
March 12, 2020
Sacha Ally

POSTPONEMENT NOTIFICATION: Friday, March 27, 2020 – The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Please note that the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity's event scheduled for Friday, March 27, 2020 in observance of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination has been postponed. A new date will be announced when it becomes available.



March 12, 2020

This is a reminder to all budget holders to monitor your open purchase orders (POs) as the new fiscal year approaches. Any open regular purchase orders that are $100 or more will be rolled over to the new fiscal year (2020/21) on April 1. All others are closed.

In addition, budget holders should be aware that invoices received after March 31 for the rolled over POs will be expensed against new fiscal budget.

Please send a request to Purchasing ( to close any of your open fiscal 2019/20 regular ‘reverse’ purchase orders or standing orders.

March 11, 2020

Humber College and the University of Guelph-Humber are monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely and will continue to provide updates to the community. We are actively engaging with Toronto Public Health and reviewing information from various Canadian health authorities to ensure that we are prepared and responding to ongoing changes with respect to the health and safety of our staff and students.

International Travel

As the situation continues to evolve, Humber has decided to cancel all Humber-sanctioned international travel for students, in all countries between now and June 30, 2020.

We will work with students to address the financial and academic impacts of these cancellations. Students who were scheduled to participate in these activities should contact their study abroad coordinator or program coordinator to discuss next steps. Similarly, employees who were scheduled to travel as part of any of these student trips should discuss next steps with their manager.

Documentation for student absences

The need for students to provide sick notes is suspended as a result of the COVID-19 situation. Students who are ill are asked to stay home and self-isolate. Understanding that visits to medical professionals may not be possible or advisable in some situations, students may be absent for up to 14 calendar days without requiring a sick note from a physician.

Students are expected to notify their professors/program coordinators of their absence in advance. Upon return to regular college activity, students are expected to make up for missed work. Any questions related to student absences can be directed to professors, program coordinators or Associate Deans. The College may require additional documentation to verify fitness to return to campus/class after an illness.

Documentation for employee absences

Faculty members/instructors who are feeling unwell and/or have reason to believe they should be self-isolated and therefore are unable to attend class, should stay home and contact their Associate Dean (for the University of Guelph-Humber, their Program Head and/or Assistant Program Head) before coming to campus to discuss appropriate next steps.

All other employees who are feeling unwell and/or have reason to believe they should be self-isolated should stay home and contact their manager before coming to campus to discuss appropriate next steps.

Employees will be accommodated, as long as appropriate notification is provided. The College may require additional documentation to verify fitness to return to work.

Academic Continuity

Academic Continuity Kits have been developed to support faculty and learners and to prepare, should college operations need to change. Academic kits will be provided to Faculty members. Faculty will receive further communication about academic continuity within the coming days.

Counselling and Support Services

We understand that the evolving nature of this situation may cause uncertainty and uneasiness.

If students or employees need support or counselling, there are resources to help. Post-secondary students can access the Good2Talk Helpline at 1-866-925-5454. Therapy Assist Online provides online and mobile tools and is also available to students. Full-time employees may access the Employee Assistance Program.

Measures Underway

While the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared an international public health emergency, the current risk to Canadians remains low. We maintain ongoing contact with Toronto Public Health and have been advised that there are no additional actions required, and to follow regular respiratory illness protocols and prevention strategies.

Humber is following all respiratory illness protocols and prevention measures already in place. In addition, areas of the College that provide health-related services, including the Health Centres, Dental Centres, the Humber Spa and the Tzu Chi Clinic of Chinese Medicine, have the recommended screening protocols in place.

We have increased cleaning of high touch point areas, using a chemical that kills both coronavirus and norovirus. Electrostatic fogging machines are also being used twice a week in cafeterias, open computer labs, high-traffic washrooms, athletic changerooms, health centres, Residence etc. This includes the keyboards and monitors in the open access labs. Electrostatic fogging machines seal surfaces so that germs are unable to attach to them.

Soap and hospital-grade hand sanitizer dispensers across campus will be monitored and filled regularly.

As we are in the winter flu season, we ask everyone to:

  • wash your hands as frequently as possible,
  • cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then immediately throw the tissue in the garbage and clean your hands,
  • if you don’t have a tissue, sneeze or cough into your sleeve or arm,
  • and stay home if you’re feeling ill.

Public Health Ontario also has several hand hygiene videos available as reference.

Resources and Contacts

We want to emphasize that Humber takes the health and well-being of our staff and students seriously and we are monitoring the situation closely. An oversight group comprising representatives from the Academic Division, Communications, Human Resources, Legal and Risk Management, Public Safety, Student Success and Engagement, and the University of Guelph-Humber will provide regular updates to the community.

All of the latest updates related to COVID-19 can be found at Humber’s social media channels, and MyHumber also point to this page.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Further information about COVID-19 is available through these health authority web links:
Ontario Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) page
Toronto Medical Officer of Health – March 11 statement
Toronto Public Health 
Toronto Public Health Novel Coronavirus Fact Sheet
Government of Canada - Travel Health Notices
Public Health Agency of Canada

March 11, 2020

The Centre for Entrepenruship (CfE) would like to congratulate our winners for the Be Your Own Boss (BYOB) Video Competition. Our winners submitted a two-minute video showcasing their new business idea or current businesses.

