
February 1, 2023
Tania Massa

Humber’s Centre for Social Innovation and the Office of Research & Innovation are collaborating on CMHC’s Housing Supply Challenge “Building for the Future Round: Innovative Construction for Housing Affordability.” This challenge is about finding ways to make it easier to build houses. It addresses construction-related barriers to housing supply. This can be done by funding activities that support the adoption and preparation for replication and scaling and accelerate the use of:

  • construction processes
  • techniques
  • systems
  • materials

The challenge prioritizes solutions that accelerate the creation and preservation of housing that is affordable, climate compatible and meets people’s needs.

If you are a faculty or staff member with potential solutions and potential community and/or industry partners for this challenge, please review CMHC’s Housing Supply Challenge website and send the following to Tania Massa, associate dean, Applied Research and Innovation at by February 8, 2023:

  • Your name
  • Your email
  • Your faculty/department
  • Areas of expertise
  • Name of potential community and/or industry partner(s)
  • Describe the potential solutions and partners to address this challenge. Explain how the potential solution may tackle the following barriers: access to materials and resources, complexities in retrofitting existing housing supply, the complexity of project delivery, high costs and sunk costs, knowledge management and sharing (250 words maximum).

For questions or comments, please reach out to Tania Massa at

February 1, 2023

As of Monday, February 13, 2023, all Humber students will be required to implement MFA on their Humber Microsoft 365 account (Outlook and Teams). MFA will only be prompted for students when they login to their Microsoft account off-campus.  

In the lead up to MFA being turned on ITS is continuing to encourage students to be early adopters and enroll in MFA before it becomes mandatory. There will be information and support shared to students in advance and beyond the mandatory date. For more information about MFA for students visit 

If students have any questions, concerns or experience technical issues with MFA please tell them to contact the IT Support Centre at 416.675.6622 x8888 or

February 1, 2023
Desta McCalla

Learn about some resources to respond to students experiencing mental health issues:

  • According to the Canadian NCHA Report, 31.1 per cent of students felt overwhelming anxiety in the previous two weeks and 20.1 per cent felt so depressed that it was difficult to function (National College Health Assessment. (2019)).   

  • The More Feet on the Ground initiative was developed to help faculty and staff learn more about student mental health. 

  • Learn effective ways to respond when students choose to share information about their mental health with you. 

  • Explore the resources including useful videos on the More Feet on the Ground website. 

Visit our ALS Information for Faculty website to learn more about accommodating students with disabilities.       

Please email us at with suggestions for key accessibility-related topics that you would like us to address through the Communiqué. 

January 31, 2023
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a way of focusing on thoughts, emotions, and environment free from distraction and judgement. Practicing Mindfulness builds a skill set to manage stress and anxiety in everyday life. Mindfulness is for everyone.

Join us for a virtual/in-person session, available throughout the winter semester. All sessions are open to students and staff.

For available times and to register: Mindfulness@Humber

If you are interested in facilitating a Mindfulness@Humber session, please connect with us at

January 31, 2023

Check out Humber Libraries' new collection of books on the theme, A Journey in Black Joy, for Black History Month.

Read books such as Bolu Babalola's Love in Color, Mecca Jamliah Sullivan's Big GirlTracey Michae'l Lewis-Giggetts book of essays, Black Joy: Stories of Resistance, Resilience and Restoration, or Canadian poets in a new collection, AfriCANthology. Or, listen to Issa Rae's new book on audio, The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl.

Enjoy these books and more by accessing the Library's OverDrive collection, or download the Libby app, adding Humber College as your library branch.

January 31, 2023
Regan Mancini

An assembly of faculty, support staff, students, and administrators, Humber College Council (HCC) is Humber’s collective employee voice, making suggestions to Humber College’s President as it relates to long and short‐term institutional priorities. It held its fifth meeting of the academic year virtually on January 19, 2023.


Nora Simpson, associate dean, FSCS currently overseeing CPL programs, spoke to the closure of the Developmental Services Worker-Apprenticeship program due to low enrolment. This program’s students are nominated by their employer, and in recent years, their sponsorship for these apprenticeships has declined.

Eleven students are currently in this program, with most scheduled to complete it before Fall 2023. For students who cannot complete the program by this date, a transfer pathway will be created to support their program continuation at Loyalist and Fanshaw colleges, as these colleges continue to offer this program.

For learners seeking credentials in developmental services at Humber, the college will continue to offer a two-year diploma and an accelerated (soon to be advanced standing) development services program.

For information on the process followed to close a Humber program, visit:


Dawn Macaulay, dean, Innovative Learning, Heather Lowry, associate dean, Digital Learning, and Ranya Khan, associate dean, Teaching Excellence provided an overview of their area and the support they offer to Humber faculty, administrators, and support staff.

Formerly the Centre for Teaching and Learning, Innovative Learning (IL) is dedicated to developing and enhancing teaching innovation and learning across the institution. It supports conversation and inspiration to energize and mobilize innovative and evidence-informed teaching practices. Its two areas serve as a hub for the Humber community, supporting its vision as a polytechnic education leader:

  • Teaching Excellence: Offers Professional Learning Educational Development, Curriculum Design and Delivery, the Teaching Excellence Program, Teacher Micro-credentials, and Workshops and Institutes
  • Digital Learning: Hosts the Innovative Learning Support Centre and provides training, resources and support related to LMS Blackboard Ultra, MS Teams for Teaching, Panopto, other college-adopted ED Technology, and Online Course Builds. For support and hours, visit

IL offers learning opportunities to all Humber employees at no charge. Registration announcements and information are circulated via Communique. These include:

  • Micro-credentials: Assessments for Learning, Curriculum Design and Development, Facilitating Learning, Teaching and Learning in Hyflex Environments.
  • Certificates: Teaching Effectiveness, Culturally Inclusive Educator, Inclusive Curricular Design, Teaching in a Digital World, Digital Documents for Accessibility in Teaching.


Barbara Riach, AVP, Enrolment Management & Registrar provided updates on Humber’s enrolment.

Over the Fall 2022 and Winter 2023 terms, colleges across Ontario continued to experience a drop in domestic applications and enrolment, and an increase in international applications and enrolment. Humber experienced an 11.1% overall drop in applications (largely due to non-direct learners/mature students), compared to a system-wide decline of 8.5%, with some reporting a 20+% drop. Colleges just outside the GTA and in Northern Ontario experienced the largest decline. In Fall 2022 enrolment was down 3034 overall ( -3,153 Domestic and +119 for International) and in Winter 2023 was down 3,366 overall (-3,946 Domestic and +580 International).

In August 2022, The Star reported 1 million job vacancies and the national unemployment rate in Canada as 4.9%, the lowest since 1970. A strong employment market impacts the number of people upgrading their skills, and making changes to their careers, thereby impacting the number of non-direct applications received at Humber and at other postsecondary institutions. There was a significant decline in domestic applications and enrolment in graduate certificate programs, which are designed to “top-up” and build on an undergraduate credential and provide an introduction to the employment market through work-integrated learning.

Humber and its international learners continue to grapple with the uncertainty around students securing study-permits, travel costs and experiencing travel challenges. The deferred administration of study permit approvals has resulted in a back-log of approximately 180K study permit applications at Immigration Canada. Humber faculty responded by creating online sections to accommodate semester 1 students awaiting these permits.

Fall 2022 and 2021 registrations by campus were 57%/59% North; 36%/38% Lakeshore; 5%/2% IGS (up more than double); and 1%/1% Online.  The international Graduate School (IGS) enrolled 1295 students (representing 65% of its capacity) in Fall 2022, up from 566 the previous year. Registration by credential for these same terms was: 21%/23% Degree; 18%/14% Graduate Certificate; 18%/20% Advance Diploma; 38%/38% Diploma; and 5%/5% Certificate.

Humber continues to diversify the countries from which its students originate. Countries currently include: India, Philippines, Vietnam, Nigeria, Brazil, Colombia, Hong Kong, Ukraine, Mexico, Jamaica, and Russia. India continues to make up a large portion of students studying at Humber and across the college system.

Derek Stockley, AVP, Academic shared the academic calendar for FY23/24. To view the calendar, visit:


Marianne Davitjan, director, Organizational Effectiveness and Elizabeth McPherson, manager, Employee Engagement & Learning, Human Resources & Organizational Effectiveness (HROE), provided an overview of the Employee Engagement Framework and conducted a consultation with Humber College Council focused on the Future of Work project.

The 2020 Employee Engagement and Well-being Framework provides a graphical representation of Humber’s drivers of employee well-being and engagement. Developed based on industry research and leading practice, Humber employees were invited to vote on the drivers Humber would prioritize, and plans were developed to actionize the 5 employee-selected drivers: Personal Well-being, Work Well-Being, Environmental & Social Well-being, Organizational Well-Being and Cultural Well-Being. For more information on the Employee Engagement and Well-being Framework and the actions the college is taking, visit the HROE website.

As part of The Future of Work (FoW) Project that seeks to improve the employee experience and increase the college’s ability to attract and retain top talent, the HROE team is developing a Future of Work Framework. The framework will define what flexible work looks like at Humber and outline the organizational pre-requisites, changes, tools, and support required to successfully enable flexible work practices, including digital services, HR policies, programs and initiatives, and services. The FoW will include a strategy and roadmap (enterprise-wide and divisional) to socialize and implement the framework. To date, the project has consulted the academic and administrative leadership and some divisions to identify FoW opportunities and challenges for Humber.

Breakout sessions were conducted with HCC to determine how Humber can innovate the employee experience in our new hybrid work environment. HCC was asked to discuss the following:

  1. How can Humber create the best employee experience?
  2. What are Humber’s strengths and how can we leverage them to attract and retain employees?
  3. How do we ensure employees have the flexibility they need to allow them to meet their work and personal commitments, ensuring each employee is able to disconnect at the end of their workday?

Following the consultation, HROE will review the data collected to identify practices, policies, and solutions to support the transition.


The next Humber College Council meeting will be held virtually on March 9, 2023. HCC will meet February 9, 2023 for a professional development session.

For questions or comments about HCC meeting highlights, contact For supporting materials, meeting minutes or opportunities to provide feedback, please visit the College Council website or contact

January 31, 2023
Falisha Rowe
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Celebrate and recognize the great work that your colleagues are doing. Nominate them for the Innovation of the Year Award 2023.

Purpose or goal
The purpose of the Innovation of the Year Awards is to recognize College employees who have designed and implemented a significant innovation that positively impacts the Humber student experience.

All employee groups (full and part-time faculty, administrators and support staff) are eligible for nomination.

The merit of an innovation will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Creativity: The selected innovation will be an original or unique adaptation of a current program, process, task or concept.
  • Effectiveness: There is evidence that the innovation leads to a better process for accomplishing a task(s) or a better overall outcome.
  • Replication: The significant components of the innovation can be replicated across courses, programs or institutions. Best submissions will include a description of conditions necessary for replication.
  • Timelineness: The innovation will have been initiated no more than five years previously and will have been implemented for enough time to have viable information about its impact and effectiveness. Its impact will address a current issue.
  • Collaboration: The best submissions demonstrate connections between colleagues, programs, departments, Faculties or College teams.
  • Quality: Students and/or staff agree that the innovation increases quality in the course program, department or institution. Evidence of quality may include student ratings or letters of support for colleagues.

The Innovation must have a positive impact on the Humber student experience.

To make a submission, email the completed nomination form (attached) and forward supporting documents to by Friday, March 8, 2023.

January 31, 2023
Taryn Dickins
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Applications for the new Leadership Initiative Fund (LIF) are open! Funding is available to students, or student groups, at Humber who wish to run an initiative or event on campus. 

The LIF program recognizes the importance of student involvement and engagement in the creation of a vibrant campus community. This funding aims to support students whose initiatives or events will contribute to our institutional and community values. All funded projects must support the creation of a Healthy and Inclusive Community and submissions must fall under one of the three pillars:

  1. Health and Wellbeing
  2. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
  3. Sustainability

Decisions for the awarding of funds are made by the LIF committee, which is made up of staff from the Department of Student Life and Equity, as well as IGNITE

For more information, please visit the Leadership Programs website.

January 30, 2023
List of items available in Gourmet Express this week

Check out what we have in store this week. Enjoy freshly made meals and baked goods prepared by students in our culinary and baking programs.

In store this week:

  • Salad trio: French potato, quinoa with bell peppers, whole wheat penne with basil pesto & sundried tomatoes
  • Spicy Italian sausage, smoked tomatillo & poblano salsa
  • Poached chicken supreme with tarragon sauce & roasted tomato, gruyere and eggplant roll
  • Rack of lamb navarin, pan fried polenta with toasted pumpkin seeds, root vegetable quenelles
  • Vegetarian tacos with guacamole and seitan
  • Bavarian pumpernickel
  • Almond biscotti shortbread cookies, oatmeal cookies
  • Glazed lemon pound cake
  • Red velvet cupcakes

Pricing and product availability are subject to change.

Hours of Operation
Monday to Thursday: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Friday: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

January 30, 2023
The Butterfly Effect Team
Humber ORI: The 2022 BE Challenge top-ranked finalists and special award recipients are selected

Simple, ingenious employee solutions make a big impact!

Humber’s Office of Research & Innovation (ORI) ran an inclusive innovation program for front-line employees over the summer and fall of 2022. ORI is pleased to announce that, following evaluation by an independent judging panel and review from Ginger Grant, PhD., Dean of Research and Innovation, the top-ranked finalists and special award recipients of the 2022 Butterfly Effect (BE) Challenge have been selected.

Note that, collectively these (often simple) solutions have resulted in annual savings of more than $150,000 of costs, almost 2.5 years of employee time, and the equivalent of two 45-foot mature pine trees worth of paper. The members of these ingenious teams will also be sharing their solutions with other employees to multiply their impact.

Top-ranked finalists:

  • First place: Streamlining Indigenous Student Residence Applications
  • Second place: QR Code for Lakeshore campus map
  • Third place (tie):
    • Upgrading Webchat PowerPoints to Run Automatically
    • QRevolution (QR Codes for Office of Sustainability Info)

Special Innovation Awards:

ORI Dean’s Special Award: Student Impact

  • Gecko Live Chat Widget (for Student Customer Service) 
  • Course Fee Calculator 

External Panel & ORI Team Special Award: Hearts & Minds

  • Streamlining Indigenous Student Residence Applications 

Sustainability Spotlight Award

  • Recycled Waste Material to Personalized Gifts
  • QR Code for Lakeshore Campus Map

Simply Smart Spirit Award

  • Operation Excellence (Tech Zone Tablet Charging)

Microsoft Automation Award

  • IT Email Template
  • Outlook Templates (Student Research Emails)

Innovation Sandbox Award

  • Upgrading Webchat PowerPoints to Run Automatically
  • Streamlining Indigenous Student Residence Applications 

The BE Challenge team will be presenting the awards to the top-ranked finalists and special innovation award recipients in February. 

About the Butterfly Effect Challenge:

The BE Challenge seeks to discover and celebrate Humber College’s front-line innovators. The Challenge looks for simple, low-cost or no-cost integration and/or automation solutions that have already been implemented by Humber’s support staff and non-managerial administrative staff. The solutions can improve both on-campus and remote work arrangements.

Humber’s front-line colleagues are continuously improving the Humber experience, but their ideas and solutions often remain hidden in plain sight. This initiative is part of a broader Inclusive Research & Innovation training program the Humber Office of Research & Innovation (ORI) has been piloting. ORI staff have been trained in the principles and processes of Inclusive Innovation, and they launched and managed The 2022 Butterfly Effect Challenge over the summer and fall.

Please reach out to the Humber Office of Research & Innovation team at if you’re interested in learning more about the BE Challenge.
