
January 28, 2021
Rose Anthony
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Counselling Services is excited to announce the return of the Healthy Minds for Stressful Times group for Winter 2021. This group will provide students with:

  • Tools & strategies to cope with stress, anxiety and feeling overwhelmed
  • Emotional support


  • Where: Zoom (contact for the link)
  • When: Every Thursday, 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m., beginning February 11 until April 8
  • For: Students who are feeling overwhelmed and/or experiencing stress and anxiety


  • This is an open group – no pre-registration is required. As of now, there is no cap on numbers but subject to change if required
  • Students can come for as few or as many sessions as they would like.
  • The room will be locked at 1:45 p.m. sharp as we do not have time to review curriculum for late arrivers
  • Students will be asked to keep their video on in the group as interaction is a huge part of this group (involves break out rooms and skill practice)

Please promote this group to your students by: 

  • Posting about Healthy Minds for Stressful Times on Blackboard (see attached poster)
  • Making an announcement about Healthy Minds for Stressful Times at the beginning of class

Contact: Rose Anthony at

Healthy Minds for Stressful Times works from an anti-oppression framework. We recognize that students face systemic oppression on the basis sexual and gender orientation, race, body size, class, disability, immigration status, country of origin, culture, age and religion. We are committed to creating an environment that celebrates diversity, and challenges all forms of oppression.

January 28, 2021
Tyler Charlebois
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Website now highlights ways partners can collaborate with Humber

Humber made strong, sustainable collaborations with industry, community, international and alumni partners a strategic priority in the 2018-2023 Strategic Plan.

To support the achievement of this priority, Humber developed a framework to foster and nurture sustainable, mutually beneficial strategic partnerships. The framework outlines six stages from identification through to renewal.  

Tyler Charlebois, manager of strategic partnerships, has been collaborating with many areas across the College in the development of strategic partnerships resulting in new partnerships with Amazon, Siemens Canada, and Revera Inc. to name a few.

Check out the new Strategic Partnership Update Newsletter in the attachments.

Employers & Partners Website Update

The Employers and Partners website has been refreshed with a new focused look and feel that makes the case for collaborating with Humber. It can be found at

Potential industry and community partners will be able to learn why and how they can collaborate with the college, which will help us to deliver on the strategic priority to establish strong, sustainable collaborations that create unique learning experiences for our students and reciprocal benefits for our partners.

If you have any questions about the Strategic Partnership Framework or the Employers & Partners website, please reach out to  

January 27, 2021
Remember To Update Your Mobile Device


Whichever brand you own, remember to always update your phone. Updates usually address security vulnerabilities.  

If you need help, contact the Support Centre at 416.675.6622 x8888,, or chat at

January 27, 2021

I am pleased to provide the Humber community with details about upcoming changes within the academic division. These changes are part of the organizational transformation that began in Fall 2018 when we transitioned from eight Schools to six Faculties, when Applied Research, PPDR and Teaching and Learning were realigned to the AVP, Academic portfolio and when the Transformation and Strategic Partnerships portfolio was established under the leadership of Senior Vice-President, Rani Dhaliwal.

We are excited to be moving forward with changes to how we promote innovation in teaching and learning, applied research, program planning and curriculum renewal at Humber. 

Over the coming months, we will be evolving the Teaching and Learning department to a new Centre for Innovative Learning within the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Science and Innovative Learning and enhancing its connections with the Applied Research and Program Planning, Development and Renewal teams.

We are also launching our continuous professional learning (CPL) strategy, with a focus on growing our market share through non-full-time programs delivered in virtual, hybrid and flexible learning formats. This will include a focus on the development and delivery of non-postsecondary programming with a view to meeting the needs of new markets and increasing Humber’s net revenue generation capabilities.

These changes will better position Humber to achieve our Strategic and Academic Plan goals and build on our strengths in providing high quality polytechnic education in-person and online.

