
March 6, 2023
View of exterior of building at Lakeshore Campus

You can access our March 2023 newsletter.

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March 3, 2023

Due to inclement weather conditions expected on Friday, March 3, and based on local recommendations, all Humber campus locations, including the University of Guelph-Humber, will be closed as of 6 p.m. today. Residences remain open.

Any scheduled classes beginning at 6 p.m. or later will be moved to remote delivery, wherever possible. Students are asked to check with their professors and check Blackboard for updates. Services will also continue to be offered remotely, wherever possible.

Faculty and staff are to continue working remotely, wherever possible.

A decision about operations for Saturday, March 4 will be made in accordance with our severe weather closure procedure.

March 3, 2023
Falisha Rowe
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Humber’s Innovative Learning is hosting its annual Part-Time Teachers’ Conference on Saturday, April 29 at the International Graduate School. This hybrid conference is for part-time faculty in Ontario colleges. There is no cost to attend this event.

Proposals are now accepted for 60-minute sessions. Please indicate if your session will be offered on-campus or hybrid (on-campus & virtually).

This year’s conference theme is: “Personalizing the Learning Journey.”

Teaching in today’s college classroom involves navigating many competing demands, particularly as we begin the transition away from pandemic-driven strategies. The conference theme encourages presenters to reflect on how we can embrace technology-enhanced teaching, consider the needs of diverse student populations, and empower students to take active roles in their education.

Presentations will focus on one or more of the following subthemes:

  • Student success in transitioning learning spaces (e.g., teaching the post-pandemic student, online/hybrid/HyFlex teaching)
  • Supporting achievement among diverse students (e.g., focus on accessibility, flexible learning, anti-racist approaches, decolonization)
  • Instructor tool kits to support student learning (e.g., technology-enhanced teaching, hands-on learning experiences, methods for developing practical skills)

Proposals will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance of the proposal to the conference theme
  • Topic connection to current practices in teaching and learning
  • Plans for how attendees will be engaged in the session
  • Clear session outcomes and overall clarity of the proposal

To submit a proposal, complete the PTTC 2023 CFP Application.

Deadline: Friday, March 24

Those selected will be notified by March 31.

March 3, 2023
An animated pair of socks with horizontal text: "We're with our alumni every step of the way."

Employee Appreciation Day is an annual occasion giving thanks and recognition to the hard work, dedication and commitment of employees at their workplace. 

At Humber, there are approximately 500 alumni employees, contributing to an amazing culture and putting their knowledge and talents to work to make the college a leading institution. 

Today, we thank all Humber employees for everything you do to help Humber and its students thrive.

As a "Thank You" to our alumni, a special gift should have been delivered to your mailbox. If you did not receive your gift, please let us know at

March 3, 2023
Sylvie Lendvay

Over the past few months, Media Relations has worked with several of our Humber Experts in various departments and faculties to help them share their work and expertise with the media.

We’ve had tremendous success with many of our staff featured on television and in print and digital publications.

Here are some examples from 2023 so far:

Rolling Stones and Celine Dion

Andrew Scott, program coordinator of the Bachelor of Music program, was interviewed by the Canadian Press to talk about the Canadian Artist Celine Dion and why she wasn’t included in the Rolling Stones’ list of Top Singers. This article appeared on the CP24 website, Global News, Toronto Star, and many others.

Local tourism on the rise due to airline cancellations and lost baggage

Christel Kuiper, program coordinator for the Travel and Tourism Management program, appeared on CHCH News to speak about how industry partners are waiting on Humber graduates to fill gaps in the labour shortage. Kuiper says College can help fill the demand with skilled workers. She also gave some travel tips – like booking with a travel agent or travelling with a carry-on.

Cybersecurity in hospitals/LCBO

Francis Syms, professor, Protection, Security, & Investigations and associate dean of Continuous Professional Learning, was featured on CTV Toronto – he discussed the increase in cyber-attacks on retailers and institutions. Syms explains that this could be due to an increase in e-commerce and talked about personal information being sold for cash. 

Blue Monday

Michael Kopinak, associate director of Athletics and Recreation was featured on CHCH Trending Now to discuss Blue Monday and its origin. He gave advice on managing mental health challenges and talked about opening up these discussions.

Hotel Industry

Kristy Adams, professor and program coordinator, Hospitality and Tourism Management, was featured on the Hotelier Podcast to discuss the various changes and innovations made at Humber since the pandemic, Humber’s efforts to work with the industry to solve current challenges such as the labour shortage and future plans to ensure the continued delivery of quality education.

Rising Crime in Youth

Joshua Harold, Professor in the Department of Liberal Studies, appeared on CHCH News to talk about youth navigating the social, economic, and educational consequences caused by the pandemic.

Turkey and Syria Earthquakes

Kathy Branton, manager, Business Continuity and Emergency Management, appeared on CHCH Trending Now to discuss next steps for the nations dealing with a devastating earthquake. She shared tips on how to protect yourself should a disaster occur in your area.

Funeral Director Shortage

With a shortage of Funeral Directors in some parts of Ontario, Jeff Caldwell, professor in the Funeral Service Education programs talked about the steady flow of students in the Funeral Service programs on CBC Radio Canada.  

Pain clinics

Daniel Bear, professor and drugs policy researcher, appeared on CHCH news to talk about importance of regulated pain clinics.

Humber’s Centre for Skilled Trades and Technology

The Etobicoke Guardian came and toured Humber’s Centre for Skilled Trades and Technology. They interviewed Philip Stubbs, director of Academic Programs at the Centre, to talk about the programs, facility, and the future of the building.


Please reach out to Media Relations & External Communications Specialist Sylvie Lendvay ( if you have any unique story ideas that would be of interest to the media.

March 3, 2023

As the 2022/2023 fiscal year draws to a close, we wish to draw your attention to the following information which relates to the timely submission and approval of employee time cards. 

Employees who are required to submit time cards are advised to complete their time cards for hours worked and absences, from the current date up to March 31, 2023 in the Human Resource Management System (HRMS) by 5 p.m. on March 24, 2023.

Managers must approve time cards by 5 p.m. on March 31, 2023.

Please be advised that there will be no changes to the dates outlined in the 2023 Payroll Calendar

Employees who have any questions or concerns related to their hours worked, absences or work scheduled for this period, are advised to contact their manager.

For guidance related to this communication, please visit the HRMS Knowledge Base section of the HROE website related to:

For further assistance, please contact the HR Support Centre.

March 2, 2023

In 2020, Humber created to provide a dedicated page to share COVID-19 related information. Employee-specific resources were also provided on the Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness webpage. 

As restrictions have been lifted and public health guidance has evolved, there is no longer a need for a dedicated COVID-19 information page. As a result, two actions will be taken by March 6:  

  • we will be retiring and moving all remaining, relevant information to the page 
  • employee-specific information about COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses will be moved to the Occupational Health and Safety section of the HROE page 

Additionally, the email address will not be active, as we will no longer be providing case management for students and staff. 

We will continue to share any updates or new information with the Humber community whenever necessary.  

While these changes are being made to reflect current reporting practice, it is important to remind everyone that there are still some public health recommendations in place. 

These recommendations include the use of a well-fitted mask in all public spaces, including on campus, for a period of 10 days from the start of the illness if you: 

  • Tested positive for COVID-19 or have COVID, or 
  • Have symptoms of a respiratory illness (e.g. a cough). 

The mask should be worn for the 10-day period even if symptoms improve. 

It is also considered good public health practice to follow this masking recommendation if you have had close contact with someone with COVID-19 or other respiratory illness. 

If you are experiencing symptoms or have tested positive for COVID-19, take Ontario's Self-assessment to find out what to do next. Please follow the guidance provided with respect to self-isolating, self-monitoring, and masking.  

Students are asked to communicate directly with their instructors/program regarding potential absences from class or other academic accommodations they may need. 

Employees should notify their manager regarding absence from work due to illness or other work arrangements. If you have any questions regarding sick leave or workplace accommodation for medical reasons, you can email
Take Care, 

Jason Hunter 
Vice-President of Students and Institutional Planning
Interim Vice-President of Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness 

March 2, 2023
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

As we move into March 2023, Financial Services would like to send out a reminder about the important Year-End process for 2022-23.

This memo outlines important dates for the upcoming year-end (as of March 31, 2023) by which pertinent information needs to be submitted to Finance and/or appropriate action needs to be taken. We need your strict adherence to these dates to complete the financial statements, external audit, and Board and Ministry reporting in the stipulated and tight timeframe.   


a) Procurement – Friday, January 13, 2023

It is strongly recommended that all Request for Proposal and related purchasing activities be initiated by the above date to ensure adequate time is allotted to complete the procurement cycle by the year-end date. Goods must be received, and/or services must be rendered by March 31 to be recorded against the 2022-23 fiscal year budget. 

b) Revenue Deferral – Friday, February 24, 2023

Requests for unearned revenue deferrals should be based on the anticipated year-end balance and must be made by submitting a Revenue Deferral Request Form to by the above date. Requests will be approved in accordance with accounting principles. The form identifies eligibility criteria.

c) New Fund, Org or Reporting Hierarchy Changes for the new fiscal year – Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Requests for new fund/org codes or reporting hierarchy change requests should be submitted no later than March 22 to your Finance Liaison in order for new fund/org codes to be ready for the new fiscal year. No new or change requests will be processed in Banner during the period from April 1 to April 30 as Finance completes year-end activities.

d) Accounts Receivable – Friday, March 24, 2023

All requests to invoice (external) customers for current fiscal year activities must be made by submitting a Request to Invoice form to by the above date. 

e) Interdepartmental Charges – Friday, March 31, 2023

All interdepartmental charges (i.e. capital works, telephone, graphics etc.) or journal entry requests for the current fiscal year must be submitted by the above date. 

f) Purchase Card (MasterCard) Charges – Friday, March 31, 2023

All purchase card transactions must be processed and approved in Chrome River by the above date. 

It is important to note that until transactions are APPROVED in Chrome River, they are not transferred to and recorded in Banner. It is imperative that transactions are approved by the deadline to ensure they are recorded in Banner against the Fiscal 2022-23 budget. Any unapproved transactions will be recorded against next year’s budget. Please visit the Finance website Chrome River training documentation for a job aid on How to Approve P-Card Transactions.   

g) Out of Pocket Travel & Expense Claims – Friday, March 31, 2023

Travel and expense claims must be processed and APPROVED in Chrome River by the above date, otherwise they will be processed in the next fiscal year. 

h) Banner Purchase Order Receiving – Friday, March 31, 2023

Banner receiving is an online confirmation that goods ordered or services rendered have been appropriately received and vendor invoice is approved for payment. Banner receiving must be completed for goods or services received by the above date. 

If Banner receiving is not complete by the above deadline, expenses will be recorded against next fiscal year’s budget. 

i) Vendor Invoices – Monday, April 3, 2023

Vendor invoices must be emailed to Accounts Payable by the above date. Please note that Banner receiving must be complete by the date specified above (h); otherwise, the expense will be charged against next fiscal year’s budget.

Note: Purchase orders with remaining balance of $100 (or less) and all Standing orders for the current year will be closed as of March 31, 2023 (i.e. not rolled over into the new fiscal year). 

j) Prepaid Expenses 

As per accounting principles, payments made in the current fiscal year that relate to goods being received or services being rendered beyond March 31, 2023 date will be automatically charged to next fiscal year’s budget. 

k) Payroll Timecards and Vacation Approval (HRMS) – Friday, March 31, 2023

All timecards for work performed in the current fiscal year and vacation plan for up to and including March 31, 2023 must be approved by the above date. Further communication will be provided in March from HR/Payroll.  

2023-24 Fiscal Year Readiness 

Please note that effective March 1, 2023, the fiscal 2023-24 budget will be available in Banner to process procurement related activities. Purchasing will host two refresher sessions on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and Thursday, February 9, 2023 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., to review items such as creating standing orders. Please email to register for one of these two sessions. 


We appreciate and thank everyone in advance for their cooperation. Please contact anyone on our Finance team if you have any questions on the above, or year-end activities in general.

Quick Reference Table of Year-end Deadlines 

Financial Item 

Due Date 

Initiating Procurement for delivery by Year-end 

Friday, January 13, 2023 

Revenue Deferral requests 

Friday, February 24, 2023 

New Fund/Org or reporting hierarchy changes 

Wednesday, March 22, 2023 

Accounts Receivable Invoicing requests 

Friday, March 24, 2023 

Interdepartmental Charges requests 

Friday, March 31, 2023 

Chrome River transactions processed and approved 

Friday, March 31, 2023 

Out of pocket Travel & Expense Claims approved in Chrome River 

Friday, March 31, 2023 

Banner Purchase Order Receiving

Friday, March 31, 2023

Payroll Timecards and Vacation (HRMS) approved

Friday, March 31, 2023 

Vendor Invoices received by Accounts Payable

Monday, April 3, 2023

March 2, 2023

You can help give the gift of education to deserving Humber students!

We are asking our friends to assist us in finding exciting, unique items to support the Silent or Live Auctions to be held at the 2023 Humber Golf Classic.

Please contact Amy Rice at

March 2, 2023
Phuong Anh Pham
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Did you know there is a new Summer Abroad opportunity in Hawaii?

He Waa He Moku, He Moku He Waa “Our Canoe is Our Island, Our Island is Our Canoe”

In this unique summer abroad experience, funded by Global Skills Opportunity Canada, students will explore the Six Nations of the Grand River. Through land-and-culture experiences, students will have the opportunity to learn about the interconnected nature of Haudenosaunee ways of knowing, being, and doing, expressed through worldview, histories, language, stories, and cultural practices. Students will embark on a four-night pre-departure camping experience in Ohsweken, Ontario, followed by a two-week immersive experience on the beautiful island of Hawaii.

Information Sessions 

RSVP to join one of the information sessions: 

  • Friday, March 3 from 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
  • Monday, March 6 from 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

This is a fully funded experience for eligible and approved students. Please view the program information.

** Students must be available to participate in both the in-person camping experience and the two-week immersive experience in Hawaii to be eligible.

*** Given the nature of this programming and its funding sources, preferences will be given to Canadian citizens who are students from low-income backgrounds or who identify as Indigenous, Black, members of visible minorities or LGBTQ2S+.

Application deadline: March 10, 2023

Humber offers a range of global experiences on campus, at partner institutions around the world, and virtually through:

Inspire your students to experience the world, enhance their intercultural communication skills, and expand their global network while earning Academic Credits or Co-Curricular Record recognition.

As part of Humber’s 2018-2023 Internationalization Strategy, this programming reflects Humber’s commitment to connecting members of our community to global learning opportunities – at home and abroad.

If you are interested in setting up a class visit or information session for your students (either in-person or virtually), please connect with the Humber Global Learning team at
