
Adriana Mema knew from a very young age that she is a builder. "Ever since I was young, I remember playing with sand on the beach and building alongside my brothers all sorts of roads, bridges, and obviously castles out of that wonderful material," confirmed Mema.

Mema immigrated to Canada from Albania in 1999 with one goal: to continue pursuing her love of buildings. However, when she arrived, she found there was resistance to women working in the construction industry. "The majority of women in construction at the time were working in the office and dealing with administrative duties," she said. Mema had a choice, be complacent or disrupt this societal inequity.

Find the full story here.

April 16, 2021
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

T+L The Staff Lounge Podcast Episode 7 - What Is UDL And Why Do We Need It?

Many of us have heard of UDL, but what exactly is Universal Design for Learning, and why do we need it? In conversation with Katie Billard, UDL expert in Humber College’s Teaching and Learning Dept., we discover the benefits of UDL to both the student and the teacher. Can it really save you time? We chat to Megan Primeau and Mackenzie Ketchall and hear how they successfully integrated UDL into their teaching.

The Staff Lounge Podcast is a place to reflect and connect with staff from Humber College. We bring you interviews, panel discussions and tips from local and global educators, providing a platform to explore best teaching practices.

Click here to hear the 7th episode of The Staff Lounge Podcast or to check-out previous episodes.

Don't forget to subscribe on Spotify, iTunes or Soundcloud.

April 16, 2021
Aaron Brown

As part of the Consent Peer Education Program (CPEP) and Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity's Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) programming in April 2021, students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to participate in our SAAM Challenge! Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in April, a prompt will be provided on the CPEP Instagram and through the Humber Communiqué to encourage people to take an action in recognition of SAAM. Participants who share a photo addressing the prompt by emailing it to will be entered into a raffle to win a $150 gift card; all entries must be submitted by Monday, May 3 at 12 p.m. to be eligible for the prize!

Today's prompt is...During SAAM, I Am…: Reflect on your feelings during SAAM and find a way to capture them as creatively as possible.

Fists raised in the air with prompt written above them


April 15, 2021

Today the Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO) and Humber College announced that they have reached an agreement on the development and delivery of the CMRAO’s new education program for condominium managers in Ontario. Educating condominium managers with a strong foundation of financial, legal, technical, ethical, and management acumen is a key component of the CMRAO’s continuous efforts to protect consumers in Ontario’s growing condominium industry.

Find the full media release here.

April 15, 2021
Laura Page
Teaching Innovation Fund Overview sheet

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Team at Humber Research and Innovation is pleased to announce the next call for applications for the Teaching Innovation Fund.

About the fund: The fund includes $1,400 per investigator and support in developing and conducting a research project about teaching and learning. There are typically two types of projects: “Build” projects, in which you develop and build a new, evidence-based teaching tool or approach, and “Impact” projects, in which you measure the impact of an innovative teaching tool or approach with your students. 

For more information and to access the application form, see the attached document. To hear from faculty that have previously conducted research with the fund, visit our video summary of previous TIF Projects.

The deadline for applications is Monday, May 3.

Applications may be submitted to

April 15, 2021
Did You Know - OneDrive Options

You can organize your OneDrive files numerous ways. Navigate to the top-right corner of the web version and click on the chevrons for the options.

The Sort options allow you to choose what category you wish to sort on, as well as having the files/folders in ascending or descending order.

The View option allows you to view your files/folders either in a ‘list’ order or ‘tiles’.

Learn the basics of a variety of Microsoft 365 apps and WebEx by signing up for 1:1 Virtual Coaching at

April 15, 2021
Rebecca Fitzgerald
Humber's Global Systems Gap Challenge

Humber Global is excited to announce the second edition of the Beyond COVID-19: Global Systems Gap Challenge, this year in partnership with the City of Toronto. This initiative brings together our full campus community – students, staff, faculty, and our industry and community partners!


Join this six-week virtual challenge, from May 17 to June 25, 2021 and prepare yourself to be one of the changemakers needed to contribute to the public good beyond COVID-19! You will collaborate in teams with participants from around the world to identify what’s needed for systemic and sustainable change, as we build the city of Toronto back better, together, in one of the following areas: Arts & Culture, Economic Development, Health & Wellness, or Social Innovation. 

Last year’s inaugural challenge brought together over 500 students, faculty and staff who collaborated from 27 different countries across six continents across the globe. Watch our video recap here


We are looking for 100+ Humber staff and faculty to volunteer to mentor student teams. You will be paired with another mentor and together will support your team through weekly tasks and reflections. We will provide training and resources to guide your team to success! 

We encourage and welcome mentors from any faculty/department/unit. This is a fantastic professional development opportunity and a way to expand your network at Humber. Please ensure you have received approval from your reporting manager to participate in this volunteer opportunity.   

To volunteer as a mentor, please fill out a short profile by 23:59 EDT on Monday, May 3, 2021: Apply Here 


Humber students who join the challenge will receive a Certificate of Participation and either Co-Curricular Record recognition OR satisfaction of Work Integrated Learning program requirements (to be approved by their Work Placement Manager).  

Throughout the challenge teams will engage in skills building workshops, global networking, experiential learning, research, and professional development mentorship - culminating with an employability workshop to help participants identify, document, and articulate their skills utilizing the Humber Learning Outcomes (HLO) framework.  

Plus, PRIZES will be awarded for the top teams!  

Current Humber students, students from our partner institutions globally, or students who have applied to Humber for future study are encouraged to register by 23:59 EDT on Monday, May 3, 2021:Apply Here 


To learn more about the Humber Global Challenge and check out last year's experience, visit our website: 

Questions? Contact: Rebecca Fitzgerald (Associate Director, International Mobility and Strategic Partnerships) at or Rebecca Trautwein (Manager, Global Learning and Engagement) at

Follow the Challenge on social media!  

Follow the Challenge live on social media at @HumberGlobal and with #HumberGlobalChallenge

April 15, 2021
Aaron Brown
Two men encouraging men to take action against harmful behaviours

At Humber, we recognize that we all have a responsibility in preventing and addressing sexual violence. Sexual violence is rooted in gender-based violence, and so men may feel that it is a "women's issue"; however, we acknowledge that men must also take action and hold one another accountable. The Survey on Individual Safety in the Postsecondary Student Population (Statistics Canada, 2019) found that men were less likely to view unwanted sexualized behaviours as harmful, twice as likely to think people are too offended by unwanted sexualized behaviours, and the perpetrators of unwanted sexualized behaviours are more often men.

The Men Seeking Change working group encourages men to reflect on behaviours that could cause harm to others and to intervene when they see these behaviours happening. We will be sharing examples of inappropriate behaviours and ways men could intervene in these behaviours over March and April as a reminder to take action and maintain our culture of respect.

Unhealthy Behaviour: Inappropriate discussion about sex life.

Example: Zac (he/him), Monique (she/her), Marshall (he/him), Tyler (they/them), Dan (they/them), and Jeff (he/him) are placed into a breakout room together during a class activity. After finishing the activity early, they start talking about Grey’s Anatomy; Zac mentions the on-call sex scenes and shares a similar sexual exploit from his own experience in detail. Marshall and Jeff join in with their own stories.

What could Marshall and Jeff have done differently?

Marshall and Jeff could have told Zac they don’t think it’s the time or place to be sharing such stories, and could switch the topic of conversation.

Example: John (he/him), Derek (he/him) and Helen (she/her) often work together on pitches. While working on a pitch, John tells Helen about his latest one-night stand and asks Helen who she is “smashing at night.” Derek laughs and continues working.

What could Derek have done differently?

Derek could have let John know that this discussion is not appropriate for work and could make people uncomfortable. If John continues to discuss his sex life while they’re working on pitches, Derek could report up through their supervisor or Human Resources. 

Two examples of men making inappropriate discussion of sex life and ways they could have intervened.

April 14, 2021

Effective Fall 2021, following payment of their tuition deposit as indicated on the Academic Calendar or offer letter, all students must pay or arrange to pay the balance of their tuition fees before registering for courses each term. A message was sent today (April 14) to new and returning domestic and international students informing them of this change. This updated payment process is meant to help students avoid the unintended consequences of an outstanding balance so students can remain focused on their classes during the academic year. 
For the Fall 2021 term, the tuition balance is due on Wednesday, July 21, 2021 prior to registration, which begins the week of July 26, 2021. Payment options and financial planning resources will be shared with students including information about available payment plans or arrangements. The Academic Calendar has been updated with the new tuition balance due dates and other important dates throughout the academic year.  

Payment options and tuition balance information can be found at Students have been directed to contact the Office of the Registrar should they have questions about the updated process. 

Office of the Registrar

April 14, 2021
Aaron Brown

As part of the Consent Peer Education Program (CPEP) and Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity's Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) programming in April 2021, students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to participate in our SAAM Challenge! Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in April, a prompt will be provided on the CPEP Instagram and through the Humber Communiqué to encourage people to take an action in recognition of SAAM. Participants who share a photo addressing the prompt by emailing it to will be entered into a raffle to win a $150 gift card; all entries must be submitted by Monday, May 3 at 12 p.m. to be eligible for the prize!

Today's prompt is...My Message to Survivors: Share a message of support to survivors of sexual assault, harassment and abuse.

Fists raised in the air with prompt written above them