The changes are designed to improve collaboration across the departments that support employees and teams engaged in the teaching and learning process at Humber, and to provide direct support to faculty members in their work as teachers and researchers. The changes will improve our operational capacity by streamlining reporting and decision-making and by leveraging expertise and resources more effectively.

The CPL strategy will align corporate training, continuing education and other programming, helping us to stay at the forefront of responding to labour market demand and making it easier for learners to access the full range of our programming.

We will begin recruiting immediately for key senior roles to support our focus on teaching and learning excellence and innovation. There are also reporting changes to support this new approach.

The changes being announced today include:

Changes to support Humber’s Continuous Professional Learning/Corporate Training (previously CE) strategy:

  • New role: Dean, Continuous Professional Learning 
    • The Dean will be responsible for driving Humber’s CPL strategy in collaboration with our Faculties and Education & Training Solutions. Leading the creation of Humber’s non-post-secondary business development strategy, the Dean will work with the Faculties on the development of new programming and generating new revenues. This role will report to the SVP, Transformation and Strategic Partnerships.

Changes to support development of Humber’s Teaching and Learning Excellence and Innovation Ecosystem: 

  • New role: Dean, Innovative Learning  
    • This role will be responsible for the development and implementation of a Humber Teaching and Learning Excellence and Innovation strategy, aligned with and supportive of the goals outlined in Humber’s Strategic and Academic Plans. The Dean will act as a facilitator, bringing together other academic division leaders and their teams within the Centre for Innovative Learning. This role will report to the Senior Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Science and Innovative Learning.

The following roles will report to the Dean, Innovative Learning:

  • Mark Ihnat, Associate Dean, Digital Learning. This position builds on Mark’s current work in his role as Director eLearning.   
  • Sarah Peake, Associate Dean, Flexible Learning. Building on her current work, Sarah will be responsible for leading the development and implementation of our quality assurance and continuous improvement frameworks for CPL. Sarah will also provide support for new flexible learning programming initiatives.   
  • Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning. This new position will be responsible for the development and delivery of professional development programming for faculty, staff and academic leaders.
  • New role: Dean of Research and Innovation.
  • Ginger Grant is the successful candidate in the recent competition for Dean of Research and Innovation. In this expanded role, Ginger will have responsibility for applied research and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Ginger will continue to strengthen the connection between Humber’s COI Network and our research activities, and COI Directors will be increasing their communication and collaboration with Research and Innovation. Ginger will report to the AVP, Academic.

The following roles will report to the Dean of Research and Innovation:

  • Associate Dean, Applied Research and Innovation.
  • Associate Dean, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

Searches for both these vacant Associate Dean positions will commence in February 2021.

  • Realignment of Program, Planning, Development and Renewal (PPDR).
    • To support this more integrated approach, the Dean of PPDR, and the PPDR team, will report to the Senior Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences and Innovative Learning. They will work closely with the Dean, Innovative Learning on the development and implementation of the Humber Teaching and Learning Excellence and Innovation strategy.   

The above changes will come into effect by April 1, 2021. They will not result in any job loss or additional positions. All new roles are being created through existing complements that are currently vacant.

We are excited about these changes and the future of Humber. We look forward to collaborating with the college community in our new format as we work to provide the highest quality teaching and learning environment for our students and faculty.

Please contact your manager if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Laurie Rancourt 
Senior Vice-President, Academic 
Humber College

January 27, 2021
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Shayla Pham, a psychology thesis student under the mentorship of Dr. Michelle Pompeo, is seeking instructors for an interview regarding their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. To schedule an interview date, please contact Shayla at Any questions about the purpose of the study should be directed to

Please see the information letter below.

Title of Research Project

Post-Secondary Teachers’ Perceptions of Stress and Coping Strategies During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Thesis Student Researcher:
Shayla Pham

Thesis Instructor:
Dr. Michelle Pompeo

Thesis Course Advisor:
Dr. Adam Sandford

University of Guelph-Humber
Psychology Department


The purpose of this research is to examine how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted postsecondary teachers’ stress, and to examine what coping strategies are used to deal with their stress during the pandemic.


