
June 4, 2024

4 Seasons of Reconciliation - Spring 2024 (Offered by Indigenous Education and Engagement) 

4 Seasons of Reconciliation is a three-hour, 10-module online course that is designed directly in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action. It responds specifically to Call to Action #62. This focuses on the need for institutions like Humber to implement curriculum and resources to help people learn about the historical and current context of Indigenous peoples.  

The course is user-friendly and designed to provide context to those less familiar with the themes and historical context embedded in reconciliation. Each short module can be completed at the learner’s pace and provides a mix of learning tools such as PowerPoint, videos, films and quizzes. 

Registration is now open for the spring 2024 semester.

Registration closes June 17, 2024.

June 4, 2024

Here are the highlights of faculty questions from May. These are not necessarily the most frequently asked questions, but helpful for all faculty members.

Question (Saving results of Likert questionnaires): I'm interested in knowing how to create a Likert question in Blackboard for a poll and how to download the results into an Excel sheet. Is there also a summary view of collected responses in Blackboard?

Answer: Blackboard Ultra now supports Forms with Likert question type. Results can be exported to an Excel sheet in the same manner as test answers (Step-by-step instructions on exporting test answers). If you need to know how long each student spent on the questionnaire, you can obtain this information from the Student Activity of the Form from the Gradebook. Follow these step-by-step instructions on how to export Student Activity from Blackboard.

However, there is no visualization of collected responses available in Blackboard Ultra. You will have to create your own view by adding formulas and/or graphs to the exported Excel sheet.

You might also consider using Microsoft Forms to collect and visualize responses instead. By adding a link to the questionnaires created in Microsoft Forms in Blackboard course sites, students can access them easily.

Question (Microsoft Teams LTI): I attempted to schedule Microsoft Teams meetings for the class using the LTI from Blackboard Ultra, but it doesn't seem to save. Am I doing it incorrectly? What's the alternative way to create meetings for the class?

Answer: This has been a recurring issue reported by instructors.

The recommended method for creating and sharing the link to an online synchronous class in Blackboard is to:

  • create an event in Outlook Calendar using your Humber credentials
  • copy the meeting link and post in the Course Content area and Calendar in Blackboard
  • share the link via an Announcement in Blackboard

Please refer to Using Microsoft Teams to Teach for more information. A helpful step-by-step guide is also available. Please note that we will remove the LTI in the near future.

Question (Gradebook): How can I drop the lowest score in the Gradebook?

Answer: You can drop the lowest score from a specific category or subset within a category. To achieve this, navigate to the Gradebook, select 'Overall Grade' for editing, and then choose the category from which you want to drop the lowest score. Click on 'Edit calculation rules'.

This opens a side panel that allows you to drop the lowest or highest scores. For more information, please visit the Anthology website. The same function is also available if you create a Total Calculation column from the Gradebook.

Question (SFQs): I do not remember if I received any messages about SFQs. Where should I look for information?

Answer: SFQs are open to students during a set period each semester, launching about 70 per cent of the way through a course and closing before the final week. To find out when your course would have SFQs, please visit our SFQ date tool. You will receive a message in your Humber email once results are available to you upon completion of your course.

Question (Safe Assign): How can I set up an assignment for SafeAssign?

Answer: To enable SafeAssign for an assignment, click on the Settings icon from the top right corner when you are creating or editing an assignment.

Scroll down the side panel to the bottom where it says “Originality Report”. Click to enable SafeAssign, then save. You must also save the configuration. To check an individual document for Plagiarism, there is also a standalone tool. It is accessible from Books & Tools from the left panel of the course. However, please note that once you submit a document to this tool, you will not be able to delete it from its database.

Question (Akindi): How can I set up the Gradebook using Akindi?

Answer: Akindi is a tool available for certain faculty via LTI. For support, please reach out to Akindi directly. In terms of gradebook setup, you can manually create grade columns and then push grades from Akindi for updates. However, you will still need to set up the Overall Grade.

Need Blackboard support? The IL Support Centre (ILSC) is here to help. 

June 4, 2024
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

January 2, 2024 to September 30, 2024

As part of the Finch West Light Rail (LRT) project, during the testing and commissioning phase, Light Rail Vehicles (LRVs) testing will be conducted between Keele Street and Humber College Boulevard along Finch Avenue West. To safely perform the testing, Paid Duty Officers will assist with traffic and pedestrian crossing at each intersection to allow the train to clear the intersection safely. Testing will be conducted between 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., approximately, and began on January 2, 2024 and will continue until September 30, 2024.

