
August 27, 2020
Falisha Rowe
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Teaching in a Digital World Certificate (TDWC) program is designed to meet the needs of a diverse group of learners with varying degrees of teaching experience in the online and/or hybrid environment. While teaching in an online environment shares many characteristics with face-to-face teaching, it is a fundamentally different educational experience for instructors and students. The certificate is designed to develop essential online teaching competencies and engage participants as a learner, facilitator, and beginner developer.

Note: Registration is restricted to current Humber faculty only.

Register here

August 27, 2020
Falisha Rowe
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Digital Documents Accessibility Training (DDAT) certificate program provides participants with the ability to recognize the different legislation and guidelines related to accessibility and apply those guidelines to digital content and documents. You will learn the fundamentals of creating accessible digital content and documents, and modifying inaccessible content to comply with accessibility standards. As well, you will be introduced to the use of accessibility checkers in PowerPoint, Word and Acrobat Pro and the different features in these software applications to make documents accessible.

Note: Registration is restricted to current Humber employees only. View the attached flyer for more information.

Register online

August 27, 2020
Kylee Winn

96.9 Radio Humber is offering free PSAs to Humber departments for the month of September. We are able to write the script, voice and produce a full public service announcement to run on-air.  

If you are interested, please contact

August 26, 2020

As part of Humber’s commitment to keeping employees up to date about college operations and to provide you with the opportunity to ask questions and stay informed, we will be hosting a series of virtual Town Halls throughout the Fall semester.

This Fall, college-wide Town Halls will focus on Human Resources; Equity, Diversity and Inclusion; Digital Campus; Humber Global; Student Supports; overall College plans; and more.

We encourage you to participate in as many Town Halls as possible. In addition to providing you with college updates, we welcome your questions and feedback. Your input will help to develop and inform future strategic and operational decisions as we continue to implement our gradual, yet comprehensive, Return to Campus plan.

Unless otherwise indicated, Town Halls will be hosted on Microsoft Teams and registration will be required via Eventbrite. Registered participants will receive an Outlook calendar notice. Your Eventbrite confirmation email will include a link to add the event to your calendar. Information about each Town Hall will be also be provided in Communiqué or by direct email.

Below is a list of planned college-wide virtual Town Halls. Please note that dates or topics may change, and new sessions may be added. Faculties and departments may also schedule respective events. Information will be shared with employees when available.

Please contact Andrew Leopold, Director of Communications, at for questions about the Humber Virtual Town Hall Series.

Date/Time Event/Activity Host Area 
Wednesday, September 2
12:30-2 p.m.  
Human Resources Town Hall
Topics: Return to Campus, Remote Work Policy, overall updates for all employees
Register here
Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness
Thursday, September 3 
12:30-2 p.m.
Digital Campus Town Hall
Topics: Supports for online learning and virtual student services
Register here
ITS, SSE, Academic Division
Week of Sept 21
Date and time TBA
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Town Hall
Topics to follow 
Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Diversity
Date and time TBA
Humber Global Town Hall
Topics to follow
Date and time TBA
Student Services and Supports Town Hall
Topics to follow
Student Success & Engagement
Date and time TBA
Winter Semester Plans and Preparation Town Hall
Topics to follow
Humber Executive
Date and time TBA
Human Resources Town Hall
Topics to follow
Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness
August 26, 2020
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning (Humber College) has identified as its Strategic Priority #7 under Pillar #3, Healthy and Inclusive Community, to continue to build a diverse and inclusive community of exceptional students, faculty and staff. The specific supporting action is to establish and implement an institutional framework and strategy for equity, diversity and inclusion that addresses the needs of both students and employees.

An EDI Taskforce comprising of students, faculty, support and administration staff, alumni, community and industry partners was created to lead this initiative. The EDI Framework will address the following four (4) program areas and five (5) program streams:

  1. Access & Equity: Students and Employees
  2. Curriculum and Programs
  3. Campus Culture
  4. College-wide Communication and Engagement Strategy

The EDI Taskforce shared high-level draft objectives for all program areas with members of the College in June/July 2020. Many members of the College asked for detailed work plans, which were provided upon request. Thank you all for your rich and thoughtful feedback. All program areas have integrated the feedback received, where possible.

