
July 3, 2024
Hedi Rahmat
Map at North Campus

We would like to inform you of ongoing construction activities affecting access to Buildings A, B, C, and D at the North Campus. The construction has already begun and is expected to continue for several months, and during this period, certain areas and facilities within these buildings will be temporarily inaccessible.

Key Details:

  • Buildings A, B, C, and D: Expect partial closures and restricted access.
  • Affected Areas: Faculty of Business (Culinary Programs, Golf Management, Sports Management, and Spa Programs), Faculty of Health Sciences (Massage Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine Programs), TCM Clinic, Athletics, Support Staff Union, and all classes on the second floor of Buildings B and D.
  • Update on B Building Elevator Access: Please note that access to the B building elevators is currently changed. While there is still access to the B-elevators if you enter directly from the B building entrance (Parking Lot 13/14), those entering from Parking Lot 15 should follow an alternative path to reach the elevators. We have attached a layout for your convenience to help navigate this change. 

We encourage all students, staff, and faculty to plan accordingly and allow extra time for navigating the campus during this period.

Weekly Layout Updates: The layout for each week's closures will be posted on the Friday of the preceding week.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

July 2, 2024
Promotional graphic for Incredible Urban Animals week. Photos show a deer, a garter snake, a plaster cast of a track, a child dipping a net in a pond, a child holding up a skunk puppet, a camp leader and child looking at something together

Due to the Canada Day long weekend, the Humber Arboretum has extended the registration deadline for the first week of Nature Camp.

The 2024 season of Summer Nature Camp at the Humber Arboretum kicks off on Monday, July 8 with the first weekly theme, Incredible Urban Animals.

Throughout the summer, the registration deadline for each week of camp falls on the Monday prior, at 11:59 p.m. However due to the long weekend, the registration deadline for Incredible Urban Animals has been extended to 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, July 3. 

Learn more and register today on the Humber Arboretum website.

All 2024 Nature Camp Themes:

Incredible Urban Animals

  • Monday, July 8 to Friday, July 12
  • Ages 5 to 12
  • Special Guest: Meet live reptiles from Sciensational Sssnakes
  • Registration Deadline: Wednesday, July 3, 11:59 p.m.

Roots of STEM 

  • Monday, July 15 to Friday, July 19
  • Limited space available for ages 5 to 12 
    • Junior Naturalists Camp for ages 12 to 14 is full; waitlist available
  • Special Visit: Try out some of the amazing technology in the Barrett CTI
  • Registration deadline: Monday, July 8, 11:59 p.m.

Brilliant Birds 

  • Monday, July 22 to Friday, July 26
  • Ages 5 to 14
  • Special Guest: Meet live birds from Wild Ontario
  • Registration deadline: Monday, July 15, 11:59 p.m.

Healthy Planet, Healthy Lives 

  • Monday, July 29 to Friday, August 2
  • Ages 5 to 12
  • Special Guest: Learn about turtles with the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre
  • Registration deadline: Monday, July 22, 11:59 p.m.

Wilderness Survival Skills 

  • Tuesday, August 6 to Friday August, 9 and Monday, August 12 to Friday, August 16 [9 days]
  • Ages 5 to 14
  • Registration deadline: Monday, July 29, 11:59 p.m.

Growing Up Gardeners 

  • Monday, August 19 to Friday, August 23
  • Ages 5 to 14
  • Registration deadline: Tuesday, August 6, 11:59 p.m.

The Great Nature Games 

  • Monday, August 26 to Friday, August 30
  • Ages 5 to 14  (limited spaces available)
  • Registration deadline: Monday, August 19, 11:59 p.m.

Learn more and register today on the Humber Arboretum website.

Connect with the Humber Arboretum online: Website | Instagram | Facebook Mastodon | LinkedIn

July 2, 2024
Meshanda Phillips
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Mobile cart with beverages

Lakeshore, it's your turn!

Presenting Sip & Chill Mobile - A Resource on Wheels

Exciting news from the Office of the Dean of Students: introducing the Sip & Chill Mobile service! This in-person mobile service is designed to bring information directly to students in their primary campus spot - the classroom.

How does it work?

