
February 17, 2022
Erin Cole
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Do you know a student who is interested in global learning? Have they expressed interest in completing a work placement or studying abroad? Inspire your students to experience the world while earning academic credit for their Humber credential!

Global Academic Opportunities are available for all full-time Humber students in good academic standing, both in-person and virtually. Eligible students will earn credits recognized as GNED; degree Breadth elective; or core academic courses.

As part of Humber’s 2018-2023 Internationalization Strategy, this programming reflects Humber’s mission to develop global citizens with the knowledge and skills to lead and innovate. Note that a Global Learning Bursary of up to $2,500 CAD is available to support all eligible students.

Applications are currently being accepted for:

Application deadline for Summer Programs Abroad: February 27, 2022
Application deadline for Semester Exchange Abroad: March 13, 2022

For more information, contact:

Erin Cole
International Mobility Coordinator

February 17, 2022

Residence spaces for the current term are still available at both North and Lakeshore Campus.

Full time students who are returning to in-person classes on March 7 (or February 26, for University of Guelph-Humber students) can apply now to live in residence. Residence fees will be pro-rated from the date of move-in until the end of the semester.

There are limited spaces available at both campuses, so we encourage interested students to apply as soon as possible. When students apply, they will automatically be added to a waitlist. If applying to the North campus, if willing to take any space available, please advise students to add themselves to both the single room and suite room waitlists. View more information about applying to residence.

Questions? Please email for North or for Lakeshore.

February 17, 2022

In your role at Humber/University of Guelph-Humber, have you encountered students who are struggling with:

  • Mental health concerns
  • Housing instability
  • Financial challenges
  • Food insecurity
  • Violence (domestic violence, sexual violence, etc.)
  • Recently impacted by a tragic circumstance...

...and whose well-being and academic success are being impacted as a result? Did you know that they can seek ongoing support from the Student Support and Intervention Coordinators (SSICs) on campus?

SSICs work with students and offer ongoing support, guidance, and advocacy by connecting them with supports and services on campus and within the community. They work with students in accessing supports, navigating resources, and various policies and procedures at the College. Their goal is to support a student's overall well-being and academic success.

SSICs also receive disclosures of sexual violence. Through a trauma informed, survivor centric, anti-oppressive lens, they inform survivors on wellness supports, reporting options, mental health supports, etc. Their goal is to ensure survivors feel supported, so that they can focus on their wellness and recovery while remaining successful in their academic pursuits.

If you’ve come across a potentially concerning situation and would benefit from some guidance, please reach out to the team at

The SSICs are also available to present more info to your team on how to support students in complex situations. Please send any requests via email at

February 17, 2022
Falisha Rowe
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Part-Time Teachers' Conference: Call for Proposals Extended to February 28

Part-Time Teachers' Conference 2022. Call for Proposals has been extended. Deadline for submissions is February 28.

Call for Proposals

On March 25 and 26, 2022, Humber College will host our annual Part-Time Teachers’ Conference. This virtual conference is for part-time faculty in Ontario colleges.

There is no cost to attend this event.

Proposals are being accepted for March 26 presentations. Please indicate whether your session is 60 or 90 minutes in duration.

Given the broad-reaching impacts of the pandemic, the theme of this year’s conference is: “Perspectives: What We’ve Learned.”

Together, we will explore different ways that the pandemic has impacted individuals and communities and reflect on key lessons learned. The conference theme encourages presenters to reflect on our individual and collective response to adapting teaching practices, methodologies and priorities since the start of the pandemic.

Presenters are encouraged to share experiences around key insights they've had in teaching and learning, and strategies on ways they've created authentic and meaningful experiences for all learners. We invite faculty, teaching practitioners, and educational professionals within post-secondary to submit a proposal for either a presentation or panel discussion.

Proposals will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • relevance of proposal to the conference theme
  • topic related to current practices in teaching and learning
  • clarity of session objectives
  • clear plan on how attendees will be engaged
  • overall clarity of proposal

Want to submit a proposal?

Presentations should be engaging and interactive. Those selected will be notified by March 1 and sessions will be highlighted in the conference program and website. Fill in the brief form directly on the PTTC website.

Want to attend?

Save the date and visit the conference website for latest information. Registration opens March 14.

February 17, 2022
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Presented to full-time students in any program based on academic achievement, demonstrated engagement with entrepreneurial activities, and/or to those students who personify the spirit, passion, and drive necessary to become a successful entrepreneur.

Deadline: February 21, 2022

Find out more information and how to apply

February 17, 2022
Various women entrepreneurs in business wear

Calling all women entrepreneurs!

Start My Business Bootcamp is an intensive 16-module program (over the course of five months) that supports women entrepreneurs in the early stages of ventures in a variety of industries.