The winners are:

  • 1st Place – Clare Palmer – Specadirt Vintage (Faculty of Business) 
  • 2nd Place – Sean Foreman – XVI Digital (Faculty of Media & Creative Arts)
  • 3rd Place – Andrew Lopez – Your Future Fitness (Faculty of Business)

More information on the competition and the winners businesses can be found on our website.

Congratulations to all the submitted videos!

March 11, 2020
Lori Short-Zamudio

Are you looking to add an exciting movement break to your classes or meetings? Book the Humber Health Hustle today and have a group of energetic students come in and get your group moving. 

Email us today to book.  

March 11, 2020

As a precaution to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus, effective immediately, Starbucks and Tim Horton's have temporarily paused accepting personal reusable mugs at all full service locations on campus.

In addition to increased sanitizing procedures in all locations, this is one of numerous best practices in place to keep our community safe.

Our commitment to sustainability remains unchanged, and once it is deemed appropriate, reusable mugs will be accepted again.

We continue to honour the reusable mug discount when a customer shows their reusable mug.


March 11, 2020
Candice Warner-Barrow
A Thumbs Up Symbol

If you’ve been reading the announcements in Communiqué and have visited the Employee Well-Being and Engagement website, you probably know that we are looking for you to define Humber’s Employee Well-Being and Engagement Framework. The first step towards this outcome is to vote on the suggested Dimensions and Drivers. Since your vote and views matter, we will be sharing more information over the next two weeks that will assist in preparing you to confidently choose those Dimensions and Drivers that matter to you.

Look out for more in this series entitled: My Views, My Vote. We will feature different Dimensions and Drivers and you will hear directly from your fellow employees in upcoming Employee News Network (ENN) videos.

This week’s discussion: Well-Being group ‘Work Well-Being’ and there are two dimensions under this group, Personal Effectiveness and Meaningful Work.

Understanding Personal Effectiveness   

We have defined Personal Effectiveness as “Programs that enable employees to master their careers, achieve personal/professional developmental goals and receive the support that helps them to become more effective.”

Personal Effectiveness is about making use of both personal and professional resources to enable you to achieve your goals. To increase personal effectiveness one needs to understand how effective they currently are and what changes they want to make and how.

The four drivers of Personal Effectiveness are identified as:

  • Growth and Development
  • Coaching and Mentoring
  • Inspire and Motivate
  • Self-awareness and Reflection

Here are some examples of what many organizations do related to personal effectiveness;   offer organization-wide training on personal effectiveness (managing stress, organizational skills, personal accountability, goal setting), work within the team/unit to identify and prioritize projects, a strong culture of coaching and mentoring.

Understanding Meaningful Work

We have defined Meaningful work as “Employees work have significance and purpose. It contributes to team/organizational goals and gives a sense of accomplishment and personal satisfaction.”

Our work matters. Our work has important implications for our personal identity, and much of our self-esteem derives from our work. Our work can satisfy the need for significance, the opportunity to make a purposeful contribution while connecting with others. Meaningful work leads directly to higher levels of engagement, but it must be satisfying, reflect the employee's interest, use their skills, develop potential and allow them to reach their personal objectives. 

The three drivers of Meaningful Work are identified as:

  • Quality of Work
  • Empowerment
  • Direction & Purpose

Here are some examples of what many organizations do related to meaningful work; employees feel and demonstrate ownership and commitment by being able to make decisions, be responsible, be measured by results, and be recognized as thoughtful, contributing individuals,  rather than a pair of hands doing what others say. Employees see how their jobs fit in with and support the organization’s value and purpose.

For more information about these dimensions and to view other proposed dimensions, please visit Don’t miss the next Well-Being group for discussion; Social/Environmental Well-Being.


Want to participate in the Employee Well-being and Engagement Initiative?

Register to attend an Information Session and voting. Click here to register.


March 10, 2020
Taryn Dickins
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Various Student Life departments are now hiring students for the 2020-2021 academic year. These on-campus jobs offer lots of opportunities to develop skills and competencies that can be applied to their current studies and beyond.

Hiring departments include:

  • Orientation
  • First Year Experience
  • Leadership Programs
  • Consent Peer Education Program

Interested students can apply by visiting

The deadline to apply is March 16, 2020, at 8 a.m.

March 10, 2020

Please be advised that Testing Services will be open late on Monday, March 16, 2020. 

The North Campus location will open at 11 a.m. and Lakeshore will open at 11:30 a.m. following some staff training. For updated information on delayed openings, hours of operation, policies and procedures please visit our website.


Shane Bentham
Manager, Testing and Integrated Services

March 10, 2020

Panopto logoMy name is Lisa DiBarbora, I am a member of Humber’s Panopto Support team.

One of Humber’s mandates is to promote an inclusive and accessible learning environment and Panopto’s captioning tool is an easy way to support this mandate.

Read more about the tool at