During a class break, the Sip & Chill Mobile cart will be outside the classroom to provide students with access to information about student resources, upcoming events, and giveaways, along with a complimentary cup of coffee or tea.


The Sip and Chill Mobile Cart is bookable for the date and times listed below.

Date: Tuesdays and Wednesdays beginning July 2 and ending August 2
Time: Between 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Location: Lakeshore Campus

How to request a visit from the Sip & Chill Mobile cart for your students

Professors can schedule a visit from the Sip & Chill Mobile cart to arrive during their class breaks. Reservations must be made in advance on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The cart can be booked for Lakeshore Campus during the month of July.

If you have a class that does not fall on a Tuesday or Wednesday and would love to book Sip & Chill Mobile or have additional questions, please reach out to Meshanda at

July 2, 2024

Here are the highlights of this month’s new and improved features in Blackboard Ultra. For more details, please follow the links below:

Print answer key for assessments

Last month, Blackboard Ultra added the printing functionality for Tests. Now, the option to print with answer keys is added. By clicking the print button on a Test, a prompt will ask you to choose either to print a blank Test or one with answer keys. This new option allows instructors to save or print a Test with answer keys.

Improvements to prevent printing a question across pages

This release includes enhancements to the printing functionality for Tests. It ensures that a question will not span multiple pages, whether it's a digital or physical document. The following items will now be printed on the same page:

  1. Question header and question;
  2. Answer icon and text;
  3. Table;
  4. List;
  5. Image.

While very long text answer options may spill over to additional pages, the answer choice will be displayed next to the first line of text. In matching questions, the prompt/answer heading will remain with the answer pairs. These updates aim to improve user experience and enhance the readability of printed Tests.

Send a copy to email when scheduling announcements

Previously, the ability to email an announcement was only available for immediate posts. The new option of sending emails with future announcements enables instructors to prepare important messages in advance.

Recording audio and video when adding per question feedback

Per question feedback offers students more targeted advice. It includes a range of feedback options such as adding images and embedding videos, in addition to text-based feedback. However, it previously lacked the ability to record audio and video. To ensure consistency in all feedback mechanisms within Blackboard Ultra, this functionality has now been extended to include per question feedback.

The full list of July updates is available on the Blackboard Help Center website.

The full article is also posted on BB Hub: New and Improved Features in Blackboard Ultra – July 2024 Update

Need additional support? The IL Support Centre is here to help!

July 2, 2024
Tanya Perdikoulias
Person taking family photo with mobile device

Welcome all Humber staff, faculty members and students to a survey related to photography!  

People are affected by the photos they see of themselves and their loved ones. The person who displays the photos may or may not be aware of how others may feel about the photos they display. The people who are in the photos may be sensitive to how they are being portrayed, and those who are not in the photos may be sensitive to being excluded from the displayed photos.  

We hope to find out what people’s experiences are with the displayed photos they grew up with and how they might be emotionally/psychologically affected by being included and/or excluded from photos. Additionally, we are interested in learning if cultural backgrounds have any bearing on perceptions and understanding.  

Why participate?  

Your voice matters in understanding how photographs that are displayed of you affect you as the viewer.

Who we need:  

Staff members from all areas—administrative, academic advising, technical support, management, and more. Your unique experience and perspective is critical for a well-rounded study.

Involvement details:

  • A brief, one-time online survey (15-20 minutes).
  • Optional: Engage in a one-on-one interview on Microsoft Teams (about an hour) for deeper discussions.

Incentives for participation:

  • A $5 token of appreciation for completing the survey.
  • Additional $25 for interview participants.

How to Join:  

Access the survey

If you are interested in the one-on-one interview, please indicate so at the survey’s end. Survey closes on Friday, July 19, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.


All responses are confidential for both SoTL SEED research purposes and potentially a transformational non-fiction book.

The final product will be a workshop (preferably at Humber College’s Showcase 2025) discussing case studies from this project that will resonate with learners. An example or two (with confidentiality guards firmly in place) may even be included in a transformational non-fiction book written by the researcher.

For questions, please contact

This survey is for a Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL) SEED project. Learn more about SoTL at the Office of Research & Innovation (ORI) website.