Applications close Sunday, February 27, 2022. 

Find out more and apply

February 17, 2022
Christina Alcena
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

As part of Career Month 2022, Humber College's Advising & Career Services team is offering free MBTI and Strengths Workshops throughout February and March to students and alumni. In addition to receiving their Top 5 Strengths and/or MBTI preferences and type indicators, student attendees will receive a $15 gift card after completing the workshop. Space is limited, please encourage students to register for a workshop online using our events calendar:.

Strengths Workshop

By taking this workshop, students will learn about their Top 5 Clifton Strengths, and how they can align these strengths to their career-related pursuits.

  • Dates: March 1, 3, 29, 31
    Time: 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
  • Dates: March 7, 9, 30
    Time: 10 12 p.m.
  • Dates: February 28 (Registration closes next Monday), 2, 4, 28
    Time: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Workshop

Self-awareness is the first step to personal and professional growth. The MBTI instrument and this workshop will help students understand their strengths and preferred working style.

  • Dates: March 10
    Time: 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
  • Dates: February 28 (Registration closes next Monday), March 2, 4, 28, 30
    Time: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • Dates: March 7, 9
    Time: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Dates: March 1, 3, 31
    Time: 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

For more information, please contact Christina Alcena (she/her), Interim Associate Director, Advising & Career Services at

February 16, 2022
Human Rights Education & Training Team

The horrific enslavement of Black/African peoples was not so long ago.

This is the second post to call attention to the fallacy that slavery was so long ago, and as such, Black people ought to just forget about it and move on. Not so long ago, many Blacks were owned by Whites. Many Blacks were refused access to education, places to live, good jobs, dignity, fair policing, fair child welfare, justice in the courts and the list goes on. Much of this lack (blocking) of access continues.

Do you know that slavery was so recent that there are still living children of former slaves? You can read more here: Son of a slave reflects on the lessons he learned from his father (

February 16, 2022
Elisabeth Springate, Communications and Events Coordinator, Innovative Learning
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
The Staff Lounge Podcast: Confronting Anti-Black Racism in the Classroom

New episode of the Staff Lounge Podcast!

Confronting Anti-Black Racism in the Classroom

February is Black History Month and Black History is everyone's history. To recognize and honour the legacy and contributions of Black Canadians and to learn more about how Humber is acknowledging and celebrating Black History Month, our host, Shirantha Beddage, met with Morris Beckford, Manager, Education & Training in the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion

In this honest and thought provoking conversation, we reflect on how deeply entrenched anti-Black racism is in education and how individual faculty members and educational institutions can respond to anti-Black racism and create a more just and honest educational system

“Transformation is about getting to a space where we're living the values we tell ourselves that we're supposed to be living—so values of equity, values of inclusion, building a sense of belonging for everybody. For me transformation is digging deep and going to the heart of why we got to this horrible place, in the first place. It's making sure we understand it so we don't do it again. That to me is what transformation really looks like." — Morris Beckford, Manager, Education & Training, Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion.

References from this Episode:

  • Assassination of the Black Male Image by Earl Hutchinson
  • Critical Theory: Pathway From Dichotomous to Integrated Social Work Practice by Lorraine Moya Salas, Soma Sen, & Elizabeth A. Segal
  • Black Skin, White Mask by Franz Fanon

Further Resources:
> Black History | Heritage 365 events
> Humber Centre for Human Rights Equity & Diversity/Education & Training
> "Black History is Everybody's History: Do you know?" (Check the Humber Communiqué daily in February)

Subscribe to the Staff Lounge podcast today at Humber's Innovative Learning.

February 16, 2022
Sara Hassan
Map the System logo with blue cubes connected

Map the System is a global competition that challenges us to think differently about social and environmental change. Rather than jumping straight into a solution or a quick fix, Map the System invites students from all academic disciplines to use ‘systems thinking’ to understand complex social and environmental challenges. 

This is Humber’s third year participating in the competition, with 112 teams and over 200 students from across all faculties registered. We are looking for Humber staff and faculty to mentor student teams. Come join the movement!

What does mentoring involve?

You will support student teams as they undertake systems research and mapping of a social or environmental challenge.

When will this happen?

Mentoring will take place from late February - early April 2022. Mentorship guidelines and questions will be provided during the matching process, which can be negotiated between the mentor and team depending on the amount of support teams are looking for. 

What does this mean for you?

Your assistance and support of student’s systems-change research is greatly appreciated. In return for your time, you will receive our heartfelt thanks and a gift card! 

If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please fill in this short form by Wednesday February 23, 2022. If you have any questions please contact Sara Hassan at
