Before You Withdraw

Prior to withdrawing from your program, you are encouraged to explore options that may support your personal and academic success.

Withdraw Deadlines

If you choose to withdraw, you must do so formally by the specified deadlines in the Academic Calendar to avoid academic and financial penalties. View General Refund Information.

If you intend to withdraw, you must submit your application for withdrawal via MyHumber > Student > Student Records > Withdraw from Program or Semester.

Important: Not attending classes or notifying only your professor or Program Co-ordinator of your intent to withdraw are NOT acceptable methods for formally withdrawing from a class or program.

Important Guidelines


Important Deadlines in Academic Calendar

Tuition Refunded? (Minus non-refundable tuition deposit) Academic Penalty? (Grades appear on Transcript)
Withdrawing BEFORE “Last Day to Drop From Classes for A Refund Yes (minus non-refundable tuition deposit) No
Withdrawing BEFORE “Last Day to Withdraw Without Academic Penalty” No No
Withdrawing AFTER “Last Day to Withdraw Without Academic Penalty” No Yes, grades appear on transcript


If you are withdrawing from your program and you applied for an OSAP loan, you must inform the Financial Aid Office. Failure to notify the Financial Aid Office can impact your ability to receive OSAP funding in the future.

Third Party Funding

If you have received third party funding or are sponsored (e.g. Second Career program), you must notify your funder as withdrawing will impact your current and/or future funding.

International Students

International students can learn more about withdrawing and refunds here.