
June 5, 2020
Jamie Even, Internship Coordinator

The proposed delivery of our Fitness and Health Promotion program in Fall 2020 will be online/in-person, which will impact the delivery of Student Personal Training. This may involve training remotely-virtually to follow protocols for physical distancing due to COVID-19 via the options below:

  • Option 1: Live stream via a service such as Zoom or Skype, or
  • Option 2: "Homework-style" exercise program that you can complete on your own at home, or
  • Option 3: A combination of Option 1 and 2

Student Personal Training will be offered FREE OF CHARGE. The fee of $75.00 will be waived for the Fall Semester 2020 to consider the commitment required. 

To register for this program, please click here.

Participants must be able to commit to the program from September to December 2020. Part of the Student Trainer’s grade is contingent on the completion of the program training sessions and evaluations in the course.

Program components include:
(subject to change due to COVID-19)

  • A health screening and goal setting session
  • Initial and final fitness assessment
  • Development of a workout program specifically for you
  • Two weekly student personal training sessions for one hour each (20 sessions total)
  • Duration of program is 10 weeks
  • Start date would be September
  • Student trainers contact their assigned clients during week 3-4 of the semester to schedule initial consultations

Please note:

Student Trainer availability depends on student course enrollment. Registration does not guarantee a trainer for the semester. Wait listed participants will be notified. If the Student Personal Training program is offered on-campus, it is only available at the North Campus. Student Trainers complete training sessions with their assigned participants as part of the On-Campus Internship Course in the Fitness and Health Promotion diploma program at Humber College.

Thank you for your interest and supporting this program.


Jamie Even
Internship Coordinator
Fitness and Health Promotion, Wellness Coaching, Workplace Health and Wellness

June 5, 2020
Adam Benn
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrust the global community into a state of crisis. Research has demonstrated that during crises of pandemic scale, equity-seeking groups are disproportionately impacted (Ruhee Ismail-Teja, 2020). This includes lower-income earners, racialized peoples and women. These groups are also overrepresented in what have been deemed essential or “frontline” roles. Similarly, evidence demonstrates that during periods of stress, individuals utilize biased decision-making processes. Individuals and groups are more likely to neglect using an EDI lens when experiencing a stressful situation.

Partington (2020) argues that “EDI is a mindset: a way of thinking, speaking, acting and planning that can be continually improved. It is not a supplementary program that can be turned on when convenient and turned off when challenging.” Recognizing that the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affects equity-seeking groups, and given that bias enters into our decision-making during periods of stress, this is not the time to put EDI aside. In fact, EDI must be a top priority as we navigate this turbulent time.

As a Humber employee, what strategies can be employed to ensure that Humber continues to be an equitable, diverse and inclusive space—a space that enables feelings of belonging?

  1.  Address all instances of harassment and discrimination, including harassment in virtual environments.

Humber’s Human Rights Policy includes coverage of incidents of discrimination and harassment that occur both on and off campus, which affect Humber’s learning, working and living environments. Members of the College community have the responsibility to foster a climate of understanding and mutual respect for the dignity and rights of each individual and to discourage, prevent, and report discrimination and harassment by others. This includes taking specific action(s) to ensure the virtual environment is free of all racist, misogynistic or vulgar content.

  1. Encourage students to come forward and speak to you about the barriers they may be experiencing.

Humber’s Accessibility Policy states: “It is the College’s goal to create a community that is inclusive of all persons and supports all members of the community in an equitable manner.” Recognize that COVID-19 has disproportionately affected women, black communities, racialized communities, people with disabilities, immigrant communities, the LGBT2SQ+ community and Indigenous communities. Staff and students from these communities may be struggling. It can be challenging to understand the needs of individuals from these communities, as they are unique and complex. However, staff should be in the habit of helping create an environment where individuals are able to come forward and share some of the barriers they are experiencing.

  1. Prioritize equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility as you redesign courses and course material for suitability in a virtual environment.

Accessible education is a key pillar in Humber’s Strategic Plan, and creating inclusive courses and learning environments that are accessible to all of our diverse learners is essential to an effective teaching practice. Build your courses and programs with accessibility and EDI as a top priority, rather than an “add on.” This might mean altering typical formats for class sessions/program delivery.

For more information, see: Humber’s Human Rights Policy


Ismail-Teja, R. (2020). Issue 25: COVID-19 is the ‘Great Unequalizer’. In A. Potter, C. Reboul and P. Sim (Eds.), Policy for Pandemics.

Partington, J. (2020). “A Mindset, Not a Program: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the Time of COVID-19.” Academica Forum.

At a Glance

In Toronto, preliminary findings show “people in areas that have the highest proportion of lower income earners or areas that have the highest proportion of recent immigrants and high unemployment rates are experiencing higher rates of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations” (Dr. Devilla, NOW magazine, May 5).

“Racialized populations, in particular black populations, are having the worst experiences in the healthcare system” (Massaquoi, from “Racial Bias Reaches Tipping Point in Canada’s Healthcare System,” CityNews).


“If we don’t understand what health experiences racialized communities are having, we’re not going to be able to treat people effectively” (Massaquoi, from “Racial Bias Reaches Tipping Point in Canada’s Healthcare System,” CityNews).


June 5, 2020
Anureet Jauhal

Humber FAST Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) gives back to the industry by offering Covid-19 Awareness training. 

Ontario and other provinces across Canada are gradually relaxing physical distancing and other control measures to allow the corporation to reopen for business. However, amidst all the information and misinformation circulating, management needs to know the correct information to put the provision in place to provide a safe working environment for their employees.

On May 28, Humber College FAST PaCE offered a free three-hour COVID-19 awareness session to assist companies during this transition. This awareness session provided guidance on occupational health and safety and public health and infection control issues during this pandemic.

Using credible guidance and materials produced by the Ministry of Labour, Public Health Ontario and Ontario Chamber of Commerce, our Faculty experts in Infection Prevention and Control provided clear and concise information and guidance to 10 of our industry partners. 

Prior to the workshop, a detailed needs assessment was conducted with each organization so as to ensure content of the workshop was aligned to their specific needs.

Fact sheets are also being provided to each of the participants to which will contain quick tips and guidance in key areas.

Feedback from our industry partners has been extremely positive:

"You only know so much from the news, but hearing it from an expert in the field makes it reassuring and gives a sense of comfort." – Clair Formasa, Studio CK  

"It was a very interesting and informative session” and “The expertise shared by the facilitators was very helpful” – Maria Vicuna, FESTO

June 5, 2020
Falisha Rowe
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Deadline to apply: EXTENDED to June 8, 2020

Email completed forms to:


Celebrate and recognize the great work that your colleagues are doing! Nominate them for the Innovation of the Year Award 2020.


The purpose of the Innovation of the Year Awards is to recognize College employees who have designed and implemented a significant innovation that positively impacts the learning of students in the College.


All employee groups (full and part-time faculty, administrators and support staff) are eligible for nomination.


Criteria to be used for judging the merit of an innovation and its impact on students’ learning are:

  • Creativity – The selected innovation will be as original as possible or be a unique adaptation of an existing program, process or concept.
  • Effectiveness – There is evidence that the innovation leads to a better process for accomplishing a task(s).
  • Replication – The significant components of the innovation selected can be replicated in other institutions with a minimum of difficulty. The description of the program will include any conditions necessary for replication.
  • Timeliness – Innovation will not be more than five years old in the institution, but it must have been in existence long enough to have been tested.
  • Currency – There is evidence that the innovation is current in content and adaptive to technological applications as appropriate.
  • Collaboration – The innovation may demonstrate that a considerable collaboration effort has occurred between faculty/or college teams.
  • Quality – Students and/or staff agree that the innovation increases quality in the course program, office or institution. Evidence of quality may include student ratings or letters of support for colleagues.

The Innovation must have a positive impact on students’ learning.

June 5, 2020

Phishing scams occur when cyber criminals try to extract information, login credentials and even money from you by impersonating real people and organizations through email, phone calls, text messages, and social media. These may seem silly and obvious, but the fact is, they work. Over 93% of all malicious data breaches in an organization come from scams that target people. To support you, we would like to share some simple tips/advice to help you identify a phishing email. 

There is a sense of urgency 

  • Phishing emails try to compromise your thinking by creating a sense of fear or urgency. This is why you see so many emails about losing account access, data and money. 
  • Stay calm and verify if the email is real or fake before acting. 

