
November 4, 2021

Humber College has partnered with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) to bring their Phone it Forward program to campus!

Students, staff and faculty can donate their smartphones to people with sight loss. All donated smartphones are wiped, refurbished, and loaded with accessible applications. 

Donation Process:

  1. Register your donation in order to receive a tax receipt quote for your smartphone donation. You can also call 1.833.554.5020 to register your device. 
  2. Pick up a prepaid Phone it Forward envelope from campus (see locations below). 
  3. Pack your smartphone donation and the required signed documents in the envelope and drop them off in any Canada Post mailbox. 
  4. Once your device is evaluated and confirmed, you will receive your tax receipt in the mail. 

Phone it Forward Locations:

  • North Campus: Learning Resource Commons (LRC) Welcome Desk 
  • Lakeshore Campus: Student Welcome and Resource Centre 
  • International Graduate School (IGS): Tech Zone 

Humber's Community Outreach and Workforce Development, the Office of Sustainability and Information Technology Solutions (ITS), are excited to bring this life-changing program to campus. 

Creating a Positive Sustainability Loop:

Humber community members will have the opportunity to donate smartphones they no longer need to a community partner for a worthy initiative seeking to provide equitable technology access. This will also help divert hazardous waste from landfills, which can leak toxic elements that are harmful to the environment and humans. 

Did you know? According to the Global E-waste Monitor 2020 report, a record 53.6 million tonnes of global electronic waste was dumped last year, which is equivalent to the weight of 350 cruise ships. Only 17.4 per cent of global e-waste was officially documented and formally collected and recycled. Do your part and recycle or donate your used electronics. 

November 4, 2021

To all Humber Employees: 

As we look ahead to the upcoming holiday season, we would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all members of the Humber community.

It has been a year of many changes, but your hard work and dedication throughout the pandemic has contributed to Humber’s continued success. Your commitment and care for one another, and to our students, is evident as we work together to deliver a quality teaching and learning experience, while also supporting each other through challenging times.

To recognize your efforts, the college will officially close for our annual holiday break the end of the business day Thursday, December 23 instead of December 24 at noon. The college will reopen on Tuesday, January 4, 2022. 

Naturally, there will be business operations and pay considerations related to this closure. The Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness division will provide details on how to handle employee scheduling and time entries related to this closure in a subsequent email to all managers.

Employees may access key payroll calendar dates here.

Thank you once again for all that you do to support students and each other.

President Signature

Chris Whitaker
President, CEO Humber I.T.A.L.

November 4, 2021
Elisabeth Springate, Communications and Events Coordinator, Teaching Excellence
Innovative Learning Newsletter Cover: November 4th Edition

We’re happy to bring you the next issue of our Innovative Learning Newsletter (PDF). 

In time for the COP26 Global Conference, we remind readers of our latest episode of the Staff Lounge Podcast, spotlighting Humber and Faculty’s sustainability efforts. The podcast team has another episode in the works, related to IE&E’s Indigenous Knowledges Gathering coming up soon. We recap Faculty ED-Venture Week and share feedback from our introductory ‘Teaching with MS Teams’ sessions. League Excellence Awards nominations have been extended to November 8. Finally, we bring back the wealth of resources and support in the Move to Ultra Kit.

Visit the Innovative Learning website for information, resources, workshop registrations, services and much more. 

Enjoy this issue!

Humber Innovative Learning

November 3, 2021
Desta McCalla

Enhancing Institutional EDI Knowledge of Disability and Academic Accessibility: 

  • Many students miss assignment deadlines or miss tests/exams. For some students with disabilities, it could be due to a flare-up in their condition, which can be unpredictable in nature and often outside of their control. 
  • It can be difficult for faculty to balance academic rigour and accountability for what students are to learn, with a fair and manageable process for those who miss required tests/exams and assignments. 
  • Consider creating a contingency supplemental assignment or make-up test/exam that can be pulled out during the semester as needed.  

Visit our ALS Information for Faculty website to learn more about accommodating students with disabilities. 

Please email us at with suggestions for key accessibility-related topics that you would like us to address through the Communiqué.

November 3, 2021
Humber Press
Demystifying Innovation Podcast banner with two lightbulbs

On the seventh of Demystifying Innovation, we talk to Ginger Grant, dean, Research and Innovation.

According to Ginger, innovation's worst enemy is a process that works smoothly. We may think, "it works fine; why change it?". Innovation requires change, and change only occurs if we look outward into the world to draw inspiration. This, paired with a culture that embraces failure and setbacks, provides a nurturing space for innovation to grow.