The study will follow a qualitative, semi-structured interview, format. Interviews will be conducted via Microsoft Teams and will be recorded using the recording tool on the software. The recordings will be used to create transcripts and to conduct a thematic analysis. Participants will be asked 10 questions, and the interview is expected to take 45-60 minutes. Recordings and other project-related files will be kept in an encrypted folder and will not be shared with anyone other than the thesis student researcher (Shayla Pham, 647.376.5649,, the thesis instructor (Dr. Michelle Pompeo,, and the thesis course advisor (Dr. Adam Sandford, if needed. Recordings will be erased once the research project is complete. The study is anticipated to run from January 11 to March 31, 2021. Participants will be provided a link to another Qualtrics site that hosts their debrief form, and will be asked whether they wish to be entered into a prize draw. If participants wish to enter for the prize draw, then they must enter their or email at a link to another Qualtrics site developed by the research team.

Potential Risks

There is a potential risk of discomfort (i.e., psychological, social) due to the requirement of participants to discuss and reflect on their personal experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants will be fully debriefed and will have the opportunity to ask the thesis student researcher questions throughout the study. Participants may direct any questions to either the thesis instructor (Dr. Pompeo, and/or to the thesis course advisor (Dr. Sandford,

Potential Benefits

Participants will contribute knowledge of post-secondary teachers' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participation in this study is voluntary. Participants will also have the option of being entered into a prize draw toward the end of the study for a $25.00 CAD Saje giftcard (


The University of Guelph has approved the use of Microsoft Teams and Qualtrics for secure data collection. The interview recordings will be stored on Microsoft Streams – also approved by the University of Guelph for secure data storage. The thesis student researcher will be downloading interview videos and transcribing the data using Microsoft Word. Downloaded video and transcribed data will be placed into an encrypted folder and the recording on Microsoft Teams will be destroyed following the downloading.

Participants will create their own pseudonym that will be associated with the participant’s transcribed data. It is crucial that participants keep hold of their pseudonym in case they wish to withdraw from the study. Participant’s data will remain confidential with the members of the research team (listed on the previous page). All data will be stored in encrypted folders and will be disposed of once the study is complete and grades are provided. This anticipated end date will be April 30, 2021.

Withdrawal Procedures

Participation is voluntary. Participants may decline to answer to any question during the interview. Participants have the right to skip any questions they do not wish to answer. Participants may withdraw their answers to any question during the interview. Participants may withdraw from participation in the study at any time, without any penalty, or explanation. If participants wish to withdraw from the study, they must have their pseudonym and contact the thesis instructor (Michelle Pompeo,, who will then inform the thesis student researcher that the data must be removed and formatted beyond recovery by the thesis student researcher. Participants can withdraw from the study during the interview by informing the thesis student researcher that you wish to stop the interview. The recording in this case will be deleted from Microsoft Stream and the thesis student researcher will not use your data in their thesis. Participants can no longer withdraw from the project after the date of March 14, 2021.


There are no sponsoring agencies or organizations connected to the project.

Conflict of Interest

There are no known or potential conflict of interest by the thesis student researcher and potential participants.

Follow up

There is no plan to contact participants for any follow-up sessions or related research. This study is for learning purposes and will not be published. Participant's research data and findings can be shared with them upon request. If they wish to do so, participants must contact the thesis student researcher (Shayla Pham, and provide their pseudonym. Participants may request to view their own data and findings by April 1, 2021.

REB Approval for thesis students:

The University of Guelph-Humber’s Psychology Thesis I and Thesis II courses – PSYC*4210 and PSYC*4220 – have been provided a course designation by the Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning (“Humber College”) Research Ethics Board (Dr. Lydia Boyko, REB Chair, 416.675.6622 ext. 79322, with code CD-0308. The thesis student researcher’s thesis course advisor (Adam Sandford, and thesis instructor (Michelle Pompeo,, acting on behalf of the University of Guelph-Humber and Humber College, have checked the thesis project for compliance with ethical guidelines as outlined in the Tri-Council Policy Statement on Ethics and the Humber College REB prior to data collection with human participants.