There will be a Paid Duty Officer, flaggers, and detour signs to direct traffic, as needed.

Noise and vibration will be monitored when required during these activities.

June 3, 2024

As we celebrate Pride Month this June, I am excited to share some reflections and upcoming events that highlight our ongoing commitment to inclusion and belonging at Humber College. This special month is not just a time for celebration; it's a time for reflection, solidarity, and a reaffirmation that regardless of who you love, how you identify, or where you come from, you have a place in Humber, in our community, and in our hearts. 

Thank you to everyone who joined us today at our Pride Flag Raising event, organized by the Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging, the LGBTQ+ Resource Centre, and the 2SLGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group (ERG). This event was a significant moment to celebrate our diverse community and recognize the incredible work done every day with 2SLGBTQIA+ people at Humber. 

You Belong Here

This year's Pride Month theme at Humber is "You Belong Here." For me, belonging at Humber is about love and acceptance. It means making sure that everyone is cared about, respected, celebrated, and loved for who they are. It's about ensuring that people have the services and support they need. It's about understanding that our differences are a source of strength. When we choose to embrace and draw strength from our differences, we build a true sense of belonging. It is also about understanding Mino Nawendiwen-Good relationships and the interconnectedness we all have with everything around us.  

To achieve this, we need to be intentional in our efforts. This is why we created the division of Inclusion & Belonging to drive our collective efforts forward and why we are taking an intersectional approach to advancing inclusion and belonging across Humber. 

As we raise the pride flag, let it serve as a symbol of strength, unity, and community; and let it remind us that until our 2SLGBTQIA+ community members feel they can live their lives fully and authentically, our work is incomplete. 

Honouring Resilience and Courage 

For far too long, 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals have faced discrimination, persecution, and exclusion simply for being who they are. Despite these obstacles, they have persisted with resilience and courage. This Pride month, we honour their struggles, their victories, and their contributions to our collective journey towards equality and acceptance. This month, we unite against bigotry, discrimination, and injustice. 

Pride Month is also significant as it coincides with National Indigenous History Month. The two share a deep connection, particularly as it relates to reclaiming Indigenous two-spirit identities and traditions, which is central to advancing reconciliation. 

Our Ongoing Commitment

While we have made important progress, we recognize there is much more work to do. Together, I am confident that we can continue to build a future at Humber where belonging is not just a word, but a true reality.

To our students, staff, and community, know this: You belong here—not just this month, but always. 

Thank you for being part of our Humber family and for supporting our commitment to inclusion and belonging. 

With pride and solidarity, 

Jason Seright
Vice-President, Inclusion & Belonging

June 3, 2024
Karlena Waugh
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Humber College will be celebrating this year’s Pride month with the theme “You Belong Here.” The Lakeshore Principal’s Office invites all Humber students and staff to participate in a "Pride Month Cup" throughout the month of June. Participate in as many Humber Pride activities as possible for a chance to win a prize! 

Here’s how it works:  

  • View our Humber Pride Month Cup sheet (or download the attached pdf).  
  • Participants who complete three tasks by June 14 will receive a swag prize (email with proof of participation).  
  • Participants who complete all tasks by June 28 will be entered into a draw for a chance to win the grand prize, which will be announced on July 2 (email with proof of participation).  
  • Participants cannot use the same completed task to cover multiple boxes. For example, attending just one Pride event and then marking two of the “attend a pride event” boxes is not permitted.    
  • Approved pieces of "proof of participation" will be listed on the participant rule sheet.  
  • All participants who are eligible for a prize must email their proof of participation to to qualify for their prize. 
  • Upon verification of their proof, participants will be given their prize or be entered into the draw, whichever is applicable.  

If you have any questions, please contact

Happy Pride month!  

June 3, 2024

The Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging in partnership with the LGBTQ+ Resource Centre and the 2SLGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group (ERG) will be celebrating Pride Month in June 2024. In particular, we celebrate queer communities of colour, migrant 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, trans, intersex, and disabled queer folks who still navigate intersectional barriers in their everyday lives. We also acknowledge that Pride takes place on Indigenous lands, and that Pride Month takes place during National Indigenous History Month. We believe that reclaiming Indigenous two-spirit identities and traditions is central to the ongoing process of reconciliation and decolonization of 2SLGBTQIA+ movements. 

We encourage the Humber community to celebrate with us as we honour the identities and self-expression of two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual members of our community, students, staff, and faculty.

THANK YOU to everyone who came to our Flag Raising and Opening Ceremonies and we encourage everyone to continue to get involved and take part in many wonderful events and trainings happening throughout Pride Month! 

You can check out the Pride Calendar and all the many events at: 

Please be sure to share this events calendar with your networks. Happy Pride! 

June 3, 2024

After a comprehensive Request for Proposal process, Humber has selected Church+State as its creative agency to lead the development of a new brand and marketing campaign.

Church+State will work with Humber to articulate the outcomes of the Humber Inspired: Vision for 2030 and create a new brand promise, position and personality. In turn, they will also lead the development of our new brand identity, which will replace We Are Humber. 

Church+State was selected for their strong understanding of our needs and aspirations, along with a depth of strategic and creative experience in developing and building brands.

We’d like to thank the many staff, faculty and students who participated in the presentation review for their contribution to the process. 

Work with Church+State has already begun, and we look forward to keeping the Humber community updated on its progress. Please contact me directly (by Teams or email) if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Andrew Leopold
Associate Vice-President, Marketing and Communications

June 3, 2024

June is National Indigenous History Month, a time to explore, celebrate, and learn more about the unique cultures, traditions, histories, and experiences of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples in Canada. Let's take this opportunity to reflect on the stories, accomplishments, and strength of all Indigenous Peoples in Canada, whose lands many of us call home, work on, and enjoy with gratitude. 

At Humber, we are committed to fostering inclusivity, diversity, and a sense of belonging across our institution. It is important for us that we build a future where everyone feels valued and respected. We encourage all staff, students, and faculty to take a moment this month to reflect on the rich cultures, traditions, histories, and contributions of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples across Canada. 

National Indigenous Peoples Day – June 21: 

On June 21, we also mark National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada. This day is dedicated to honouring the rich cultures, traditions, histories, and contributions of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples across our nation. National Indigenous Peoples Day is yet another opportunity for us all to deepen our understanding of Indigenous cultures and acknowledge the vital role they play in shaping our society.  

Here are a few ways you can engage this month: 

Learn and Reflect: Take time to educate yourself about the diverse cultures, languages, and histories of Indigenous peoples. Our library and the Indigenous Education & Engagement team offer numerous resources to support your learning journey. Additionally, the Government of Canada’s website provides valuable information on their National Indigenous History Month page.

Support Indigenous Initiatives: Consider supporting Indigenous artists, businesses, and organizations. Your support helps to sustain and grow the vibrant cultures and economies of Indigenous communities. 

Participate in Activities: Explore the various events and activities taking place locally and nationally. Many virtual events are available, allowing for participation from the comfort of your home. 

Engage in Dialogue: Use this month as an opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations with colleagues, friends, and family about the importance of Indigenous contributions and the ongoing challenges faced by Indigenous communities. 

Humber College is proud to support initiatives that promote reconciliation. We remain committed to creating spaces where Indigenous voices are heard and respected. 

Thank you for joining us in recognizing and celebrating National Indigenous History Month. 


Jason Seright 
Vice-President, Inclusion & Belonging

June 3, 2024
Jean O'Donnell

Ontario Colleges Student Experience Survey


Humber is committed to continuous quality improvement and engaging students in this process. Beginning June 10, the college will administer the online Ontario Colleges Student Experience Survey (OCSES) that has replaced the previous ministry KPI Student Satisfaction survey. This survey will measure student experiences related to teaching and learning quality, program related knowledge and skills, work integrated learning (if applicable), and student services and resources. The results of the survey will allow the college to identify strengths and areas of improvement.


Students in full-time, funded programming who began their studies in Winter 2024 and are currently enrolled in their second semester will receive a personal survey link on Monday, June 10. The survey will remain open until Friday, June 21 at midnight.  Key messaging will be communicated to students by Humber to promote the survey and encourage completion.  In order to achieve an optimal response to this survey, facilitators/instructors will be present in classes selected by the Faculties to explain the purpose of the survey to students, provide direction for survey completion and allot class time to complete the survey (approximately 10-15 minutes).

For questions about the survey, please contact Jean O’Donnell at Jean.o’

June 3, 2024

Celebrate Pride by reading 2SLGBTQ+ memoirs and biographies curated by the Library. As you read, recognize your own struggles and triumphs in someone else's story or learn from those who are different from yourself. Spend time with these stories of love, self-acceptance, advocacy, joy, and resilience.

View the featured collection
