
August 9, 2019

With finals exams fast approaching, Testing Services would like to remind everyone that we are anticipating higher than normal demand for our services. For this reason, as we did in the fall and winter semesters, we will be made available exclusively for accommodated testing only. In order to ensure things run smoothly for our students next week, please make note of the following:

  • In order to help Testing Services manage traffic, faculty and staff are asked to drop by Testing Services after 11:30 a.m. each day to pick up completed tests and exams.
  • All final exam submissions for accommodated students should be submitted at least 48 hours before the anticipated write date and referral forms should be completed ensuring critical details such as permitted materials and accommodation details are clearly outlined to help reduce student wait times. As well, please ensure testing details are clearly explained to students prior to their arrival to Testing Services.
  • Faculty should be accessible for their students who write in the test centre and staff by providing contact information or appointing a designate that can be reached in the event of any questions.
  • Faculty areas have created conflict testing areas for students who do not have accommodations. Please consult with your faculty area for details regarding conflict testing spaces.

Thank you in advance for your continued support in helping improve the test taking experience for our students. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Coordinator, Accommodated Testing, Shane Bentham, at x5892.

August 9, 2019

All paving/lot maintenance has finished in Lot 13 at the North Campus. Thank you for your patience during the closure.

Parking Services


August 8, 2019
Julie Pasquin
It is with mixed emotions that I announce April Philpotts, Director of Continuing Education has accepted the role of Associate Director of Professional Learning with the University of Waterloo. Although we are sad to see April leave, we are happy that as a Waterloo resident, she found an opportunity closer to home to further her career at the Centre of Extended Learning, UW. April has been a valued team member with the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology since 2017. She started fulltime splitting her time between Corporate Training Solutions within ETS and FAST CE until she transitioned solely to FAST in the role of Director, Continuing Education. During her time at Humber, she had an integral part in helping to grow FAST’s CE corporate training portfolio. We will miss her passion, commitment and dedication to Humber. On behalf of the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology, please join us in congratulating her and wishing her well in her new endeavors. Date: Wednesday August 14, 2019 Time: 2:30 – 4:00pm Place: Seventh Semester, KB111 North Please RSVP to Julie Pasquin at by Aug 12. All the best, Farzad Rayegani Senior Dean Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology
August 8, 2019
Humber Arboretum forest

Starting on August 10, the City of Toronto's Urban Forestry department is coming to control an invasive plant species called Dog-Strangling Vine in the Humber Arboretum with pesticides. This work is vital in protecting the health and well-being of our local plants, animals, and ecosystems. 

Invasive Dog-Strangling Vine (DSV) impacts native plants and habitats in the Arboertum by:

  • crowding out and smothering native vegetation and young trees
  • decreasing survival of Monarch butterfly larvae by mimicking native milkweeds
  • increasing selective grazing on remaining native vegetation by deer and other browsing animals
  • decreasing abundance of insects and pollinators
  • reducing habitat for grassland birds.

Qualified City of Toronto Urban Forestry staff will be using a pesticide to help control DSV in the Arboretum's Environmentally Significant Area and also in selected areas around the Humber Pond. Information signage will be posted by City staff, along with the standard warning signage, to provide more information to Arboretum users. Warning signage is posted 24 hours before treatment, and is removed 48 hours following treatment, according to Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks guidelines.

Method: Licensed applicators are applying the pesticide directly on individual plants or patches. The entire treatment area is not broadcast sprayed. This selective method of control ensures that damage to other desirable plants is minimized and that small quantities of pesticide are used.

Legislation: The Cosmetic Pesticide Ban, Regulation 63/09 under the Pesticides Act, allows some exceptions for non-cosmetic use of pesticides including a forestry exemption. The use of pesticides in forestry is essential to protect trees from competing vegetation in the maintenance or establishment of a forest. For more information about the Ontario Legislation call 416-325-4000 or visit

For more information about City of Toronto Forestry Management, please call the phone number provided on the Treatment Area Signs or visit

August 8, 2019
Kyla Ross

Humber Galleries is repurposing the function of our six display cases located around the Lakeshore and North campuses as well as identifying pop-up spaces for the purpose of promoting work created by Humber students from all programs. 

