
October 2, 2019
Nancy Simms

On September 19, 2019, the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Taskforce launched the video, Call to Action on Employment Equity, at Humber’s Strategic Plan Town Hall Meeting. Employment Equity related videos is one of the many mechanisms that the EDI Taskforce will be using to illustrate senior leaderships’ commitment to increase the hiring of qualified diverse individuals at Humber.

The first video in this series titled, Call to Action on Employment Equity, features Laurie Rancourt, Senior Vice President, Academic.

To view the video, please visit Humber’s Employment Equity Program website.

On behalf of Ian Crookshank, Dean of Students, and I, deep thanks to the EDI Taskforce’s Access & Equity: Employees and Communication and Engagement Working Groups for recommending the development of this video series.

Nancy Simms M.A. ADR
Lead, EDI Taskforce
Director, Human Rights, Equity & Diversity

October 1, 2019

ENN (Employee News Network) was launched at the beginning of the school year on the new Communiqué website. It is news for employees by employees. Developed by staff from across multiple departments, this user-generated news channel is aimed at highlighting employee achievements, new initiatives, milestones and announcements.

Do you or your department have an announcement to make? Want to promote your event or initiative at Humber? Do you have good news to share? ENN is the place to do it!

All approved ENN videos will appear on the Communiqué website and selected videos will be featured in the daily newsletter. The Communications team approves all content before publication in Communiqué and on ENN.

We welcome new submissions all year round. To submit your video, go to


October 1, 2019
Marlee Greig

Et Cetera is back and you can read our first issue online! 

We covered Take Back The Night, the closure of Humber's Orangeville campus and the return of Hawks men's rugby.

You can read it online and in PDF here.

Have any campus issues you would like to see covered in Et Cetera? Is your department hosting any interesting events?

Reach out to us at or

October 1, 2019
Humber's Panopto Support Team

September was an exciting month for Panopto at Humber. It was Humber’s first September with Panopto, and we wanted to check-in with the community and share some incredible updates with you.

There are now 1,750+ users enrolled into Panopto, with a whopping 2,800+ videos uploaded. Panopto is seeing on average, 150+ unique daily content viewers, and 300+ average views during each weekday. Excellent job, Humber! The Panopto team is thrilled to see such incredible uptake.

You may be curious to see where Panopto is being used currently. Take a look at some examples below:

  • Writing Skills
  • Copyright-approved film excerpts
  • Bioscience
  • Gaming Physics
  • ENN Updates (yes, Powered by Panopto!)
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Digital Content Strategy
  • Acting for Film & Television
  • Mint Jelly (Just kidding. Workshop-goers, this one’s for you)
  • and many more!

If you haven’t hopped on board with Panopto just yet – we highly encourage you to login and discover just how easy it is to create engaging, effective videos. Login today!

Wait – what's Panopto?

Designed to help you record, edit, search, and stream curriculum videos, Panopto (Humber’s academic video streaming platform) will help you better engage your learners, and easily share content with your colleagues. Some of the world’s top academic institutions are already using Panopto, and we can’t wait for you to discover the many ways that it can help you innovate in teaching and learning.

Top things to discover on Panopto, once you login using your Humber credentials:

  1. Click the “Create” button to find out how easy it is to create and upload a quick, accessible videos using your desktop or mobile device.
  2. Use the “Browse” functionality to discover videos that have already been made available for you to use from our early users.
  3. Find out just how powerful Panopto’s “Smart Search” really is (search names, text on PowerPoints, spoken word, and more…)
  4. Activate one of the many Blackboard Integrations within your course (mashups, portals, and more!)
  5. Create your very first “Video Quiz” and watch the results flow into Blackboard’s Grade Centre.
  6. Panopto’s redesigned mobile video player enhances support for learners who are on-the-go. Learners may now, from their phone: navigate the video’s table of contents, search within a video, take notes, partake in discussion, and rate the video.


Workshops and on-demand training options are available to all faculty and staff throughout Fall 2019. Visit the newly-developed events calendar for a current listing, or keep an eye out on the Communiqué for further updates.

If you have any questions about Panopto at Humber, or have any feedback or success stories, feel free to reach out to Humber’s Panopto Support Team, who will be happy to assist.


Your friendly Panopto administrators
Darren Richards & Lisa DiBarbora

*Panopto is proudly supported by the Teaching & Learning Support and Humber Libraries

September 30, 2019

More than 85% of faculty who booked an instructional session with a librarian say their students did better on their assignments.*

Humber Libraries’ Research and Digital Literacy Instruction is designed to teach students the skills they need to succeed in their academic and career pursuits. Our Research and Digital Literacy Instruction service menu showcases the sessions offered by our librarians:  

  • Examples of Research Instruction include database searching and resource evaluation. 
  • Examples of Digital Literacy Instruction include 3D printing, video production, and podcasting. 

