
January 17, 2023
Did you know logo with lightbulb

Self-service password reset (SSPR) is a tool that will significantly improve your experience when it comes time to reset or recover your Microsoft Outlook password.

SSPR enables you to safely manage your own password reset without the need of logging a ticket with the Tech Zone or the IT Support Centre — giving you more control to easily and quickly reset your password anywhere and anytime.

How to use SSPR

Reminder: You have to register for SSPR at before you can utilize the reset tool. After you have completed registration, each time you want to reset your password, you will be asked to confirm your identity by providing your authentication information.

You can confirm your identity by providing proof you are who through a second authentication factor after you have input your password, such as a separate email, text message, phone call or a push notification from the Microsoft Authenticator App. You can change your recovery information at any time. 

How to recover your password:

  1. On the Microsoft Outlook login page click ‘forgot password’
  2. Provide your email and complete the CAPTCHA
  3. Provide two alternative methods of verification (phone, email, Authenticator App)
  4. Enter and confirm your new password

Information Technology Services

January 17, 2023

Did you know that all students, faculty, and staff have free access to the fitness centres at both the North and Lakeshore campuses? Or that access is also free for all of our fitness classes?   

Find the fitness schedules for both the North and Lakeshore campuses on our website.

Can't make it out to an in-person class? Check out our "follow along" classes on our YouTube channel.

Interested in personal training? We have nationally certified personal trainers ready to help you reach your goals. Check out our packages today.

New this semester: Online Life Coaching with Zahra.

Looking to offer a wellness/fitness session for your team? Ask the Fitness Coordinators how we might be able to assist you:

  • North Campus - Leanne Henwood-Adam at x4186
  • Lakeshore Campus - Nathania Bron at x3553
January 17, 2023

The 2SLGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group (ERG) is inviting interested faculty and staff who identify as a member of the 2SLGBTQ+ community to join the ERG. The ERG helps advance a culture at Humber that is accepting and inclusive for all 2SLGBTQ+ staff, faculty and students through outreach, community development, events, and consultation.

The 2SLGBTQ+ ERG meets once a month to engage in event planning, workshops, guest speakers, and discuss current topics at Humber College. We are always looking for new ideas, events, and opportunities to further engage our community within the ERG and Humber College.

Aligning with Humber’s Strategic Priority #7 under Pillar #3, Healthy and Inclusive Community, the ERG brings together employees who share a common identity, characteristic and set of interests. We work to create a culture of inclusion that enhances employee engagement and further supports Humber’s vision and values.

Humber employees who identify as 2SLGBTQ+ and are interested in joining this ERG can indicate their interest by sending an email to co-chair Matthew Harris at

January 17, 2023

Humber College Council heard presentations from the International Centre and from Research and Innovation.

An assembly of faculty, support staff, students, and administrators, Humber College Council (HCC) is Humber’s collective employee voice, making suggestions to Humber College’s President as it relates to long and short‐term institutional priorities.

Held on December 8, HCC’s fourth meeting of the academic year occurred virtually.


Andrew Ness, dean of International, provided an update provided an update on the Standards of Practice for International Education Ontario Public Colleges. The Committee of Presidents (CoP) has developed and signed a shared “Standards of Practice for International Education” document that will be implemented over the next 18 months. Humber is one of the signatories.


  1. To establish a common set of minimum standards for international student activity
  2. The standards are built on existing practices and the legislative and policy framework and quality assurance mechanisms that guide all college activities
  3. The goal of these standards is to support the well-being of international learners to enhance their opportunities for academic and personal success.

The Code of Ethics for International has been in place for many years around the world as governments, institutions and organizations have grappled with how to address unscrupulous practices that arose in international education.

The standards will be included in colleges’ regular quality assurance audits to verify compliance. The standards will be extended to the public college’s post-secondary programming provided through its private partner (where a partnership exists).

