam-Ismaili)
The Aga Khan is the spiritual leader of the Ismaili sect of Islam.

22 Tuesday
December (Winter) Solstice
The time when the Winter season begins. 
Yule (Wicca) 
Celebrates the new year, in the Anglo-Saxon and northern traditions of Wicca, with the birth of the God as the Winter-born King symbolized by the rebirth of the life-giving and life-sustaining sun; a time for ritually shedding the dross of the past year to contemplate spiritual development for the year ahead. 
Tohji-Tasai (Shinto) 
Celebrates the end of the sun’s period of decline (Yin) and its forthcoming renewal of strength (Yang). 

23 Wednesday
Birth of Joseph Smith (Mormonism)
Celebrates the birth of the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, also known as Mormons. 

24 Thursday
Eid-Maulad-Un-Nabi (Islam)
The anniversary of the death of Prophet Mohammad (also used to celebrate his birth, date unknown) is celebrated by different observances in various countries for 9 days with colourful fairs, parades and feasts.

25 Friday 
Full Moon
The moon is at its greatest visibility.
Christmas (Christianity-Western) 
Celebrates the birth of Jesus, whom Christians worship as the Christ and Saviour of the world.

26 Saturday
Death of Zarathustra (Zoroastrianism) 
Celebrates Zarathustra (Zoroaster), founder of the Zoroastrian faith (dates uncertain).
Kwanzaa to Jan 01/2015 (West African / North American) 
Celebrated by North Americans of West African descent in recognition of their African and family heritage. 
St. Stephen’s Day (Christianity-Western)
Commemorates Stephen who died as the first Christian martyr. 
Boxing Day (Christianity-Western) 
Collections of gifts are given to those in need.

31 Thursday 
Sharaf (Baha’i) 
Sharaf, meaning Honour, is the sixteenth month if the Baha’i year.
Ghambar Maidyarem to Jan 04 (Zoroastrianism)
Celebrates the creation of the animals and is the time for equitable food sharing. 
Omisoka (Shinto)
To celebrate the new year, Shinto temples ring bells 108 times to remove the worldly desires of persons seeking a long life. 

Contact: Chaplain Len Thomas, 416.675.6622 ext. 4427,
