
March 9, 2023
Jennifer Marotta
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Montage of octopus, bird and a highway

Displacement and Diaspora Seeking an interdisciplinary, modern understanding of the concepts

Abstract submission:


Submission Deadline: May 14, 2023
Conference Date: September 29 to 30, 2023
Conference Fee: Waived for Humber Faculty (includes registration, some meals, snacks and a reception)
Location: The Harbourfront Centre (235 Queen’s Key West, Toronto)

Hosts: Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Humber College, and the Toronto International Festival of Authors (TIFA)

Keynote Speaker: Billy-Ray Belcourt is a writer and academic from the Driftpile Cree Nation. He is an Assistant Professor in the School of Creative Writing at the University of British Columbia. He is the author of four books: This Wound is a World, NDN Coping Mechanisms: Notes from the Field, A History of My Brief Body, and A Minor Chorus.

Call for Proposals: “The formation of a diaspora could be articulated as the quintessential journey into becoming; a process marked by incessant regoupings, recreations, and reiteration. Together these stressed actions strive to open up new spaces of discursive and performative postcolonial consciousness.” - Okwui Enwezor (Nigerian poet, art historian, and curator: 1963-2019)

At COP26, the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, Tuvalu’s foreign minister Simon Kofe delivered a pre-recorded address to the delegates standing behind a podium knee-deep in water to highlight the rapid effects climate change is having on his country. The island nation of Tuvalu, located in the South Pacific, is just over four metres above sea level. It’s been predicted that as soon as 30 years from now, the country will be completely submerged, leaving its population of about 11,000 without a home. They would be part of a predicted 200 million environmental refugees that could exist within the next 30 years. When we think of displacement and diaspora, we often think of refugees displaced by war and imperialism, but our conception of these terms is growing, particularly as we face increasingly bleak environmental outlooks, but the very idea of what it means to be displaced and to be part of a diaspora is changing as well.

According to UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency, at the beginning of 2022, of the 89 million people displaced worldwide, over 53 million people were internally displaced, meaning despite being separated from their homelands, they have not crossed a border to find refuge. In settler colonial states like Canada, there is also a growing understanding of the effects of Indigenous displacement (historic and ongoing) and an increasing understanding of urban Indigenous communities as forming a diaspora as well. This conference seeks to explore displacement and the concept of diaspora through an interdisciplinary lens. Whether due to war, colonialism, or environmental deterioration, we are seeking analyses of the causes of displacement, and we want to hear stories from and about the diaspora. Whether it be studies of diasporic literature, analyses of environmentally-influenced migration, or glimpses into what it means to be part of a digital diaspora, we are seeking to have our understanding of the terms diaspora and displacement challenged and reshaped.

Themes/Topics: • Activism • Alienation and displacement • Art and film • Belonging and Belongingness • Citizenship • Climate change displacement • Communities of culture (and cultures of healing) • Concept of home • Crime displacement • Cultural identity and community • Cultural hybridity (Hybridized cultural practice) • Diasporic cinema • Diaspora communities • Diasporic culture • Diaspora curriculum • Diaspora geopolitics • Diaspora as social movements • Diasporic literature(s)/Canadian literature • Diaspora tourism • Digital diaspora • Food in the diaspora • Forced displacement • Gendered transnational selves • Human rights • Homeland politics • Hostlands and homelands • Imagined communities • Immigration and emigration • Imperialism • Indigenous diaspora within settler colonial states • Instability of national categories • Internal displacement • Internment • Invisibility • Language socialization • Memory-making, Nostalgia and In-Betweeness • Music and visual culture • Public policy • Post coloniality and the politics of location • Psychology of displacement • Queer diasporas • Refugees • Religious identity and diaspora • Spaces of visibility and resistance • Statelessness • Transnational literature • Trauma and terror • War crimes

Our conference committee welcomes individual presentation proposals of 300 words, and panel proposals (3 people max) of 900 words, based on any of the above themes. This will be the ninth annual Humber@TIFA interdisciplinary conference held by Humber College’s Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences in association with the Toronto International Festival of Authors (TIFA), one of the most celebrated literary festivals in the world. TIFA is located at the Harbourfront Centre, one of downtown Toronto’s major cultural and artistic venues.