January 27, 2021

Did you know that Humber has a program that provides support for tuition costs?

Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) is designed to assist employees with tuition costs and support their professional development by:

  • Making learning affordable.
  • Providing access to tuition reimbursement, up to $1,000 per year for full-time employees and $500 per year for regular part-time employees.

To learn more please visit our HROE Tuition Assistance Program website for more details.

Click here to view Humber’s Professional Development Policy.

Apart from this Tuition Assistance Program (TAP), there are many more provisions available for you to advance your professional development. 

To learn more about these, see our Employee Professional Development at a Glance for an overview of our professional development programs.

Have questions? Email us at

January 26, 2021
Jacqueline Anderson
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

In order to facilitate critical learning outcomes through in-person classes, Humber College has scheduled additional labs and classes on evenings and weekends. As Humber faculty or staff who will be engaging with learners during evenings and weekends, you may become aware of a learner’s need for urgent physical or mental health supports.

If a learner needs urgent mental or physical health supports during evening or weekend classes or activities:

  • Determine if the student poses a safety concern to themselves or others (you can do this by asking questions and making observations), use the Student Wellness and Accessibility Center’s (SWAC) yellow folder or visit the SWAC website for support with what questions to ask.
    • If NO, and the learner is responsive to your desire to help/support them. Some resources for support are:
      • Good-2-Talk (1.866.925.5454)
      • Humber Student Wellness & Accessibility Centre (
    • If YES, contact public safety/security at ext. 4000 or call 9-1-1 if the learner may require immediate assistance*
  • Follow up with an email to:
    • Your associate dean letting them know what steps you have taken, and
    • To the SWAC at to ensure additional support is coordinated.

If a learner needs urgent physical/medical health supports during evening or weekend:

  • Ensure that the learner is safe and that you have done what you can to make them comfortable
  • Contact public safety/security at ext. 4000 or 9-1-1 if the learner may require immediate assistance*
  • Follow departmental protocols in terms of notification and response

Access to a wide range of student support services is available to both in-person and remote learners by referring students to services directly or through the Student Success and Engagement webpage at


Humber Security Staff are Emergency First Aid trained with AED and Naloxone certification are onsite 24/7/365. If the situation is non-life threatening, calling ext. 4000 to reach the Security Operations Control Centre (SOCC) is a recommended first step. The SOCC can connect with 9-1-1 if the situation escalates. If 9-1-1 is called from a Humber internal phone, the SOCC is automatically connected to the call and will support the emergency services (Fire, Ambulance, etc.) with the closest campus entry point to the person in need. If 9-1-1 is called from a personal mobile device, please call ext. 4000 afterwards to inform the SOCC so they can support the arrival of emergency services.

January 26, 2021
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Map of temporary road closure at Westmore Dr.

As part of the Finch West Light Rail Transit (LRT) Project, crews are connecting a new sanitary sewer at the intersection of Westmore Dr. and Humber College Blvd. The intersection will be closed for three days to safely perform the work.

The closure will take place on January 27, 2021 and last for approximately three (3) days.

January 25, 2021

If you missed the President's Town Hall on Wednesday, January 20, the session is now available online.

To access the session, click here

January 25, 2021
Nicole Tonus-Conti

Do you have a research project that needs to be completed this summer? Are you looking for someone who can assist you with:

  • Data collection, research design, information retrieval
  • Designing and implementing research projects for international or domestic populations
  • Qualitative and quantitative data collection, analysis and interpretation
  • Project management, proposal writing, and literature reviews

Our highly qualified Research Analyst graduate students are available full time from May through to July to assist you with your project.

For more information, please contact Nicole Tonus-Conti at x75476 or
