
July 14, 2023
Tiffany Duong
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

July 15 is World Youth Skills Day!

This year's theme is skilling teachers, trainers and youth for a transformative future. Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) can empower and equip young people with the skills and competencies to contribute meaningfully to their communities and societies.

Through international development projects that support transformative educational approaches, IDI works to empower learners worldwide by providing them with access to education, skills, and opportunities.

Teachers, trainers and educators play a crucial role in empowering and equipping youth with hands-on, competency-based education to lead future generations.

Visit and to learn more!

July 13, 2023
June MacDonald-Jenkins

Hello Humber community, 

I am very pleased to announce that Dr. Daniel Bear will be moving into the role of Director of the Centre for Social Innovation (CSI) commencing Monday, August 21, 2023.

Daniel started at Humber in 2015 as a professor in the Bachelor of Social Science, Criminal Justice program. Beyond being an engaging professor in the classroom, he is also a funded researcher who focuses on drug policy, with an emphasis on both cannabis and harm reduction and the policing of drugs and community policing practices. Daniel is the Canadian lead for the Global Cannabis Cultivation Research Consortium, a group of researchers from 18 countries studying small-scale cannabis cultivation. He currently is the Principal Investigator (PI) on two funded research projects, an NSERC-funded project titled “Engaging and Education Young-Adult Cannabis 2.0 Consumers”, as well as a recently funded ATRP grant entitled “Development of a Data-Driven Human-Centered Design Process for Cannabis Education for Pharmacists”. Many of you would have engaged with this research during the CSI workshops we held in the spring.  

Daniel holds a Bachelor of Arts (Sociology) from the University of California, Santa Cruz, a Master of Science (Social Policy Research), and a PhD in Social Policy both from The London School of Economics and Political Science. 

In January 2023, Daniel took on the role of Coordinator, Faculty Initiatives in Social Innovation in the FSCS. In this role, he focused on strategies and approaches to develop processes and opportunities for the engagement of all members of FSCS to continue to build our internal capacity to support the work of the CSI. In the Director role, Daniel will work collaboratively with the FSCS administration team, the CSI Steering Committee, Advisory Committee, and the COI Network leadership team to meet the collaborative goals of the Centre.

Please join me in welcoming Daniel to this role!  

June MacDonald-Jenkins 
Sr. Dean Faculty of Social and Community Services
Principal, Lakeshore Campus

July 13, 2023
Occupational Health and Safety Services

With summer in full swing, many of us enjoy spending time outdoors and immersed in nature. As you enjoy the warm temperatures and bright sunshine, keep in mind some of the potential hazards associated with being outdoors. Whether you are working or playing outdoors, the following precautions and tips can help make your summer injury-free.

Sun and Heat Exposure

  • Minimize prolonged exposure to the sun, and avoid strenuous activities, particularly during mid-day hours (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.). Take regular rest breaks.
  • Keep cool: find shade or air-conditioned spaces, where possible.
  • Consider wearing lightweight, long-sleeved shirts and pants.
  • Wear a hat and sunglasses, when possible.
  • Drink lots of water to stay hydrated.
  • Apply and reapply sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 30.
  • Know the signs and symptoms of heat stress in yourself and those around you. These symptoms include excessive sweating, headaches, dizziness, cramping, and fainting.

Ticks and Other Insects

  • Use insect repellent.
  • Consider your clothing: wear long-sleeved shirts and pants to reduce skin exposure.
  • If possible, avoid wooded and brushy areas, including areas and trails that have long grass or plant overgrowth.
  • After being outdoors in a brushy area, perform a full body inspection for ticks and other insects.
  • If you find a tick on your body, it should be removed as soon as possible. Learn how to safely remove a tick.
July 12, 2023
June MacDonald-Jenkins

Good afternoon Humber community,

I am pleased to announce that Eve Montgomery-Ferguson has accepted the role as our first full-time Academic Program Manager in the Faculty of Social and Community Services (FSCS).  