Principles include:

  1. Student focused – Putting students at the centre of all that we do and ensuring their perspectives are considered in decision-making
  2. Professional – Providing accurate information and demonstrating integrity in relationships with students, potential students and their families, international education agents and all post-secondary education partners
  3. Transparent – Developing transparent relationships with potential and enrolled students through the open sharing of information that allows students to make informed choices
  4. Collaborative – Working collaboratively with communities, governments and other parties to support the success of international students
  5. Culturally sensitive and responsive – Recognizing student diversity in providing supports and services
  6. Accountable – Acknowledging the college’s role in student well-being and success and working with students and partners to address issues as they arise
  7. Continuous improvement – Seeking feedback on an ongoing basis, assessing the impact of programs and services and adjusting approaches to continuously improve the quality and impact of programs and services.

Standards: Sections

  1. Marketing, Promotion & Admission
  2. International Education Agents
  3. International Student Orientation and Transition
  4. Standards for Supports and Services to Promote Student Well-Being and Safety
  5. Standards for Post-Graduation Support Services

HCC Discussion:

  • Only Humber international students have access to keep.meSAFE (mental wellness student support program).
  • A question was raised about ensuring that students are informed of their rights and Council was advised that information is provided during orientation and through ongoing webinars. If students self-identify their concerns, they are connected to appropriate support and resources across the College. International has recently hired 4-6 international students to be present on campus to provide support.


Ginger Grant, dean, Office of Research and Innovationprovided, an update and highlighted several research and innovation initiatives.

In 2018, Humber College was ranked as the 30th College in Canada for Applied Research. Now, Humber is the second top research college in Canada and ranks first in Ontario. Humber is  growing very rapidly, and as a result, there have been various opportunities for faculties and employees at Humber.

The Office of Research and Innovation (ORI) invites faculty to build new tools and research the impact of teaching practices in every aspect of their scholarly lives through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Humber handles the research component, and it is open to all professors at Humber, whether part-time or full-time. More information can be found here.

Various workshops are available through the ORI department, which are virtual and free. This is open to all faculties, administration, course leads, and full-time or part-time employees.

The most exciting initiative currently underway is the two Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) certificates which will be available May-June 2023. This was presented at the Academy of Management, Seattle, in 2021 at the International Teaching and Learning Forum and was well received. We are partnering with Nottingham Trent University (NTU) to explore how to develop these certificates.

As part of Communities of Practice, Humber’s Research and Innovation department finds world-class research and brings it to Humber. This community of practice focuses on how you design a program within your classroom and where learning starts from research. We focus on the researcher and what brings relationship and meaning as a faculty member, course coordinator or administrator. The Communities of Practice takes place monthly, where they can discuss the topic areas and are encouraged to talk and share ideas.  

The ambition in 2022-2023 is to:

  • Grow an inclusive culture of applied research and innovation across the institution and with our industry and community partners;
  • Build upon the growing success of our programs supporting full-time faculty (20 per cent) who are doing applied research;
  • Engage 80 per cent of employees who are left out of innovation and research activities.

The SoTL working group collaborates with the Global Polytechnic Alliance, focusing and studying “Student Centred Learning”.

Humber is the only educational institute in Canada that is part of the European Society for Opinion and Market Research (ESOMAR) and is creating a student group to participate with ESOMAR moving forward into 2023.

Challenges are viewed as a learning journey and doing things differently. One of the key areas Humber is working on is “Revisioning the New World of Work”, focusing on developing a culture that supports talent and change for innovation. Employees value focusing on meaningful work, building a sense of community, and our impact when doing research.

NSERC (Mobilize Applied Research Program) granted $3,250,000 over five years, which will help strengthen regional partnerships and enable community, municipal and university partners to respond to the health, economic, and environmental impacts. Through the mobilized grant, a partnership opportunity was initiatied with KEA Copenhagen School of Design and Technology around approaching research on aging.

Humber Press provides a platform for knowledge dissemination and knowledge sharing.

