
September 22, 2015
September 22, 2015

Leave your car at home and try a sustainable mode of transportation such as­­ walking, cycling, carpooling, teleworking or public transit when travelling to and from Humber North or Lakeshore Campus.

Log at least one sustainable trip online from September 14 to 27, 2015 for a chance to WIN one $500 VIA Rail vouchers (4 vouchers total).

North Campus users:
Lakeshore Campus users:

This week-long campaign coincides with International Car FREE Day (September 22)

September 22, 2015
September 22, 2015

With the completion of the North Campus’s Learning Resource Commons and F Wing addition, work has now begun that will ensure that the vacated spaces are used to their maximum potential.

The Humber Backfill Project is a two-year initiative that will reallocate approximately 100,000 square feet of space across 47 projects. It represents a significant opportunity to meet the growing needs of the North Campus, providing new labs, classrooms and office space for Humber’s students, staff and faculty.

Allocation of space was based on five key institutional priorities:

  1. Maintain the same ratio of space-per-student as currently achieved
  2. Give priority to instructional space
  3. Give priority to spaces that support the college’s Academic Plan
  4. Relocate West mall functions to the North Campus and cluster all ITS services
  5. Relocate other services and function off campus if required

Space reallocation is divided as follows:

New classroom facilities

10,312 SF

Existing classrooms and PC labs relocated

13,330 SF

New lab facilities

22,800 SF

Existing lab facilities relocated

10,929 SF

Academic offices expanded or relocated

61,411 SF

Student engagement and administrative offices expanded or relocated

22,500 SF

College services and campus support

2,659 SF

Allocation deferred until Academic Plan and/or Campus Development Plan are in place

5,952 SF

Unallocated space (deferred pending Academic Plan and Campus Development Plan)

24,000 SF


See below for a timetable of planned backfill activities.

If you have any questions, please contact Scott Valens at


Backfill Project Status Update

Services/departments now in the Humber Learning Resource Commons

First floor

  • Welcome and Information desk
  • Office of the Registrar
  • Academic & Career Success Centre (includes Recruitment)

Second floor

  • Student Life/Dean of Students
  • Aboriginal Resource Centre
  • Student Wellness and Accessibility Centre (includes the health centre, disability/accessibility services and counseling)
  • International Centre
  • Testing Services
  • Multi-Faith Centre/Prayer Room

Third floor

  • Dan Andreae Math and Writing Centre
  • Learning Commons
  • Peer Assisted Learning Support

Fourth floor

  • Library

Fifth floor

  • School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
  • Advancement & Alumni Relations
  • Academic Upgrading
  • Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity

Sixth Floor

  • Human Resources
  • Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity
  • Marketing & Communications
  • Senior Administration
  • Program Planning, Development and Renewal
  • Strategic Planning and Institutional Analysis
  • Governors’/President’s boardrooms

Who will be moving into now-vacated spaces



Projected completion date

Public Safety

NX, 1st floor

February 2016

School of Applied Technology

NX, 2nd - 5th  floor

February 2016

Dual Credit/ Community and Workforce Development

J Building

May 2016/August 2016

Classrooms (programs to be confirmed)

N Building

May 2016/August 2016

Liberal Arts & Sciences

H Building

May 2016

Classrooms (programs to be confirmed)

H Building

August 2016

Health Sciences

E Building, 4th floor

September 2016

Classrooms (programs to be confirmed)

E Building

September 2016

Hospitality, Recreation & Tourism office space

B Building, 1st floor

April 2016

Child care centre

JF Building

April 2016

Pre-services Fire Fighter program

W Building

August 2016

Fitness labs and locker rooms

C Building

September 2016

Healthy food retail outlet

C Building

September 2016


D Building

March 2016

Wine/Mixology lab


August 2016

Shipping and Receiving (HRT)

E Building, 1st floor

August 2016

Practical culinary labs


December 2016

Capital Works projects include:

  • Centre for Innovation (1st floor, A Building)
  • HRT temporary office space (C101E)
  • Corporate training room (D Building, 2nd floor)
  • Open Access Lab (D Building, 1st floor)
  • Office cluster facilities/Capital Development (D Building, 1st floor)
  • LGBTQ Resource Centre/Student and Corporate Events (E Building, 1st floor)
  • Business offices (E building, 2nd floor)
  • Simulation apartment (H Building, 4th floor)
  • Health Sciences offices (K Building, 2nd floor)
  • Media Studies offices (M Building, 1st floor)



September 22, 2015
September 22, 2015

WE ARE READY! Marketing and Communications is pleased to announce that the fully redesigned website went live on Tuesday, September 15, 2015.

The launch date was established to ensure we were through our critical Fall registration process before making any changes. With the recent  launch of our new site we are in an even better position to support student success. Thank you to everyone for your input, comments and participation in what was a highly collaborative project, and a special thank you to everyone who participated in the pre-launch testing.

As you explore the new site some of the things you will see include:

  • a new student-friendly navigation structure that also has audience-specific gateways
  • attention-getting visuals and videos
  • our distinctive Humber branding

By offering a more intuitive navigation structure along with a template approach to page styles, students will have a more consistent and satisfying user experience.  And the site has been designed to work on all devices (PC to tablet to smartphone) and continues to be fully AODA (level AA) compliant.

The scope of the redesign focused on the core site. Next steps will include extending this style and structure to the many associated pages and sub-sites. We look forward to working with Schools, departments and third party web developers to deliver a fully integrated approach to our entire web site and its new look.

Should you experience any technical issues please send an email to For the first few weeks following the site launch we will be collecting feedback using the feedback tab on the right-hand side of most pages. We welcome your comments - and because web sites are continuously evolving - we  will work towards incorporating whatever is feasible. 

September 21, 2015
September 21, 2015

Accessing Humber information just got easier for students with the launch of the MyHumber Mobile App.

Building on the website, the app allows students to sign in and access key information, including:

  • HumberMail
  • Class schedules
  • Grades
  • Account information

The app also features information for campus visitors, which is available without signing in. This includes transit schedules (North campus only) and campus maps.

Available for free from the Apple and Android app stores, the MyHumber Mobile App will also provide convenient access to Humber’s website and social media channels.


September 21, 2015
September 21, 2015

The Humber Food Truck Launch was a great success! Many students and staff were on hand to hear about the food truck’s journey, receive a free sample served by our executive team and enter the food truck trivia contest!

Susan Somerville, Dean, School of Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism recognized all of the staff and students who helped make the Humber Food Truck what it is today:

  • Dion Alpert, Front-of-House manager, Humber Food Truck
  • Tracy Fattore, Assoc. Vice President, Administrative Services
  • Savio Colaco, Manager, Business Operations 
  • Rudi Fischbacher - Associate Dean, School of Hospitality, Recreation & Tourism
  • Karen Tavener, Director, Education and Training Solutions, Humber Transportation Training Centre
  • Chef Ash El-Sayed, Retail Chef
  • Chef Francisco Rivera
  • Madhura Lakra, culinary management student, winner of Nestle Professional Minor's Food Truck recipe competition.
  • Tenzing Gaychey, graphic design student - winner of Humber Food Truck design contest
  • Guillermo Acosta, Dean, School of Media Studies & Information Technology
  • Kevin Brandon, Program Coordinator, Graphic Design
  • Joe Giordano, faculty, Graphic Design program
  • Andrew Ainsworth, Director, Professional and Continuing Education
  • Andrew Leopold, Director, Communications
  • Olga Lalka, Director, Marketing
  • Antonio Folino, Events manager

Congratulations to our food truck trivia contest winner, Sue Clevely, Office of the Registrar!

The Humber Food Truck will be open for business on Tuesday, September 22 from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. for lunch and 6:15 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. for dinner until Friday. After its first week of operation, the truck will be open from Monday to Friday during the same time frame.

