Grading Submissions & Gradebook Resources

Adding a Rubric to Gradable Content in Blackboard Ultra

What is a Rubric in Blackboard? A rubric is a scoring tool you can use to evaluate graded work. When you create a rubric, you...

Calculating Grades in Blackboard Ultra

There are three methods that can be used within Ultra to calculate grades: Method 1: Using the overall grade column as your midterm grade. This...

Creating a Grade Category

What is a Grade Category? When you create a gradable item, it automatically appears in the Gradebook and is associated with the appropriate category. There...

Creating a Manual Grade Column in Ultra

What is a Grade Column? Blackboard automatically creates a Grade Column in the Gradebook for every item that you designate as graded, or that is...

Creating a Rubric in Blackboard Ultra

What is a Rubric? A rubric is a scoring tool you can use to evaluate graded work. When you create a rubric, you divide the...

Disabling Automatic Zeros

Automatic zeros are enabled in Ultra courses by default. This means that Blackboard will assign zeros for unopened/late assessments that are past the due date....

Downloading Grades From Gradebook

You can download the full gradebook or select columns from your Ultra courses. You can export the file in a comma-delimited (CSV) or tab-delimited (XLS)...

Edit or Delete an Item in the Gradebook

Important details When you delete an item from the gradebook, all student submissions associated with that item will also be deleted. Back up periodically as...

Editing Gradebook Settings

Why should I edit my Gradebook Settings? In your course Gradebook, you can add or make changes to your existing settings to fit your grading...

Filtering your Blackboard Ultra Gradebook

What can I filter in the Gradebook? You can filter your Gradebook to see specific columns and/or students, as well as specific assessment types, gradable...

Grading a Discussion

When you create a discussion, they are automatically set to ungraded. To be able to grade a forum in the Discussion Board, you need to...

Grading a Journal

To motivate students to post insightful contributions, you can make a journal count for a grade. When you create a journal, they are automatically set...

Grading Group Assignments in Ultra

Group assignments are a great tool to enhance learning outcomes and foster class collaboration. This resource walks you through grading group submissions and how to...

Grading Student Submissions

How do I grade a submission? In the Gradebook, select an item you want to grade. The submissions list page displays a list of all...

Navigating the Gradebook Page

A. Accessing the Course Gradebook. In the top right corner locate the navigation bar and select the Gradebook icon to view all the coursework that’s specific to the course...

Override Student Grades and Marks

What are the ways to Override a Grade or Mark? There are 3 main ways to override student grades or marks: Override the mark on...

Rearranging Gradebook Columns

In Ultra, you are able to change the sequence of gradebook rows/columns. This can be useful if you want certain items to be grouped together...

Setting up the Overall Grade

What is the ‘Overall Grade’? The overall grade is similar to a running Weighted Total column in Blackboard Original; it is a calculated item that...

Troubleshooting Assessment Visibility in Gradebook

Why are Students not seeing their Marked Assessments? This resource serves as a troubleshooting guide to determine why students are unable to see their marked...

Uploading Grades to Gradebook

You can upload a grade file you worked on offline and update your Gradebook. To upload a correctly formatted file, download the Gradebook. Then, edit...

Using BB Annotate for Inline Grading

What is BB Annotate? You can use BB Annotate for inline grading in your courses. BB Annotate offers a more robust feature set to provide...

Using Blackboard Gradebook

What is the Gradebook? The Blackboard Gradebook is a key tool for instructors. In the Gradebook, you can add new gradable items, grade assessments, track...