
January 23, 2023
Risha Toney
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Humber Pathways event at the International Graduate School was a success!  

There’s still an opportunity for students and alumni to speak to our Canadian and international partners, learn about Humber’s 100+ diploma-to-degree pathways and the 80+ master's pathways available as a Humber grad.  

  • January 24 - North Campus  
  • January 25 - Lakeshore Campus 

Register now:

January 23, 2023

The Staff Lounge is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 

Lunch is available from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Monday, January 23

Turkey chili with beans and quinoa
Vegetable chili 
Mashed potatoes, vegetables and salad

Tuesday, January 24

Pork Vindaloo
Green lentil and vegetable curry
Rice, vegetables and salad

Wednesday, January 25

Mediterranean lemon chicken
Cheese ravioli roasted tomato sauce
Herb roasted potatoes, vegetables and salad

Thursday, January 26 

Moroccan chicken tagine
Root vegetable and bean tagine
Rice vegetables and salad

Friday, January 27

Fish and chips (sole)
Baked perogies
French fries and coleslaw

January 20, 2023
Degree Breadth Committee

The Degree Breadth Committee is calling for proposals for new breadth elective courses for Humber degree students. For details regarding the process for development of breadth elective courses at Humber, including a step-by-step guide, a searchable inventory of approved breadth courses, a short proposal form, and a variety of resources for developers, please click on the link for our Degree Breadth Committee website at

Proposals will be reviewed by the Committee in March or April (depending on the number received).

In order for a proposal to be considered, it must have the support of your department (as indicated by the signature of your Associate Dean/Dean on the form) and be submitted via e-mail to by February 24, 2023. Chris Irwin Chair, Degree Breadth Committee

January 20, 2023
FYE Team

All students are invited to attend the Equity Workshop Series! The focus of this workshop series is to provide ongoing equity training opportunities for all students. The program goals include:

  • Providing students with strategies to embed equity practices into their role
  • Encouraging students to see equity as a continuum of learning
  • Creating braver spaces for peer-to-peer conversation

There are nine sessions in the series and they are all CCR Certified. Each session will be offered at both the North and Lakeshore campuses. The sessions include: 

  • Introduction to Equity, Diversity & Inclusion  
  • Unconscious Bias  
  • Intercultural Communications  
  • Creating Safer Spaces for 2SLGBTQ+ Students 
  • Indigenous Education  
  • Inclusive Leadership  
  • Anti-Black Racism  
  • Health, Wellness & Accessibility  
  • Implementing Equity Diversity & Inclusion into Everyday Life  

Please share this opportunity with your students. Students can register by selecting the links below:

January 20, 2023
Katheline Aguilar
Lunar new year decorations behind a glass case on a wall

The Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness EDI Committee wishes the Humber Community a Happy Lunar New Year. 2023 is the year of the Rabbit. Be sure to check out the display cases outside the M200 and B104 offices at North Campus.

January 19, 2023
Franc Jamieson

The Math & Writing Centre is pleased to present free services for all Humber and Guelph-Humber English language learners!

The following services are available to students:

Conversation Circles – Students can join a tutor and several English language learners for one hour to practice conversation and listening and speaking skills.

Winter 2023 Schedule:

  • Lakeshore Campus Room F201: Mondays 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. and Wednesdays 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. (starting January 23)
  • North Campus LRC 3rd Floor: Thursdays 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. (starting February 2)
  • Online: Fridays 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. (starting January 27)
  • For the online Conversation Circles session, students can join via Blackboard Collab 

Conversation 1-on-1 Sessions

Students can book an appointment with a tutor to talk one on one for 30 minutes or one hour to practice speaking, to go over readings, to review Ted Talks and much more.

  • Students can log in with their Humber credentials in our booking system, select as course “Conversation One on One”, select a tutor and time and book the session.

Reading Circles 

In our new offering, students can join a tutor and several English language learners for one hour to practice reading comprehension and analysis as well as building vocabulary and general fluency.

Winter 2023 Schedule:

  • Lakeshore Campus Room F201: Mondays 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. and Thursdays 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. (starting January 23)
  • North Campus LRC 3rd Floor: Thursdays 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. (starting January 26)
  • Online: Tuesdays 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. (starting January 24)
  • For the online Reading Circles session, students can join via Blackboard Collab

Questions? Staff and students can write to us at or talk to our Virtual Front Desk.

January 19, 2023
Bring It Recruitment Campaign at North Campus

Atmospherics 2 North Campus Humber Bring It Campaign poster Atmospherics B Lakeshore Campus Humber Bring It campaign poster Atmospherics C Lakeshore Campus Humber Bring It campaign poster Transit Shelter Humber Bring It Community campaign poster Transit Shelter Humber Bring It Possibilities campaign poster

Dear Humber,

Further to its launch in November, Humber’s BRING IT recruitment campaign continued to roll out in December and January.

Targeted to domestic direct students, the goal of the bold and motivational campaign is to increase applications and enrolment to Humber and spur awareness and interest in the college. 

The advertising campaign is in market in many formats including online, on apps, on social media, on digital billboards, in transit stations, buses and subways, and in movie theatres. 

Earlier this week, vinyl murals reflective of the Bring It creative created by Ben Johnston were installed at North and Lakeshore campus (see photos above). In the spring, Johnston will install an outdoor mural at the Lakeshore Campus. 

With more than 1,000 assets in the field and more than 5.4 million impressions to date, initial campaign results show that we are exceeding post-secondary benchmarks across many categories. TikTok and Google search are the top performing platforms so far.

We will continue to update about the Bring It campaign throughout the winter term. Please contact me directly (by Teams or email) if there are any questions.

Thank you,

Andrew Leopold
Director, Marketing and Communications

January 19, 2023
Marlene Valerio

The winter scholarships are open for students and will be closing on Friday, February 3.

Please help students reach their full potential by spreading the word and encouraging them to apply for scholarships. You can also let students know that the Advancement and Alumni team is here to help them every step of the way through the application process.

For more information about student scholarships at Humber, please visit our Student Scholarships website or contact

Thank you,

The Advancement and Alumni Team

P.S. If you are interested in learning more about how you can establish or support a named scholarship, please contact

January 19, 2023


Humber is committed to continuous quality improvement and engaging students in this process. At the end of January, the College will administer the online ‘Ontario Colleges Student Experience Survey’ (OCSES) that has replaced the previous ministry KPI Student Satisfaction survey. This survey will measure student experiences related to teaching and learning quality, program related knowledge and skills, work integrated learning (if applicable), and student services and resources. The results of the survey will allow the college to identify strengths and areas of improvement.


All students in full-time, funded programming enrolled in semesters 2 to 8 will receive a personal survey link on Monday, January 30. The survey will remain open until Friday, February 17 at midnight. Key messaging will be communicated to students by Humber to promote the survey and encourage completion. In order to achieve an optimal response to this survey, facilitators/instructors will be present in classes selected by the Faculties to explain the purpose of the survey to students, provide direction for survey completion and allot class time to complete the survey (approximately 10-15 minutes).

For questions about the survey, please contact Jean O’Donnell at jean.o’

January 19, 2023
Desta McCalla

Online courses are accessible when students can equally access and participate in the learning experience.  

The following design elements should be considered when assessing the accessibility of your course: 

  • Course outline and design  
  • Documents 
  • Images, charts, graphs and diagrams 
  • Video and audio 
  • Hyperlinks and internet resources 
  • Instructional methods 

More information and specific examples as well as resources

Visit our ALS Information for Faculty website to learn more about the Accommodation Letter process. 

Please email us at with suggestions for key accessibility-related topics that you would like us to address through the Communiqué.