Eve joined Humber in 2019 as a Program Support Officer, and in 2021 took on a secondment with Program Planning, Development, and Renewal (PPDR) as a Program Review Consultant. In 2022, Eve began as a contract Academic Program Manager supporting the Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) portfolio. We are very excited to have Eve on our leadership team in a permanent capacity. Eve will continue to support the CPL portfolio.

Prior to Humber, Eve worked at Western General Hospital managing and delivering a work-integrated learning program for college students. Eve also has extensive experience in the UK where she worked in various capacities at Edinburgh College, Perth College UHI, and ENABLE Scotland supporting both at-risk learners and students with disabilities. Eve holds a Bachelor of Social Work from TMU, and post-graduate certificate in Counselling Studies from The University of Edinburgh, and a Master's in Education from OISE. Eve is an organized and driven administrator who will continue to bring her rich experience in post-secondary to the role.  

Please join me in welcoming Eve to her role!

June MacDonald-Jenkins
Senior Dean -  Faculty of Social and Community Services
Principal, Lakeshore Campus

July 12, 2023

Humber College is committed to reducing the volume of waste generated by 15 per cent per campus user by 2024. Several projects are underway to support this goal, including the Office Bin Reduction Project. Starting July 1, individual office waste bins were removed from offices across the Humber North and University of Guelph-Humber campuses, and this will continue in the following weeks. 

Staff and faculty are encouraged to utilize the many multi-stream waste bins present in the corridors outside of classrooms and offices.

By eliminating individual office bins, staff and faculty will help Humber eliminate approximately 30,000 plastic bags per year from going to landfill.

This initiative was successfully implemented at IGS and Lakeshore and has diverted thousands of unnecessary plastic bags from landfills.

Exceptions are available for those with accessibility needs.

If you have any questions about this initiative, or accessibility needs, please email

July 12, 2023
Muge Abac
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Outdoor garden

Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE) is pleased to announce the publication of Examination of Manual Removal Strategies for Dog Strangling Vine by Lynn Short, Sophia Bearden, Bella McWatch and Lana Hafez. 


In the summer of 2019, the Junior Naturalists posed a question regarding the control of Dog Strangling Vine (DSV), an invasive plant that is present in the Humber Arboretum. This group conducts stewardship activities in the Arboretum to help balance the environment by using non-chemical methods to control some of the invasive plant species there. They had been cutting off the flowers of the DSV to prevent seed production, but this did not affect the survival of the plants. This research project was created in response to the group’s question. Four strategies were studied for their efficacy in controlling the growth of DSV. These strategies were digging out the plant, pulling out the stalk, cutting the crown beneath the soil surface, and cutting the stalk above the soil surface. While each approach has its benefits and drawbacks, digging the entire plant out of the ground was found to be the most effective in preventing the regrowth of the individual plant. The research is intended to guide student gardeners working in ornamental gardens at the Arboretum and stewardship volunteers working in public parks in non-chemical strategies to be used for controlling DSV. The most effective control efforts should be repeated from year to year, which can result in long-term control of DSV in cultivated gardens and natural areas.

This study has limitations since it was enacted on natural areas that had already been overtaken by DSV, which means that the numbers of plants, seeds, and other species in each plot were not consistently uniform. In a subsequent investigation, standardized, cultivated plots of DSV could be created and different competitive native species could be added to determine the effects of treatments on these combinations.

Read the full article

About JIPE

Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE) is an online, open-access journal for peer-reviewed papers that mobilize knowledge and insights generated by the global polytechnic community. JIPE is electronically published by Humber Press at Humber College’s Office of Research & Innovation. JIPE is accepting submissions on a rolling basis. To learn more about JIPE, please visit or email

July 11, 2023

Throughout this academic year, I have been inspired countless times by Humber students and employees. I have been listening, observing, learning and reflecting on Humber’s history and the exciting future ahead.

As I announced during my remarks at my installation ceremony on June 2, Humber is set to embark on a visioning process this fall. Called Humber Inspired: A Vision for 2030, this initiative will engage the Humber community in conversations designed to create a vision for Humber’s future. 

