
June 25, 2020
Christina Alcena (she/her)

The Orientation Team within Student Success and Engagement (SSE) has been working hard to develop an innovative and responsive on-line product that will support and inform our students for the Fall term.  

We wanted to reach out to members of the Humber Community to provide important updates and information regarding Fall Orientation 2020. Below is a summary of what Fall Orientation will look like:

  • Fall Orientation will be fully online. We have applied lessons from our Spring Orientation, which was our first foray into a fully on-line program (we are sure you can all relate):
  • Monday, August 24 we will launch online orientation in two parts:

a) Our Orientation website: a hub/resource for students, including pre-recorded video workshops, wayfinding information on how to navigate Humber’s website, links to CTL tool kits and other key information.

b) An Orientation Blackboard module will launch which will further strengthen students’ knowledge of supports/resources that are available to help them succeed in their new journey at Humber.  

  • Tuesday, September 1 – Thursday, September 3 we will host Academic Orientation which will consist of Meet Your Faculty sessions. Students will sign up online on the Orientation website and each Meet Your Faculty Session will be conducted through a Teams Meeting. The Orientation Team will provide all students and faculty with a Teams link to use for their session, an Orientation Volunteer to introduce the session and take attendance as well as some best practice/Teams guidelines for Faculty to run their session.  
    • Our opening ceremony format will be revamped to be a welcome video that highlights student voices and the strength in our equity and diversity at Humber. This will be featured on our website along with the Blackboard modules. 
  • September 8 – September 30 Orientation will offer students a welcome month calendar of events through collaboration with campus partners and great interactive social media contests.  

Through our Spring Orientation and Re-Orientation experiences, we have found students value space where they can express their anxiety about the struggles they are facing personally, along with being fully or almost fully on-line, to student leaders/student staff. 

  • In response, we have increased opportunities to connect to trained peers and created original blackboard modules to address these issues.  

We have also heard the desire for student facing communication and programming, along with a focus on equity in light of conditions and events occurring in our local and global communities. 

  • We are responding to this need by planning all our Orientation staff training and student programming through an anti-oppressive lens.

Planning also includes digital swag for students, a welcome month of events - instead of just four days, and an opportunity to access recorded programming at any time through our website. We are continually reviewing what other institutions are planning and creating, sharing best practice and canvasing our students to ensure we are supporting them to the best of our ability. The landscape changes weekly, if not daily and we have tried to position ourselves to be both pro-active in our planning as well as responsive to new needs as they arise.   

We appreciate everyone’s continued patience and support as we continue to roll out our revamped Orientation and look forward to connecting with you all further with more details shortly. 


Christina Alcena (she/her)
Manager, Equity & Student Life
Kimberly Daniels (she/her)
Orientation & Student Life Programs Coordinator 
June 25, 2020
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Check out the official newsletter of Humber's Teaching + Learning Team here.

June 25, 2020

The following is the first of a series from Humber leadership on the great work being done by each of the EDI working groups. This issue is focused on the work of the Curriculum & Programs working group. The next issue will focus on the work aimed at staffing, hiring and training on EDI.

Equity is a core value at Humber. We want each member of our community to feel that Humber campuses are welcoming and safe places where they can succeed, and where they belong. We know we have work to do to reach this goal. That includes looking at the composition of our curriculum, how our employees reflect our student body, and behaviours inside and outside the classroom.

With the introduction of our Strategic Plan in 2018, we created a dedicated Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Taskforce. The Taskforce comprises approximately 50 members, including students, faculty, support staff, administrators, community organizations, industry partners and alumni. The Taskforce is working with the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity and the Indigenous Education and Engagement department to develop a college-wide EDI framework to shape the institution’s policies and practices, and support the advancement of inclusion throughout Humber.

Over the past weeks, members of the Humber community have reached out to our Faculties seeking information about the steps we are taking to ensure our curriculum reflects our values.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, including anti-racism education, is a priority for inclusion in all programs, and a key mindset of the Humber Learning Outcomes. Mindsets are worldviews that are crucial to the well-being and prosperity of individuals and communities. As values, they inform how we approach challenging situations and interact with each other. Additionally, one the Taskforce deliverables is to embed EDI and Indigenous ways of being, knowing and doing (IWBKD) in the curriculum and programs at Humber.

We want to share with you the steps identified by the Taskforce’s Curriculum & Programs Working Group that we are taking to embed EDI and IWBKD in Humber’s curriculum and programs:

  1. Embed EDI and IWBKD into course outlines in academic programs
  2. Develop and implement a three-phase EDI curriculum implementation plan
  3. Develop and implement an EDI and IWBKD quality assurance protocol for program review processes
  4. Develop and facilitate an EDI and IWBKD Community of Practice and shared collection of resources
  5. Build EDI and IWBKD capacity in Faculty, Academic Division, Teaching and Learning Support, Libraries and Program Planning, Renewal & Development

People also want to know more about our faculty training and hiring practices. One of the goals of our Strategic Plan is to increase the diversity of our faculty and staff to provide our students with role models and mentors that reflect their diverse backgrounds and experiences. There are many activities underway in support of this, including: the reestablishment of the college’s Employment Equity Program; a review of our hiring practices; and the development of EDI training for managers and hiring committees.

A number of departments, including the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity, Indigenous Education and Engagement, Teaching and Learning and Student Success and Engagement continue to offer robust EDI-related training and education for employees and students. We are working on creating a single calendar for upcoming workshops and training sessions to make it easier for our community to find information and engage with these opportunities.

Across our six Faculties, we are committed to cultivating rich learning environments grounded in the fundamental values of equity, respect and inclusion. We want Humber to be rich in diversity of thought and identity and for our students to feel that they are supported and can achieve their potential.



Laurie Rancourt
Senior Vice-President, Academic
Lori Diduch
Vice-President, Human Resources & Organizational Effectiveness
June 25, 2020
Shani Ocquaye
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The EDI Taskforce invites your feedback

Please review the attached work plans.

The Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning (Humber College) has identified as its Strategic Priority #7 under Pillar #3, Healthy and Inclusive Community, to continue to build a diverse and inclusive community of exceptional students, faculty and staff. The specific supporting action is to establish and implement an institutional framework and strategy for equity, diversity and inclusion that addresses the needs of both students and employees.

An EDI Taskforce comprising of students, faculty, support and administration staff, alumni, community and industry partners was created to lead this initiative. The EDI Framework will address the following four (4) program areas: 

  1. Access & Equity: Students and Employees
  2. Curriculum and Programs
  3. Campus Culture
  4. College-wide Communication and Engagement Strategy

We invite members of the College to review the EDI Taskforce’s draft objectives and activities for all program areas and provide their feedback.

Thank you for submitting your feedback to by June 30, 2020.

June 25, 2020

Effective June 29, 2020 PARAGON Security Services will be taking over at all Humber and Seneca locations where uniformed security is present. PARAGON is one of the largest security service company and provides similar services to many post-secondary institutions.

This is the first sourcing project as part of the Humber-Seneca Polytechnic Partnership. Both organizations leveraged each other’s expertise and experience to come to a consensus on the best new provider.

As part of this change, there will be new uniforms along with introducing new patrol cars. All existing guard personnel have agreed to transition to PARAGON Security Services.  

The Humber-Seneca Polytechnic Partnership (HSPP) promotes co-operation and collaboration between Humber and Seneca while enhancing and expanding learning opportunities for students at both institutions.

Leveraging combined strengths as providers of comprehensive polytechnic education, the work between Humber and Seneca provides broader options and greater access to world-class education.


Sanjay Puri
Vice-President, Administration & CFO

June 24, 2020
Casey Norris
Quarantots Kids' Art Call

Quarantots – Kids Creating Artwork for Seniors and Essential Workers

Humber Galleries is excited to announce our new call for artwork: #Quarantots!

We love getting to see works from creators of all ages everyday and now we want to see artwork from a super special group of creators – kids!

Each Monday, we'll be posting a special weekly theme on our social media channels that we want to see all sorts of artwork about. Every Friday, we'll be posting some of our favourites from the week on our social media and we'll be creating a special online gallery for each theme for everyone to see the artworks that come in.

