Global Academic Opportunities: Summer and Semester Exchange

Do you know a student who is interested in global learning? Have they expressed interest in completing a work placement or studying abroad? Inspire your students to experience the world while earning academic credit for their Humber credential!

Global Academic Opportunities are available for all full-time Humber students in good academic standing, both in-person and virtually. Eligible students will earn credits recognized as GNED; degree Breadth elective; or core academic courses.

As part of Humber’s 2018-2023 Internationalization Strategy, this programming reflects Humber’s mission to develop global citizens with the knowledge and skills to lead and innovate. Note that a Global Learning Bursary of up to $2,500 CAD is available to support all eligible students.

Applications are currently being accepted for:

Application deadline for Summer Programs Abroad: February 27, 2022
Application deadline for Semester Exchange Abroad: March 13, 2022

For more information, contact:

Erin Cole
International Mobility Coordinator