
September 28, 2015
September 28, 2015

Have you hired work-study students for the school year? If their duties include working on marketing and communications materials for your team, we highly encourage setting up a brand introduction workshop.

All Humber employees, including work-study students, are welcome to attend a Humber brand workshop to learn about the resources and services available.

The workshop, which is less than one hour, is available year-round. It is customizable to meet your team’s needs and we will come to you at a convenient time. All we need is an A/V hookup with a projector/screen and space for your team to sit.

Thank you for ensuring proper use of Humber’s brand.

Please contact Rebecca Fox, Marketing and Communications at to set up a workshop, and visit to learn what we can do for you and your team.

September 28, 2015
September 28, 2015

The Math Centre is now in the brand new location in the Dan Andreae Math & Writing Centre on the 3rd Floor of the LRC! Come check out our great new space!

The Math Centre is a completely free drop-in tutoring service in all of Humber College's math and math related courses. We provide tutoring in the centre, across campus, and even online!

Monday - Thursday: 8:30am to 6pm
Friday: 8:30am - 4pm
Saturday: 11am - 4pm

North: Dan Andreae Math & Writing Centre on 3rd Floor LRC
Lakeshore: Cottage F 201

We are here to help so come by and check us out! It won't cost you a cent!

September 25, 2015
September 25, 2015

Not sure how to register for one of our L&D programs? Well, here are some simple instructions:

To Login: 

  • Go to 
  • Create an account (username and password) and select your manager’s name in the dropdown menu.
  • Click Login 
  • Select your username 
  • Click on Reset password 

You will receive a one-time password change from to create a new password. 

  • Go to Program Offerings
  • Click on Programs (tab on the black bar) 
  • Click on the sub-heading for your session choice (College Knowledge, e.g.) 
  • Scroll to the course name 
  • Click on Sign up

Quick reference link:

If you are a manager who needs to approve your employee’s training request:

Quick reference link: 

If you need further assistance, contact Mo at or call ext. 4509.

September 24, 2015
September 24, 2015

Join a fun-filled, energetic walk around the block and get your daily dose of physical activity while you boost your energy during your lunch hour.

Walk 1: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 
Walk 2: Wednesday, October 14, 2015 
Time: 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. 

Starting Locations: 
Lakeshore Campus L Building – Lobby
North Campus LRC Building – Lobby

Registration links:
Lakeshore Campus:
North Campus: 

Deadline: Friday, September 25, 2015

Don’t forget to log your activity on for a chance to WIN GREAT MONTHLY PRIZES!

September 24, 2015
September 24, 2015

MasterCard password resets, you only have 3 attempts before BMO locks you out of your account.  When you complete 2 attempts unsuccessfully, please select the button and BMO will immediately send you an email where you can reset your password, using one of your security questions.

Need assistance, please submit your request to 

September 24, 2015
September 24, 2015

Humber’s sustainability initiatives were the subject of an article in the September 2015 edition of In-procurement, written by Purchasing Services manager, Emily Eyre. The article outlines the school’s commitment to sustainability and the role it plays in strategic planning and other internal practices. See page 32 of the electronic issue, which can be found at:

A thank you to the Sustainability Coordinating Committee (SCC), faculty and others who have embraced and incorporated sustainability concepts into student curriculum and work procedures. This will continue to have a positive effect on Humber and the community at large.

Learn more about Humber Sustainability at

September 24, 2015
September 24, 2015

Dear Colleagues, 

Early in the morning, July 8 2015, Peter Olsen passed away peacefully.

Peter was born in Denmark in 1946, immigrated to Canada at the age of 11 with his parents, John and Elsebeth, who established the flourishing Royal City Nursery at the corner of Woodlawn Road and the Hanlon Expressway, back in 1962.

Peter was a horticulturalist at heart, always stopping to pull a weed or unsheathing his secateurs to prune just one more branch. The love and passion for all things landscape led Peter to become a student in the first Horticulture Apprenticeship program at Humber College. He went on to teach horticulture at Humber College for 35 years, until last winter.

The Olsen family has set up a scholarship fund in Peter’s name. To find out more about the fund or to donate click here: Peter Olsen Horticulture Apprenticeship Scholarship Fund, courtesy of the Ontario Horticulture Trades Foundation or contact us at 519.824.4998.

September 23, 2015
September 23, 2015

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005) Training Requirements 

1. Accessible Customer Service Training 
The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act requires Humber College to become fully accessible to people with disabilities by 2025. All Humber employees, including instructors, who are full-time, parttime, sessional, contract and work-study students are required to complete the Accessible Customer Service Training.

Accessing the 30-Minute Customer Service Training Module:
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Scroll down to “Training Programs” and click the tab “AODA Customer Service Standards Training”
Step 3: Click on the link for your staff group i.e. Administration, Faculty or Support
Step 4: Choose the appropriate training language and format. The HTML version is designed for individuals with visual impairments
Step 5: Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the training
Step 6: On completion of the training:

  • fill in your name on the certificate;
  • fill in the date of completion on the certificate; and
  • e-mail the certificate to

2. ​Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation & Ontario Human Rights Code Training 

Under the Information and Communications Standard of the AODA (2005), Humber College is required to provide all employees and volunteers with Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation and Ontario Human Rights Code Training (IASR/OHRC Training).

All Humber employees who are full-time, part-time, sessional, contract, work-study students and volunteers are required to complete the IASR/OHRC Training, as legislated by the AODA (2005). Please note that the IASR/OHRC Training is the third training requirement under the AODA (2005). It is required to be completed in addition to the Accessibility Awareness Training for Educators and the Accessible Customer Service Standard Training.

To access the 30-minute online Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation & Ontario Human Rights Code training module:

Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Scroll down to “Training Programs” and click on the tab: “IASR & Human Rights Training”
Step 3: On completion of training:

  • Log in using your Humber log-in information
  • Fill in the date of completion on the certificate, if necessary; and
  • Email the certificate to

For more information, contact Jessica Bowen, Manager, Human Rights, Equity & Diversity, 416-675- 6622 ext. 5685 or

This document is available in an alternate format upon request.

September 23, 2015
September 23, 2015

Humber College is committed to principles of equity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Employment Equity is a program legislated by the Federal Employment Equity Act to remove barriers to employment for Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, visible minorities and women. Humber includes sexual minorities as part of its overall equity program, including employment equity. All Humber employees’ participation is important.

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity is inviting all faculty, support staff and administration to complete the revised Employment Equity Questionnaire. The information that is provided in the Employment Equity Questionnaire will be kept confidential. We are requesting that you encourage the staff in your School or Department to take a few minutes to complete the confidential questionnaire.

To access the questionnaire:

  1. Go to 
  2. Input your email address in the “Email” box and click “Continue”
  3. If you are unable to access the questionnaire using your email address, please contact Jessica Bowen, Manager, Human Rights, Equity & Diversity by email at or by phone at 416.675.6622 ext. 5685 to obtain an invite code. 

If you require the Employment Equity Questionnaire in an accessible format, or have any questions about Employment Equity, please refer to the Resources section of the Human Rights, Equity & Diversity website, or contact Nancy Simms, Director, Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity, at 416.665.6622 ext.4425.

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity thanks you for helping to build a more inclusive Humber.

September 23, 2015
September 23, 2015

Did you know that Humber’s Human Rights Policy covers psychological harassment?

The College’s working, living and learning environments will be maintained free from discrimination and harassment as prohibited by the Ontario Human Rights Code and from personal or psychological harassment.  

The College has the right, as well as the legal and moral responsibility, to ensure that all its members are treated fairly, equitably, and respectfully.

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity | HR Services is available to all employees to provide support and advice in the area of human rights. If you suspect that an issue you are dealing with in the classroom or in your department is human rights related, please contact Nancy Simms, Director, Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity for a quick consultation at or 416.675.6622 ext. 4425.