Please contact the I.T. Support Centre if you experience any issues.
416.675.6622 x8888 |
A212 (Lakeshore) or NX210 (North) 

IT Security Team

June 4, 2020
Silver Linings News Promotional Image

Silver Linings News is on a mission to find, collect and share good news stories and bright spots along the way in the fight against COVID-19. 


Each week, student content creators develop or curate content that is featured on a multimedia portal where people can find positive news to offset the often heavy COVID-19 related coverage.


Silver Linings News is a multi-disciplinary, student-driven project supported by the Office of Applied Research & Innovation and in collaboration with the Faculty of Media & Creative Arts. 


For your daily dose of positivity, check out, @silverliningsnews on Instagram or @silverliningsca on Twitter.

June 4, 2020
Maureen Martin-Edey
Call on Teams

The Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness (HROE) - Learning and Development team is pleased to provide another edition of ‘Healthy Work From Home Resources’ containing information, videos and resources for all employees. In this edition, there are resources to assist with your emotional and physical well-being and financial wellness, along with more helpful tips on home schooling when there are competing priorities with your own work.

Healthy Work from Home Resources

This week’s LinkedIn Learning courses are focused on Embracing Unexpected Change, Communicating Within Teams and  Leadership - Practical Skills. 

Our SkillSoft E-learning courses are still open for registration and are available to all Humber employees. Check out the links below:

  1. LinkedIn Courses
  2. SkillSoft E-learning Courses

If you have any recommendations to add to the ‘Healthy Working from Home Resources’ page, please e-mail the Organizational Effectiveness team at

Thank you!

June 4, 2020

I am very pleased to announce that starting on Monday, June 1, Ruth Butlin has joined Humber as Director, Enterprise Applications. In this role, Ruth is responsible for supporting Humber’s enterprise applications including business analysis, enterprise solutions management, and enterprise technology services.

Ruth is joining Humber from the University of Guelph where she was the Director, Enterprise Applications in the Computing & Communications Services division. Ruth brings more than 23 years of experience working in technology services supporting higher-education institutions including the University of Guelph and Queen’s University. Recently, Ruth has led planning for reinvestments in cloud-based ERP systems at the University of Guelph including an update to the student information system, an HR transformation initiative and new approaches to data management and reporting.

In addition to her role as an administrator, Ruth is engaged in the academic community. For the Winter 2020 term, Ruth was a sessional instructor at the University of Guelph-Humber in the Media Studies program and is developing courses for Fanshawe College in the Business Information Architecture program.

Ruth holds a Masters of Business Administration degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management from the University of Guelph and a Business Administration (Information Technology) Diploma from St. Lawrence College.

Please join me in welcoming Ruth to the Humber community.


Warm regards,

Scott R. Briggs
Chief Information Officer

June 3, 2020
Casey Norris

Quarantots – Kids Creating Artwork for Seniors and Essential Workers

Humber Galleries is excited to announce our new call for artwork: #Quarantots!

We love getting to see works from creators of all ages everyday and now we want to see artwork from a super special group of creators – kids!

Each Monday, we'll be posting a special weekly theme on our social media channels that we want to see all sorts of artwork about. Every Friday, we'll be posting some of our favourites from the week on our social media and we'll be creating a special online gallery for each theme for everyone to see the artworks that come in.

These artworks won’t just be online though! We want to bring some colour and positivity to the residents and front-line workers at long-term care homes. We’ve partnered with a few long-term care homes around Toronto that are beyond excited to receive some kids’ art that they can display. Let’s help bring more creativity and positivity and show them we are thinking of them! 

Check out or @Humbergalleries on social media for more info on how to get involved.

June 3, 2020
Aliya Dalfen

We welcome you to explore the online Sustainability Education Research Guide, which offers key research tools and resources. Each section defines and highlights important topics in sustainability including the Sustainable Development Goals, climate crisis, sustainable building, sustainable cultures and communities, ethical purchasing and more! 

This guide provides a curated list of new and featured Sustainability-related internet and library resources such as: 

  • Key web-links 
  • Streaming videos 
  • Books and e-books 
  • Library databases 
  • Journal subscriptions 
  • Featured topics - updated annually! 

We encourage faculty to use this guide as a tool for online learning, student assignments and course development. If you wish to link the Sustainability Education Research Guide to Blackboard, please contact librarian Aliya Dalfen for assistance. 

For content additions and further questions, please contact or
