Past Events

  • When:
    May 12, 2021 2:00pm to 3:00pm

The Centre for Entrepreneurship (CfE) is holding a workshop for faculty and staff on Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 2 p.m. The workshop is for anyone who is interested in building their soft skills or helping students to build their skills. If you teach interviewing skills, presentation skills, pitching skills or communication skills, this workshop will provide an opportunity to learn how to bring virtual reality (VR) experiences into your classroom and to your students. 

The workshop will show you the simulation tools that are available through realistic practice sessions that students can use to learn how to introduce themselves, deliver presentations or business pitches, and also practice their interviewing skills. 

Register here

Watch the short introduction video.

If you have any questions, please do reach out to the Centre for Entrepreneurship (CfE) at

  • When:
    May 12, 2021 2:00pm

Having passed the one-year mark of the COVID-19 pandemic, we must recognize the effect it has had on our mental health and that of our colleagues.

On Wednesday, May 12 at 2 p.m. (EDT), join us to attend a Morneau Shepell Heartbeat webinar titled "Mental Health Trends During the COVID-19 Pandemic” to learn more about the effects the pandemic has had on the mental health of employed adults across Canada and the globe.

Please click on the image below or click here to register for the event.

Heartbeat "Mental Health Trends During the COVID-19 Pandemic" Webinar Poster










To learn more about Humber’s Healthy Work From Home Resources, please visit the HROE website.

Questions? Please email us at

  • When:
    May 12, 2021 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Join Arboretum staff online for a chat about bird songs and other nature topics.

The Nature Exchange is a casual virtual conversation about all things nature. Drop in to hear members of the Arboretum's Nature Interpretation team share stories and answer your questions about the wild plants and animals of the GTA. You are welcome to join the conversation or just listen in.

The theme for this Nature Exchange is Bird Calls and Memorable Birding Moments as part of the Toronto Bird Celebration. We'll talk about the variety of calls and songs that birds make, plus share some favourite bird-watching moments.

This is a free, drop-in event open to all.

No registration is required. You can learn more about the Nature Exchange on the Arboretum website, or simply join the event at 2 p.m. on May 12:

  • When:
    May 12, 2021 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Kavelle Maharaj
Event Details for the Principal's Wellness Wednesdays Virtual Paint with graphic of paint board

The Principal's Office at Humber Lakeshore Campus, in partnership with the Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness Team, is excited for the Principal's Office Employee Wellness Series for all Humber staff. This series will occur once a month throughout the year. This session is a virtual paint workshop and is being led by Humber Galleries Coordinator, Kyla Ross.

New date: May 12, 2021
(changed from April 21)

Register at

After registering, the relevant session link will be sent. Limited spots available.

Time: 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Facilitator: Kyla Ross
Location: Microsoft Teams - Session open to Humber employees only.

Creating through painting can stimulate the creative mind while relieving mental strain. A low stress level can lead to a happier and healthier lifestyle. This facilitator-led session will help you tap into your creative side.

Dandelion leaves have been used to cure many illnesses and pains, but as a flower symbol, dandelion is the symbol of emotional healing. Since they can endure almost any living condition, they represent overcoming every hardship by standing strong and proud. ... Heat and power of the sun – Dandelion is a symbol of the sun.

Follow along with step-by-step learning painting techniques as you create your own version of a spring-themed composition. Guided painting can be a fun way to explore your creativity, de-stress and find your flow. Whether it’s your first time dabbling in painting or you’re an experienced painter this activity is a way to get out of your head and access your inner artist.

Limited supplies are required and participants will be provided with a relevant e-gift card to purchase supplies needed for the workshop prior to the date.

  • When:
    May 12, 2021 12:00pm
  • When:
    May 19, 2021 12:00pm
  • When:
    May 26, 2021 12:00pm
Judy Tavares

CAPLA presents webinars at noon EDT on May 12, May 19, and May 26. Use this link to get a special price on the whole series, or select individual sessions below to register.