Listen to Demystifying Innovation on Apple PodcastSpotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

For more information, visit the Humber Press website.

November 2, 2021
Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Humber College is committed to providing a learning, working and living environment that respects and reflects the diversity within the student population and our local and global communities. In developing Humber’s Institutional Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Framework and Strategy, the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion re-established Humber’s Employment Equity Program (EEP). One of the steps in the EEP is to conduct an Employment Systems Review (ESR). The ESR Project will be conducted under the direction of the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion and Humber’s Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion Committee.

The ESR examines employment policies, practices and organizational culture to identify systemic barriers to inclusion faced by Indigenous Peoples and individuals from equity-deserving groups in the Humber workforce. The ESR findings will support Humber to develop evidence-based strategies to create, implement and sustain the organizational change process necessary to increase equity, diversity and inclusion throughout all levels of the College.

The key project activities are: a review of Humber’s employment systems policies and programs, consultations with key stakeholders and the development of an Employment Equity Plan. This will be supported by a communication strategy to educate, inform and engage employees.

This project falls under the sponsorship of Lori Diduch, vice-president, Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness. Nancy Simms, director, Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion and Bharat Saini, manager, Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion are the project managers and they will be assisted by Employment Matters Consulting (EMC), a nationally recognized consulting company that specializes in equity, diversity and inclusion education and work.

Over the next few weeks, the consultant will be holding focus groups and one-on-one interviews to gather information that will assist in this review. In these meetings, the consultants will ask about the organizational culture at Humber and how the human resources employment policies and procedures can be enhanced. They will seek your suggestions on possible changes to advance EDI at the College. Information provided to the consultants will be reported in aggregate form.

If you have any questions about the ESR Project, please email

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion thanks you for helping to build a more inclusive Humber.

Nancy Simms M.A. ADR
Director, Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion and Lead, EDI Taskforce

November 2, 2021

It's been a great start to the fall term so far. We hope you've all been doing well, and encourage you to stay connected with us for upcoming events, programs, workshops and a variety of CfE and partner opportunities. 

If you're not yet a CfE member, sign up for free.

When you become a member, you will get access to our monthly newsletter (link provided in this post), our programs (BYOB, BMO Launch Me, ICE, etc.) and partner events/opportunities. 

A big kudos goes out to one of our members, and our member feature for the month of November, Anshika Na, who placed second place in the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship pitch competiton with her business, NutriChoice. NutriChoice is an edible cutlery company with the goal of no plastic and zero waste. If you'd like to learn more about NutriChoice, you can visit the Instagram account at @nutrichoice.edible.

View the November newsletter

November 2, 2021
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Gourmet Express Hours of Operation

Stop by Gourmet Express this week to see what goodies we have in store! There's always something for everyone.

Gourmet Express - Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8 a.m. to 10 a.m.
11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Closed from 10 to 11 a.m. for cleaning.

See you soon!

November 2, 2021
Vera Beletzan

I am pleased to announce that Lisa Salem-Wiseman, Associate Dean in the Faculty of Health and Wellness, will be seconded to the Centre for Innovative Learning as special advisor to the Humber Learning Outcomes strategic initiative, beginning in January 2022.

In her role as special advisor, Lisa will lead the on-going implementation of the Humber (Institutional) Learning Outcomes (HLO) framework, with a particular focus on curriculum development, faculty resource support, and HLO assessment processes. Lisa will also work closely with the Office of Indigenous Education and Engagement (IE&E) to braid Indigenous Ways of Being, Knowing and Doing into curriculum across Humber’s programs.

Lisa brings extensive experience to this role, both in the classroom and as an academic leader. Most recently, Lisa worked with IE&E to implement a new initiative within Humber’s Early Childhood Education (ECE) program focusing on teaching students, educators and the community to co-learn from the land using Indigenous and non-Indigenous perspectives. The program is based on the guiding principles of Etuaptmumk/Two-Eyed Seeing (in the Mi'kmaq language) and reflects the interconnection of people and places by exploring ways of being, knowing and doing from Indigenous and non-Indigenous worldviews.

We are excited to have Lisa join the HLO project this January.

Vera Beletzan
Senior Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences and Innovative Learning




November 2, 2021
Hana Glaser

Get the latest updates from the Centre for Creative Business Innovation (CCBI) in our November newsletter.