Current students and alumni are invited to submit examples of work they created as students at Humber college and, if selected, the Humber Galleries team will install the work in one of the six display cases on campus. 

Visit to complete the application form by August 14.

Display space is limited in size from 68.5”w x 33.5”h x 7.75”d to 98.5”w x 76”h x 20”d. For work larger than these measurements, please indicate on the application form and the Humber Galleries team will contact you if there is an opportunity to display your work elsewhere on campus.

If you have any questions please contact us at

August 8, 2019
Humber Arboretum
Children watch a home-made water filter intently

There are still a few spots available for day campers aged 6-13 to take part in the outdoor fun and exploration this August.

Humber Arboretum day camps are based out of the Centre for Urban Ecology, but campers spend most of their time outdoors making their own discoveries in the forest, river, meadows, wetlands, gardens, and ponds of the Humber Arboretum. Active and engaging, Arboretum Nature Camps are designed for ages 4-13 and take place right on North campus.

Although Beaver Camp for four- and five-year-olds and the Growing Gardeners theme taking place in the final week of August are fully booked, there are still a few opportunities for more Nature Campers (ages 6-12) and Jr. Naturalists (ages 12-13) to take part in camp at the Arboretum before the summer of 2019 comes to a close:



Practical PlantsMonday August 12 - Friday August 16, 2019 (Registration closes Saturday, August 10 at midnight)

At the Arboretum we have a great appreciation for the plant life here, from the tiniest dandelion to the mightiest oak. Not only will the Jr. Naturalists learn how to identify some common trees and wildflowers, but they will learn how to use them for food, medicine, and so much more! Campers will learn how to use a field guide and will collaborate to create one of their own.

Survival Skills - Monday August 19 - Friday August 23, 2019 (Only two spots left)

Shelter, fire, water, food—these things are crucial to any survival situation. In this final week of camp, the Jr. Naturalists will learn about making natural shelters, tying tarps, fire safety, friction fire, and how to find sources of food and drinking water in nature.



Radical Roots and Sensational Soils - Monday, August 19 - Friday, August 23, 2019

This week is all about getting down and dirty with nature by exploring roots and the soils they call home!  Soils are fascinating and are the cornerstone of any ecosystem as they provide the minerals and nutrients that help our plants and fungus thrive. This week campers will dig deep to look at different root structures of plants and will be introduced to the wonderful world of fungus and its amazing relationship with soil and plants. Campers will discover that “dirt is good” not only for their health but for the health of all the animals and plants that live in the Arboretum.



Humber Arboretum Nature Camps are accredited by the Ontario Camps Association. They operate on a one-week basis, Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.

Before care (from 8 a.m.) and aftercare (until 5:30 p.m.) is available for an additional fee; Jr. Naturalists will join Nature Campers (ages 5-12) for Before- and Aftercare.

In 2019 the cost of camp is:

  • One week camp fee - $245
  • One week of before care - $45
  • One week of aftercare - $50
  • Both before and aftercare - $80
  • Daily rate for before and aftercare also available

Registration: For more details and for online registration visit the Nature Camp or Jr. Naturalist Camp page on the Humber Arboretum website.


Connect with the Humber Arboretum online: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Newsletter

August 7, 2019

Did you know that Humber College is the first college campus in Ontario to have multiple campuses Fair Trade designated?

What is Fairtrade?

Fair Trade is a movement and a network of non-profit organizations that endeavors to improve the livelihoods of agricultural producers in developing countries by ensuring that producers receive a fair price for their products. These organizations set standards for Fairtrade Certified products, which are certified as being produced according to these standards. 

How can you get involved?