Submit your proposal and a brief bio online by May 14, 2023

March 9, 2023

Read more about how Humber is exploring and adopting Universal Design principles in teaching and learning in the latest SVPA guest blog, co-written by Dawn Macaulay, dean, Innovative Learning, and Ranya Khan, associate dean, Teaching Excellence.

View the blog

March 9, 2023
Juan Felipe Garcia

The Office of Research and Innovation is seeking an Industrial Design Expert for UTV applications.

We are currently seeking a highly skilled Industrial Design Expert with experience in 3D printing to lead a six-month project in collaboration with an industry partner in the Utility Terrain Vehicles (UTV) sector to modify designs, print and evaluate UTV covers. The industry partner has also shown interest in exploring the options for plastic molding and manufacturing options for the UTV covers.

Available resources:

  • Humber’s newest and largest 3D printer, Fortus 900.
  • Funding of up to $25,000 is available for the project salaries, including students and materials.

We believe this is an excellent opportunity for an experienced Industrial Design Expert looking to take on a challenging and exciting project. If you would like to learn more, please contact ORI’s Project Analyst, Juan Felipe Garcia at by March 21.

March 8, 2023
Colourful photocentric Happy Holi Greetings

Humber College and the University of Guelph-Humber are committed to the principles of human rights, equity & inclusion. Wednesday, March 8 marks the celebration of Holi. Holi is the Hindu festival of colour and marks the beginning of spring. Many Humber students, faculty and staff will be celebrating Holi which is often celebrated through the throwing of coloured powder, spraying of coloured water, gatherings with families and friends.  

The Humber community is encouraged to learn more about and experience Holi.  

Please be mindful that students, faculty and staff may require accommodations, such as time off or extensions, to celebrate. If you have questions regarding the duty to accommodate based on creed, please contact the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion at  

On behalf of the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion and Student Success & Engagement, we wish you a happy Holi!  

March 8, 2023

We are working behind the scenes to make the Humber Communiqué website better and easier to use. Please share your experience with the Communiqué by completing our short survey by April 5. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Take the survey.

March 8, 2023

In the latest edition of AMViews, Dr. Vaughan discusses the importance of supporting women and girls and gender equality this International Women’s Day.

Read the blog on the President's Blog webpage.

March 8, 2023
Desta McCalla

Enhancing Institutional EDI Knowledge of Disability and Academic Accessibility: 

  • Students may require an alternate date for tests/exams as a disability-related accommodation.  
  • Students with this accommodation may submit a request to faculty when there is more than one assessment scheduled on the same day or if assessments are scheduled on consecutive days.  
  • Consider creating an alternate version of each test/exam that can be used during the semester as needed.  

Visit our ALS Information for Faculty website to learn more about accommodating students with disabilities. 

Please email us at with suggestions for key accessibility-related topics that you would like us to address through the Communiqué.

March 8, 2023

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion would like to wish you a Happy International Women’s Day (IWD)!

This year’s theme is Embracing Equity. 
International Women’s Day takes place on March 8 and has been observed since the early 1900s, when the oppression and inequality faced by women came to the forefront. While these conversations reflected on better working conditions and voting rights, they excluded Indigenous, Black, and Women of colour for many years. 

Our conversations must take into consideration intersectionality, and the systems of inequality based on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, class, and other forms of discrimination which “intersect” to create unique experiences. Woman who are at the intersection of multiple systems of oppression, disproportionately experience discrimination.  As the conversation about all women’s rights have expanded, IWD is an opportunity to speak about the achievements of women while continuing to call for gender equity and bring light to the ongoing oppression and discrimination women continue to face to this day. It is important to highlight and celebrate the accomplishments of the many Canadian women who have made significant contributions to the Canadian history. A few notable women of the many to be celebrated include:  