These artworks won’t just be online though! We want to bring some colour and positivity to the residents and front-line workers at long-term care homes. We’ve partnered with a few long-term care homes around Toronto that are beyond excited to receive some kids’ art that they can display. Let’s help bring more creativity and positivity and show them we are thinking of them! 

Check out or @Humbergalleries on social media for more info on how to get involved.

June 23, 2020

On Tuesday, June 23, in recognition of the National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism, flags will be flown at half-mast.

June 23, 2020

Over the past weeks, the COVID-19 Resuming On-campus Operations Steering Committee and its subcommittees have been focused on identifying and assessing risks, and working to ensure that college-wide guidance is established for our reopening of campus. Here is an update on the Committee’s work.

Last week, the college announced that as part of the provincial government’s plan for the gradual and safe resumption of in-person instruction at post-secondary institutions, some of our facilities will reopen beginning July 6. To prepare for that, the Steering Committee is working with the Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness, Faculty of Applied Science & Technology and Education & Training Solutions to support the delivery of hands-on education in July and August to a small group of students in select programs. This includes protocols to ensure physical distancing during course delivery, enhanced daily cleaning and the appropriate use of screening and PPE.

A few weeks ago, a list of key operational principles was shared to help Faculties and departments as they develop and refine plans for the remainder of the Summer term and for Fall 2020. To ensure consistency in approach, a COVID-19 planning template for Faculties and departments has been developed. It is now being piloted by the areas most involved with our on-campus activity this summer. We want to learn from their experience with using the tool and we plan to provide the template to all areas the week of June 29. Other resources in development include training/orientation materials for students and employees returning to campus and guides for managers to help them determine requirements for employees to be on campus to complete their work.

Members of the Steering Committee have also been regularly meeting with the site Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees and the leadership of our two unions to provide updates and discuss the planning.

The health and safety of our community is a shared responsibility and our top priority. We will continue to keep you updated on the work of the Steering Committee and the college-wide approaches we will be taking to ensure everyone’s health and safety on campus.


Gina Antonacci and Angelo Presta
COVID-19 Resuming On-campus Operations Steering Committee




June 22, 2020
Shani Ocquaye
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning (Humber College) has identified as its Strategic Priority #7 under Pillar #3, Healthy and Inclusive Community, to continue to build a diverse and inclusive community of exceptional students, faculty and staff. The specific supporting action is to establish and implement an institutional framework and strategy for equity, diversity and inclusion that addresses the needs of both students and employees.

An EDI Taskforce comprising of students, faculty, support and administration staff, alumni, community and industry partners was created to lead this initiative. This Institutional EDI Framework and Strategy will address the following four (4) program areas: 

  1. Access & Equity: Students and Employees
  2. Curriculum and Programs
  3. Campus Culture
  4. College-wide Communication and Engagement Strategy

We invite members of the College to review the EDI Taskforce’s draft objectives for all program areas and provide their feedback.

Thank you for submitting your feedback to by June 30, 2020.

June 19, 2020

I am so proud to announce that Professor Lesley Stoltz (BN Nursing) successfully defended her PhD, on June 11, 2020. Dr. Stoltz defended her doctoral work at Western University, under the supervision of Dr. Mary-Anne Andrusyszyn. The particulars of her dissertation and committee membership outlined below.

Title: Exploring Mental Health, Physical Health, And Affective Commitment In Acute Care Oncology Nurses In Ontario
Supervisor: Dr. Mary-Anne Andrusyszyn
Committee Members: Drs. Carol Wong, Barbara Pesut (UBC) and Yolanda Babenko-Mould
External Examiner: Dr. Joan Wagner (U of Regina)
Internal Examiner: Dr. Tracey Adams (Sociology)
Nursing Examiners: Drs. Mickey Kerr and Yolanda-Babenko Mould
Examination Chair: Dr. Nadine Watham (FIMS)

Please join me in congratulating Lesley on this exceptional accomplishment.


Jason Powell RN., BScN., MScN., Ph.D. 
Senior Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness
