
December 3, 2020

HROE Wellness banner

Building Connections

Connection and connectedness can mean many things to different people. As part of our Wellness Series for Employees, we are striving to help foster virtual connections between employees across Humber. We invite you to participate in some of the happenings currently underway and be sure to stay tuned for more opportunities in the coming weeks.

Virtual Book Club

Looking for another excuse to cuddle up with a good read this month? If so, light your favourite candle, put on your cozy reading socks, and join your colleagues for a virtual book club.

  • Expression of interest
    • If you are interested in hosting and/or joining an all-employee virtual book club, please email us by Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at and include “Expression of interest – Book Club” in the subject line.

Affirmation Card Making

We have partnered with the Principal's Office for another Wednesday Wellness session to promote creativity and encourage self-care.  Please visit our Healthy Work From Home Resources website to pre-register for our event scheduled on Wednesday, December 16, 2020.

As always, throughout the next few weeks, please get social with us using #HealthyHumber.

Human Resources & Organizational Effectiveness

December 3, 2020
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Last month we launched a new publication highlighting the work of the Faculty of Social and Community Services and the Principal’s Office here at Humber College. This publication shines a light on our amazing faculty and staff, and the ways in which we work with students and our community to change lives.

Thank you to all who contributed to the magazine and the work that is highlighted.


Derek Stockley
Senior Dean, Faculty of Social and Community Services
Principal, Lakeshore Campus

December 3, 2020
OneDrive Tips - Recycle Bin

When you delete a file in OneDrive it stays in the Recycle Bin, located in the menu to the left in OneDrive, for 90 days. If you decide that you did NOT want to delete it, simply click on the circle to the left of the file name and click on the Restore button at the top of the window.

Your file will restore back to its original location. After 90 days the file is gone…. forever.

Learn the basics of Microsoft 365 by signing up to 1:1 Virtual Coaching at

December 2, 2020
Valerie Busch

Each year, the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Greater Toronto Chapter honours leadership in philanthropy through its Philanthropy Awards program. These awards celebrate the outstanding contributions of time, leadership and financial support of a special group of Canadians who set new benchmarks of excellence in the acts of giving and volunteering.

This year, The Barrett Family Foundation is being honoured in the Outstanding Foundation or Philanthropic Group award category. This category recognizes a private foundation that has demonstrated outstanding commitment through financial support and through encouragement and motivation of others to take leadership roles toward philanthropy and local, national and/or international community involvement. Humber nominated The Barrett Family Foundation for their extraordinary commitment to the college as well as other organizations in Canada and abroad.

Taking the time to recognize the impact of philanthropy has never been more important than during COVID-19. While the AFP’s 2020 Philanthropy Awards celebration will be held virtually this year, it is vitally important to shine a light on the power of philanthropy to impact our community and country for the better.

The contributions of The Barrett Family Foundation, Bob Barrett and Francine Rouleau-Barrett to Humber have touched the lives of students, faculty, staff and industry partners throughout our community. Humber extends its congratulations to all recipients of the AFP 2020 Philanthropy Awards.

December 8, 2020
Laura Page
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

What's Included:

  • Up to $1,400.00 per investigator to conduct a project focused on a teaching and learning research question
  • A SoTL workbook to guide faculty through the research process
  • Ongoing guidance and support from Teaching+Learning (T+L), from research design through to data collection and analysis
  • Peer mentorship and support

Expectations of Fund Holders:

  • Attend two proposal development workshops, where you will put together your research plan with consultation and feedback from T+L staff and peers
  • Submit a proposal, complete any suggested revisions, and submit a final proposal
  • Apply for approval from the Humber Research Ethics Board (REB) for research involving human participants, where applicable
  • Attend celebratory lunch and a one-on-one data coaching session
  • Submit a final report - either a presentation at Showcase or a brief written report

Application Process:

  • All you need is a research idea and a commitment to attend two 2-hour proposal development workshops
  • Talk to your Senior Dean or Associate Dean about your idea, and ask them to sign your form
  • Submit the completed form to


  • All Faculty (full-time; part-time; partial load) are eligible to apply for the fund
  • Faculty may apply jointly to share a combined, larger amount for a collaborative project
  • The fund CANNOT support research that contributes directly to credentials
  • Faculty that complete research through the fund get priority of application for the scholarly writing boot camps and presenting their research at Teaching and Learning

Deadline to apply: Friday, January 29

December 2, 2020
Occupational Health & Safety Services

We hope you enjoyed the Ergonomics @ Home webinar hosted by PROergonomics today!  Here are some additional resources to help you work comfortably at home or in the office:

These videos and more Healthy Work From Home resources can be found by visiting the HROE website.

Don’t forget to show off your ergonomic workstation or your amazing stretches using #HealthyHumber!


