
July 19, 2019
Megan Johnson
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Please note there will be an external film shoot taking place at Lakeshore Campus on July 22 to 25.

On July 18 and 19, there will be a crew prepping their filming areas which will include L Building on the first and second floors, as well as the exterior of L Building. 

July 22 filming will take place from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the following areas:

  • Exterior of L Building (front entrance)
  • Interior of L Building (front foyer and hallway)

They also have the following areas for their crew:

  • G Commons 
  • E109, E111 & E204
  • L1017 Community Room 

July 23 filming will take place from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. in the following areas:

  • Interior of Library
  • R146 

They also have the following areas for their crew:

  • Blue Room
  • R150 
  • G Commons
  • L1007, L1009 & L1010 
  • L1017 Community Room 

July 24 filming will take place from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the following areas:

  • Lot 1 (designated area, the parking lot will still be accessible)
  • L Commons Field
  • L Cafeteria (West side)

They also have the following areas for their crew:

  • L1007, L1009 & L1010
  • G Commons
  • L1017 Community Room

July 25 filming will take place from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. in the following areas:

  • L1017 Community Room
  • L Building Stairwell (Floor 2, Stairs C)

They also have the following areas for their crew:

  • L1007, L1008 & L1010
  • L Cafeteria (West side)

Public Safety Security representatives will be with this film crew at all times while they are on Humber property.

Please see attached PDF of Lot 1 with highlighted areas that the film crew has been booked from July 22 to 26. 

If you have any questions or concerns please let us know.


Humber Conference Services

July 18, 2019
Kathy Donaldson

Testng and Integrated Services is pleased to announce that Shane Bentham is the successful candidate for the role of Manager, Testing and Integrated Services.

Shane joined Humber Testing Services a little over a year ago as the Coordinator, Accommodated Testing. In this capacity, Shane was responsible for accommodated testing and supporting Testing Services' operations at all of our campuses.

As a graduate from York University in Political Science and Sociology with a certificate in Adult Education and Staff Training from Seneca College, Shane has more than nine years of contributing to students success in the postsecondary environment, with five of those years specifically in testing services.

While at Humber, Shane has worked closely with Accessible Learning Services as well with our Guelph-Humber partners. 

Shane playes an integral role on the Academice Integrity Committee, participating in the first semester students' We Pledge ceremony promoting academic integrity thoughout the Faculty of Health Sciences. Shane continues as mentor and ally with the BASE program facilitating their Kings Gathering workshops, helping to foster inclusion and equity among young black students around the college and broadening the reach and success of the program.

Please join me in welcoming Shane in his new role as Manager, Testing and Integrated Services 


Desta McCalla
Associate Director, Accessible Learning Services


July 18, 2019
A blooming alium forms a purple ball like a starburst, with the open red door of the Centre for Urban Ecology in the background

I’m proud to present the Humber Arboretum and Centre for Urban Ecology’s 2018–19 Annual Report, available on our website.

This report highlights our work enriching Humber College student’s education, revitalizing and nurturing our natural environment and learning spaces, and connecting our community with the natural world.

This year’s achievements are possible because of the ongoing commitment and contributions of our three founding partners—Humber College, the City of Toronto, and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority—as well as the many other partners and individuals who support our work. Our sincere thanks goes to every one of them. We are also grateful to our students and community members; it is your belief in us that inspires us to lead and create a positive future.

As you read this report, I invite you to join us in celebrating all that we have achieved together!


Alexandra (Alix) Link
Director, Humber Arboretum and Centre for Urban Ecology


Connect with the Humber Arboretum online: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Newsletter

July 18, 2019
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Promation invites you to its upcoming open house, which will showcase cutting-edge robotic additive manufacturing and automation and robotics.

Humber faculty, staff and students who attend will have the opportunity to network with government and industry bodies, including the National Research Council Canada (NRC), Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGen), Canada Makes, FedDev Ontario, Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE), the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), and other colleges and universities.

See attached poster for more details.

