Chartwells Catering would like to welcome you to CaterTrax, your new online Catering & Hospitality menu request system for Humber College.
CaterTrax is a user friendly ordering system that enables you to place your request anywhere, anytime and also track past requests.
Visit us at
Here are some guest comments:
- "I set up my account quite easily and love the ability to print off the invoice instantly" – Cynthia
- "Our guests love the way they can look up past orders or place a new one right on the CaterTrax website" – Brian
CaterTrax Open House
Location: North Camnpus, Seventh Semester
Date: March 16th, 2016
Time: 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Showcasing New menu items and reviewing the ordering system.
RSVP: Anna at anna.scicluna@