  • Dr. Cindy Blackstock – Dr. Blackstock is one of Canada’s foremost Indigenous children’s rights advocates. She is the executive Director of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada and a professor of Social Work at McGill University. She has spent her life speaking out and fighting against the injustices and structural violence Indigenous people and children face in Canada  
  • Dr. Lila Fahlman – Dr. Fahlman was an accomplished educator, social justice activist, and the founder of the Canadian Council of Muslim Women. She was the first Muslim woman to Canada to serve on a public school board.  
  • Dr. Notisha Massaquoi – Dr. Massaquoi has been a vocal advocate of equitable healthcare of Canadian Black women. She was the Executive Director of Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Centre – the only health centre that focused on specialized care for Black and Racialized women. She has been called upon frequently for her expertise in building equity responsive organizations.  
  • Deepa Mehta- Deepa Metha is  an Indian-born Canadian film director and screenwriter best known for her Elements Trilogy, Fire (1996), Earth (1998), and Water (2005). Many of Mehta's films across her career have focused on the duality of her national and cultural identity, which has informed much of her filmmaking. She is a member of the Order Canada and the Order of Ontario.  
  • Senator Ratna Omidvar: Senator Omidvar is a Canadian politician and academic, who was named to the Senate of Canada to represent Ontario on March 18, 2016. In 2016, CivicAction awarded her with their Lifetime Achievement Award for Civic Leadership in the Greater Toronto Area. In 2014 she founded the Global Diversity Exchange at the Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto Metropolitan University where she was a distinguished visiting professor. Omidvar is the current co-chair of the Global Future Council on Migration hosted by the World Economic Forum. 

Equity should be at the forefront of all our conversations as we continue to build a Humber community that is equitable and inclusive. We all have a collective responsibility to build a working and learning space that creates opportunity for all women to continue to thrive.  
Happy International Women’s Day to the Humber and University of Guelph Humber community.

March 8, 2023
Mitch Mercado

The Orientation Team within Student Success and Engagement (SSE) is excited to begin collaborating with academic faculties and campus partners in preparation for Summer 2023 Orientation. We look forward to working with you all to support new students in their transition to Humber College.  

Orientation will comprise of virtual pre-arrival events, online guides and resources, program-focused Meet Your Faculty sessions, and on-campus events and activities.  

Outline for Summer 2023 Orientation

April 17 - Meet Your Equity and Student Life Team Q&A virtually for incoming Summer 2023 students. This will provide students with an opportunity to have all their Orientation questions answered and connect with the Orientation team and peers before they come on campus.

April 24 - Meet Your Faculty (MYF) information session to support our academic faculties with any questions.  

May 2 to 5 - In partnership with our academic faculties, we will host Academic Orientation with our Meet Your Faculty sessions. These sessions will be a mix of virtual and in-person, on-campus. We will be reaching out directly to academic faculties with further information in the coming days.  

May 9 to 31 - Orientation, with the support of our campus partners, will host Welcome Events for students. This programming will focus on well-being and social connection, and we will continue to promote services and resources available to students throughout their time at Humber. We will reach out to campus partners with further information on how to get involved.  

May 9 to 12 - Ask Me Stations are back due to popular demand. Orientation will be hosting Ask Me Stations on campus every day to further support the needs of our students during their first year.  

We welcome feedback from all our partners and appreciate the continued support from the college community.  

If you have not previously been involved with Orientation but would like to partner with us in welcoming students in Summer 2023, please reach out to


Kimberly Daniels (she/her)  
Manager, Equity & Student Life  
Mitch Mercado (he/him)  
Coordinator, Orientation & Student Life Programs
Aynur Rabbani (she/her) 
Student Life Facilitator, Orientation Programs 
March 7, 2023
Katherine Branton

Humber College and University of Guelph-Humber (Humber) know that the safety of our community is paramount to ensuring our students and staff can study and work in the safest space possible. When incidents do occur, however, a quick, efficient and reliable response from our security staff is imperative to ensuring a quick resolution. As part of its ongoing goal of continuous improvement, training and education, the Department of Public Safety (DPS) has implemented a training exercise program for security guards. The aim of the exercise program is to provide real-life scenarios to guards that allows them to practice their response to various scenarios in a safe, controlled setting.

Front-line security guards will be participating in a series of short exercises during the month of March. Exercises will take place every Wednesday evening. In an effort to minimize the impact on the campus community, exercises will take place at times when fewer people are expected to be on campus. Therefore, the exercises will take place as follows:

  • Lakeshore Campus - March 8 at 6 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. on the 2nd floor of L Building
  • North Campus - March 15 and 22 at 6 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. in the KB cafeteria

Signage will be placed in the exercise area to identify that an exercise is taking place. Exercise participants will be identified by wearing orange vests that indicate “Exercise Participant” on the back. Any community members who may be in the area are asked to not interfere with the exercise activity.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kathy Branton, manager, Business Continuity and Emergency Management at or extension 5550.

Rob Kilfoyle
Director, Public Safety and Emergency Management
Kathy Branton
Manager, Business Continuity and Emergency Management
