
July 4, 2019
Bharat Saini
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Humber College is committed to principles of equity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. To learn more about Humber’s Employment Equity Program (EEP), please visit the Centre website.

Thank you to everyone who has completed Humber’s Employment Equity Questionnaire. The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity appreciates your help in building a more inclusive Humber!

Please Complete Humber’s Employment Equity Questionnaire

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity invites all full-time, part-time, contract and sessional employees to complete the Employment Equity Questionnaire (EEQ). The information that you provide in the Employment Equity Questionnaire will be kept confidential and will only be reported in aggregate form for Employment Equity purposes. In other words, the reported data will not contain any personal identification. Having up-to-date knowledge of our workforce representation will allow the College to identify where underrepresentation exists, and to target its efforts toward removing barriers that may exist in the College’s employment systems.

Please note - the completion of Humber’s Employment Equity Questionnaire is voluntary.

How can I access the Employment Equity Questionnaire?

The Employment Equity Questionnaire (PDF) is attached to this Communique (please see below). The Employment Equity Questionnaire (PDF) can also be accessed on the Centre’s website. Please return the completed questionnaire to The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity (5th floor LRC North Campus) or you can scan the completed questionnaire and email to Bharat Saini, Advisor, Human Rights, Equity & Diversity, at

Please visit the Centre website for Frequently Asked Questions pertaining to the Employment Equity Program.

If you require the Employment Equity Questionnaire in an alternate format, please contact Bharat Saini at 416.665.6622 x5160 or

July 3, 2019
A girl holds a monarch butterfly

Many students from Humber College and University of Guelph-Humber help give kids an amazing experience at the Humber Arboretum's summer nature camps. Meet the team that's working hard to give kids a summer to remember, and see if a student you know is among them!

Nature Camp at the Humber Arboretum is on now, running throughout July and August. Along with providing a great experience that connects kids with nature in a fun and supportive environment, the camp is also providing leadership skill building summer employment for students in areas such as ECE, nursing, and media studies. 

See the staff photo album on Facebook and watch the video below to meet the team (and don't forget to share with any Nature Campers you know).

Still Time to Register

Haven't signed your kids up yet? Have friends whose kids would love Nature Camp? It's not too late to give kids a summer spent outdoors exploring the Arboretum! Humber Arboretum Summer day camps run on a weekly basis, with a different theme to explore during each session.

Beaver Camp Availability (ages 4-5)

Every week of Beaver Camp is FULL except for a few spots left for Powerful Pollinators, Monday July 22 to Friday July 26. (For other weeks you can still use the online registration system to join the waitlist). 

Nature Camp Availability (ages 6-12)

Two weeks are waitlist only, but there are still spots available in many weeks of Nature Camp. Book soon to secure a spot in:

  • Wild About Watersheds, Monday July 8 – Friday July 12* 
  • Healthy Planet, Healthy Lives, Monday July 15 – Friday July 19 (Almost full!)
  • Powerful Pollinators, Monday July 22 – Friday July 26
  • Wildlife in the City, Monday July 29 – Friday August 2
  • Ecolympics, Monday August 12 – Friday August 16
  • Radical Roots and Sensational Soils, Monday August 19 – Friday August 23

Jr. Naturalist Camp (ages 12-13)

There are at least two spots left in each week of Jr. Naturalist Camp, so a nature-loving 12- or 13-year-old can still grab a friend and join in for this exciting program for curious minds:

  • Wildlife Wonders, Monday July 8 – Friday July 12*
  • Exploring Aquatics, Monday July 15 – Friday July 19
  • Nature Stewards, Monday July 22 – Friday July 26
  • Art All Around Us, Monday July 29 – Friday August 2
  • Practical Plants, Monday August 12 – Friday August 16
  • Survival Skills, Monday August 19 – Friday August 23

*Online camp registration closes at midnight on the Wednesday before camp starts. If you miss the cut-off in the system, you may email Humber Arboretum Operations Assistant Valerie Leaist to see if spots are still available at

Learn more and register online on the Humber Arboretum Nature Camps webpage.

Connect with the Humber Arboretum online: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Newsletter

July 3, 2019

Sustainable Development Solutions Network Canada (SDSN) is looking for students that want to lead Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) action and awareness projects on campus.

The SDG Campus Coordinator will work to raise awareness about the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals on campus and ensure that students have opportunities to take action towards their implementation during their studies and after they graduate. SDSN Canada is looking to recruit one coordinator per SDSN member campus in order to create a broader national movement led by students to advance the SDGs in Canada.

