Did you know there are more than 11,000 transfer students at Humber? That calls for a celebration! Transfer students make up 50 per cent of our student population, and we want to share their stories, triumphs, and goals with the Humber community.
As an employee at Humber, we invite you to join us. Maybe you teach an amazing transfer student or maybe you were one yourself? Use your voice during Transfer Student Week to give our transfer students the recognition they deserve!
Join us the week of Monday, October 18, 2021, to Friday, October 22, 2021. Use the hashtag #HumberIsHome to show your transfer student pride and don’t forget to register for a live session below.
Live Sessions
Transfer Student/Alumni Panel and Q&A
Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Students transfer at different times in their lives and for many different reasons. Our panelists will discuss why they chose Humber, the biggest successes and challenges of their transfer journey, tips for success for new and "not so new" students. We will also discuss, from the student perspective, how staff/faculty have or could make the transition to Humber even better.
Humber Transfer Champion Spotlight - Dr. Erin Madel-Shorser
Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Dr. Erin Madel-Shorsher is the Program Coordinator for the Bachelor of Workplace Health and Safety program. This program has eight general and five specific diploma to degree block pathways available to transfer students. Based on this and the research she’s conducting, Erin has a unique faculty perspective on how transfer students progress, how successful they are in comparison to high school students, insights on how to better support transfer students inside and outside the classroom, and much more.
Register for these sessions and join the discussion on how we, as a Humber community, can further embrace and better support our transfer students
See you there.
Transfer Services
Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning