
June 26, 2024
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Career Milestones list of employees for June 2024

Congratulations to all our employees celebrating Career Milestones in June!

The following employees are celebrating their 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25-year anniversary with Humber. We encourage you to reach out to your colleagues to congratulate them on their Career Milestones.

1 Year

5 Years

10 Years

15 Years

20 Years

25 Years

Thomas Chevalier

Lamar Samuels

Paul Nguyen

Sonia Deleo

Michael Kopinak

Spencer Wood

Dempsey Cruz

Harini Nanthan

Krista O’Donnell

Sunil Cherian



Deon Moodley

Monique Krasek


Andrea Burket



Sayoojya Saju



Shierel Caoagas



Patricia DiBona



Marlene Casal



Aseela Tahir



Asima Shahid



Kimmy Do



Olga Rossovska



Rui Raposo



John Aliferis



Rachel Oudit






Teyun (Jennifer) Kim






Taejo Kim






Ishmeet Singh






Ashley Depaz






Kourtney Clarke






Although we do our best to ensure we don't miss anyone, sometimes it happens. If we have missed anyone on this list, our sincere apologies. Please let us know so we can correct our records and ensure the employee receives recognition.

Questions? Please email us at

June 26, 2024
Office of Human Rights & Harassment

The Office of Human Rights & Harassment invites the Humber Community to read the 2023 Employment Equity Report

Humber College and the University of Guelph-Humber are committed to workplace equity, diversity and inclusion. Employment Equity is a term used in Canada to describe a process for achieving equity in all aspects of employment. Humber complies voluntarily with the Employment Equity Act under the Federal Contractors Program.

Our sincere thanks to all employees who have completed the EEQ. Having up-to-date knowledge of our workforce representation is essential in accurately identifying where underrepresentation exists and allows for targeted efforts toward removing barriers and addressing that underrepresentation.

All full-time and non-full-time employees are invited to complete the Employment Equity Questionnaire (EEQ). Employees are also welcome to update their responses, as needed, to the EEQ. Please note - the completion of Humber’s Employment Equity Questionnaire is voluntary.

The information that you provide in the EEQ will be kept confidential and will only be reported in aggregate form for Employment Equity purposes. In other words, the reported data will not contain any personal identifying information.

Please visit the Office of Human Rights & Harassment website to learn more, or contact with any questions.

Thank you for your continued dedication to equity at Humber.

June 25, 2024

In the latest SVPA Blog, Gina Antonacci reflects on the past academic year. 

Read the SVPA Blog.

June 25, 2024
Humber's Office of Sustainability
Microphone on a wood floor

In this episode of the Eco-Minute, we're taking you behind the scenes to the Idea Lab to brand our microphones! We'll also share how using the Idea Lab is sustainable, how to book free workshops and how to access all the equipment and cool spaces available to Humber students and staff.  

Watch this episode

To book or learn about the Idea Lab: visit the website.
What’s Eco-Minute?     

This series will be one-minute episodes shared every other week in a fun short clip you can find on our Instagram reels.   

The purpose of this series will be to create and deliver accessible content to students across Humber where we "pass the mic” to hear from faculty members, campus partners, and students of various programs. These episodes aim to share achievements, projects and announcements from within our community that focus on sustainability.  

Check out the first episode now   

To learn more about our work in sustainability, visit our website.

If you’d like to connect for a future episode, please email us at

June 24, 2024
Regan Mancini

Humber’s business plan profiles key institutional initiatives scheduled for the upcoming fiscal year. On June 11, 2024, Humber’s Board of Governors approved the college’s 2024/2025 Business Plan. Click on the document to check out where Humber is headed with teaching and learning, student experience and employability, research partnerships, impact, and inclusion and well-being this year.

Humber's annual report profiles the institution's progress towards its strategic priorities and details key initiatives undertaken to realize them over the preceding year. On May 28, 2024, Humber’s Board of Governors approved the college’s 2023/2024 Annual Report which reports against Humber’s 2023/2024 Business Plan. Check out what Humber has been up to this past year by clicking on the document and exploring what the institution achieved.

To access current and past Business Plans and Annual Reports, please visit Humber’s Corproate Publications page.

June 24, 2024
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster


Thank you to everyone that completed the 2024 Humber College Employee Engagement Survey. We appreciate you taking the time to share your honest perspective and feedback.  

In Spring of 2024, Humber partnered with McLean & Company, an independent HR research firm, to administer the Employee Engagement Survey to gather insights and gain a deeper understanding of employee engagement at Humber. I am pleased to share that McLean & Company has compiled the survey data and feedback.  

With an overall response rate of 38 per cent, there are some highlights I would like to share. Across Humber and the University of Guelph-Humber, 60.5 per cent of employees are engaged and 18.1 per cent of employees are almost engaged which is on par with the Educational Services industry benchmark. The highest engagement scores indicate that employees feel empowered, enjoy positive working relationships with their managers and coworkers, and find the working environment and culture to be supportive, inclusive, and safe. There are opportunities for us to do better to support career growth and development, recognition, company potential, and department leadership. Attached is a quick snapshot of the employee engagement survey results.   

The executive team and leaders across the college are committed to taking necessary actions to help address the survey feedback and make Humber a better place to work.  

Objectives and Plan

People(s) & Culture and McLean & Company held Engagement Results and Action Planning meetings with all Senior Leaders and People Leaders at Humber and the University of Guelph-Humber earlier this month to share the high-level findings of the survey, discuss engagement drivers, action planning process and implementation timelines.  

Based on the survey data and findings, Senior Leaders identified engagement drivers that will have the most impact on engagement levels. This feedback will be presented to the Executive team for review and approval, and we will begin working on a Humber-wide action plan including targeted strategies to address employee concerns. 

Senior Leaders and People Leaders will receive leader-level reports on engagement and will be responsible for creating and implementing their own Employee Engagement Action Plans based on their engagement results by Fall of 2024. Leaders will engage their teams in the results discussion process and plans should be built in collaboration with the entire team as everyone has a responsibility for engagement. 

In Fall of 2024, a townhall will be organized to further discuss the survey results and share the details of the Humber action plan and its implementation process with all our employees. Results, expectations, and progress will be shared across the organization through townhalls, meetings, and various communication channels to ensure transparency, collaboration, and accountability for this initiative. 

Engagement Framework

Humber will use a hybrid framework approach to engagement analysis and action planning. With this approach, organizational priorities are identified, and further analysis will be done at the Senior Leader and People Leader levels to identify unique priorities and create tailored action plans for those levels and departments.  

As mentioned above, we are finalizing the organizational engagement drivers that we want to focus on as an organization and will soon begin working on a Humber-wide action plan. Senior Leaders and People Leaders are currently analyzing their results and identifying insights and actions for their plans.  

This approach will allow us to better understand the engagement landscape horizontally and across the organization and where gaps may need to be addressed at the organizational, departmental/faculty, and team levels.  

A diagram of a organizational structure

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Tools and Supports

A Manager Toolkit was given to all People Leaders including an Engagement Action Form and resources and materials to support the action planning and implementation process.  

The People(s) and Culture department will provide support and will check-in on the status of action plans throughout the year to ensure progress is made to address employee concerns and improve our programs and practices within the department/faculty and across the organization.  

Closing Remarks

On behalf of the Executive Team, I want to thank you again for sharing your feedback and express our gratitude to all our employees and students, who every day contribute to making Humber a great place to work. Your voice and feedback will play a significant role in determining how we invest in our people and will shape our employee and student programs, practices, and initiatives moving forward.  

Should you have any questions, please contact us at  


Jennifer O’Brien
Vice President, People(s) and Culture

June 24, 2024
Meshanda Phillips
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster


Presenting Sip & Chill Mobile – A Resource on Wheels

Exciting news from the Office of the Dean of Students: introducing the Sip & Chill Mobile service! This in-person mobile service is designed to bring information directly to students in their primary campus spot -the classroom.

How does it work?

During a class break, the Sip & Chill Mobile cart will be outside the classroom to provide students with access to information about student resources, upcoming events, and giveaways, along with a complimentary cup of coffee or tea.


The Sip & Chill Mobile Cart is bookable for date and times listed below:

  • Date: Monday to Friday only beginning June 3 and ending August 2
  • Time: Between 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
  • Location: North Campus (June) and Lakeshore Campus (July)

How to request a visit from the Sip & Chill Mobile cart for your students:

Professors can schedule a visit from the Sip & Chill Mobile Cart to arrive during their class breaks. Reservations must be made in advance on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The cart can be booked for North campus during the month of June and Lakeshore campus during the month of July.

If you have additional questions, please reach out to Meshanda at

June 24, 2024
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Longo Faculty of Business is pleased to share with the College the May edition of the monthly Dean's Newsletter.

Visit for more information.

June 21, 2024

June 21 marks National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada. This day is dedicated to honouring the rich cultures, traditions, histories, and contributions of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples across our nation. National Indigenous Peoples Day is an opportunity for us all to deepen our understanding of Indigenous cultures and acknowledge the vital role they play in shaping our society. 

This June, Humber is celebrating National Indigenous History Month and National Indigenous Peoples Day with exciting news! Yesterday, we announced that Humber will become the first college in Canada to offer Indigenous students free tuition starting this fall. This initiative builds upon Humber’s unwavering commitment to advancing Truth and Reconciliation, deepens our valued relationships with local Indigenous communities, and elevates Indigenous excellence within our institution. Read the full announcement and join us in celebrating this milestone. 

Ways to celebrate and observe this day: 

  • Toronto Public Library hosts Indigenous celebrations, a festival of cultures and heritage featuring Indigenous storytelling, literature, and discussions on history and current issues. 

Other ways to participate: 

Elijah Williams  
Dean, Indigenous Education & Engagement  
Jason Seright
Vice-President, Inclusion & Belonging
June 21, 2024
Hedi Rahmat
Map of North Campus Buildings A, B, C, and D

We would like to inform you of ongoing construction activities affecting access to Buildings A, B, C, and D at the North Campus. The construction has already begun and is expected to continue for several months, and during this period, certain areas and facilities within these buildings will be temporarily inaccessible.

Key Details:

  • Buildings A, B, C, and D: Expect partial closures and restricted access.
  • Affected Areas: Faculty of Business (Culinary Programs, Golf Management, Sports Management, and Spa Programs), Faculty of Health Sciences (Massage Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine Programs), TCM Clinic, Athletics, Support Staff Union, and all classes on the second floor of Buildings B and D.
  • Update on B Building Elevator Access: Please note that access to the B building elevators is currently changed. While there is still access to the B-elevators if you enter directly from the B building entrance (Parking Lot 13/14), those entering from Parking Lot 15 should follow an alternative path to reach the elevators. We have attached a layout for your convenience to help navigate this change. 

We encourage all students, staff, and faculty to plan accordingly and allow extra time for navigating the campus during this period.

Weekly Layout Updates: The layout for each week's closures will be posted on the Friday of the preceding week.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