To find out more, including what's on the menu, please visit

September 21, 2015
September 21, 2015

HELP is happening this week! September 21 – October 4

What is HELP?

  • HELP is the Humber Engagement and Learning Profile survey for incoming students.
  • Developed by a cross-institutional Advisory Group, HELP is a cutting-edge incoming student survey.

Who is HELP for?

  • HELP asks incoming first-semester students in certificate, diploma and degree programs to tell us about their preparation for college, their educational and career goals, early opinions about their program and Humber generally, and to identify particular student support services they may use
  • Participating students are entered into a draw for prizes including $1,000 towards tuition, $500 towards tuition and $50 Humber Bookstore Gift Cards.

When does it happen?

  • The HELP survey is open to students this week! (September 21 – October 4). 
  • The survey is administered online and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

How does a student access the HELP survey?

  • A student will receive a survey invitation through their personal email. The email subject line will read: “Humber HELP Survey Invitation – WIN PRIZES!”.  In the email will be the student’s unique link to the survey.

Why is HELP important?

  • Students tell us how we can help them be successful at Humber, and receive individualized emails and timely information about Humber’s services based on areas of assistance they identified as beneficial!
  • Humber Institutional Research creates and distributes reports based on student responses to key questions, identifying those who are struggling or at-risk of leaving early.
  • Aggregate data at the program, school and college levels will help us to develop institutional retention strategies that will help more students be successful in their program.

Where can you get HELP info?

  • To ask questions or learn more about the survey or reports please contact Pat VanHorne, Manager, Institutional Research at or x4943
September 21, 2015
September 21, 2015

Humber College Council held its first meeting of the fall semester on Thursday, September 17, at the North campus. As the Communications Liaison for Council, I will be reporting the highlights of the monthly meetings in order to keep the Humber community informed about upcoming events, new initiatives, and important issues. For more information on any topic, or to give me feedback on the reports, please feel free to contact me at

Upcoming Events

The 6th Annual Humber LAS Conference will be held Friday, September 25 and Saturday, September 26 at the North Campus. This year’s theme is “A Better World,” and the keynote address, “Getting Smart on Crime,” by Greg Rogers, Executive Director of the John Howard Society, will take place on Friday at 4 pm in Seventh Semester. A reception in the Humber Room will follow. Saturday will feature presentations by Humber faculty from all eight academic schools. Registration is free for members of the Humber community:

“Moving for Mental Health Awareness” is a 5k run/walk that will be held on Thursday, October 15 from 12:30 – 3:30 at the Lakeshore Campus. For more information, email . To register, visit

Launch of Co-Curricular Record

A key priority in Humber’s 2013-18 strategic plan is to ensure that co-curricular activities are well-integrated into the total student experience. This fall, Student Success and Engagement launched Humber’s new Co-Curricular Record (CCR). Corinna Fitzgerald, Director, Student Life Programs, and Thomas Kaddour, Coordinator, Co-Curricular Programs, joined Council to walk us through some of the background and details.

Humber’s CCR provides an official catalogue of student experiences, along with the competencies and skills obtained, and is fully customizable for each student. To be eligible for inclusion in a student’s CCR, an experience must not be tied to academic credit, and must provide valuable competency development, have an approved affiliation with Humber or Guelph-Humber, be accurately validated by a staff or faculty member, and adhere to Humber’s code of student conduct.

Possible experiences include paid positions, volunteer positions, service learning, conferences, research assistantships, training and workshops, committees, and varsity athletics.

