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Humber Polytechnic Community Impact Fund (HPCIF)

The Humber Polytechnic Community Impact Fund (formerly Humber College Community Partnership Fund) has been established to provide financial support for community projects that create educational/training pathways for local children, youth, Indigenous Peoples, newcomers and other equity-seeking groups in our community.

Community Development is a core piece of the projects supported by this fund and is the process of helping communities build on their strengths to support individuals towards their full potential. These projects will work in partnership with local people and organizations to meet identified needs. Some guiding principles to consider: keep projects simple and involve as many community people as possible in all planning from the start.

Projects funded through both initiatives provide the opportunity for local community organizations to cultivate partnerships with Humber Polytechnic faculties and administrative departments. Assistance is provided to develop your project concept and connect you with relevant stakeholders (if you do not have one) to support you in the writing of your proposal.

Key funding priority areas:

  • Increasing exposure and access to various pathways into education, training, and employment.
  • Addressing barriers that limit access to education, training, and employment, particularly for equity-deserving communities.
  • Building organizational capacity to help communities reach their full potential.

HPCIF has two streams:

  • Project
  • Sponsorship

The focus of your project concept should be to contribute, in some manner, to increased knowledge/training, exposure and/or access to post-secondary educational possibilities for the target groups listed above. These might include pathways into education, training and/or employment and/or building the organizational capacity of community agencies who share this same focus. Humber student participation in projects is encouraged as this is an opportunity for them to build their co-curricular record.

Applications will be evaluated on the following criteria’s:

  • Request meets identified need/gap existing within community
  • Community partners Involved
  • Local community involvement in co-designing project
  • Outreach strategy
  • Integration of Humber Faculty and Students in project delivery
  • Efficient utilization of program budget to maximum project impact

Please use the form below to receive funding applications & guidelines, and to discuss possible funding ideas, links to community partners, and to refine concepts.

Have Questions?

For more information Please e-mail: nabeel.rahman@humber.ca

Lakeshore Garden Pods Project

King's Court Basketball League

Summer Math Head Start Program

Career Exploration Days


Sample of HCCP-Funded Projects

student looking at a large screen

Summer Math Head Start Program

The Summer Math Head Start Program is a six week program intended for marginalized youth in grades 8 and 9 to obtain access to math support in hopes of reducing the numeracy gap to better prepare them to enter high school.

In addition to supporting these youth with math support, Humber College will provide various activities for these students to experience the resources available to Humber students to open their eyes to the possibilities available to them. The goal of the program is to encourage students to engage in math learning, gain confidence in their abilities, and be exposed to higher education.

children in basketball uniforms sitting in a gymnasium

King's Court Basketball

King's Court Basketball is one of Peel/Toronto's fastest growing basketball leagues, offering adult and youth of both genders the opportunity to develop and showcase their athletic and leadership skills within the community.

In addition to the work of the basketball league, the program promotes the opportunities and benefits of postsecondary education, and helps develop the leadership, teamwork and life skills necessary for youth to be successful into adulthood and beyond. This is achieved through education advising, academic workshops, as well as a “College Experience Day”.

Advisory Committee

Cara Wallace
Director, Community Outreach and Workforce Development

Vanita Varma
Director, Centre for Innovation in Health & Wellness, Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellness

Lynn VanLieshout
Manager of Community Projects, Community Outreach and Workforce Development

Nikolas Tsirgielis
Senior Advancement Officer, Major Gifts, Advancement and Alumni

Emma Smith
Associate Dean, Research & Development, Office of Research and Innovation

Nabeel Rahman
Manager, Community and Partnership Development, Community Outreach and Workforce Development

Proposals Are Currently Being Accepted

Please use the form below to receive funding applications & guidelines, and to discuss possible funding ideas, links to community partners, and to refine concepts.