I am delighted to share that Tyler Charlebois, Director, Centres of Innovation Network and Partnership Development, will be seconded to support, facilitate and guide the Humber Inspired strategy and visioning work. Tyler will continue to oversee the Strategic Partnership Hub as well. I want to thank Tyler for agreeing to take on this important role.

Humber Inspired is intended for the Humber Community to share their big, bold and innovative ideas—to set that moonshot—that will propel the college into the future and exponentially strengthen our commitment to learners and employees for years to come. With the talent and enthusiasm that I have seen everywhere throughout Humber, finding that moonshot will be an exciting exercise of engagement.

The Humber Inspired process will officially kick off at the President’s Breakfast on Thursday, August 31 and continue through the end of the fall term. We intend to bring the vision that will emerge to the Board of Governors in winter 2024, and that vision will guide the development of our next strategic plan later in 2024.

I’m looking forward to seeing and hearing what the Humber Community and our stakeholders have to say about our collective future. I encourage everyone, no matter their position, to dream without parameters, to think about the future and what role we want to play in it.  

Thank you,

Ann Marie Vaughan
President and CEO

July 11, 2023

The Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology (FAST) will soon gain a skilled, compassionate, and innovative leader. Please join me in congratulating Francis Syms on his new role as Associate Dean within the Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology. Francis will oversee the Information Communications and Technology (ICT) portfolio which includes the following programs: Computer Programming Analysis; Enterprise Software Development; Information Technology Solutions; Computer Systems Technician; Wireless Telecommunications; Cloud Computing; and Artificial Intelligence with Machine Learning.

Francis joined Humber in 2019 as a professor/researcher in the PSI program and 2023 moved to Associate Dean in the Continuous Professional Learning portfolio of the FSCS (Faculty of Social and Community Services). Francis has a Bachelor of Engineering and a Master of Applied Science with more than 20 years of rich industry experience in professional engineering, IT, business, and product development, where he was a successful and strong leader. He is a certified project management professional and professional engineer (PEng.) which will serve him well in this role at FAST. 

While Francis will be missed within the FSCS, we are also excited for him as he continues his professional journey at Humber.

Join us in congratulating Francis as he moves into this exciting role at FAST. While Francis will move into this role in mid-July, he will also remain with the FSCS during the role transition to ensure the CPL portfolio is fully supported.

Paul Griffin
Associate Dean, Lakeshore Campus
June MacDonald-Jenkins
Senior Dean, Faculty of Social and Community Services
Principal of Lake
July 10, 2023

Menu for the week of July 11 to 14

Please join us at Street Café for lunch. Lunch is served Monday to Friday between 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

For the remainder of the summer semester, the Staff Lounge Cafeteria will be closed. The reopening date and the hours of operation for all food service outlets will be publicized in August for the upcoming fall semester.

Tuesday, July 11

  • Mediterranean chicken 
  • Southwest barbecued tofu
  • Rice pilaf
  • Steamed vegetables and salad

Wednesday, July 12

  • Thai chicken curry
  • Panang vegetable curry
  • Rice
  • Steamed PEI vegetable medley and salad

Thursday, July 13

  • Roast beef with caramelized onions
  • Artichokes and lentil bake
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Salad and vegetables

Friday, July 14

  • Fish and chips
  • Cheese tortellini
  • Friench fries
  • Salad
July 10, 2023

Conference Proceedings of the 2023 College Association for Language and Literacy (CALL) Annual Conference

This year’s CALL conference, Back to Our Future: Rethinking College Level Education in the “New Normal”, was hosted by Humber College on May 24 and 26. The conference brought together a collection of scholarly works and practical insights that explore the emerging shifts in higher education as we navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by the “new normal”.

CALL Conference Proceedings is published in the Interdisciplinary Journal of Student Success.

Founding Editor-in-Chief: Masood Zangeneh, Ph.D.
Editors: Hamid R. Yazdi, Ph.D., Mona Nouroozifar, Ph.D.
Guest Editors: Maria Lucia Di Placito, Ph.D., Alyson R. Renaldo, M.A.

Access this issue
