A Statement Following Recent Events on Other Post-Secondary Campuses

The following message was shared with students on Tuesday, September 28. 

Dear Humber and Guelph-Humber Students,

As we approach the end of September, we hope that you are finding opportunities for learning, wellness, and connection. Over the past several weeks there have been multiple stories about acts of sexual violence on post-secondary campuses. It is important to recognize the impact of these events on those who have experienced sexual violence and to commit to real change in our own communities.

Humber College and the University of Guelph-Humber are committed to creating a safe campus experience free from violence for all members of our community. We take this commitment seriously and work diligently with campus and community supports, programs and services to ensure violence is addressed and survivors are supported.

Humber’s Department of Public Safety provides many services to ensure our community members are safe on campus. Some of these include emergency response (call 416.675.6622 x4000), the Campus Walk program, and the Humber Guardian app. Students living in Residence can also access safety supports such as the Resident Assistants on-call, the Front Desk, and the Residence Life Coordinator on-call.

Students who are impacted by sexual violence are encouraged to reach out to the many on- and off-campus supports available, including:

Students seeking to make a formal complaint of sexual violence are encouraged to contact the Office of Student Community Standards or Department of Public Safety.

As we think about the responsibility that we all hold to ensure a safe campus, we encourage you to participate in our Take Back the Night programming taking place this Wednesday, September 29. Take Back the Night is an opportunity for us to come together as a community to protest sexual violence and march in solidarity with survivors; this year’s programming will include:

  • Keynote Speaker Cheryl Nembhard; participants can register to attend in person or virtually
  • Sign-Making from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. at North and Lakeshore
  • North Campus March from 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Lakeshore Campus Rally from 6:45 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Learn more by visiting the Take Back the Night website.

Students who would like to learn more about sexual violence, consent, bystander intervention, and supporting survivors of sexual violence are encouraged to participate in our various learning opportunities, including:

Follow the Consent Peer Education Program on Instagram or visit their website to learn about upcoming initiatives.

Let’s work together to create a respectful campus free of violence.

Ian Crookshank (He, Him)
Dean of Students
George Bragues
Interim Vice-Provost
University of Guelph-Humber