The application deadline for students is July 15, 2019. If you know any students that wish to apply, please refer them to this link.

If you have any questions, please contact

July 3, 2019
Bharat Saini
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Over the past year, the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity (the Centre) engaged the Humber College community in a participatory and consultative process to obtain feedback on Humber’s Human Rights Policy and Human Rights Complaint Resolution Procedure. Thank you all for your engagement and feedback.

The Centre is pleased to announce the official launch of the revised Human Rights Policy and Human Rights Complaint Resolution Procedure. You can access the documents at:

Humber is committed to fostering an equitable, diverse and inclusive culture in which all members of the College community study, work and live free from discrimination and harassment. The College has the legal and moral responsibility to ensure that it provides a learning, working and living environment free from discrimination and harassment. Humber’s Human Rights Policy applies to all members of the Humber and University of Guelph-Humber community.

Humber’s Human Rights Policy and Complaint Resolution Procedure are reviewed during the Pathways to Human Rights, Education and Action training session. Registration information for this training is included in the PDF below. Note: Full-time employees are required to participate in an in-person training session.

For questions pertaining to Humber’s Human Rights Policy and Complaint Resolution Procedure, please contact: Nancy Simms, Director of the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity, at

Thank you for your commitment to ensuring an inclusive environment free from discrimination and harassment.

July 3, 2019
HRMS Change Team
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Do you know what’s new on the HRMS for Employees?

Ability to manage absence on and off campus – With HRMS, you will no longer need to be on campus or connected to the campus network in order to manage your absences. Now, you will be able to sign-on to the system remotely to log absences, view vacation and sick day balances, submit vacation requests, including future dated vacation requests and upload absence related supported documents, as needed.

In upcoming communiqué announcements we will be sharing more details with you regarding new functionalities within the HRMS, upcoming events, important dates and training sessions.



Have you missed our previous announcements?  
Don’t know what the HRMS is?

The Human Resource Management System (HRMS), is a new Human Capital Management fully integrated, cloud-based system that will replace Humber's existing legacy system. The new HRMS will serve as a central source of information for all HR related processes and programs, making it accessible to staff, faculty and other stakeholders through their computer, on or off campus.

Once deployed, the new HRMS provides access to core HR functions, based on your profile as a manager or an employee. Some functionality includes:

  • Entering and tracking attendance
  • Benefits enrollment
  • Entering and approving time
  • Talent management (Which includes Recruitment)
  • And much more!

This would allow HR to:

  • Become Better business partners to faculties and departments
  • Deliver real-time data & information that will improve decision-making
  • Have enhanced reporting capability
  • Streamline processes to enable faster transactions

For managers and employees, the direct access functionality will become the new way of interacting with HR giving you the flexibility, autonomy and a sense of ownership for a better overall manager and employee experience.     

As we get ready to Go-Live all impacted stakeholders will be receiving training information to ensure that the transition to the new HRMS is easy and seamless.

To find out more about the HRMS, contact the HRMS Change Management Team at

July 3, 2019
Kylee Winn

Advertise with 96.9 Radio Humber

2019 Fall Package:

  • Two 30-second commercials or one 60-second commercial
  • Commercials running for four weeks on 96.9 – August 26 to September 20, Monday to Friday
  • Airing nine times a week – 36 commercials in total
  • Five posts on Radio Humber's social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram)
  • One written article on about your department/service

Total: $500.00 + tax

Valued at $1,022 


Limited time offer

July 2, 2019

This spring more than 10,000 students became Humber alumni. Spring convocation (June 18-21) ceremonies were held at the Toronto Congress Centre over four days and ten ceremonies. 

Humber College
2019 Spring Convocation
President’s Address
June 19, 2019

“The courage to change and be the change”

Members of the platform party, honoured guests, faculty and staff, family, friends and especially our graduates, it’s my pleasure to welcome you to today’s convocation.

This year, we’ll recognize more than ten thousand graduates across ten ceremonies, a significant number and certainly a reason to celebrate. Thank you all for being here with us to mark the occasion.

Thank you as well to all of the Humber employees who help to make this event happen. A day like this takes many people to produce. From when our graduates arrive and receive their gowns, to when they cross the stage in a few minutes, you, our staff and faculty, work tirelessly to make this day memorable for our graduates and their families, and we are grateful for your efforts.

