
February 19, 2014
February 19, 2014



National Post­ – December 03, 2013 – Canada’s top 100 most powerful women
Article mentions Humber’s honorary degree recipient, Michelle McKenzie as one of Canada’s most powerful women.

Etobicoke Guardian – December 05, 2013 – Toronto’s Top Employers Named
Article mentions Humber being named a Top Employer for 2014.

CBC News – December 09, 2013 - Co-ordination of Charities
Report features interview with Humber’s fundraising and volunteer management professor, Ken Wyman. He discusses the holiday charity giving season.

Etobicoke Guardian – December 16, 2013 – Win Startup Capital
Article mentions HumberLaunch’s competition, LaunchPad to help alumni and current students start their businesses.

Toronto Star – December 18, 2013 – Non-Christians ‘aren’t actually offended’ by holiday traditions says host of party for Christmas rookies
Article features Humber’s Christmas party for international students studying in Canada and features an interview with Humber’s marketing and entrepreneurship professor, Sandy Marchetti.

Globe and Mail – December 21, 2013 – No joke – Bay Street’s amateur comedians raise some serious cash
Article mentions Humber grad, David Goodman, former chief executive at Dundee Wealth Inc who graduated from Humber’s continuing education Comedy course and uses his talent to help raise money for charities focused on at-risk youth.

Ontario Restaurant News – December 21, 2013 – People
Article features the announcement of Humber’s new Dean of the School of Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism, Susan Somerville.

Ontario Restaurant News – December 21, 2013 – A touch of Latitude
Article features Humber Culinary graduate, Owen Vulpe who started cooking as a co-op student at Mark McEwan’s North 44 and now owns his own restaurant Sanja Vago, in Georgetown, Ontario"

CTV News – December 28, 2013 – Truck industry in trouble
Story features Humber’s transportation centre and also includes an interview with Humber student, Habtamu Gebru.

Mississauga News – January 1, 2013 – Could motorcycle riding be for you?
Article features Humber’s Motorcycle training programs from beginner to expert.

Metro Toronto – January 07, 2014 - Higher Intelligence – Analysis training aids investigationsArticle features Humber’s new online criminal intelligence analysis (CIA) certificate. Article also features an interview with Humber instructor and creator of the CIA certificate, Ann Stevens.

Toronto Star – January 09, 2014 - Jazz finds a welcoming home at Toronto’s Four Seasons Centre
Article features the Humber Faculty 6 and mentions the 14 jazz concerts planned for this season, including the Humber Brazilian Jazz Ensemble (Road to Rio), and the Humber Contemporary Jazz Ensemble (Contemporary Currents).

Toronto Star – January 15, 2014 – How Colleges and universities are helping students get a foot in the door
Article mentions Humber’s Entrepreneur-in-Residence and HumberLaunch which helps students translate their ideas into reality. Article also features interview with Humber’s dean of research, Patricia Morgan.

Toronto Star – January 17, 2014 - Toronto-area Benisasia funeral home accused of cutting corners on embalmings
Article features interview with Humber’s funeral service instructor, Jeff Caldwell regarding the embalming procedure.
Also published on Toronto Sun and Metro Toronto

CTV News – January 19, 2014 – WebMania: Students compete at Great Canadaian Appathon
Story feature reporter at Humber’s Design Centre speaking to Humber students participating in the Great Canadian Appathon. Story features an interview with Humber student Dan Liverance.

February 19, 2014
February 19, 2014

Bring your friends, your team, or jsut yourself  to Room B212 for some photo booth fun!  Getting your picutre taken only takes a few minutes and there's a great selection of props to make a fun photo strip to keep as a SSAW 2014 memory.

Time: 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Date: Wednesday February 19, 2014.

February 18, 2014
February 18, 2014

College Council February Highlights

College Council had its second meeting of the winter semester on Thursday, February 6, 2014, at the North Campus. In the interest of keeping the Humber community informed about upcoming events, new initiatives, and important issues, I will be continuing to report the highlights of the monthly meetings.  For more information on any topic, or to give me feedback on the reports, please feel free to contact me directly at

Opportunities for Students

The Humber RAPP Research Forum: Shifting Landscapes: Insights into New Research Technologies in Social and Market Research will be held at the Assembly Hall, Lakeshore Campus, on April 2, 2014, from 8:15- 4:00 pm. The event will be free for all members of the Humber community, and all Humber students are invited to submit proposals by February 28. For more information, and to view the Call for Proposals, please visit the website at

Opportunities for Faculty and Staff

Nancey Adamson, Manager, Employee Engagement, presented information about Uniterra’s Leave for Change, a program that pairs professionals with partners in developing countries.  Humber faculty and staff can volunteer to spend part of their vacation time (usually two to four weeks) working in one of twelve participating countries, contributing their skills and experience to specific development projects, with the goal of building capacity in local organizations.  The partnership is currently in its seventh year, and to date, twenty-nine Humber employees have volunteered in Botswana, Malawi, Nepal, Vietnam, Ghana, and Guatemala. Nancey was joined by three Humber employees who participated in the program in summer 2013.

Jennifer Leonard (School of Media Studies and Information Technology) volunteered as a Marketing and Communications Advisor with the Professional Development and Research Center (PDRC) in Kathmandu, Nepal, preparing communication plans, creating promotional materials, training staff on social media, and delivering media relations workshops to students.  Liana Acri (University of Guelph-Humber) volunteered as a Soft Skills for Effective Communication Trainer at Hanoi Community College in Hanoi, Vietnam, working with students, staff, and faculty in order to build capacity for future transfer of skills. KiBae Park (School of Media Studies and Information Technology) volunteered in Kathmandu, Nepal, building a communications strategy for an NGO. All three faculty members spoke about how valuable the experience was, allowing them to build connections, learn about other cultures, and share information about Canadian culture.

Humber will sponsor up to six volunteers this year, and the deadline is March 7th. Interviews will be held March 31 and April 1. For more information, please visit

Facilities Management: Overview of Humber’s Draft Sustainability Plan

Lindsay Walker, Manager, Sustainability, and Spencer Wood, Co-chair of Humber’s Sustainability Coordinating Committee, presented an overview of Humber’s draft sustainability plan, which has been developed over the past six months. Sustainability, which is commonly defined as “meeting contemporary needs without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy their needs,” is one of Humber’s six core values as outlined in the 2013-2018 Strategic Plan. 

The objective of the sustainability team has been to develop a five-year sustainability plan for the college. The process began in the fall, with workshops, stakeholder events at all three campuses, and an online survey. One of the key findings of these sessions, which engaged over 5,000 members of the Humber community, was that over 84% of responses in each demographic (faculty, staff, and students) indicated that integrating sustainability into the curriculum is “important” or “necessary” to the future job market. Another key finding was that Humber has high support from its community with regards to sustainability, with an expectation of leadership. Although key sustainability priorities vary by demographic, Recycling and Waste was the top priority for all demographics. Other key priorities included: Transportation; Education and Research; and Energy Efficiency and Climate Change.

In 2012, Humber became a member of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE).   In Fall 2013, Humber became the first college in Ontario to receive a Silver STARS (Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System) rating from AASHE. The STARS rating system considers four main categories:  Education and Research; Operations; Planning, Administration & Engagement; and Innovation.

If you are interested in getting involved with Sustainability at Humber, please consider:

  • learning about sustainability initiatives at and following the Office of Sustainability on twitter: @SustainHumber
  • signing up for the Sustainability mailing list at
  • designating a Green Ambassador and Green Team in your School or Department - see the Green Team Guide:‐teams and contact if you are interested
  • starting your own initiatives within your School or Department and sharing with the Office of Sustainability – they can help with communication and promotion
  • participating in the Sustainable Office Audit (coming soon)
  • reviewing the draft Sustainability Plan (coming soon) and providing feedback

New Program

The School of Hospitality, Recreation, and Tourism will be offering a new twelve-course Certificate in Hotel and Restaurant Services. This innovative new program aligns with Humber’s strategic priority of strengthening our polytechnic identity by providing multiple pathways for students to gain credentials. The program will be accessible to overseas students, as well as those working in the hospitality industry, and provides a pathway into the second year of the Hospitality Management diploma. There is significant market demand for a program of this type in the hospitality industry.

The twelve courses have been designed to be very interactive, incorporating elements such as videos, journals, gaming, chats, and e-portfolios. The program also includes a mentorship program, which will connect students (via Skype) with a professional mentor from their chosen industry.

Internationalization Strategy

Diane Simpson, Dean, International, provided a brief history of Humber’s international activities and reviewed specific points of Humber’s internationalization strategy in the context of Humber’s strategic plan.
Humber is committed to creating a global-ready community of students, faculty and staff, by providing students with diverse perspectives, and opportunities to support the development of intercultural skills and global citizenship, thereby preparing them for the global workplace.  This will be accomplished by initiatives focused on recruiting and supporting international students, providing study- and work-abroad opportunities, and engaging faculty and staff in internationally focused professional development initiatives. 

Denise Gardner, Director, Professional Development, shared the initiatives, objectives, and goals for each stage of Humber’s internationalization plan with specific attention to ensuring that faculty and staff are equipped to support internationalization efforts across the campus.  Highlights include the Intercultural Training Certificate, the Internationally Inclusive Educator Competency Framework, an inventory of internationalized course curriculum, and course outline software designed to focus on international content.

In keeping with Council’s new mandate to report back to the President on key items, members of Council met in small working groups to discuss the evening’s presentations and to make notes that will be brought to the President. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 6, 2014, at the North Campus. 

February 14, 2014
February 14, 2014

We are pleased to advise you of the following :

Academic Staff

Most academic staff (faculty, librarians and counsellors) are entitled to two months vacation, as scheduled by their manager.

For the majority of academic staff, the two month 2014 summer vacation period is as follows:

Begins - Monday, June 23
Ends  - Friday, August 22

Faculty are expected to return on Monday, August 25, 2014.  Classes commence on September 2, 2014.

A dean, associate dean or school head may arrange alternative dates for vacation periods for academic staff, depending upon the academic and operational requirements of a program.

Support Staff

Vacations are scheduled using the following guidelines:

  1. Support staff are entitled to three (3) consecutive weeks of vacation unless otherwise agreed to by their managers, but there is no guarantee that these three weeks can be scheduled during the summer months;
  2. The vacation period of July and August, is to be shared fairly amongst all employees.  Recognizing operational needs may preclude certain vacation requests, the College will endeavour to accommodate all staff vacation requests. Support Staff are required to submit their vacation preferences to their manager by March 1, 2014;
  3. Support staff may carry over up to 15 days of vacation as of June 30 of each year, subject to an agreement with their manager to schedule the carryover days in the following year;
  4. The College maintains a practice of not replacing staff while they are on vacation.

Administrative Staff

Administrative Staff are expected to co-ordinate their planned vacation with their Department Head by March 1, 2014, giving consideration to operational needs.  Administrative Staff may carry over, up to a maximum of 15 days of vacation as of August 31 of each year with approval by their Department Head.


Summer Hours

During the period, May to August, where operationally feasible, deans, directors and school heads have the authority to establish summer working hours for their employees, which vary from regular operating hours.

Summer hours usually mean that employees continue to work their full number of hours each week, but may start and finish earlier or later in the day.  Managers need to ensure that regular customer service is maintained when considering requests for summer hours.  Arrangements for summer working hours are approved at the discretion of the manager.

Leaves of Absence

In addition to any vacation time, support staff may request an unpaid leave of absence during the May to August summer period.  Leaves of absence may be scheduled as weeks off or as days per week off (e.g., working a four day week).  Approvals of such leaves are subject to the operational requirements of the division/department.

Due to changes in the pension plan, effective July 1, 2012 all unpaid leaves periods can be purchased by the employee at 100 per cent cost to the employee . If the employee chooses to carry benefits, the cost is 100 per cent paid by the employee.  Call Joanne Baker, HR Services, at extension 4023 for details.

Requests for a Summer Leave of Absence are to be submitted in writing to your manager.  If the request can be accommodated, the employee's letter and a HRIN identifying the leave of absence arrangements are to be sent to HR Services.  HR Services will confirm the salary arrangements with the manager and the employee.

We would like to wish all staff a pleasant vacation and enjoyable summer.  Should there be any questions regarding the scheduling, or taking of vacation, or the observance of holidays, please contact your HR Consultant.


  • The College will be closed on the following College Holidays during 2014:
  • Family Day - Monday, February 17
  • Good Friday - Friday, April 18
  • *Victoria Day - Monday, May 19
  • College Closed - Monday, June 30 – Employee Appreciation Day
  • *Canada Day - Tuesday, July 1
  • *Civic Holiday - Monday, August 4
  • Labour Day  - Monday, September 1
  • Thanksgiving - Monday, October 13
  • College Closed - Friday, January 2, 2015 – Employee Appreciation Day

*Early Friday Closings

In the summer of 2014, staff scheduled to work, will be allowed to leave one and a half hours (1.5) early on Friday, May 16, prior to Victoria Day, on Friday, June 27, prior to Canada Day and on Friday, August 1, prior to the Civic Holiday, subject to the operational requirements of the division/department.

Staff required to work full hours on any of the early closing days shall be given one and a half hours (1.5) off on another day during the summer, to be scheduled by the manager of the area.

Overtime pay on the early closing days shall apply only in situations where employees are required to work beyond their regular number of work hours.

Public Holiday Pay

Staff required to work on a public holiday shall be paid time and one half for each hour worked, plus holiday pay.

Part-time staff may be eligible for public holiday pay, plus time and one half pay, for hours worked on any public holiday.  To qualify for public holiday pay, part-time employees must have worked on their scheduled day of work preceding and following the recognized holiday.

Payment of all part-time staff who work irregular hours shall be equal to the total amount of regular wages and vacation pay payable to the employee in the four work weeks before the work week in which the public holiday occurred, divided by 20.

Any questions, please contact Joanne Patchett at extension 4970 or Sherry Fast at extension 5089.               

2014 02 12
HR Services

February 13, 2014
February 13, 2014

Campus Services would like to thank all staff, students and faculty for their extremely generous donations towards the Children's Aid Society of Toronto.  Humber College has been working with the Children's Aid Society of Toronto for over 12 years and we could not continue to do so without your amazing contributions. Over the past year, your kind donations have assisted more than 243 families. This holiday season alone, over 483 children and youth were positively impacted by your donations.

Thank you once again for your continuous efforts and generosity!


The Campus Services Team

February 12, 2014
February 12, 2014

Available to faculty, staff, students, and members of theHumber Athletic Centre
conducted by students from Humber’s   
February 25th until April 17, 2014 
11:45 a.m. ‐ 12:30 p.m. 
Group Exercise Studio A224 
Heart Wise Exercise classes are suitable for individuals with or at risk of developing 
cardiovascular or chronic health issues.

February 12, 2014
February 12, 2014

L space gallery wants your opinion about our current place within the Humber community. Take our survey and contribute your thoughts!

The survey will take approximately 5 - 10 minutes and upon survey completion you will be entered into a draw to win one of three Fitbits.

February 7, 2014
February 7, 2014

Faculty can show feature films and documentaries in class without the need for public performance rights as long as the copy is legal.

Planning on using video clips? Click here for the quiz to learn which sources can be used.

February 7, 2014
February 7, 2014

There is still plenty of space in most workshops!

Log in to here  to set up your account and register. Everyone has to log in to register for workshops and the luncheon.

Managers that wish to attend also must log in and register for the luncheon.

Please note: Some of the more popular workshops are full, but there is a lot to choose from!

All Financial sessions offered Tuesday and Wednesday morning are open to ALL employees.

Please contact Mo Martin-Edey if you have any questions.

Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 4509

February 6, 2014
February 6, 2014

Win an iPad or digital camera, & other cool prizes just for attending!

Receive an entry into the FYE RAFFLE DRAW for each session /event that you attend.

Sessions are FREE & 50 minutes in length. Snacks are provided.

For more information, contact:
or visit H217, North Campus


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