
July 8, 2019
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Summer Hours

Humber Room

Food Truck
Tuesday – Thursday
11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Gourmet Express
Monday – Friday
7 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Closed July 26 – August 19

June 28, 2019
Nancy Simms

Please join in welcoming Adam Benn, M.A., M.Ed., CPT, to the role of Manager, Human Rights, Equity & Diversity at the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity. In this role, Adam will manage education and training, Humber’s compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and will support initiatives to integrate equity, diversity and inclusion throughout the College. Adam will report to the Director, Human Rights, Equity & Diversity.

As a black, queer man, Adam brings his unique lived experience into the work and is an experienced facilitator, educator and manager. He has worked more than ten years with diverse populations, including racialized people, persons who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transsexual, queer (LGBT2SQ), and persons with disabilities, in non-profit and community healthcare organizations. Adam has developed and delivered trainings and workshops on equity focused topics through an intersectional lens and his training approach is grounded in critical theory and anti-oppression practice.

Adam holds a Masters of Arts in Conflict Analysis and Management from Royal Roads University and a Masters of Education in Adult Education and Community Development from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.

Kind regards,

Nancy Simms, M.A. ADR
Director, Human Rights, Equity & Diversity

June 27, 2019
Taylor Oake
Help Senior Dean Farzad Rayegani Support Our Students

Update (June 27): Farzad leaves next week to begin his hike – he has almost reached his new goal of $6,000! Please donate to encourage him and support our students.

Update (June 20): Senior Dean Farzad Rayegani has surpassed his fundraising goal of $5,000! Farzad is so grateful for the incredible support: “I thought I would be walking the Camino alone, but I have received so much encouragement, support and positivity already. Just like you will be cheering me on as I walk up the Pyrenees on my first day, you will also be there for our students and supporting the exciting journey they have ahead of them!” Farzad believes that together, we can reach a new goal of $6,000 for student scholarships. Please show your support and give now.

Update (June 14): Senior Dean Farzad Rayegani set out to raise $2,500 for Humber FAST student scholarships and has reached his goal in just two days! Thank you to his generous supporters. He’s increasing his goal to $5,000 to help even more Humber FAST students to make their academic dreams a reality. Please show your support and give now.

In July, Farzad Rayegani, Senior Dean of Humber’s Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology, will be hiking the Camino de Santiago, an 800 km hiking trail in northwestern Spain. Thousands of people walk the Camino de Santiago each year. The vast majority of pilgrims are on their own quests, whether they be physical, recreational or spiritual.

On his journey, Farzad will draw upon the same mental and physical resilience that Humber students display in pursuit of their academic goals. As part of his trip, he is aiming to raise $2,500 to support student scholarships in the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology.

70% of students who withdraw from their studies at Humber do so because of financial constraints. Scholarships ensure that all deserving students can complete their studies, regardless of their financial situation. A gift in the form of a scholarship not only provides students with valuable support, but also gives them the encouragement to go further than they ever thought possible.

In Farzad’s own words:

“For me, this month-long hike will be an amazing challenge, but an achievable one too. I have packed, repacked, planned and prepared, and soon I will have 30 days to follow my thoughts wherever they want to go. I will soak in the history, explore large cities and meander through fields, small towns and villages. My time will be my own and all I need to do is keep a simple rhythm of daily needs: eat, walk, sleep – putting one foot in front of the other to meet the often grueling demands of the Camino.

As Rumi said, ‘It’s your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.’

Each one of you will be with me in spirit as I make this journey, and I hope you will support our students as they embark on their demanding academic journeys as well. Buen Camino!”

Give now to help Farzad reach his goal and help students like Chantal achieve an education and bright, prosperous future.

June 27, 2019
HRMS Change Team
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Do you know what’s new on the HRMS for Employees who enter their time?

Ability to enter time on and off campus – With HRMS, you will no longer need to be on campus or connected to the campus network in order to enter your time. Now, you will be able to manage your time entry remotely and view approval status in real time.

Keep a lookout for our upcoming communique announcements where we will be sharing more details with you regarding new functionalities within the HRMS, upcoming events, important dates and training sessions.



Have you missed our previous announcements?  
Don’t know what the HRMS is?

The Human Resource Management System (HRMS), is a new Human Capital Management fully integrated, cloud based system that will replace Humber's existing legacy system. The new HRMS will serve as a central source of information for all HR related processes and programs, making it accessible to staff, faculty and other stakeholders through their computer, on or off campus.

Once deployed, the new HRMS provides access to core HR functions, based on your profile as a manager or an employee. Some functionality includes:

  • Entering and tracking attendance
  • Benefits enrollment
  • Entering and approving time
  • Talent management (Which includes Recruitment)
  • And much more!