I’ve been a part of many convocation ceremonies as a professor, as a President and most importantly, as a parent. I share the many emotions that we’re all feeling today. The pride of achievement, the joy of success and the relief that this significant day has finally come.

Convocation is my favourite time of the academic year because it’s a time for our community to celebrate our students’ achievements, and to look ahead to the new beginnings and abundant possibilities that await our graduates.

Before we recognize their accomplishments, I’d like to take the opportunity to thank those who helped our grads along the way.

To Humber’s faculty and staff, thank you for your dedication and commitment. Our students wouldn’t be here without your support, wisdom and encouragement. Let’s give our faculty and staff a big round of applause!

Thank you also to friends, families and loved ones for supporting our graduates through the ups and downs of college life. Your support comes in many ways – financial, emotional, financial, lending a helping hand, or financial. I think you deserve a round of applause as well.

And now, to you, our graduates – you did it! You’ve earned the spotlight you’re receiving today.

The spotlight is on you not just because of what you have achieved but because you are the leaders of tomorrow.

According to an article published last year in the Harvard Business Review, great leaders are confident, connected, committed and courageous. All of these attributes are within each of you.

You have spent the last weeks, months and years honing your skills and knowledge in classrooms and in workplaces. Your experiences have helped grow your confidence.

You are connected. You have networked with fellow students, faculty and industry representatives throughout your program. You are also now part of the growing community of Humber alumni around the world who are making their mark and making a difference.

You are committed. You made the decision to change your life through education and have put in the work to get to this day.

You are courageous. As students, each of you came to Humber from somewhere else. From high school or another postsecondary institution, from a job, from another city or even another country.

It took courage to reach this point and it will take more in the future as you are faced with new situations and environments.

Some consider courage to be an innate character trait – something you’re born with.

Others consider courage to be a skill – something that you develop and can strengthen over time.

I believe it is a choice.  

Here at Humber, we chose to make courage one our strategic values. We need to be bold to chart a new course when it comes to education. To change our programs to ensure they are relevant, responsive and anticipate how the world is evolving. To change how we operate to give our students more choice and flexibility.

We believe everyone at Humber should feel empowered to make bold choices, tackle inequity, and try new things. And we want the same thing for our graduates.

We want you to leave Humber with the courage to act, to take risks and to fail. And, if you fail, to have the courage to get up, learn from what you did, and try again.

Right now, there is a special on Netflix by University of Houston research professor Brené Brown, called “The Call to Courage.” And yes, I am hip enough to know what’s trending on Netflix.

According to Brown, courage requires two things – vulnerability and involvement. Vulnerability, she says, is not about winning or losing. It’s having the courage to show up when you can’t control the outcome.

It’s having the courage to admit you don’t have all the answers. It’s pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone because that’s where you’ll learn the most. It’s the courage to let yourself change and grow.

Courage is needed now more than ever. And you have the skills and knowledge to lead the way.

We live in uncertain times. Across the globe, we are all grappling with political tensions, the climate crisis and changing economies.

I encourage you to get involved and be the change you want to see in the world.

Remember that global network of Humber alumni I mentioned, let me give you an example of someone who did just that.

Rahul Singh graduated from Humber’s Paramedic program in 1993. Soon after, he was back-packing in Nepal when a series of landslides wiped out a village.

He ran a disaster response team to help manage the crisis, but found that most of the funding got lost in administration before getting to the people who needed it.

He changed that by founding GlobalMedic, an organization that provides efficient and cost-effective disaster relief.

GlobalMedic has led more than 50 missions in more than 30 countries. Since they started, their efforts have helped countless people around the world survive life-threatening situations following catastrophes.  

In 2009, Rahul was named one of “Canada’s Top 40 Under 40” and, in 2010, he was included on Time magazine’s list of 100 most influential people in the world.

All of that because he had the courage to be the change he knew would benefit others.

So, no pressure, but the world is counting on you and I know you’re up for the challenge. 

As you move on, remember to think critically, to question and challenge what some accept at face value, and seek ways to contribute, give back and get involved.

You leave here with a strengthened ability to make sense of the world. To make the right choices to engage and make a difference for yourself and others, even when it isn’t easy.

As a Humber student you’ve been part of one of Canada’s most diverse and inclusive institutions – so embrace diversity, in all its forms. From race, religion, place of origin, culture, sexuality, gender identity, age, to economic status and more, it’s up to each of us to acknowledge and seek to understand these differences and find ways to build bridges, establish common ground, and be allies.