July 18, 2019
Taylor Oake
Donate to Senior Dean Farzad Rayegani’s Fundraiser for Our Students

Update (July 18): Farzad has surpassed $8,000 raised! To send him congratulatory messages and words of encouragement as he passed the half way mark of his Camino de Santiago journey, you can follow him on Twitter.

We are excited to announce that FAST Associate Dean Shaun Ghafari will be joining Associate Dean Carl Oliver in walking from North Campus to Lakeshore Campus in support of Farzad and our students. Carl has mapped out the route, and he will be walking Monday, July 22 at 7:30 a.m. from the Arboretum entrance. Please donate today to help Farzad reach his new goal of $9,000. For every new $1,000 milestone achieved, FAST Associate Deans will also walk from Humber North campus to Humber Lakeshore campus in support of Farzad and our students.

Update (July 11): Farzad has been making strides on his Camino journey. The Humber community has helped him surpass yet another goal of $7,000! To see how he’s doing, follow him on Twitter.

The Humber FAST Management Team has also announced that they will match the next $500 in donations from FAST faculty and staff members. We’re excited to announce that they have achieved this goal and have contributed $1,000 in total. Associate Dean Carl Oliver has announced that for every $1,000 milestone achieved over $7,000, he will walk from Humber North campus to Humber Lakeshore campus in support of Farzad and our students. Please donate today to help us raise $8,000 to support Humber students and get Carl walking alongside Farzad (in spirit)!

Update (July 4): Farzad has arrived in Spain and has officially started his journey! He has surpassed his newest goal of $6,000 and has now increased his goal to $7,000! Please donate today to support our students. 

Update (June 27): Farzad leaves next week to begin his hike – he has almost reached his new goal of $6,000! Please donate to encourage him and support our students.

Update (June 20): Senior Dean Farzad Rayegani has surpassed his fundraising goal of $5,000! Farzad is so grateful for the incredible support: “I thought I would be walking the Camino alone, but I have received so much encouragement, support and positivity already. Just like you will be cheering me on as I walk up the Pyrenees on my first day, you will also be there for our students and supporting the exciting journey they have ahead of them!” Farzad believes that together, we can reach a new goal of $6,000 for student scholarships. Please show your support and give now.

Update (June 14): Senior Dean Farzad Rayegani set out to raise $2,500 for Humber FAST student scholarships and has reached his goal in just two days! Thank you to his generous supporters. He’s increasing his goal to $5,000 to help even more Humber FAST students to make their academic dreams a reality. Please show your support and give now.

In July, Farzad Rayegani, Senior Dean of Humber’s Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology, will be hiking the Camino de Santiago, an 800 km hiking trail in northwestern Spain. Thousands of people walk the Camino de Santiago each year. The vast majority of pilgrims are on their own quests, whether they be physical, recreational or spiritual.

On his journey, Farzad will draw upon the same mental and physical resilience that Humber students display in pursuit of their academic goals. As part of his trip, he is aiming to raise $2,500 to support student scholarships in the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology.

70% of students who withdraw from their studies at Humber do so because of financial constraints. Scholarships ensure that all deserving students can complete their studies, regardless of their financial situation. A gift in the form of a scholarship not only provides students with valuable support, but also gives them the encouragement to go further than they ever thought possible.

In Farzad’s own words:

“For me, this month-long hike will be an amazing challenge, but an achievable one too. I have packed, repacked, planned and prepared, and soon I will have 30 days to follow my thoughts wherever they want to go. I will soak in the history, explore large cities and meander through fields, small towns and villages. My time will be my own and all I need to do is keep a simple rhythm of daily needs: eat, walk, sleep – putting one foot in front of the other to meet the often grueling demands of the Camino.

As Rumi said, ‘It’s your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.’

Each one of you will be with me in spirit as I make this journey, and I hope you will support our students as they embark on their demanding academic journeys as well. Buen Camino!”

Give now to help Farzad reach his goal and help students achieve an education and bright, prosperous future.


July 17, 2019
HRMS Change Team
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Important message regarding TMS retirement on July 19

Recently we shared an important communiqué in regards to the retirement of some current systems, and what this will mean for you.

This is a final reminder that the Time Management System (TMS) will be retiring on Friday, July 19, 2019, in preparation for the implementation of the new Human Resource Management System (HRMS).

