
November 2, 2015
November 2, 2015

Humber Business School Placement Centre welcomed TJX Canada at the Lakeshore Campus for a Merchandise Assistant information session on October 28th. Rachel Zygmunt, Merchandise Assistant and Humber Graduate and Natasha Reichen, Campus Talent Acquisition Manager, shared detailed information about the Merchandise Assistant co-op positions available this Summer.

Over 50 degree and postgraduate students from the Fashion programs attended the event. This interactive and informative session included the opportunity to network with TJX Canada Representatives.

November 2, 2015
November 2, 2015

Thanks to everyone who helped make Pink Ribbon Day a success. The collaborative efforts of the HSF student volunteers, the Schools of HRT and Business, the Wellness and Accessibility Centre, Human Resources and Marketing helped collect $1,270.80 for Breast Cancer Research. In addition, the Pillar of Hope and the We Are Hope social media campaign helped to increase awareness about this disease.

Next year, the goal is to double our donations and have more schools and students participating in the awareness campaign.

Thanks again,
Richard Mitchell
Professor of Mathematics

October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015

Humber Interfaith Calendar
Multifaith Holy Days & Festivals
November 2015: Calendar/Descriptions

In the spirit of diversity and inclusion, we provide the following Multifaith Holy Days & Festivals realizing that it is not exhaustive. Should you wish your faith’s days to be included, please contact the Chaplain at x 4427 or for due consideration.

01 Sunday
End of Daylight Savings Time (Canada)
November: National Native Month (Canada)
Aboriginal Education Month (Humber College)
November = Bashkakodini-Giizis (Aboriginal-Ojibwe)
Water Freezing Moon
All Saints’ Day (Christianity)
Honours known and unknown saints throughout the history of Christianity.

02 Monday
All Souls Day (Christianity-Catholicism)
A day for intercessory prayers by the living faithful to help cleanse the souls of those departed.

04 Wednesday
Qudrat (Power) (Baha’i)
Qudrat, meaning Power, is the thirteenth month of the Baha’i year.

11 Wednesday
New Moon The moon is at its least visibility.
Remembrance Day ceremonies (Canada, Humber College campuses)
Ceremonies are held at each main campus (North, Guelph-Humber, Lakeshore, Orangeville) to honour Canadian soldiers who fought in the two World Wars and other conflicts. This Memorial day is observed in Commonwealth countries, since the end of World War I, to remember the members of their armed forces who died in the line of duty.
Diwali or Festival of Lights to Nov 15 (Hinduism / Sikhism)
A popular festival dedicated to the Goddess Kali in Bengal and Lakshmi, Goddess of Wealth in the rest of India and associated with stories about the destruction of evil by Vishnu in one of his many manifestations including: A New Year celebration meaning “row of lights” and lasting five days including: a new year for business, the victory of the god Vishnu over demonic evil, lit lamps in homes to invite prosperity (Lakshmi) to visit, a day of praise for former king Bali in honour of his sacrifice to Vishnu, a celebration of brothers and sisters.
Mahavira Nirvana (Jainism)
The Festival of Lamps celebrating the attainment of nirvana and release from the cycle of rebirth (moksha) by Lord Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankara.

12 Thursday
Birth of Baha'u'llah (Baha'i)
The birth of the founder of the Baha’i faith; Baha’is suspend work on this day.

15 Sunday
Shichi-Go-San (Shinto)
Prayers are offered for the growth and long life of younger children. They dress up and their parents take them to a shrine to visit a guardian deity.

23 Monday
Qawl (Speech) (Baha’i)
Qawl, meaning Speech, is the fourteenth month of the Baha’i year.

24 Tuesday
Martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur (Sikhism)
Commemorates the death of the ninth Guru who is remembered for his defense of the Sikh faith and also of Hinduism and religious liberty.

25 Wednesday
Full Moon The moon is at its greatest visibility.
Birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji (Sikhism-Bikarami)
The founder of the Sikh faith and the first of the Ten Gurus, was born in 1469 CE. An accomplished poet, 974 of his hymns are in the Sikh scriptures, the Guru Granth Sahib.
Lokasha Jayanti (Jainism)
The full moon of the calendar’s first month is a time to celebrate the births of revered and scholarly persons, the most famous of whom is the 15th Century reformer Lonka Saha whose opposition to temple worship and the use of images led to the founding of the Sthanakavasi sect, which emphasizes scholarship.
St. Catherine's Day (Christianity-Catholic)
Commemorates a Christian martyr of Alexandria in the 4th century A.D.

26 Thursday
The Day of the Covenant (Baha’i)
Anniversary of the appointment of Abdul-Baha, the son of Baha’u’llah, as the Centre of the Covenant.

28 Saturday
The Ascension of ‘Abdul-Baha (Baha’i)
Commemorates the death of ‘Abdul-Baha who guarded the unity of the Baha’I faith.

29 Sunday
First Sunday of Advent (Christianity-Western)
Begins the four-week preparation for Christmas (Advent refers to the coming birth, or arrival, of Christ and, for some, represents the start of the Christian church year).

October 30, 2015
October 30, 2015


The event is an opportunity for Humber staff with a child in grade 9 to spend a day in the workplace. It is an opportunity for students to develop an appreciation of their parents’ career roles, to understand the skills necessary to work in a variety of occupations and to consider the wide range of careers possible as they visit worksites. In addition we hope to provide a full scope of post-secondary and career options available to them. The day will consist
of tours and career focused activities. Space is limited.

This event is being sponsored by Humber’s HR Department

October 29, 2015
October 29, 2015
It is common for students to experience heightened anxiety in the second half of the semester. Student Success and Engagement in collaboration with the Department of Public Safety have developed an online resource to assist faculty and staff in responding to students in distress.
October 29, 2015

I am happy to announce that the School of Community and Social Services has concluded its search for our new Associate Dean. Please join me in congratulating Stephanie Dimech as the successful candidate.  Stephanie is currently the Associate Dean for the Centre for Teaching and Learning at Sheridan College.

Stephanie has held numerous roles during her 11 years at Sheridan, including Associate Dean for the Public Safety portfolio in the Faculty of Applied Health and Community Studies, and has served as faculty with teaching and consultation responsibilities in the Police Foundations, Social Service Worker and Community Development programs.

Prior to beginning her postsecondary career, Stephanie worked as a community development worker for the Region of Peel, City of Mississauga and the Sexual Assault/Rape Crisis Centre of Peel.  Stephanie later joined the Halton Regional Police Services as a police constable.

Stephanie holds a Bachelor of Social Work and is a graduate of the collaborative program in Women Studies and Gender Studies from the University of Toronto. She has a M.Ed. from the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education and is currently completing her doctoral studies in Educational Administration with OISE.     

Stephanie will be joining us on Monday, November 16th, 2015.  Please help me welcome her to the Humber family.

Derek Stockley,
Dean, School of Social and Community Services

October 28, 2015

Notice of Hydro Service Interruption
Lakeshore Campus - West

Service shutdown has been scheduled for;
Sunday, June 5, 2016
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Purpose: to perform annual high voltage preventative maintenance on College electrical infrastructure.

Location: All buildings located at Lakeshore Campus-West (A/B/AX/Residence/Bookstore/Athletics) will be affected. Emergency power will be available.

Lakeshore Campus-East (C/D/E/F/H/I/J/K/L/M/N Buildings), Centre For Justice Leadership, Fashion Institute, Art Commons, Community Medical Services Building, Humber Launch, Humber Arts & Media Studios will not be affected.

Staff, faculty and students will not be allowed entry into the College facilities (with the exception to students requiring access to their Residence suites) during the hydro shutdown.

If you have any questions, please contact Scott Skrinar, x3634.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: In future years, the Lakeshore Campus shutdown will be scheduled the first Sunday of June. The following year’s shutdown is scheduled on Sunday, June 4th 2017 and will affect all buildings (C/D/E/F/H/I/J/K/L/M/N) at Lakeshore Campus-East.

October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015

Get a snapshot of what’s going to be featured in Gourmet Express this week! All items are prepared by Baking & Pastry and Culinary students under the guidance of expert chefs. A weekly menu will be posted online at:

October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015

The “Take Our Kids to Work” day on Wednesday, November 4, 2015 is a popular and rewarding program which allows Grade 9 students to shadow a parent, relative or friend, and experience a day in the life of an adult at work.  Students get a first-hand look at activities, skills and career choices in today’s workplace, as well as an appreciation of their parents’ work lives.

Safety First!  The safety of our young visitors is a top priority.  Unless they are in a public area at the College, please ensure that Grade 9 students in work areas are accompanied at all times by an adult who knows how to deal with the specific hazards in that area.   

Humber has prepared some guidelines to help parents, supervisors and managers make this learning experience a safe one: 

  1. Parents and sponsors, please let your manager know well in advance that you will be bringing a student to the workplace, and agree on which areas the student can access and which activities the student will take part in.   
  2. Check out the workplace ahead of time for potential safety issues particularly from a youth perspective.  Maintain a high level of housekeeping. 
  3. On the day of:
  • Provide students with an orientation that highlights health, safety and security.  Tour the workplace and explain the types of hazards and the safety procedures that apply, including those for preventing workplace violence and harassment.
  • Allow students to undertake tasks and experiences in environments that are safe, and ensure that they follow all safety rules. 
  • Ensure that students are provided with and that they wear any required personal protective equipment (e.g. safety glasses, gloves, hearing protection, footwear).   
  • Students must not be allowed to operate motorized equipment or higher risk machinery or equipment.  Accompany or closely supervise them at all times.
  • Encourage students to ask questions, speak about health and safety concerns, and comment on situations they observe throughout the day. 

Here’s to an enjoyable learning experience for students and their parents/sponsors!

HR Services | Health and Safety
416 675 6622 ext. 4866
™ Take Our Kids to Work is a trademark of The Learning Partnership Canada (