You are now one of the more than two hundred and fifty thousand alumni who are the college’s reputation in action. I encourage you to continue in their footsteps by making your mark on the world, doing your community proud and of course, keeping in touch with us – we’ll keep an eye on your IG stories.

Everyone here is proud of all you have achieved. You are now and forever part of the Humber family and no matter where you go, our doors are always open and you will always be welcomed home.

So, be bold. Be brave. Be amazing.  

Because we know you can.

Thank you!

July 2, 2019
HRMS Change Team
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

In a past communiqué post, we announced the new go-live date for the HRMS.

Today, we would like to share with you a special video message from our project sponsor Lori Diduch.

Click here to start the video

In upcoming communiqué announcements, we will share more details regarding new functionalities within the HRMS, upcoming events, important dates and training sessions.



Have you missed our previous announcements?  
Don’t know what HRMS is?

The Human Resource Management System (HRMS), is a new Human Capital Management fully integrated, cloud-based system that will replace Humber's existing legacy system. The new HRMS will serve as a central source of information for all HR related processes and programs, making it accessible to staff, faculty and other stakeholders through their computer, on or off campus.

Once deployed, the new HRMS provides access to core HR functions, based on your profile as a manager or an employee. Some functionality includes:

  • Entering and tracking attendance
  • Benefits enrollment
  • Entering and approving time
  • Talent management (Which includes Recruitment)
  • And much more!

This would allow HR to:

  • Become Better business partners to faculties and departments
  • Deliver real-time data & information that will improve decision-making
  • Have enhanced reporting capability
  • Streamline processes to enable faster transactions

For managers and employees, the direct access functionality will become the new way of interacting with HR giving you the flexibility, autonomy and a sense of ownership for a better overall manager and employee experience.     

As we get ready to Go-Live, all impacted stakeholders will be receiving training information to ensure that the transition to the new HRMS is easy and seamless.

To find out more about the HRMS, contact the HRMS Change Management Team at

July 2, 2019
Raina Faza
2019 Humber Golf Classic Presented by Chartwells

Despite stormy skies, $165,000 was raised for student awards and scholarships on Monday, June 10 at the 2019 Humber Golf Classic.

Presented by Chartwells, the event took place at The Club at Bond Head. More than 240 golfers, sponsors and supporters were in attendance, picking up their clubs and opening their wallets for promising students in need. With the funds from this year included, the Humber Golf Classic has now raised a total of more than $840,000 for our students since launching in 2013.

Thank you to everyone who supported the 2019 Golf Classic. Whether by participating as a sponsor, playing in the tournament, volunteering or donating to the auctions, the success of this event would not be possible without your support.

Click here to check out a highlight video and photo galleries from the day.

July 2, 2019
HRMS Change Team
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Do you know what’s new on the HRMS for Managers?

Manage Absence for your team – With the HRMS, Managers and their delegates will be able to manage their team’s Absences through the My Team work area. From this work area, you will be able to record an absence, review information, update and withdraw an absence, check employee’s remaining absence balance and either approve or reject absence requests. What’s more, you will no longer need to be on campus or connected to the campus network in order to make these changes, as the HRMS will be accessible to you remotely.

In upcoming communiqué announcements, we will be sharing more details with you regarding new functionalities within the HRMS, upcoming events, important dates and training sessions.



Have you missed our previous announcements?  
Don’t know what the HRMS is?

The Human Resource Management System (HRMS), is a new Human Capital Management fully integrated, cloud-based system that will replace Humber's existing legacy system. The new HRMS will serve as a central source of information for all HR related processes and programs, making it accessible to staff, faculty and other stakeholders through their computer, on or off campus.

Once deployed, the new HRMS provides access to core HR functions, based on your profile as a manager or an employee. Some functionality includes:

  • Entering and tracking attendance
  • Benefits enrollment
  • Entering and approving time
  • Talent management (Which includes Recruitment)
  • And much more!

This would allow HR to:

  • Become Better business partners to faculties and departments
  • Deliver real-time data & information that will improve decision-making
  • Have enhanced reporting capability
  • Streamline processes to enable faster transactions

For managers and employees, the direct access functionality will become the new way of interacting with HR giving you the flexibility, autonomy and a sense of ownership for a better overall manager and employee experience.     

As we get ready to Go-Live all impacted stakeholders will be receiving training information to ensure that the transition to the new HRMS is easy and seamless.

To find out more about the HRMS, contact the HRMS Change Management Team at
