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# Starred Locked Notes Created Sort ascending Submitted to User IP address Title of Artwork Photo of Artwork Submission Category Mediums used to create artwork. Select ALL that apply. Size of Artwork in inches. Length x Width x Height (i.e. 12 x 8 x 6) Is this an Original Piece or a Reproduction? Art Description (What inspired you to create the artwork?) What year was the artwork created? First Name Last Name Student Number (i.e. N01234567) Program of Study Campus How did you hear about the Art Show? Date Submitted Juror's Pick Prize Awarded Operations
947 Star/flag Artwork submission form: Submission #947 Lock Artwork submission form: Submission #947 Add notes to Artwork submission form: Submission #947 Fri, 02/23/2024 - 18:56 Anonymous Classy until the puck drops - hockey mom digital art Digital Art Digitally Generated Art 12 x 18.699 inches Original Piece The inspiration behind creating the 'Classy Until the Puck Drops' digital art dedicated to hockey moms stemmed from a deep appreciation for the hardworking mothers who tirelessly support their children's passion for the sport. The elegance and sophistication portrayed in the artwork reflect the grace and strength these mothers exude off the ice. The moment the puck drops symbolizes the transition from poise to intense dedication, capturing the essence of a hockey mom's unwavering commitment to their child's pursuit of excellence in the sport. The artwork serves as a tribute to these incredible women, celebrating their role in the world of hockey and acknowledging the sacrifices they make for their families 2021 yatee upadhyay n01654098 interactive media management North Email 23-02-2024
946 Star/flag Artwork submission form: Submission #946 Lock Artwork submission form: Submission #946 Add notes to Artwork submission form: Submission #946 Fri, 02/23/2024 - 16:38 Anonymous half-cucoloris cat Colour Photography Digital Photography pixel 1344*2016 Reproduction Seeing my cat behind the screen on my windowsill and seeing his silhouette against the light was really beautiful 2023 Yanke Wang N01615872 Hospitality - Hotel and Restaurant Management North Email 23-02-2024
944 Star/flag Artwork submission form: Submission #944 Lock Artwork submission form: Submission #944 Add notes to Artwork submission form: Submission #944 Fri, 02/23/2024 - 16:06 Anonymous Valentine's Love Other Pencil 25X20 Reproduction This monochromatic sketch is a heartfelt tribute to love and affection. Inspired by the special bond between two people, it portrays a tender moment of a girl kissing a boy's forehead. With Valentine's Day in mind, I wanted to capture the essence of love and the deep connection between two individuals. The simplicity of the monochromatic style adds a timeless and romantic touch to the artwork. It's a beautiful expression of the power of love and the emotions it can evoke. 2024 Sukhmandeep Kaur N01538592 Computer System Technician North Email 23-02-2024
945 Star/flag Artwork submission form: Submission #945 Lock Artwork submission form: Submission #945 Add notes to Artwork submission form: Submission #945 Fri, 02/23/2024 - 16:04 Anonymous Nonself Monochromatic Photography Digital Photography 16x20 Original Piece Accessibility: "Nonself" is a black and white photograph of a person's face. Their face is distorted and being pulled towards the right side of the canvas. The person holds a neutral facial expression.

"Nonself" is about my personal experience with mental illness, specifically depersonalization. This image captures how I feel when I don't feel like myself, when I don't feel like anybody. I wanted to create a self portrait that wasn't myself, which led me to my title "Nonself".
2023 Rachel Little N01558884 Visual and Digital Art Lakeshore Faculty/Staff, Word of Mouth 23-02-2024
942 Star/flag Artwork submission form: Submission #942 Lock Artwork submission form: Submission #942 Add notes to Artwork submission form: Submission #942 Fri, 02/23/2024 - 15:32 Anonymous Windows to the Soul Monochromatic Photography Digital Photography 8 x 10 Original Piece "The eyes are the window to the soul" means that a person's eyes can reveal a lot about their inner feelings or emotions. It's not about whether the eyes are smiling or frowning, the wrinkles or the dilation of the pupils. It's about the moment of recognition that occurs when someone who is self aware becomes directly aware of the awareness of another. “I see you seeing me see you”. To me, when the eyes click, a non-verbal soul to soul communication is established. Exactly what and how this communication occurs however is not translatable to words at least not to any words I know of. Words would only be an intrusion on the experience. We only do this with people we are willing to let know us intimately because of the inherit risk.

Windows are a metaphor. The experience is real.