We invite members of the College to review the updated draft objectives for all program areas (see attached) and provide their feedback.

Thank you for submitting your feedback to by Friday, September 11, 2020.

August 26, 2020
Christina Alcena (she/her)
Photo of a two plants, mug, pencils, clock and laptop on a desk with the We Got You and Humber Logo. Laptop reads "Welcome to Online Orientation"

As we begin the Fall 2020 Orientation season, the Student Life Orientation Team within Student Success and Engagement invites all Humber faculty and staff to browse our new and engaging online content available for incoming students to access starting this week. We encourage you to visit our website and support us with promoting our content, programming and events to incoming students throughout the rest of August and September.

Note: Starting Mid-July, new students have been sent several e-mails pertaining to the below elements through a multitude of channels. We thank our campus partners for also spreading the message online through social media, calling campaigns, webinars and more.

Should your students have any direct questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to or Christina Alcena, Manager, Equity & Student Life ( directly.

(1) Virtual Meet Your Faculty Sessions (September 1 - September 3) - Students will have the opportunity to meet virtually with their program's Faculty on Microsoft Teams, interact with their new peers and our volunteers, and learn more about their academic expectations specific to their program. Registration required, registered students will receive their access link from our team within 24 hours.

(2) Orientation Website (Available for the entire academic year) - Supports students, families and friends with understanding specific resources available to them at Humber College.

(3) Orientation Blackboard Module (Available for the entire academic year) - Supports students with navigating Humber College's student services and resources, finding community, and more. For students who complete this module, they have the opportunity to win several prizes, including $1,000 towards their tuition.  

(4) Welcome Month Programming (September 8 - September 30) - Students can attend events throughout the month hosted by our many campus partners, access virtual workshops, download digital swag, and join our First-Year Experience (FYE) program to be matched with an upper-year mentor (students can sign-up now).

A special thank you to the dedicated Orientation Team within Equity & Student Life, including Kimberly Daniels, (Orientation & Student Life Programs Coordinator) for their creativity and leadership in the creation of our new online transition programming and content. Our team also consists of three student staff, 100+ volunteers, as well as many campus partners.

To meet our team, please view the We Got You Live series where two of our Senior Orientation Leaders were interviewed by the Life@Humber Team.

For any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to or Christina Alcena, Manager, Equity & Student Life  ( directly.

August 25, 2020
Bharat Saini
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Humber College is committed to fostering a respectful and inclusive culture in which all members of the College community study, work and live free from discrimination and harassment. To this end, it is imperative that we understand the definition of key equity terms that will enrich our capacity to prevent all forms of harassment and discrimination. Over the summer months, the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity will be providing definitions of key terms and concepts pertinent to our work in building a more inclusive College.

Key Term



Microaggressions are everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group association.[1]

Microaggressions are manifested into three forms: Microassaults, Microinsults, and Microinvalidations.

Manifestations of Microaggressions

Definitions and Examples


A microassault is an explicit racial derogations characterized primarily by a verbal or nonverbal attack meant to hurt the intended individual through name-calling, avoidant behavior, or purposeful discriminatory actions. Microassaults are most similar to what has been called “old fashioned” racism conducted on an individual level.[2]

Example: Refusal of service to racialized folks.


A microinsult is characterized by communications that convey rudeness and insensitivity and demean a person’s racial heritage or identity. Microinsults represent subtle snubs, frequently unknown to the person conveying the message, but clearly convey a hidden insulting message to the marginalized recipient.[2]

Example: Saying “Everyone can succeed in this society, if they work hard enough.”


A microinvalidation is characterized by communications that subtly exclude, negate, or nullify the psychological thoughts, feelings, or experiential reality of a marginalized person.[2]

Example: Ignore a Black employee’s contribution in meetings, while validating others who speak.

This document is available in an alternate format upon request.

[1] Sue, Derald Wing. 2010. Microaggressions in everyday life: race, gender, and sexual orientation.

[2] Sue, Derald Wing. 2010. Racial Microaggression in Everyday Life.

August 25, 2020
Sorsha Heard

The Centre for Teaching & Learning is pleased to announce the next call for applications for the Teaching Innovation Fund.

About the fund: The fund includes $1,400 per investigator and support in developing and conducting a research project about teaching and learning. There are typically two types of projects: “Build” projects, in which you develop and build a new, evidence-based teaching tool or approach, and “Impact” projects, in which you measure the impact of an innovative teaching tool or approach with your students. 

For more information and to access the application form, see the attached document. To hear from faculty that have previously conducted research with the fund, visit the CTL's YouTube channel.

The deadline for applications is Friday, September 18, 2020.

Applications may be submitted to

August 24, 2020

The Organizational Effectiveness Department announces the retirement of Maureen Martin-Edey (lovingly known as “Mo”), effective August 31, 2020.

Mo is leaving Humber after a career of 41 years, that started at the Queensway campus as an Audio Visual Technician in 1979. From this role, she moved on to other roles which included AV Technician, Secretary, Liaison Assistant, Marketing Assistant, worked with the School for Writers and School for Comedy and finally as the L&D Coordinator in OE.

Mo has an undeniable gust for life and well-being and in 1991 she became a Fitness Instructor in Athletics, leading aerobics and strength classes, and initiated a Weight Training for Women program in 1992-1994, and Yoga at Humber in 2000. She also led Pilates classes and facilitated nutritional courses.

Anyone wanting to process their Tuition Assistance refund, Scholarship refunds or register for training would certainly have interfaced with Mo. The OE Department will miss Mo’s always kind words, willingness to support in any area of need and genuine care for people.

As Mo retires, we take this opportunity to thank her for her commitment to Humber and to wish her the best in all her future activities.

You can certainly connect with Mo as she plans to continue teaching yoga flow classes, breathing/relaxation sessions and meditation for the Athletics department.

August 24, 2020

As we prepare to welcome back more staff and students to campus this Fall, the health and safety of the Humber community continues to be our top priority. Following the latest public health and government recommendations, we have put in place a range of measures to help ensure health and safety on campus.

As mentioned in last week’s message from Humber’s Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees, a mandatory employee training module has been created. All employees must complete the COVID-19 Awareness Training for Humber Employees before they physically return to campus, or by September 15, 2020, whichever comes first. The training covers the risks of COVID-19, methods of transmission, on campus safety measures, and more.

The mandatory employee training is now available on Blackboard and the instructions for accessing the training are below. If you do not have access to Blackboard, please contact Occupational Health and Safety at to make alternate arrangements. The training should take approximately one hour to complete.

If you have questions about the training or if you have concerns about health and safety, please contact your manager.

I would like to thank the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees for their support and input into the training. Health and Safety is a shared responsibility. This training, together with the Return to Campus Agreement and the daily self-assessment on the Humber Guardian App, are steps we must all take to keep ourselves and each other safe.

Thank you for adhering to the new measures we have put in place on campus to keep our community safe. Whether onsite or virtually, we welcome you back to campus this Fall.


Lori Diduch
Vice-President, Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness

COVID-19 Awareness Training for Humber Employees

To access the training on Blackboard:

  1. Go to and log in with your Humber credentials (single sign-on).
  2. On the main page under the “My Courses” Column, click on the “Employee COVID-19 Awareness Training” link.
  3. Click on “Learning Materials” on the sidebar.
    1. If the sidebar is hidden, hover the cursor over the left side margin until the “Show Course Menu” arrow appears, and click on the arrow.
  4. Click on either the image or the”COVID19 Awareness Training for Humber Employees” link above the image.
    1. If popups are blocked, click on the enable popups button or link within the popup blocked notification.

General notes:

  1. The course will be available starting August 24, 2020. Employees are required to complete the training prior to returning to campus for the fall or by September 15, 2020, whichever comes first.
  2. The training takes approximately one hour to complete. We strongly recommend that it be completed in one sitting.
  3. Recommended Browsers are the more current versions of:
    1. PCs - Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge (Chrome-based), Mozilla Firefox
    2. Macs – Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox 

Check your browser compatibility at:  

  1. For technical issues, or if an employee does not have access to Blackboard, please contact for alternate options.
