
January 7, 2021

After five years of work as an academic administrator, Dr. Andrew Scott has decided to return to his first love: teaching in Humber’s Bachelor of Music program. As the new program co-ordinator, Andrew will focus on academic supports for the Faculty of Media & Creative Arts’ largest degree, as well as ongoing curriculum development to ensure that Humber better meets the evolving needs of its music students. His priority for the Winter 2021 semester will be to create pathways between Humber’s music offerings to support the music ecosystem and reinforce the Humber Music brand of excellence at all levels of music education.

To ensure a smooth transition, Heather Lowry will move from her role as Associate Dean of Interaction Design (IDC) to Associate Dean of Music & Fine Arts (MFA). Heather has over eight years of experience in academic administration, seven of which included managing the three fine arts programs within MFA.She will continue to act as Associate Dean to the IDC programs until a replacement is hired.

Samantha Araza will continue to support Heather, moving with her to the MFA cluster, while Marsha Duggan will bring her considerable knowledge of college operations to IDC. Samantha and Marsha will work closely with Heather to prioritize faculty engagement and student success through this process.

Hannah Burgé Luviano will continue to assist students and faculty as Program Manager, focusing on equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging. She will work directly with Guillermo Acosta to develop and implement the Faculty’s EDI strategic plan. 

Please join me in welcoming Andy, Heather, Hannah, Samantha and Marsha to their new roles and thanking them for their hard work and continued leadership.


Guillermo Acosta
Senior Dean, Faculty of Media & Creative Arts

January 7, 2021
Falisha Rowe
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Digital Documents Accessibility Training (DDAT) certificate program provides participants with the ability to recognize the different legislation and guidelines related to accessibility and apply those guidelines to digital content and documents. You will learn the fundamentals of creating accessible digital content and documents, and modifying inaccessible content to comply with accessibility standards. As well, you will be introduced to the use of accessibility checkers in PowerPoint, Word and Acrobat Pro and the different features in these software applications to make documents accessible.

Note: Registration is restricted to current Humber employees only. View the attached flyer for more information.

Register online

January 7, 2021

It is with mixed emotions that I share that Heidi Marsh has accepted an exciting new role as Director of Faculty Development and Academic Technology at George Brown College.

Heidi started at Humber in 2015 as Director, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in the Centre for Teaching and Learning, where she led the development of Humber’s SoTL strategy focusing on evolving the knowledge and practice of teaching and learning within Humber and across the sector. Under Heidi’s leadership, Humber has contributed to the sector through numerous SoTL research projects, including the design of 21st century learning spaces, the efficacy of virtual reality simulations, the impact of educational technology, such as real-time polling tools, and the assessment of sustainability literacy.

In addition to her leadership of the SoTL portfolio, Heidi has also headed Humber Press, re-launching a new podcast this month, publishing a book on the future of and role of Polytechnics in Ontario, and launching the Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE).

In 2019, Heidi took on the role of acting Director, Teaching and Learning where she has provided exceptional leadership, notably through the challenges of the pandemic. Heidi collaborated with the Innovative Learning teams on developing Humber’s 10-Step Process, supporting faculty to rapidly and successfully move courses from a face-to-face to virtual delivery. Heidi has worked tirelessly in the past months to ensure that Humber faculty have had the necessary tools to transition their teaching online in ways that support student success.

Across Humber, Heidi has become known for her thoughtful and knowledgeable contributions across a variety of areas, and for her collaborative leadership approach. Some of her accomplishments include the redesign of Humber’s flexible, collaborative learning spaces, an institution-wide investigation on academic misconduct at Humber, the Cutting EDge initiative, a UDL pilot project in partnership with ALS, and activity within the Global Polytechnic Alliance and Humber-Seneca Strategic Partnership.

Heidi will be with us until January 22. As part of the transition plan, I am pleased to announce that Lara McInnis will serve in an acting capacity while we undergo the search for Heidi’s replacement in the coming weeks.

Heidi will be missed by many here at Humber, including myself. Please join me in congratulating Heidi and wishing her continued success.


Vera Beletzan
Senior Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences and Innovative Learning

January 7, 2021
Karina Butzek-Morris
Did you find Humber Love?

Are you a Humber grad? Did you meet your significant other at Humber? If this sounds like you or someone you know, we want to hear about it!

Be a part of our 2021 Valentine's Day #HumberLove feature. Share your romance, just like many other alumni who found love at Humber. Tell us your story at

January 7, 2021
Falisha Rowe
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Inclusive Curricular Design Certificate (ICDC) explores how the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework can guide the creation of robust and accessible learning experiences for all students. The principles of UDL are founded in equity, collaboration, flexibility and accountability, and encourage a proactive, skill-building approach to course design that fosters the development of expert learners. Participants will apply these principles to ensure that the range of student diversities, abilities, and needs are met through a number of teaching and learning strategies.

This program is comprised of five (5) courses.

Winter 2021 
ICDC 002 - Technology to Support Effective and Inclusive Learning
ICDC 003 - UDL: From Theory to Practice
DDAT 001 - Creating Accessible Documents 1
DDAT 002 - Creating Accessible Documents 2  

Not offered this term:
ICDC 001 909 - Fundamentals of Inclusive Design

Note: Registration is restricted to current Humber employees only.

Register here

January 6, 2021
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Humber’s Massage Therapy Program Student Clinic offers appointments to those already on campus.

Students in Humber’s three-year advanced diploma Massage Therapy program offer this service as part of their on-campus internship, which is a component of the program curriculum.

Clinic Fees:
1st appointment = Free
Students: $13.28 + 13% ($1.72) = $15.00
Other: $22.13 + 13% ($2.88) = $25.00

Treatment Plans:
For those who are new to the clinic, a massage therapy student will conduct a patient examination and create a treatment plan specific to your needs.You will be booked for a subsequent visit for the length of time recommended.

The treatment plan may be modified over time as you progress or your massage therapy student determines that changes are required.

Please note all government safety protocols have been put in place in the Massage Therapy Program Student Clinic in order to keep our staff, students and patients as safe as possible. We also require patients to be wearing a face mask while in the clinic at all times.

Clinic Hours:
Monday, January 18, 2021 – April 25, 2021
Each appointment is 45 min.

For more information, or to book an appointment, please contact:
Humber Massage Therapy Program Student Clinic
A107 - Centre for Healthy Living
416.675.6622 x5055

January 5, 2021
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

This memo outlines important dates for the upcoming year-end (as at March 31, 2021) by which pertinent information needs to be submitted to Finance and/or appropriate action needs to be taken. We need your strict adherence to these dates to complete the financial statements, external audit, Board and Ministry reporting in a stipulated and tight timeframe.


a) Procurement – Friday, January 15, 2021

It is strongly recommended that all Request for Proposal and related purchasing activities be initiated by the above date to ensure adequate time is allotted to complete the procurement cycle by year-end date. Reminder that goods must be received, and/or services must be rendered by March 31 to be recorded against the 2020-21 fiscal year budget.

b) Revenue Deferral – Friday, February 26, 2021

Requests for unearned revenue deferrals should be based on the anticipated year-end balance and must be made by submitting a Revenue Deferral Request Form to Hongliu Mo by the above date. Requests will be approved in accordance with accounting principles. The form identifies eligibility criteria.

c) New Fund, Org or Reporting Hierarchy Changes for the new fiscal year – Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Requests for new fund or org codes, or reporting hierarchy change requests should be submitted by March 23 to your Finance Liaison to be ready for the new fiscal year. This year, no new or change requests will be processed in Banner during the period from April 1 to April 30 as Finance completes year-end activities.

d) Accounts Receivable – Wednesday, March 24, 2021

All requests to invoice (external) customers for current fiscal year activities must be made by submitting a Request to Invoice form to by the above date.

e) Interdepartmental Charges – Wednesday, March 31, 2021

All interdepartmental charges (i.e. Capital Works, Telephone, Graphics etc.) or journal entry requests for the current fiscal year must be submitted by the above date.

f) Purchase Card (MasterCard) – Wednesday, March 31, 2021

All purchase card transactions must be processed and approved in Chrome River by the above date.

It is important to note that until transactions are APPROVED in Chrome River, they are not transferred to and recorded in Banner. It is imperative that transactions are approved by the deadline to ensure they are recorded in Banner against the Fiscal 2020-21 budget. Any unapproved transactions will be recorded against next year’s budget. Please visit the Finance website Chrome River training documentation for a Job Aid on How to Approve P-Card Transactions.  

g) Banner Purchase Order Receiving – Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Banner receiving is an online acknowledgement that goods ordered or services rendered have been appropriately received and vendor invoice is approved for payment. Banner receiving must be completed for goods or services received by the above date.

If Banner receiving is not complete by the above deadline, expenses will be recorded against next fiscal year’s budget.

h) Vendor Invoices – Thursday, April 1, 2021

Vendor invoices must be emailed to Accounts Payable by the above date. Please note that Banner receiving must be complete by the date specified above (g); otherwise, the expense will be charged against next fiscal year’s budget.

Note:  Purchase orders with remaining balance of $100 (or less) and all standing orders for current year will be closed as of March 31, 2021 (i.e. not rolled over into the new fiscal year).

i) Travel & Expense Claims – Thursday April 1, 2021

Travel & expense claims must be emailed to Accounts Payable by the above date, otherwise they will be processed in the next fiscal year. Please visit our website for guidance on Travel & Expense Claims and the form.

j) Prepaid Expenses

As per accounting principles, payments made in the current fiscal year that relate to goods being received or services being rendered beyond March 31, 2021 date will be automatically charged to next fiscal year’s budget.

k) Payroll Timecards and Vacation Approval (HRMS) – Wednesday, March 31, 2021

All timecards for work performed in the current fiscal year and vacation planned for up to and including March 31, 2021 must be approved by the above date.   Further communication will be provided in March from HR/Payroll.

2021-22 Fiscal Year Readiness

Please note that effective March 1, 2021, the fiscal 2021-2022 budget will be available in Banner to process procurement related activities. Purchasing will host two refresher training sessions on Friday, February 19, 2021 from 10 a..m to 12 p.m. and Thursday, February 18, 2021 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. to review items such as creating standing orders. Please email to register for one of these two sessions.



We appreciate and thank everyone in advance for their cooperation. Please contact anyone on our Finance team if you have any questions on the above, or year-end activities in general.

Quick Reference Table of Year-end Deadlines

Financial Item

Due Date

Procurement for delivery by Year-end

Friday, January 15, 2021

Revenue Deferral requests

Friday, February 26, 2021

New Fund or Org codes or Hierarchy reporting changes

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Accounts Receivable Invoicing requests

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Interdepartmental Charges requests

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Chrome River transactions processed and approved

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Banner Purchase Order Receiving

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Payroll Timecards and Vacation (HRMS) approved

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Vendor Invoices received by Accounts Payable

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Travel & Expense Claims received by Accounts Payable

Thursday, April 1, 2021

January 4, 2021

Thanks to the support and generosity of the Humber community, we were able to surpass our fundraising goal for Ernestine’s Women’s Shelter, and raised just over $2,000.

Since opening in Etobicoke in 1983, they have sheltered and supported over 10,000 women and children, and through their Outreach Program, also currently provide counselling services, crisis assistance, skills exchange initiatives, and a food bank for over 400 women and children across the GTA.

A sincere and heartfelt thank you to those who donated, helping them to continue this very important work.

Your friends in the Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness.

December 23, 2020
HRMS Change Team

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many Humber employees working from home to help minimize the spread of the virus, raising questions about how salaried employees affected by the new work conditions can claim work-space-in-the-home expenses and supplies deductions on their 2020 tax return.

In the past, one of the requirements by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is that a T2200 form, Declaration of Conditions of Employment, must be completed and signed by an employer. This form enables the employee to claim certain employment related expenses (including workspace-in-the-home expenses and supplies deductions).

On December 15, 2020, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) announced new temporary COVID-19 guidelines regarding work-space-in-the-home expenses and supplies deductions for the 2020 tax year.

Employees can claim a deduction for work-space-in-the-home expenses and supplies deductions for the period that they worked from home, if they meet all of the following criteria:

  • The employee worked from home in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, or the employer required the employee to work from home. Of note, even if the employee could have worked at their regular work location but chose to stay at home (with permission of their employer), the employee will be considered eligible for the deduction;
  • The employee worked more than 50% of the time from home for a period of at least four (4) consecutive weeks in 2020;
  • The employee has obtained a completed and signed form T2200S or form T2200 from the employer. This form is only applicable if the detailed method is used;
  • The expenses were used directly in the employee’s work during the period.

Should you be eligible to claim work-space-in-the-home expenses and supplies deductions, and wish to do so, CRA has developed two (2) methods for you to choose from.

  1. There is a Temporary Flat Rate Method, which does not require you to obtain a form T2200S from Humber. Using this method, you can claim up to a maximum of $400 in expenses. Click here to learn more about this method.
  2. There is also the Detailed Method, which will require a form T2200S from Humber. Click here to learn more about this method.

For eligible employees who would like to choose the second (2.) option for Detailed Method to claim your expenses and deductions, we will be providing more information and instructions on the process to request a form T2200S by mid-January.


Please contact the HR Support Center if you have any questions regarding this communication.

December 23, 2020

Introducing the new and improved Humber Brand website!

We are pleased to announce the launch of the new website,, which features a new interface to provide a better user experience. The brand site is your source and ultimate marketing and communications toolkit for logos, templates and other resources.

New to site:

  • Branded Teams and Zoom backgrounds for your daily video calls
  • Updated Humber at a Glance document (formerly known as Quick Facts)
  • New colours added to secondary brand colour palette (see the Brand Guides drop menu for quick reference link)
  • Interim Web Guidelines
  • Public Affairs section for all your government relations needs

Please take the time to review the refreshed and updated Brand Guide for December 2020. It highlights the WE ARE HUMBER and WE ARE FUTURE FOCUSED advertising tag lines and website development resources.

This site will always be kept up to date, so please refer back here or send your creative vendors here when using Humber logos or the Humber brand.

All the best in the new year,

Government Relations, Marketing and Communications Office