May 12, 2021 - RPL 101: An Introduction to RPL in Canada
Speakers: Lauren Waples, Red River College, and Doreen Leong, College of Pharmacists of British Columbia
Session Description: RPL practitioner Lauren Waples will facilitate this introductory session that will include topics such as:

  • The Canadian Association for Prior Learning Assessment (CAPLA)
  • What is prior learning?
  • Where does learning occur and how is it recognized?
  • Who is involved in RPL?
  • Assessing prior learning
  • CAPLA’s Guiding Principles for Quality RPL Practice in Canada
  • Steps in the RPL process
  • Implementing RPL

Providing an example of a sector using RPL procedures and tools, we are pleased to welcome Doreen Leong, Director of REgistration and Licensure for the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia, to report on how the occupational body uses RPL to improve access and maintain standards of practice within the profession.

Register here for the individual session. Register here for a special price on the whole webinar series.

May 19, 2021 - RPL Assessment Practice: Methods, Tools, and Processes
Speakers:  Laura Malbogat & Mark Gallupe
Session Description: Join experts as they discuss and describe a variety of methods for assessing prior learning. Laura Malbogat's presentation is titled "The Art of Making Assessments - Meaningful is Possible," and Mark Gallupe's presentation is titled "Portfolio-Assisted RPL Assessment."

Register here for the individual session. Register here for a special price on the whole webinar series.

May 26, 2021 - Will the Micro-credential Craze Reset the Recognition Agenda in Canada?
Speakers: Mike Luff, Canadian Labour Congress, Dan Piedra, McMaster University, and Dr. Nan L. Travers, SUNY Empire State College
Session Description: Join panellists as they respond to a variety of recognition and micro-credential questions such as:

  • Are post-secondary education (PSE) credentiallers able and willing to use micro-credentials (MC) as pathways into traditional diplomas and degrees?
  • How do MC originating outside of the academy differ from other kinds of assessment and recognition of workplace learning required of PSE evaluators?
  • Is a micro-credential better than no credential at all when looking for employment in particular sectors?
  • How can recognition of MC contribute to improving access and equity?
  • Is Canada’s competency assessment and recognition culture ready for MC? (for example among employers, occupational bodies) If no, why not? If so, where are the promising practices?
  • Discussions about lifelong and life-wide learning, along with RPL/PLAR implications, have been going on in Canada for over 30 years. What do you think will make a recognition of learning culture ‘stick’ today?
  • Should all micro-credentials include a digital badge? 
  • Who will become the navigators, advisors and advocates for adult learners and others who may need support in developing their ‘blockchain-anchored digital identity’?

Register here for the individual session. Register here for a special price on the whole webinar series.

We hope you'll join us!

Full speaker bios and session descriptions coming soon to CAPLA | Canadian Association for Prior Learning Assessment (CAPLA).

  • When:
    May 5, 2021 12:00pm
  • When:
    May 10, 2021 1:00pm
  • When:
    May 13, 2021 9:30am
Regan Mancini
Lead, Transform, Differentiate


Lead, Transform, Differentiate

What do you think the future looks like for Humber and for post-secondary education?

Want to comment on Humber’s priorities/actions for the last two years of its strategic plan?

Join us for one of our virtual Humber Tomorrow all-employee consultation sessions to share your ideas for our future.

Register early: Participants must register in advance. Attendance will be limited to better enable opportunities for participation.

To register, click on the session you want to attend. All sessions will be the same. Please register for one session only.

All session times are noted in EDT (Eastern Daylight Time).

Once you register and it is confirmed that you have a spot, an email will be sent to your inbox with the meeting link.

Registration will close once a session is full. If the three sessions reach capacity, an additional session will be held.

Unable to attend? Consider completing the online feedback form or holding your own consultation session with your colleagues by using our consultation toolkit.

Need an accommodation? Contact

Want more information? Visit the WeAreHumber website

  • When:
    May 8, 2021 10:00am to 3:00pm
Agnes Coutinho
Science Rendezvous "Take Me to Space" Event

University of Guelph-Humber hosts the virtual Science Rendezvous. Join this free, interactive, all-ages event!

To register, please visit and join the UofGH Students for this “out of this world” experience.

Follow us on Twitter: @GHScienceR

  • When:
    May 6, 2021 8:30pm to May 7, 2021 6:00pm
Farkhanda Shamim
Women, Black, Indigenous, LGBTQ Entrepreneurship

The University of Guelph-Humber is hosting its first International Applied Business Conference on May 6 to 7.

