Blackboard Resources and Help Guide for Faculty

Welcome, Humber Faculty

This page contains practical tips and quick links to relevant resources to help guide your course setup process in Blackboard Ultra, the Learning Management System at Humber. Here you will also find Humber’s copyright policy and accessibility guidelines which are important to adhere to while you build your course content.

Did you know Blackboard encourages teaching faculty to provide feedback and suggestions via the Anthology Idea Exchange and Community Discussion?

The teaching community can add ideas, upvote priorities, and see their input come to life by suggesting and supporting ideas for new and improved features and functions in the LMS.

Sign up now and help improve the teaching and learning environment in Blackboard Ultra.

Introduction to Blackboard Ultra: Summer 2024 Faculty Orientation Training Session

Watch the video below to learn the basics of Blackboard Ultra.
Click here​ to view the slide deck.

Wednesday, May 2, 2024

Looking for Blackboard Ultra resources?


Access our comprehensive knowledge base to find helpful guides for navigating and learning Blackboard Ultra.

Need Additional Support with Blackboard Ultra?


Connect with the Innovative Learning Support Centre by submitting a request ticket.