Human Resources & Organizational Effectiveness



December 2, 2020

Please click here to view Humber's Centre for Entrepreneurship December Newsletter. 

December 2, 2020
Shane Bentham

Dear Faculty, Staff and Academic Partners,

As we have just begun the month of December and move closer to the end of an unprecedented Fall 2020 semester, Testing Services would like to commend you for your unwavering resolve making learning as seamless as possible during this time. The transition to the online remote environment has not been easy but we have all risen to the challenge and will continue to do so. Testing Services is pleased to share that we will be opening to help facilitate the completion of final exams for Humber and Guelph-Humber learners at both Lakeshore and North campuses from December 14 to December 22, 2020 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to support only accommodated testing needs that cannot be successfully met in the online environment.

We are opening and operating with the perspective that the majority of courses will continue to support and provide testing online, which was done through the mid-term examination period. We understand that the accommodation needs of learners has posed some challenges and it is in these unique circumstances we will be turning our focus. Those unique accommodations, may include, but are not limited to:

  • Require Reader/Scribe
  • Supervising extra breaks
  • Invigilation conflicts with assistive technology needs
  • Paper based examinations
  • Environmental/space considerations
  • Computer assisted testing not available at home

In compliance with public health guidelines, we will be operating at a maximum capacity of 10 persons in our spaces, including staff. Therefore, we will be able to serve no more than seven (7) learners at both centres at any given time.  

The request to write in Testing Services must be done in consultation with the learner’s Accessibility Consultant and professor and/or Associate Dean/Program Head prior to submitting the test to Testing Services in sufficient time.   

We require faculty to provide test submissions to us online using the Blackboard Test Referral Form or the Online Test Submission through RegisterBlast. We will not be accepting physical test submissions at either centre nor will we be allowing faculty to pick up completed tests during this time.

Faculty that have registered to our Online Submission Service will have completed exams returned to them via their Humber or UGH email address only. Remote invigilation is also available through the use of MS Teams, or other platforms, if absolutely necessary. Any questions regarding our online test submission service or remote invigilation can be forwarded to us by email at or  

In order to avoid any delays and mitigate any barriers to the testing process, we ask that faculty submit their exams/tests to Testing Services by Friday, December 11 at 2 p.m.  Learners will also be required to schedule an appointment in advance on our website. We will not be able to accommodate walk-ins during this time.

For bookings at North Testing Services, please have students click here ( and for Lakeshore Testing Services, please click here ( Please note that our booking sites will become available to students in the next day or two.  

Learners are asked to bring only the supplies or items that they need to complete testing as our lockboxes will not be made available at this time.   

We look forward to returning to campus to support our learners during this time.


Shane Bentham
Manager, Testing and Integrated Services

December 2, 2020

I am excited to announce that Dr. Theresa Knott has accepted the position of Associate Dean in the Faculty of Social and Community Services.

Theresa holds a PhD in Social Work from the University of Toronto, coupled with a Master of Social Work (University of Toronto), Bachelor of Social Work (University of Toronto) and Bachelor of Arts, Sociology (University of Toronto).

Theresa joins us with more than 15 years of experience in higher education, including roles as Professor at York University, California Lutheran University and California State University. Over the past decade she has held roles as Associate Chair and Director of Online and Off-site programs at California State University, Associate Vice-President, Academic Affairs at Trocaire College, and most recently as Associate Dean at Niagara College.

She also brings a rich clinical background to the position, including roles as Clinician at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health working in the Child and Family Unit, along with other areas of speciality.

In addition, Theresa has published in a wide range of areas from social media and gamification, to childhood sexual abuse and trauma related to fields such as paramedic and firefighting.

This description of Theresa does not appropriately capture her focus and passion for student success, innovative teaching and work aligned with the values of our Faculty. I look forward to seeing her contributions to our Humber community.

Theresa will be joining our Faculty on Monday, December 14. She will have oversight of the Child and Youth Care Stream, Social Service Worker Diploma, Bachelor of Community Development and Community and Justice Services Diploma. She will be reaching out to establish meetings with our FSCS community upon her arrival.

Please join me in welcoming Dr. Theresa Knott to the Faculty of Social and Community Services.


Derek Stockley
Senior Dean, Faculty of Social and Community Services
Principal, Lakeshore Campus


December 2, 2020
OneDrive Tips - Shared Files

Sharing and collaborating in OneDrive is a powerful way of working. Manage your shared files/folders by using the Shared feature in the menu on the left in OneDrive. Look to the top of the window to see two categories: Shared WITH you or Shared BY you.

Click on each of them to see the list of documents and perhaps review whether you still need to be sharing a document.

Learn the basics of Microsoft 365 by signing up to 1:1 Virtual Coaching at
