
December 20, 2022

For the Office of Sustainability's final spotlight of 2022, we are highlighting our top 10 sustainability accomplishments this year. This could not have been done without the great work and collaboration of many different departments across Humber.

Thank you so much and have a great holiday season!


December 19, 2022
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Public Safety staff holding presents

On behalf of the Department of Public Safety, we would like to thank the Humber community for generously supporting our annual Holiday Toy Drive. Because of your generous support, many children from the local area will receive a toy Christmas morning when they otherwise may not have. In addition to toy donations collected at the Humber Staff and Faculty Holiday Party, toys collected after the event were picked up by Toronto Police's 23 Division and Toronto Fire who will ensure that they get distributed to children in need in time for Christmas.

Special thanks to the entire Public Safety team, especially to Cassandra Dias for organizing the drive at each campus. A big thank you to our friends from the Academic Division, ITS and Marketing and Communications for their generous support in helping collect heaps of toys to add to the donation bins. We really appreciate all the support from the Humber community. This year has been our best toy drive collection to date with 100’s of toys being donated. A total of 32 bags of toys were turned over to Toronto Police and Toronto Fire.

We look forward to doing it all again next year!

The Department of Public Safety wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday season.


Rob Kilfoyle, CPP
Director, Public Safety and Emergency Management

December 19, 2022
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Longo Faculty of Business is pleased to share with the College the November edition of the monthly Dean's Newsletter.


December 19, 2022
Kevin Viflanzoff

Financial Services and Purchasing have recently received approval to increase the competitive quote thresholds for purchasing goods and services in the College. This increase will address any inflationary pressures, market volatility, and put us in alignment with our sector. New limits are effective immediately.

Goods and Non-Consulting Services:

  • Up to $5,000 - One (1) written quote
  • $5,001 to $20,000 - One (1) written quote is required (three quotes is an option)
  • $20,001 to $100,000 - Minimum three (3) or more quotes required
  • $100,001 or more - Open competitive procurement

Consulting services threshold has not changed and will remain at:

  • $0 - $100,000 - Three (3) or more quotes
  • $100,001 or more - Open competitive procurement

Please contact Purchasing ( if you have any questions on this update.

December 19, 2022

The Office of the Registrar is pleased to share some of what we've been up to this term with the latest issue of the RO End of Term Wrap Up.

We look forward to continuing to highlight key information and celebrate team achievements as we work together to support students and staff in the new year!

December 19, 2022
The Winter issue of the Humber Magazine is now available

The latest edition of the Humber Magazine is now available in print and online for staff, faculty, alumni and friends. This edition centers on the theme of innovation and fueling the entrepreneurial spirit.

Entrepreneurial skills are needed now more than ever as we enter a time of post-pandemic recovery. We heard many positive stories about this from our students and alumni, including how they adjusted their lives, came up with new ideas and solutions, and, in some cases, launched business ventures to forge new paths forward.

We also witnessed our Humber community of supporters, including the Longo Family Foundation, Magna, and BMO Financial Group, step up to support our students and encourage them to launch new ideas.

Read these stories and more in the latest issue of Humber Magazine or visit to download an accessible version.

We hope you enjoy these stories and that they provide you with inspiration for the new year!

December 16, 2022
Nivedita Lane

Digital literacy is a critical component in the integration of refugees in our communities. It helps refugees to access information, essential services, and can lead to meaningful employment opportunities.

Community Outreach & Workforce Development (COWD) is seeking four paid volunteers (fluent in Arabic) to make an impact in their communities by empowering refugee women through digital literacy training in partnership with the Arab Community Centre of Toronto and TechServe TO. Each volunteer will receive an honorarium of up to $1,750.

About the opportunity

As a volunteer, you will help equip refugee women (Arabic-speaking) in Toronto with the skills and confidence needed to succeed in online spaces and in life. You will develop and deliver digital literacy workshops, in collaboration with TechServe TO, that will be translated to Arabic and delivered to refugee women in March 2023.