For more details, see the conference website at:

One of the key features of the conference is 'Diversity Entrepreneurship'. See following events:

May 6, 2021 (9:50 a.m.)
Keynote speaker: Dr. Wendy Cukier, Director of Diversity Institute at Ryerson University will discuss Women Entrepreneurship. For details see her bio on the conference website.

May 7, 2021 (11:15 a.m. to 12:35 p.m. and 1:05 p.m. to 2:05 p.m.)
Six papers will be presented during the conference highlighting women related entrepreneurial challenges around the globe. Papers from South Africa, Canada, Russia, Congo and Indonesia will highlight women's issues in their respective countries (for details, see the attached document). See details on the conference website.

May 7, 2021 (8:50 a.m.)
Keynote speech: Black Entrepreneurship by Nadine Spencer, the President of Black Business and Professional Association. See her biography on the conference website.

May 7, 2021 (9:45 a.m.)
Special lecture: Indigenous Entrepreneurship by Patrick Watson,  Public Policy Director at the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business.

May 7, 2021 (10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.)
Panel: LGBTQ Entrepreneurship by six enthusiastic gay panelists (see below). See details on the conference website.

Register here

For any questions, please contact Dr. Farkhanda Shamim at

  • When:
    May 6, 2021 8:30am to May 7, 2021 6:00pm
Farkhanda Shamim
Highlights of the Conference: 5 Keynote speakers, 4 panels and workshops, 3 awards

The Business Program at the University of Guelph-Humber is hosting the International Applied Business Conference on May 6 to 7, 2021. The conference aims at bringing scholars, researchers, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and students together for an opportunity to present and discuss case studies, applied research papers and to foster research collaborations.

The main theme of the conference is the 'evolution of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the 21st century'. It will focus on:

  • Impact of the pandemic on SMEs
  • Transformation and survival of SMEs during this pandemic
  • Role of government policies and financial sector in SMEs' survival and growth
  • AI and other technology-based venturing
  • Sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Open innovation

For more information, see the conference website: 

Highlights of the conference are:

Research papers/case studies

75 research papers and case studies will be presented by the researchers spanning across 25 countries of four continents.

  • The Americas: Brazil, Canada, USA
  • Europe: Greece, Ireland, Hungary,  Russia, 
  • East Asia: Japan, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, 
  • South Asia and Middle East: India, Bahrain, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka
  • Africa: Ghana, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa

Keynote speakers

  • Professor Vanhaverbeke on Open Innovation  
  • Professor Yamori on Japanese Public Credit Guarantee during Pandemic  
  • Professor Cukier on Diversity Entrepreneurship  
  • Mr. Rossi on Government Support to SMEs during Pandemic  
  • Ms. Spencer on Black Business   


  • Small Domestic and International Businesses in the New Canadian Reality
  • LGBTQ Panel: Overcoming Barriers


  • Case Writing, The Ivey Publishing Team, Ivey Business School, Ivey Business School Foundation, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada
  • Best Practice of Publishing in an Entrepreneurship Journal, Professor Paul Jones, Editor in Chief: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, Emerald Publishing and Howard Lin, Editor in Chief: Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship


A best paper will be awarded in each of the following categories:

  • Applied research
  • Case study
  • Student paper

Registration is free at:

We look forward to welcoming you during the conference.

  • When:
    May 5, 2021 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Anna Patola
416.675.6622 x5482
hands holding with various texts around the word caregiver

In Ontario, approximately 30% of the population define themselves as family caregivers. A stressful job on its own, family caregivers are often trying to balance competing priorities and face unique financial pressures. This session is aimed at clarifying tax credit eligibility and the application process – whether you are a family caregiver to a child or adult or working with family caregivers. 

Session objectives:

  1. Understanding the financial challenges of family caregivers.
  2. Assessing specific eligibility/access to tax credits and support programs when caring for a child or adult (at home or living in a facility), as of 2020, retroactive, and/or relative to earnings. The following items will be covered:
  • Disability and Caregiver Tax Credits; Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP).
  • Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB) COVID-related caregiver amounts.
  • Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), Passport Program, and Family Managed Funding.
  • Power of Attorney, Legal Guardianship, and Substitute Decision Makers for Personal Care.
  • Estate Planning and Henson Trusts.

Click here to register for the Zoom training.