This would allow HR to:

  • Become Better business partners to faculties and departments
  • Deliver real-time data & information that will improve decision-making
  • Have enhanced reporting capability
  • Streamline processes to enable faster transactions

For managers and employees, the direct access functionality will become the new way of interacting with HR giving you the flexibility, autonomy and a sense of ownership for a better overall manager and employee experience.     

As we get ready to ‘Go Live’ all impacted stakeholders will be receiving training information to ensure that the transition to the new HRMS is easy and seamless.

To find out more about the HRMS, contact the HRMS Change Management Team at

June 27, 2019

It is with great pleasure that I announce that John Stilla has accepted the position of Associate Dean, English in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences and Innovative Learning, effective July 8, 2019.

John brings considerable experience to the role of Associate Dean, most recently as Chair of English and Liberal Studies at Seneca College, where he successfully implemented a number of transformational initiatives to enhance student retention and success.  

John is a highly dedicated teacher-practitioner and brings many years of teaching excellence to this new role, including teaching at Seneca, Sheridan and Humber. John also served as Program Coordinator in Humber’s Department of English, in the areas of ESL and Developmental Writing. He holds a Master’s degree in English from the University of Guelph, is TESL Certified, and is active with TESL Ontario and the Heads of Interdisciplinary Studies for Ontario Colleges.

On behalf of the entire FLA community, we look forward to working with John as we continue to evolve our strategic vision and goals in support of our students’ success.

Please join me in welcoming John to his new position!

Vera Beletzan
Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences and Innovative Learning

June 26, 2019
HRMS Change Team
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Do you know what’s new on the HRMS for Managers?

Compensation information of their direct reports – That’s right! With the HRMS, managers will be able to view compensation information of their direct reports through the My Team work area. You will no longer need to wait on HR to get information on your employee’s compensation history or have to submit an HRIN to award compensation using a one-time payment.

In one of our previous communiqué, we provided you with an overview of what you can expect from the new HRMS from the managers perspective Manager Direct Access (MDA). Take a look at the video and become familiar with the MDA springboard.

Keep a lookout for our upcoming communique announcements where we will be sharing more details with you regarding new functionalities within the HRMS, upcoming events, important dates and training sessions.



Have you missed our previous announcements?  
Don’t know what the HRMS is?

The Human Resource Management System (HRMS), is a new Human Capital Management fully integrated, cloud based system that will replace Humber's existing legacy system. The new HRMS will serve as a central source of information for all HR related processes and programs, making it accessible to staff, faculty and other stakeholders through their computer, on or off campus.

Once deployed, the new HRMS provides access to core HR functions, based on your profile as a manager or an employee. Some functionality includes:

  • Entering and tracking attendance
  • Benefits enrollment
  • Entering and approving time
  • Talent management (Which includes Recruitment)
  • And much more!

This would allow HR to:

  • Become Better business partners to faculties and departments
  • Deliver real-time data & information that will improve decision-making
  • Have enhanced reporting capability
  • Streamline processes to enable faster transactions

For managers and employees, the direct access functionality will become the new way of interacting with HR giving you the flexibility, autonomy and a sense of ownership for a better overall manager and employee experience.     

As we get ready to ‘Go Live’ all impacted stakeholders will be receiving training information to ensure that the transition to the new HRMS is easy and seamless.

To find out more about the HRMS, contact the HRMS Change Management Team at

June 26, 2019

Mother goose and her goslings are safely back in the Arboretum. Check out this video to see their journey.

If you have any questions about the geese, please contact

June 25, 2019
Nivedita Lane
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

We are very excited to share that Community Outreach & Workforce Development (COWD) and the Centre for Entrepreneurship (CfE) has partnered to launch a new pilot program, Launch Me Community Transition Program (LCTP), at Lakeshore Campus this summer.

The LCTP is designed for those who may or may not have completed high school and are interested in pathways to postsecondary, specifically around upstreaming skills related to business and entrepreneurship. Participants will earn a Certificate of Participation from Humber’s Centre for Entrepreneurship and will have an individualized pathway plan for next steps after completing the program. Interested participants will also have the chance to pitch their ideas to receive start-up or research & development dollars (up to $500) for their small business concept. This program will incorporate 1-1 advising, mentorship and skills development, and will run for one day per week over five weeks.

Ideal participants are young adults between the ages of 19-29, however those over 30 can also apply. This is the first time that Humber’s Centre for Entrepreneurship’s “Launch Me” programming will be available to residents in Humber’s local communities as a specialized offering. This program will complement Humber’s successful Youth Transition Program model and will offer an alternate pathway opportunity. This is a great capacity and resume building opportunity for young adults who are budding entrepreneurs, who are looking to take their skills to the next level, and pursue further education. 