The timeline for this volunteer opportunity is January 2023 to the end of March 2023. January to February will be spent on the development of the workshops, and delivery to refugee women will occur in March 2023.

Please note: Interested candidates must be fluent in Arabic. The time commitment for this opportunity is roughly 10 hours/week.

COWD is committed to providing a volunteering opportunity that is valuable and easy for our learners. You will be provided with all the training and materials needed to be successful in the development and delivery of these workshops.

What’s in it for you?  

  • Improve your professional skills (public speaking, presentation, leadership, time management, digital portfolio)
  • Make a positive impact in your community while adding valuable experience to your resume
  • Honorarium of up to $1,750

If you are interested in this volunteering opportunity, please complete the form below. You may also contact Nivedita Lane ( for more information.

COWD Volunteer Registration - Digital Literacy Training for Refugee Women

December 16, 2022

Please join us in welcoming Nalini Jugnundan (she/her), DED. B.A. LLB. LLM, to the Centre as Interim Director, Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion. Nalini began her work with us on October 3, 2022.
Nalini’s lived experience has motivated her lifelong commitment and dedication to addressing social justice, human rights, equity and diversity issues.

After initially obtaining an Education diploma, she pursued an LLB. (SA) and subsequently a LLM from Osgoode Hall Law School.

Her years of experience and training have contributed to her being recognized as a subject matter expert in alternative dispute resolution, investigations, mediations and in human rights, equity and diversity.

Nalini has been involved in developing and implementing the strategy and design for Centres of Expertise in the educational sector (university, college and school boards) and in the retail industry as it relates to an organization’s commitment to human rights, equity, diversity and inclusion (HEDI) as well as workplace investigations, resulting in significant system-wide organizational transformational change. 

Nalini has held senior executive positions at provincial tribunals, the education sector, and in the public and private sector, both locally and internationally. 

With her lived experiences and expertise in human rights, equity, diversity and inclusion issues and her ongoing quest to understand and address the many issues that impact society including gender orientation, sexual orientation, Indigenous Peoples, equity deserving groups and racialized people, Nalini brings a wealth of knowledge to inform the work of the Centre in addressing the needs of the Humber community. 

Welcome, Nalini!

Jason Hunter
Vice-President, Student and Community Engagement

Please note that as of November 18, 2022, Kathryn Edgett, will be acting Manager, Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion. 

Please direct any human rights or harassment-related complaints or inquiries to

December 16, 2022
Khon Ta
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

As part of the Bookstore construction, the hallway outside the Bookstore warehouse (North Campus, building H) will be closed for floor tiles replacement. The hallway will be closed from Monday, December 19, 2022 until the end of Friday, December 30, 2022 (view attached image). During this time, please use alternative routes and elevators in other buildings nearby.

If you have any questions, please contact Khon Ta at extension 4143.

December 16, 2022
Amanda Koski
Image of a Canadian flag painted on pavement and someone's shoes and bag standing in front of the flag.

We're excited to provide the long-awaited recording of the Humber staff/faculty workshop entitled "International Students, WIL and Immigration Regulations" (delivered on November 9, 2022). 

Join two of our regulated Canadian immigration consultants/international student advisors as they answer these questions and more:

  • What documents do international students require to engage in WIL?
  • What is the difference between a Co-op Work Permit and Work Authorization?
  • How does the newly announced temporary lifting of the 20-hour-per-week cap on the number of hours that eligible post-secondary students are allowed to work off-campus while class is in session impact my student's WIL hours?
  • Can a student complete their WIL requirements if they don't have a Co-op Work Permit?
  • Does the Canadian government allow international students to complete their WIL requirements outside of Canada? 

The recording is available now

The Co-op Placement Immigration Requirements document (which is shared by faculties with their WIL students) is also in the process of being updated and will be shared with faculty placement teams as soon as it is ready. 