July 2, 2024
Screenshot of Capital Development & Facilities Management website

There is an upcoming change to placing a Service Request for Project starting Monday, July 8. We will provide a link to an instructional video to help you navigate the new process.

Thank you for your understanding and coorperation.

Capital Development and Facilities Management

July 2, 2024
Kenyan girls in hardhats and jumpsuits demonstrating how to wire a washroom using a board with the electrical circuit of a washroom to the Manager of Community and Partnership Development and the STEEP Project Lead

Humber’s Community Outreach and Workforce Development’s (COWD) local contribution takes a global approach as part of the STEM Education for Empowerment Project (STEEP). Funded by the Government of Canada through Global Affairs Canada and The Barrett Family Foundation, STEEP will enhance gender equality and empowerment of adolescent girls (aged 14-18) in and out of school from marginalized communities in Kenya and Ethiopia through knowledge, skills, and support systems they need to pursue education and employment in the STEM sectors.

From April 18 to May 2, 2024, COWD's Nabeel Rahman, Manager of Community and Partnership Development, travelled to Kenya with Clarisse Estebar, Project Lead of STEEP, to meet with implementing Kenyan partner, CAP Youth Empowerment Institute Kenya and other community partners to discuss programs for adolescent girls in school, the stigma of girls in STEM, limited resources at secondary schools, and opportunities for engagement to increase girls in STEM.

This visit allowed Rahman to understand the local context to collect data for a needs assessment and determine how COWD can support adolescent girls in and out of school and contribute to the project's success.

Learn more about STEEP at

June 27, 2024

Summer hours of operation for food services beginning July 2, 2024.

Visit for menu and food station hours of operation.

North Campus








Street Cafe

8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

8 a.m. - 4 p.m. CLOSED

Starbucks LRC

7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. CLOSED

Tim Horton's

8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

8 a.m. - 4 p.m.



11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

11 a.m. - 4 p.m.


Food Emporium




Guelph Humber Cafe




Hawks Nest Cafe




Staff Lounge




Booster Juice (KB)




Trades Cafe

8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

8 a.m. - 3 p.m.


Villa Madina/LinX Lounge




Ackee Tree/Spiked Patties

10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.


JJ Mart (Parking Garage)

11 a.m. - 10 p.m.

11 a.m. - 10 p.m.

12 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Lakeshore Campus




Starbucks Welcome Centre 

8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

8 a.m. - 3 p.m.


L Building Cafeteria (second floor)




ON The Go Cafe (L first floor)




Tim Hortons M building

8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

8 a.m. - 3 p.m.


AB Cafeteria




Arena Cafe (Birmingham)




F Cart (F building)




June 27, 2024
Barbara Cam
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

We are excited to share the Summer 2024 edition of the FLAS Connect Newsletter. Check out the latest community highlights, including our "Student Appreciation Month (SAM)" and the "FLAS Forward Together Symposium 2024" articles.

Learn more about Innovation in FLAS in eCampus Project: Revolutionizing Support for Learners of Math and Finance with Open Educational Resources (OER) and dive into the inspiring piece of HUMBER@TIFA: Celebrating a 10-Year Partnership with a Conference on Mental Health and Well-Being

Additionally, join us in celebrating our students', faculty's, and staff's achievements, success stories, and contributions.

Happy reading!

June 26, 2024

Last call to be part of the Barrett CTI's STEAM Summer Camp, designed to nurture creativity and innovation in children and youth ages 8-18. Our camp combines STEAM activities, outdoor adventures, and leadership development, inspiring a passion for learning and exploration. 

Camp Details

Schedule: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

  • STEAM Engineers: 15-18 years old, July 15-19  
  • STEAM Innovators: 11-14 years old, July 22-26  
  • STEAM Engineers: 15-18 years old, July 29-August 2  
  • STEAM Pioneers: 8-10 years old, August 6-9  

Location: North Campus, Barrett Centre for Technology Innovation  

Enjoy incredible facilities, including state-of-the-art robotics equipment, an arboretum, and a sports gymnasium.

Humber staff receive a 10 per cent discount. Please email for more information.

Registration Link

Please note: Lunch and transportation are not included.

Don't miss out—this is the last call to join us for an unforgettable summer experience!