The quarterly research and innovation magazine SPARK sheds light on and celebrates Humber’s growing community of research rock stars, faculty, researchers, COIs, employees, student researchers, and innovators. SPARK aims to demystify innovation and make research accessible and approachable through storytelling. Humber Press also publishes the Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE), an online, open-access journal for double-blind peer-reviewed papers that mobilize knowledge and insights generated by the global polytechnic community. Humber encourages researchers to publish their research findings with JIPE’s global audience. For more information, read the 2021-2022 Annual Report.

Visit the ORI office located in D224. 

The great work between research and industry partners was mentioned. SoTL is one of the great ways to accentuate Humber employees’ work as a teaching institution. Further discussion will take place regarding AI software that has the capacity to write essays and other student work. There is an opportunity for researchers to get on board to see ways to assess and evaluate competence than a traditional essay; these can be unpacked with the community of practice.


The next Humber College Council meeting will be held virtually on January 19, 2023 from 4 to 6 p.m.

For questions or comments about HCC meeting highlights, contact For supporting materials, meeting minutes or opportunities to provide feedback, please visit the College Council website or contact

January 16, 2023

Dear Humber employees:

Since our beginning in 1967, Humber College has continued to grow and evolve, and is recognized as an innovative leader in post-secondary education. Throughout the years, we have seen significant growth and demand for our brand of polytechnic education, and now provide career-focused programs to more than 86,000 full-time and Continuous Professional learners, both in-person and online. There is much to be proud of and our success is a product of the hard work and contributions of our people.

Humber’s culture is a strength and an important element of our success over the years. As we meet our commitments to student success, it is important to recognize the efforts and ideas of those who have contributed to the foundation that makes Humber what we are today. In recognition of the contributions of our employees, we are pleased to offer a one-time Voluntary Retirement Program (VRP), based on certain eligibility criteria.

Humber is committed to being a best-in-class employer, and this Program recognizes our long service employees while providing opportunities for renewal. 

Deciding when to retire is a personal choice and I want to emphasize that the decision to participate in this program is strictly voluntary. We are offering the Voluntary Retirement Program to our active full-time employees who meet the eligibility requirements to retire with an unreduced pension as of August 31, 2023 by having reached one of the milestones below: 

a) A combination of age and years of CAAT pensionable service totalling 85 (the “85 factor”),
b) Have reached 60 years of age with 20 years of CAAT pensionable service (the “60/20 factor”),
c) Have reached 65 years of age with 10 years of continuous full-time service at Humber,
d) Currently in receipt of their CAAT pension with 10 years of continuous full-time service.

Those who are eligible for VRP based on our records will receive a letter to their Humber College email address and by mail to their home address informing them of their eligibility to participate in the program. Please note that approvals are subject to eligibility requirements. Retirement dates for this plan will be scheduled to begin August 31, 2023, unless extended by your manager to ensure sustainable transition of college operations.

For more information and details about the Voluntary Retirement Program, please contact

Thank you all for your continued contributions to Humber College and for bringing your best to Humber every day!


Jason Hunter
Interim Vice-President,
Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness

January 16, 2023
Black Student Support & Engagement text logo

Black Student Support & Engagement - Presentation Request Form

The BSSE (Black Student Support and Engagement) Program is an equity hub within the department of Student Success and Engagement at Humber College. The BSSE Program seeks to provide students who identify as Black with community, resources, and support to help them fully maximize their campus experience. Our programming is open to students within Humber College and the University of Guelph-Humber.

BSSE is always looking to connect with students and share how we work to support them and provide them with opportunities for growth, development, and community building!

We are excited to announce that we are now facilitating classroom/group visits where members of BSSE can introduce our program and explain all the ways to get involved with us. If you are a professor who thinks your class could benefit from learning more about BSSE, or a campus partner who is looking to explore our service, please fill out our Black Student Support and Engagement Presentation Request Form. Presentations are approximately 30 minutes (15-minute presentation, 15 minutes for Q&A) and our hours of operation are Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

We look forward to visiting your classroom and spaces and connecting further with students and the Humber community.