By advocating for Fairtrade products, we are collectively demonstrating support for small-scale farmers and their livelihoods, and standing by our commitment to make Humber College the healthiest campus in Canada. In order to support this movement, you can:

  • Make the purchase of Fairtrade products on campus and in the community a priority (check out the Green Features map to view all Fairtrade outlets on campus!)
  • Display your support of Fair Trade by wearing a pin or sticker endorsing Fair Trade
  • Stay up to date with the Fair Trade movement on campus by following the Office of Sustainability’s social media accounts: @SustainHumber
  • Learn more by visiting Fairtrade Canada’s website

Interested in learning more about Fairtrade? The Office of Sustainability is hosting Fairtrade Lunch & Learn workshops, please contact to arrange one for your team!

August 7, 2019

Do you have questions about what you are required to do on the HRMS? We can help.

First thing you need to know: ONLY Active Employees and Employees with Active Contracts can access the HRMS.

We know that the HRMS is new and it can be difficult to understand what employees would do on the HRMS. We have created a quick view of actions different employee types would perform which will help you better understand ‘who does what on the HRMS’.

  What groupings can/can not do on the HRMS
Employee Groupings Personal Information Benefits Time Absence Pay
FT Admin, NFT Admin working FT hours, Ignite staff Can view and edit information on HRMS Can view and update Benefits on HRMS Not applicable – Do NOT enter hours on HRMS Enters Sick and Vacation Leave on HRMS Can view and download Pay Slip on HRMS
Full-time (Academic) Can view and edit information on HRMS Can view and update Benefits on HRMS Not applicable – Do NOT enter hours on HRMS Enters Sick and Vacation Leave on HRMS Can view and download Pay Slip on HRMS
Full-time (Support) Can view and edit information on HRMS Can view and update Benefits on HRMS Enters hour that are not regular (Exception Time – e.g. overtime) on HRMS Enters Sick and Vacation Leave on HRMS Can view and download Pay Slip on HRMS
Appendix D Can view and edit information on HRMS Can view Pension information on HRMS Enters hour that are not regular (Exception Time – e.g. overtime) on HRMS Enters Sick and Vacation Leave on HRMS Can view and download Pay Slip on HRMS
Partial load employees who are paid automatically (on assignment), based on an approved contract Can view and edit information on HRMS Can view and update Benefits on HRMS Do NOT enter hours – follow current practices of informing Dept/Faculty and someone with Time Editor access will edit their hours Enters Sick hours on HRMS Can view and download Pay Slip on HRMS
Employees entering hours on Time Cards (Positive Time Entry) (PT Supportm NFT Admin working PT hours, Student Employees, Work-study Students, non-recurring contracts over 24 hours), Contract Instructors, Contract Instructors (Truckers), Music Coaches, Ignite Elect, Appendix G, NTF Librarians, NFT Counsellors) Can view and edit information on HRMS Can view Pension information on HRMS Enters Time (hours worked) and Exception Time (e.g. ovetime) on HRMS Enters Paid and Unpaid Leave on HRMS Can view and download Pay Slip on HRMS
NFT Employees who are paid automatically (On Assignment), based on an approved contract (Continuing Education Instructors, Sessional, Sessional Librarians, Sessional Counsellors, PT Instructors, Clinical) Can view and edit information on HRMS Can view Pension information on HRMS Do NOT enter hours – follow current practices of informing Dept/Faculty and someone with Time Editor access will edit their hours Enters Paid Leave on HRMS, Unpaid Leave is entered on their behalf by a Time Editor role on HRMS Can view and download Pay Slip on HRMS

To access a larger view, click on link.


August 6, 2019

HRMSCurious about what’s in the Human Resource Management System (HRMS) about you? Log on and see!

Click on the HRMS Log-on tile located on the website and select the "Personal Information" icon. Note: ONLY active employees and employees with active contracts can access the HRMS.

Review/update/add missing information:

  • Identification info
  • Contact info
  • Family and emergency contacts
  • Personal details
  • Employment info

Tell us about your experience by clicking here.

August 6, 2019

Co-Curricular Programs offer 15-20 minute class visits to let students know about the Co-Curricular Record and how to get involved on campus. 

Topics covered include:

  • Co-Curricular Record overview
  • Benefits of getting involved on campus
  • How to search for CCR Certified experiences
  • Upcoming involvement opportunities

Interested in having us come in? Contact