For more information, please see

Sexual Violence Policy and Awareness Campaign

In March, 2015, Humber launched its new sexual violence policy and website. This fall, Humber’s Awareness and Prevention Campaign aims to increase the awareness of sexual violence on campus through engaging students in an informal dialogue about sexual violence, educating students about consent, improving the capacity of students, staff, and faculty to safely intervene in sexual violence scenarios, and improving awareness of sexual violence support resources. Students have created a 50-second video to increase awareness; staff and faculty are encouraged to share it with students:

Humber has implemented a bystander intervention program (Bringing in the Bystander), in order to empower individuals to confidently intervene in an incident. Participants will learn how to prevent and de-escalate situations. For information about the policy, campaign, intervention program, and training dates, please see

Annual Report and Business Plan

Corrine Johnston, Director, Strategic Planning and Institutional Effectiveness, and Amy Kaufman, Manager, Strategic Planning, summarized Humber’s 2104-15 Annual Report and 2015-16 Business Plan. The former articulates the broad vision and goals for the institution, while the latter identifies priorities and strategies that will ensure we meet our strategic mandate. Highlights from the documents include the following:

2014-15 Annual Report

  • Finalized the business case for a Centre of Innovation in health and wellness
  • Developed a change management framework and toolkit to support implementation of the Human Resources Management software project 
  • Redeveloped the FYE program
  • Launched the internationalization strategy and global citizenship certificate
  • Developed an alumni engagement strategy

2015-16 Business Plan

  • Develop Humber’s Academic Plan and accompanying Strategic Enrolment Management plan to focus on recruitment, retention, and conversion
  • Pilot the change management framework and toolkit during implementation of the Human Resources Management software
  • Fully deploy unified communications on all campuses
  • Respond to the results of the 2014 Employee Engagement Survey

For more information, please see

The next meeting of Humber College Council will be on Thursday, October 15 at the Lakeshore Campus. 

September 18, 2015
September 18, 2015
We have officially eliminated the need for student bookings here at Testing Services. Under our new policy, only students who require the use of private rooms will need to make bookings. Like before, we ask that students who need private rooms make their booking two weeks in advance.

All other students will simply be directed to coordinate a test time with their instructor, and come write their test at that time. We do have a Test/Exam Notification Form here at Testing Services. If students wish, they can fill out this form and submit it to their instructor. Some students may prefer to use this form, because they want to have written Testing Services documentation outlining their testing dates. However, it is not a requirement.

In just a few weeks we will be rolling out our new online booking system, RegisterBlast. Students who require private rooms will then be making their bookings online at We will be notifying students and faculty as soon as RegisterBlast is ready to go.
September 16, 2015
September 16, 2015

What is HELP?
HELP is the Humber Engagement and Learning Profile survey for incoming students.

Developed by a cross-institutional Advisory Group, HELP is a cutting-edge incoming student survey.

Who is HELP for?
HELP asks incoming first-semester students in certificate, diploma and degree programs to tell us about their preparation for college, their educational and career goals, early opinions about their program and Humber generally, and to identify particular student support services they may use.

Participating students are entered into a draw for prizes including $1,000 towards tuition, $500 towards tuition and $50 Humber Bookstore Gift Cards.

When does it happen?
The HELP survey is open to students during the third and fourth weeks of class (September 21 – October 4).

The survey is administered online and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

How does a student access the HELP survey?
A student will receive a survey invitation through their personal email. The email subject line will read: “Humber HELP Survey Invitation – WIN PRIZES!”.  In the email will be the student’s unique link to the survey.

Why is HELP important?
Students tell us how we can help them be successful at Humber, and receive individualized emails and timely information about Humber’s services based on areas of assistance they identified as beneficial!

Humber Institutional Research creates and distributes reports based on student responses to key questions, identifying those who are struggling or at-risk of leaving early.

Aggregate data at the program, school and college levels will help us to develop institutional retention strategies that will help more students be successful in their program.

Where can you get HELP info?
To ask questions or learn more about the survey or reports please contact

Pat VanHorne, Manager, Institutional Research at or x4943

Improving student success is an institutional priority, and benefits all of us!

September 16, 2015
September 16, 2015
It’s that time of the year again when school has started back up and students are getting back into their regular routine. The idea of going back to school is never usually seen as fun and exciting and it can especially be stressful if you’re unfamiliar with the school you’re attending. If you’re a new student to Humber, or you just want to find out ways to make your Humber life easier, here’s a “Humber Hack Guide” to help you out.

Full article:
