Past Events

  • When:
    May 10, 2012 9:30am
May 10, 2012 - 9:30am
North Campus, Concourse, Building E

Julie Valerio
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 4180

Silent auction of items of and about nature. Amazing Canadian artwork to be had.

Silent auction will run from 9:30a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

All proceeds go to support students attending the Places of Natural Discovery Conference conference.


  • When:
    May 10, 2012 8:00am
Thursday, May 10, 2012 - 8:00am

Event: Youth in Focus Conference
Dates: May 10 & 11, 2012
Time: 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

To register, contact Cheryl Evans at or go to Humber's registration page.

  • When:
    May 9, 2012 (All day)
  • When:
    May 10, 2012 (All day)
May 9, 2012
May 10, 2012

Join us this spring for an evening and full day as we continue to share the beauty of nature and it’s vital importance to our wellness. You will engage in conversations and presentations that affect children, youth and adults. Our multi-discipline approach brings together exciting information from educators, researchers, horticulturalists and occupational therapists. Please join us for some springtime
rejuvenation and inspiration!

“Time in nature is not leisure time; it’s an essential investment in our children’s health (and also, by the way, in our own.)….By taking nature experiences out of the leisure column and placing it in the health column, we are more likely to take our children on that hike-more likely to, well, have fun.”

- Richard Louv

For more information on the program, key note speakers or to register, please visit the School of Health Sciences website. 

  • When:
    May 9, 2012 6:00pm
May 9, 2012 - 6:00pm
North Campus, Room D236

Faculty new to Humber will find this workshop especially helpful.

The workshop will provide participants with:

  • An awareness of how to build and maintain a learner-centred approach to teaching
  • An introduction to best practices in Teaching and Learning
  • An overview of services to support both faculty and students

Workshop runs from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Register online!

  • When:
    May 9, 2012 2:30pm
May 9, 2012 - 2:30pm
North Campus, Room E332

Many people struggle with reading for understanding. In this workshop, students will learn about different reading styles. They will also be introduced to reading strategies that will help them get the most of the material they read.

For more information, visit us online.

  • When:
    May 9, 2012 12:40pm
May 9, 2012 - 12:40pm
North Campus, Room E332

Every class you take presents you with lots of information to take in and learn. How can anyone remember it all? Good note taking is essential and learning how to sift through information to make effective notes will move you towards success. In this workshop students will learn and practise strategies for optimizing their note taking ability.

For more information, visit us online.

  • When:
    May 9, 2012 9:55am
May 9, 2012 - 9:55am
Lakeshore Campus, L3016

“Smart but odd….”
“An alien in a foreign social world….”
“Marching to the beat of their own drum….”
“A little dash of autism….”
“A tortured genius….”
“1 in 115! ....”

These are just some of the phrases that come to mind when we think about “Asperger’s Syndrome”.

In this workshop, we will work toward a better understanding of Asperger’s Syndrome and also explore some tools you could use to support students with Asperger’s Syndrome more effectively in your classroom.

Workshop runs from 9:55a.m. - 10:45a.m.

Register online!


  • When:
    May 9, 2012 9:55am
May 9, 2012 - 9:55am
North Campus, Room D236

Culture shock is experienced by students in our classrooms. After a period of initial euphoria, students transition through stages as they navigate towards cultural adaptation. In this workshop, you will learn how to identify the stages of cultural adaptation and the challenging behaviours and feelings that may accompany a student through the stages of adjustment. The session will enable participants to understand their student’s cultural conflicts, better manage behaviours and provide responsive resolutions in the classroom.

Workshop runs from 9:55 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.  

 Register onilne!

  • When:
    May 9, 2012 8:30am
May 9, 2012 - 8:30am
North Campus, Community Room, NX111

The Gallup Organization has studied human behavior for more than 70 years with a goal to help organizations and individuals maximize their performance. This resulted in the design of an instrument and accompanying talent development program that is referred to as StrengthsQuest. The testing instrument – Clifton StrengthsFinder - consists of 180 paired comparison items that are classified into 34 groupings or themes. Prior to this workshop you will have an opportunity to complete the online StrengthsFinder profile survey to discover your top five themes of talent. In the workshop you will explore your results and learn how to recognize and appreciate the unique talents and strengths of others and consider how StrengthsQuest can be used in your classroom. Come prepared to learn and have some fun!

This workshop runs from 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon

Register online!


  • When:
    May 9, 2012 (All day)
  • When:
    May 10, 2012 (All day)
May 9, 2012
May 10, 2012

Join us this spring for an evening and full day as we continue to share the beauty of nature and it’s vital importance to our wellness. You will engage in conversations and presentations that affect children, youth and adults. Our multi-discipline approach brings together exciting information from educators, researchers, horticulturalists and occupational therapists. Please join us for some springtime
rejuvenation and inspiration!

“Time in nature is not leisure time; it’s an essential investment in our children’s health (and also, by the way, in our own.)….By taking nature experiences out of the leisure column and placing it in the health column, we are more likely to take our children on that hike-more likely to, well, have fun.”

- Richard Louv

For more information on the program, key note speakers or to register, please visit the School of Health Sciences website. 