The sessions are categorized by instruction level – foundational, developmental, and proficient – as well as by delivery method. Each session description outlines the ideal audience, the time and technology required, best practices, and student learning outcomes. 

Interested in learning more or booking a session? We invite you to visit our website or to contact your librarian

*Humber Libraries' 2019 Faculty Survey

September 30, 2019
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

This is the final week to submit your pie orders.

Pies are $15 each and come in three flavours: pumpkin, pecan and apple. 

Please submit all order forms to

Order by Friday, October 4 at 5 p.m.

September 30, 2019
Adam Benn
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Humber’s Gender Diversity Policy undergoes regular review. Regular review of the policy ensures that we reflect changes to legislation, legal decisions and strengthen our early intervention processes. Most importantly, a review of Humber's Gender Diversity Policy provides the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity with an opportunity to hear directly from you!

The Centre is inviting community feedback on the revised Gender Diversity Policy attached to this Communiqué message.

Please forward any suggestions or queries to by Friday, October 4, 2019.

September 30, 2019

College Council Highlights: September 12, 2019

The Humber College Council (HCC) held its first meeting of the 2019-20 academic year on Thursday, September 12, 2019 at the North Campus. To ensure the Humber community is informed of upcoming events, new initiatives, and important issues, the College Council reports the highlights of its meetings. For more information or to provide feedback on these highlights, please contact


Lisa Anketell [Program Development Consultant] noted that Humber and Centennial Colleges are hosting the Student Voices in Higher Education: Quality Assurance Perspectives and Practices Symposium on November 14 and 15, 2019 at the Barrett Centre for Technology Innovation. Launching the symposium will be keynote speaker Dr. Francisco Marmolejo, Lead Tertiary Education Specialist with The World Bank. Registration is now open and space is limited. For more information please visit

 Opening Remarks

Chris Whitaker [President and CEO Humber College] welcomed new and returning Humber College Council (HCC) members and thanked all for their ongoing commitment. C. Whitaker acknowledged HCC members’ roles as ambassadors in their respective divisions, and invited HCC members to share information from College Council with colleagues and to bring their feedback to College Council to facilitate a two-way flow of communication in the spirit of continuous improvement.

C. Whitaker noted that there were several government initiatives over the past year that will continue to have an impact on the College, such as the Student Choice Initiative, development of the Strategic Mandate Agreement 3 (SMA3), and changes to the funding model. It was noted that enrollment is up, including domestic enrollment, which was previously declining. The transition to a six faculty structure has taken place, and we are still working to ensure a smooth changeover for all affected.

Facilitation Session

Risa Handler [HCC chair] introduced Dave Smiderle [Consultant] who provided an overview of the facilitation session for HCC members. During the session members explored topics related to the impact and value of College Council, the type of topics that should be presented, how presenters can benefit from feedback from HCC members, the physical space of the meetings and how information is best shared with constituent groups.

Wrap-up and next steps

D. Smiderle and R. Handler thanked HCC members for their participation in the session, and noted that the feedback would be reviewed at the College Council Executive meeting. A follow-up communication will be sent to HCC members before the October meeting to inform members of any changes to the upcoming meetings resulting from feedback from the facilitation session. 

The next meeting of the College Council will be held on Thursday October 10, 2019 at the Lakeshore Campus. For meeting highlights, supporting materials, and opportunities to provide feedback please visit the College Council website.

September 30, 2019

Now open every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday | 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Join IGNITE on October 1 for the reopening of our Soup Bar in partnership with Feed it Forward and Humber College.

This pay-what-you-can service will be taking place from 11 a.m to 2 p.m in the Café LinX (North Campus, LX110).

With your support, IGNITE hopes to help reduce some of the financial stress put upon our students. 

Some soups that will be featured:

  • Chicken noodle
  • Italian wedding
  • Vegetable soup
  • Stews
  • Gazpacho (cold soup) – how fancy!

We can’t wait to see you there!

September 27, 2019

On Sunday, September 29, flags at our campuses will be lowered to half-mast to recognize Police and Peace Officers’ National Memorial Day.

On September 24, 1998 the Government of Canada officially proclaimed the last Sunday of September of every year as Police and Peace Officers’ National Memorial Day. This National Memorial Day gives Canadians an opportunity each year to formally express appreciation for the dedication of police and peace officers, which made the ultimate tragic sacrifice to keep our communities safe.

To learn more, visit