If you have any questions or would like more information please email:

January 16, 2023
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Poster of a woman doing an exercise with a barbell and a man training her.

The University of Guelph-Humber’s Kinesiology program is looking for clients for Exercise & Lifestyle Counselling Sessions for the winter semester.

The perks of being a client:

  • Flexibility: In-person and virtual training available.
  • Individual training: One-on-One training from a Kinesiology Student Trainer.
  • Comprehensive approach: Focus not only on personal training but on overall health and wellness.
  • Personalized advice: Your trainer can offer exercise programming, personal training, physical activity guidelines, healthy lifestyle suggestions, health and wellness counselling, general nutrition advice, accountability
  • It’s completely free to participate!

What we ask of you:

  • A weekly time commitment of one hour per week to meet with your Kinesiology Student Trainer for the duration of the semester.
  • Complete an evaluation of your trainer at the end of the semester.

This opportunity is open to all students and staff.

Learn more or sign up

January 16, 2023
Risha Toney
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Humber Pathways Fair is taking place next week!  

Students and alumni are encouraged to drop in to learn about degree or post-graduate programs, study abroad options, and much more.   

This event will take place on:  

  • January 23 - International Graduate School  
  • January 24 - North Campus  
  • January 25 - Lakeshore Campus 

Register now:

January 16, 2023
Falisha Rowe

Thank you to faculty who joined us virtually for Faculty Orientation on January 3.

This was an opportunity to meet with members from the Innovative Learning team and for you to get familiar with the services we have to offer you to enhance your teaching experience here at Humber.  

Below is a description of the sessions that were offered and links to the materials shared. 

Getting Ready to Teach at Humber   

As a polytechnic institute, our goal is to build career-ready citizens. We do this by developing deep levels of subject matter expertise through an active learning environment. This session shared tips, tools and templates to help you bring these goals to life and focus on getting you ready for your first week of teaching.  

Resource_Getting Ready to Teach at Humber 

Introduction in Humber’s LMS Blackboard Ultra   

Every course at Humber has an online presence in Blackboard, Humber’s Learning Management System (LMS), which instructors can use to augment and enhance the classroom experience. Learn how to get started in Blackboard Ultra.

Resource_Intro to Humber LMS: Bb Ultra 
Session Recording_Intro to Humber LMS: Bb Ultra  

If you require support or have any questions throughout the semester, please connect with us IL – Faculty Support Centre.

January 13, 2023
Saran Davaajargal
Humber’s quarterly research and innovation magazine SPARK Issue #6 is here!

SPARK Issue #6 shines the spotlight on three research and innovation projects from Humber faculty members, researchers, and students. From horticulture professor Lynn Short's research on controlling invasive species to nurse bot developed by Humber FAST students at an international hackathon to FMCA’s first Augmented Reality experience featuring Howie the Hawk, Humber’s research and innovation community is continuously pushing boundaries through creativity and collaboration.  

The new SPARK issue invites you to learn about the experiences of Humber Press team members who attended ESOMAR Congress 2022, a leading international conference for market research, and Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education (GCSHE). The issue includes Q&A with authors of two research studies published in the 2022 special issue of the Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE).  

SPARK Issue #6 features a foreword from Ginger Grant, PhD., dean of Research and Innovation, and New Year’s greetings from Dianna Dinevski, PhD. (abd), associate dean of Research and Development. If you’re interested in making a New Year’s resolution that sticks, look no further than the welcoming editor’s note from Anju Kakkar, managing editor, Humber Press, ORI, who shares valuable insights on making effective New Year’s resolutions.  

No matter where your curiosity lies, SPARK is here to inspire you in your research and innovation journey.

Read the new SPARK issue
