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“Great celebration of design.”
Harman Gill, Industrial Designer, ABC Technologies
Due to COVID-19, this team pivoted an online virtual show that incorporated new presentation elements including a video detailing the project, rationale for the project and the execution of the design solution segments.
This annual event, to be held in the BCTI building, was cancelled this year due to COVID-19. This Industrial Design show allows Humber Industrial Design students to showcase/present their capstone projects and have an opportunity for family and friends to enjoy the exhibits and learn more. With the pandemic, it was not an option to cancel — Dennis Kappen and Catherine Chong, pivoted to an online virtual show!
This virtual show layout incorporated new presentation elements including a video detailing the project, rationale for the project and the execution of the design solution segments. These segments included showcase landing pages ‘meet the designer – who am I’ video which showcased the student and their design approach. The capstone project as well had video components and user elements to engage the judge/industry partner, parents and friends/fellow colleagues.
Industry partners were asked for their support both in terms of contributions to prize monies to award winners but also, they were asked to judge the capstone projects. This involvement with industry partners gave exposure to these thesis students that normally would not have happened offering industry viewpoints and opened conversation for potential employment opportunities.
This virtual event culminated in a “Virtual Awards Night” which included a real time presentation involving feedback from the industry judge panel awarding the winners.
Dennis Kappen and Catherine Chong’s incredibly positive and innovative response was a great example of leading practice for student success and also an impressive example of Humber values in action.
This annual event, to be held in the BCTI building, was cancelled this year due to COVID-19. This Industrial Design show allows Humber Industrial Design students to showcase/present their capstone projects and have an opportunity for family and friends to enjoy the exhibits and learn more. With the pandemic, it was not an option to cancel — Dennis Kappen and Catherine Chong, pivoted to an online virtual show!
This virtual show layout incorporated new presentation elements including a video detailing the project, rationale for the project and the execution of the design solution segments. These segments included showcase landing pages ‘meet the designer – who am I’ video which showcased the student and their design approach. The capstone project as well had video components and user elements to engage the judge/industry partner, parents and friends/fellow colleagues.
Industry partners were asked for their support both in terms of contributions to prize monies to award winners but also, they were asked to judge the capstone projects. This involvement with industry partners gave exposure to these thesis students that normally would not have happened offering industry viewpoints and opened conversation for potential employment opportunities.
This virtual event culminated in a “Virtual Awards Night” which included a real time presentation involving feedback from the industry judge panel awarding the winners.
Dennis Kappen and Catherine Chong’s incredibly positive and innovative response was a great example of leading practice for student success and also an impressive example of Humber values in action.
“I am incredibly proud and impressed by the actions of Trevor and the team who advanced our pilot to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. In a very short amount of time, the team rapidly deployed applications to support the students in the winter 2020 semester.”
Scott Briggs, Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Services
Delivered desktop apps securely to any computer. Students were able to consume applications from anywhere in the world and on any computing device.
Humber is the first post secondary institution to leverage Amazon Web for infrastructure services. Information Technology Services department opted to fast track this initiative, originally intended for international students, due to COVID and the imminent need for courses to be made accessible to everyone, in particular, Humber students, from anywhere from any device without any cost associated.
Faculties also benefit using for this software for distance modelling paying only for what is consumed, when it is consumed. It is a completely scalable initiative and does not require a license.
Leaders within Humber feel this initiative adds flexibility keeping student success at the forefront supporting innovation and having an incredibly positive and transformative impact on the Humber organization.
Humber is the first post secondary institution to leverage Amazon Web for infrastructure services. Information Technology Services department opted to fast track this initiative, originally intended for international students, due to COVID and the imminent need for courses to be made accessible to everyone, in particular, Humber students, from anywhere from any device without any cost associated.
Faculties also benefit using for this software for distance modelling paying only for what is consumed, when it is consumed. It is a completely scalable initiative and does not require a license.
Leaders within Humber feel this initiative adds flexibility keeping student success at the forefront supporting innovation and having an incredibly positive and transformative impact on the Humber organization.
“By leading engaging discussions with students to answer their ‘one burning question’, the advisors have helped hundreds of incoming students quell their anxieties prior to starting at Humber and will continue to do so in the semesters to come!”
Dimple Rai, Manager, Advising Services
Built strong working relationships with faculty and staff, finding creative ways to introduce themselves and their services, working collaboratively to provide a circle of care and support to students during COVID.
A true reflection of Humber values is evident when thinking of the Career and Student Success Advisors (CSSA) in Humber’s Advising & Career Services division. Advancements are being made to Humber’s strategic priorities – helping to build resilient, career –ready citizens through enthusiastic career support, provision of increased access to education for all learners, connecting them with the best possible services and supports the Humber campus can offer, staying true to equity, diversity and inclusion and finding ways to advocate for learners to help them achieve academic excellence in pursuit of their goals.
The CSSA’s of Humber’s Advising and Career Services continue to demonstrate an outstanding ability to remain student-centric through all ‘seasons’, and even through COVID-19! Through the pandemic, they continue to display an unwavering dedication to reach out to thousands of students throughout the year, continue to build strong working relationships with faculty and staff, finding creative ways to introduce themselves and their services, working collaboratively to provide a circle of care and support to students, and always willing to provide a helping hand or a listening ear — using a “no wrong door” approach to their student-focused advising practices.
Whether a student is academically thriving or personally floundering, the CSSA’s continue to show their skills, care and compassion for Humber students.
A true reflection of Humber values is evident when thinking of the Career and Student Success Advisors (CSSA) in Humber’s Advising & Career Services division. Advancements are being made to Humber’s strategic priorities – helping to build resilient, career –ready citizens through enthusiastic career support, provision of increased access to education for all learners, connecting them with the best possible services and supports the Humber campus can offer, staying true to equity, diversity and inclusion and finding ways to advocate for learners to help them achieve academic excellence in pursuit of their goals.
The CSSA’s of Humber’s Advising and Career Services continue to demonstrate an outstanding ability to remain student-centric through all ‘seasons’, and even through COVID-19! Through the pandemic, they continue to display an unwavering dedication to reach out to thousands of students throughout the year, continue to build strong working relationships with faculty and staff, finding creative ways to introduce themselves and their services, working collaboratively to provide a circle of care and support to students, and always willing to provide a helping hand or a listening ear — using a “no wrong door” approach to their student-focused advising practices.
Whether a student is academically thriving or personally floundering, the CSSA’s continue to show their skills, care and compassion for Humber students.
People(s) & Culture, Humber Polytechnic
205 Humber College Blvd.
Toronto, ON M9W 5L7
Main Line: 416 675-6622
Humber campuses are located on the treaty lands and traditional territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit and homeland of Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Wendat peoples.