2024 Kendra Perera n01235309 Photography North Social Media, Faculty/Staff 23-02-2024
941 Star/flag Artwork submission form: Submission #941 Lock Artwork submission form: Submission #941 Add notes to Artwork submission form: Submission #941 Fri, 02/23/2024 - 14:55 Anonymous Equilibrium Colour Photography Digital Photography 8.5 x 11 Original Piece Equilibrium is the state of being balanced, where opposing forces cancel each other out and no changes are occurring. This image captures a specific fragment of time that shows stillness and concentration, as if everything is perfectly aligned. Like many moments in life, we experience equilibrium in the midsts of chaos. 2023 Kendra Perera n01235309 Photography North Social Media, Faculty/Staff 23-02-2024
943 Star/flag Artwork submission form: Submission #943 Lock Artwork submission form: Submission #943 Add notes to Artwork submission form: Submission #943 Fri, 02/23/2024 - 14:40 Anonymous Into The Mixed Reality Drawing Other 11 x 11 Original Piece This drawing expresses my realisation of living under the mixed reality and the struggle to break through the cell-like inescapable digital world. Being a digital generation that our socio-cultural identity is inseparable with the digital world, it has always been a challenge for me to find myself and understand the everyday happenings under this mixed reality. To convey this intertwined digital and physical reality in today's world, I used the colour inverted effect on this drawing to create an imaginary space that represents the digital reality. The two girls that is hugging each other expresses the embracement of mixed reality in today's world. Viewer could use the colour inverted filter with their phone to see how the colour inverted girl looks like, but there will always be one girl stayed in the colour inverted space (digital reality).

This artwork and the visual elements are also inspired by the exhibition "Reality Dropout" presented by the artist Little Thunder in 2022.
2024 Hiu Lam LEE N01603806 Advertising and Graphic Design Lakeshore Social Media, Email, Other 23-02-2024 Yes Honourable Mention
940 Star/flag Artwork submission form: Submission #940 Lock Artwork submission form: Submission #940 Add notes to Artwork submission form: Submission #940 Fri, 02/23/2024 - 14:24 Anonymous Rose-The sign of love Colour Photography Digital Photography 9 x 12 Original Piece The rose's beauty, scent, and delicate nature make it an enduring sign of love. This image shows the summer rose in the strong light, adorned with shimmering water droplets that look like pearls. It stands for the fragile yet dazzling quality of love, where beauty and the value may be found in most ordinary moments. 2023 Drashtiben Patel N01657175 Global Business Management IGS- International Graduate School Email 23-02-2024
937 Star/flag Artwork submission form: Submission #937 Lock Artwork submission form: Submission #937 Add notes to Artwork submission form: Submission #937 Fri, 02/23/2024 - 14:05 Anonymous Wild Stripes Monochromatic Photography Digital Photography 4160x6240 Original Piece This photo was taken at the Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch in San Antonio, Texas. I am a wildlife photographer and enjoy spending time in nature. I intentionally captured this image in monochrome to highlight the zebra's texture and profile. 2023 Kartik Patil N01656303 BRTV North Email 23-02-2024
939 Star/flag Artwork submission form: Submission #939 Lock Artwork submission form: Submission #939 Add notes to Artwork submission form: Submission #939 Fri, 02/23/2024 - 13:54 Anonymous Untitled 8:50 AM Monochromatic Photography Digital Photography 54x36 Original Piece I took this photo of my friend after we stayed up all night laughing and crying. It was the last time we hung out before I left my home country. 2023 Maryam Taghizadeh N01627590 Visual and Digital Arts Lakeshore Email 23-02-2024
936 Star/flag Artwork submission form: Submission #936 Lock Artwork submission form: Submission #936 Add notes to Artwork submission form: Submission #936 Fri, 02/23/2024 - 13:53 Anonymous Santa Monica Light Painting Colour Photography Digital Photography 5821x3724 pixels Original Piece This was my first-ever International Trip to the USA, i have seen the Santa Monica Pier in movies and photographs and traveled to Los Angeles in GTA-V! It was on my Bucket list to visit and click the Famous Ferris Wheel. I have tried light painting and I love how it comes up so thought of trying it with this picture as the sun was setting and the sky was lit beautifully. I always wanted to try long-exposed Ferris wheel shots but never got a chance and this was my first one! 2023 Kartik Patil N01656303 BRTV North Email 23-02-2024
938 Star/flag Artwork submission form: Submission #938 Lock Artwork submission form: Submission #938 Add notes to Artwork submission form: Submission #938 Fri, 02/23/2024 - 13:47 Anonymous Lakeside Reader Colour Photography Digital Photography 26x18 Original Piece Iam new to this country, and I dont know much about this place and people so I started exploring this place with my camera and I fell in love with almost everything. Thats how I discovered a beautiful spot by Lake Ontario. Back where I'm from, there weren't many lakes or rivers, so being near water always made me feel calm and happy. As I walked along the shore, I noticed something truly beautiful—a sweet old lady sitting peacefully, lost in a book. It was like a painting come to life. I couldn't resist capturing the moment with my camera. So, I politely asked the lady if I could take her picture. She kindly agreed, and I snapped away, wanting to preserve the beauty of that peaceful moment forever.
This photo isn't just a picture for me it's of finding peace and joy in the simple things. It's my way of sharing the beauty of that day by the lake with everyone who sees it.
2023 Karthik Reddy Chevella N01617220 Broadcast Television and Videography North Faculty/Staff 23-02-2024
935 Star/flag Artwork submission form: Submission #935 Lock Artwork submission form: Submission #935 Add notes to Artwork submission form: Submission #935 Fri, 02/23/2024 - 13:33 Anonymous That Miyazaki Feel Colour Photography Digital Photography (Digital) n/a Original Piece Watching animated films gives you a notion of lighting that is not necessarily realistic but helps to drown audiences in sensations and impressions. I created this photograph to illustrate this idea. 2023 Kamal El Douaihy n01637731 Post Production PPFT North Email 23-02-2024
934 Star/flag Artwork submission form: Submission #934 Lock Artwork submission form: Submission #934 Add notes to Artwork submission form: Submission #934 Fri, 02/23/2024 - 12:55 Anonymous Windows Monochromatic Photography Digital Photography 20.6 x 13.8 Original Piece I took this as part of my documentary photo series for my Photography Fundamentals class last semester. I wanted to explore the decay of the more run-down subway stations, which I've always found unsettling yet interesting. While I was shooting, I wound up also capturing the simultaneous claustrophobia and isolation that I feel at a lot of these stations. This one was taken at St. Clair West station. 2023 Sorcha Rule N01599973 Bachelor of Creative and Professional Writing Lakeshore Email 23-02-2024
933 Star/flag Artwork submission form: Submission #933 Lock Artwork submission form: Submission #933 Add notes to Artwork submission form: Submission #933 Fri, 02/23/2024 - 12:15 Anonymous Princess Electra Digital Art Digitally Generated Art 6.917 x 9.736 Original Piece I was inspired to create this artwork, when I came up with the idea of a female centaur, and I thought why not create my own character, half unicorn half princess, so I came up with the idea pf princess electra 2024 John Joseph N01486613 3D Animation North Email 23-02-2024
932 Star/flag Artwork submission form: Submission #932 Lock Artwork submission form: Submission #932 Add notes to Artwork submission form: Submission #932 Fri, 02/23/2024 - 11:30 Anonymous The lake in the sunset Colour Photography Digital Photography 0 x 11.667 x 7.777 Original Piece The sunset shining on the Ontario Lake is appealing. So I captured the moment and made the tranquil moment infinite. 2023 Tianran LI N01604746 Media Communications North Faculty/Staff 23-02-2024
931 Star/flag Artwork submission form: Submission #931 Lock Artwork submission form: Submission #931 Add notes to Artwork submission form: Submission #931 Fri, 02/23/2024 - 11:24 Anonymous In the crowd Colour Photography Digital Photography 0 x 8.167 x 11.667 Original Piece As the newcomer to Toronto, I want to express a picture of a Chinese girl immersive in the crowds in Downtown, representing her adaption and feelings for this city. 2023 Tianran LI N01604746 Media Communications North Faculty/Staff 23-02-2024
930 Star/flag Artwork submission form: Submission #930 Lock Artwork submission form: Submission #930 Add notes to Artwork submission form: Submission #930 Fri, 02/23/2024 - 10:58 Anonymous All Of Me Other Other 36 x 16 inch (Length x Height) Original Piece In this piece, I explore themes of self-identity and self-expression through a series of self-portraits capturing the nuanced expressions we wear throughout the day. Using thread and fabric, I wanted to depict the myriad
emotions that colour the human experience, inviting viewers to contemplate their own journey of self-understanding and introspection.
2023 Arushi Sabharwal N01641626 Film and Multiplatform Storytelling Lakeshore Email 23-02-2024 Yes First Place
929 Star/flag Artwork submission form: Submission #929 Lock Artwork submission form: Submission #929 Add notes to Artwork submission form: Submission #929 Fri, 02/23/2024 - 10:40 Anonymous In another world Digital Art Digitally Generated Art 1920X1920 Original Piece After a long time, I was alone this valentine. The loneliness and the wish to be in another world inspired me to create this artwork. 2024 Dipen Maharjan n01681439 Broadcasting/Videography North Email 23-02-2024
928 Star/flag Artwork submission form: Submission #928 Lock Artwork submission form: Submission #928 Add notes to Artwork submission form: Submission #928 Fri, 02/23/2024 - 10:34 Anonymous The Eternal Silence Digital Art Digitally Generated Art, Other 1920X1920 Reproduction The suffering of the world around me. The vile nature of the rich men that implement their human flaws on the poor to shed blood and war inspired me to make this art work and questions god. 2024 Dipen Maharjan n01681439 Broadcasting/Videography North Email 23-02-2024