The attached communications outline the actions that need to be taken before, during and after the HRMS Go-Live date of August 5, 2019.

Processes that will be impacted by system retirement on July 19, 2019:

  1. Time entry by employees and approval for employees who submit time cards

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact the HR representatives named within the attached communications.



July 17, 2019
Zareena Khan
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity invites your participation in a focus group to provide feedback on the recently revised Gender Identity Policy.

Regular review of the policy ensures that Humber's policy and procedures reflect current legislative changes and strengthens Humber’s early intervention processes. Most importantly, a review of Humber’s Gender Identity Policy provides the Centre with an opportunity to hear directly from you!

The focus groups will take place from 12 noon to 1 p.m. in B202 at the North Campus on August 7, 2019 and in L3015 at the Lakeshore Campus from 12 noon to 1 p.m. on August 8, 2019. Lunch will be provided.

To register for one of the sessions, email Zareena Khan at to confirm your attendance.

The draft Gender Identity Policy is attached.

July 17, 2019
Alexandra Link

To advance Humber College's commitment to the Okanagan Charter, new infrastructure is being built on campus to support human and environmental well-being. The Humber Arboretum Trail Project will create a new multi‐use trail that will connect Humber College's North Campus, including the Humber Arboretum, to the West Humber Recreational Trail.

Improved trail conditions will reduce erosion and improve public safety. Native tree and shrub planting will also enhance wildlife habitat and biodiversity on campus. The trail will provide better access for Humber students to natural learning spaces and increased access to health and wellness opportunities in nature for the entire Humber community.

Many thanks to the City of Toronto for funding this project and to Toronto and to Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) for their expertise in trail infrastructure. Thank you also to Humber College's Capital Development and Facilities department for their ongoing operational support for the project.

The project site is located south of Humber College's Residence buildings in the Humber Arboretum. Construction will begin this week and is anticipated to be complete by winter 2019. Restoration planting will begin in fall 2019.

July 17, 2019

Do you want to supplement your course work with additional resources? Are you looking to add content to existing student training and development sessions? Did you know that you can request a leadership skills development workshop brought to you by Student Leadership Programs?

The Workshop by Request Program allows staff and faculty to easily request leadership workshops to be facilitated in the classroom or during student training sessions by a professional staff member. Workshops will be facilitated by the Leadership Programs Coordinator and can be requested for daytime as well as some evening sessions. The standard workshop length is approximately 60-75 minutes, however, length can be adjusted within reason based on customization requests.

We are excited to collaborate with the Office of Sustainability with their training on creating a culture of sustainability and the Office of Student Conduct with their Bringing in the Bystander workshop.  

Staff and faculty can select from the list of available workshop offerings, including:

  • Goal Setting
  • Group Leadership
  • Professionalism
  • Understanding Conflict
  • Bringing in the Bystander
  • Sustainability

Not sure if the workshop fits your curriculum or training goals? Staff and faculty can also request customization of an already offered workshop in order to best meet students’ learning needs.

For more information, visit our webpage or email us at

July 17, 2019

Did you know that the Learning Resource Commons (LRC) at North Campus is a sustainable building? It earned a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold rating for Building Design & Construction. LEED certification is a certification for buildings that are designed, constructed and operated as high-performance green buildings. There are four levels of certification that buildings can achieve (Certified, Silver, Gold, and Platinum) and each of these levels have their own prerequisites.

The sustainability features of the LRC include: a green roof, three reserved carpool parking spaces, energy efficient lighting and HVAC systems, and 100KW of the electricity comes from solar energy. The 100KW photovoltaic (PV) array (power generating unit) is located on the building’s roof. The PV system ties directly into the buildings electrical distribution system, which is used to supplement the power being drawn from the local utility grid to serve the building.    

Water in the LRC:

Low flow and sensored fixtures are installed throughout the building which has resulted in  a 43.48% water use reduction in the building. This means that we have been able to save 8200 litres of water per day!

You can learn more about the sustainability features here. A video tour of the LRC’s sustainability features is available on Humber’s YouTube channel. If you have any questions please contact