There are 20 spots available for the pilot. All sessions will take place at Humber’s Lakeshore Campus. Applications will be reviewed on a first come basis. To learn more please go to

This initiative aligns with Pillar 2, Accessible Education of Humber’s 2018-23 Strategic Plan:

  • Develop a unique mix of credential and non-credential programs that meet the needs of our students, communities and the labour market.
  • Develop personalized and adaptive learning experiences that facilitate student success and engagement.

Questions about eligibility, intake, content, program outcomes and assessment can be directed to Nivedita Lane, Manager, Community & Partnership Development, Community Outreach & Workforce Development (COWD), at

Questions about the Launch Me Program workshops, the pitch process, and other enquiries about the Centre for Entrepreneurship can be directed to Raeshelle Morris, Manager, Centre for Entrepreneurship, at

This initiative is supported by many internal Humber contributors, including the Faculty of Liberal Arts, the Humber College Community Partnership Fund and community partners including LAMP.

June 25, 2019

Humber faculty and textbook decision makers,

Summer will soon be upon us and the staff at both the North and Lakeshore Campus Stores would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that we are currently accepting book orders for the Fall 2019 semester. We respectfully request that you submit your requests as soon as possible. Receiving your list of required course materials allows us to source all available options (new, used, print, digital, etc.) for incoming students, as well as provide the optimum value to students who are selling books. Timely submission of requests ensures that we have plenty of time to source and order all of your materials before the start of Fall classes.

Over the past decade publishers have implemented a wide variety of delivery options for their course materials. Each version has its own unique ISBN as an identifier. The Campus Store has the ability to provide all options for the majority of materials requested

  • Print textbooks (hardcover, soft cover and loose leaf)
  • Custom textbooks (reduced chapters or combination of multiple texts into a single volume)
  • Bundles – two or more print components, or a print version with a code to access online content. Please let us know if the online content is required for your course or simply recommended. This will assist us in providing more price options for your students.
  • Digital – PDF or Adaptive Learning version (i.e. MyLab, Connect, Wiley Plus, etc.)

To submit your list of course materials you may use our Online Adoption tool:

Scroll to the bottom of either homepage and from under the heading Faculty Services, select Online Adoptions. You will be asked to login or register. For first time users, the generic password is 0947 for North, and for 0948 for Lakeshore. If you have questions as to what learning materials were required for this course/semester in the past, either store this information available upon request.

Please let us know if we can assist you in any way. We are here to answer your questions and will gladly walk you through the online adoption process should you require assistance. We look forward to receiving your list of Fall course materials. 

With many thanks,

Indira Danraj
Course Materials Manager, Humber North Campus Store
Email or
Jim Killen
Course Materials Manager, Humber Lakeshore Campus Store
Email: or
June 25, 2019
HRMS Change Team
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Do you know what’s new on the HRMS for Employees?

Ability to directly update your banking information – That’s right! With the HRMS, employees will be able to update their banking information directly through the system. You will no longer have to submit an HRIN to HR for them to update this information for you.

Not exciting enough for you? Let us then introduce a net new feature with the HRMS, the ability to deposit percentages of your salary in more than one bank account! You will no longer have to transfer money between your bank accounts after you get paid, as with HRMS, you can assign funds to automatically transfer to different bank accounts, as a percentage of your total pay.

Keep a lookout for our upcoming Communiqué announcements where we will be sharing more details with you regarding new functionalities within the HRMS, upcoming events, important dates and training sessions.



Have you missed our previous announcements?  
Don’t know what the HRMS is?

The Human Resource Management System (HRMS), is a new Human Capital Management fully integrated, cloud based system that will replace Humber's existing legacy system. The new HRMS will serve as a central source of information for all HR related processes and programs, making it accessible to staff, faculty and other stakeholders through their computer, on or off campus.

Once deployed, the new HRMS provides access to core HR functions, based on your profile as a manager or an employee. Some functionality includes:

  • Entering and tracking attendance
  • Benefits enrollment
  • Entering and approving time
  • Talent management (Which includes Recruitment)
  • And much more!

This would allow HR to:

  • Become Better business partners to faculties and departments
  • Deliver real-time data & information that will improve decision-making
  • Have enhanced reporting capability
  • Streamline processes to enable faster transactions

For managers and employees, the direct access functionality will become the new way of interacting with HR giving you the flexibility, autonomy and a sense of ownership for a better overall manager and employee experience.     

As we get ready to ‘Go Live’ all impacted stakeholders will be receiving training information to ensure that the transition to the new HRMS is easy and seamless.

To find out more about the HRMS, contact the HRMS Change Management Team at
