
April 20, 2021
Casey Norris
Reactivation - Humber Galleries

What does inspiration and collaboration look like in a distanced setting? 

What does a music piece reacting to a physical artwork sound like?

What does an artwork look like in response to a movement piece? 

As we continue to work and adjust to this new digital world Humber Galleries wanted to explore how different disciplines inspire creation in one another while working completely separated. Bringing together a group of multi-disciplinary Humber students to help us we’ve created a new project entitled REACTIVATION.  

Beginning with works from the Humber Galleries Permanent Art Collection we tasked a group of Music students to create new compositions in direct response to the inspiration they felt from the collection works. Those music compositions were then given to a group of Movement students to follow the same inspiration process and create choreographed movement compositions that were finally given to a group of Creative students that turned their inspiration into various visual and digital artwork pieces. The result is 12 amazing original works created individually but also as a larger whole from common inspirations.

Visit to learn more about this project and view the original artworks created by the Faculty of Media and Creative Arts students.

April 20, 2021
Elissa Schmidt

Dear staff,

I am pleased to announce that Rafael Perez will be joining the University of Guelph-Humber Leadership Team as Department Head, Finance and Administration on May 3, 2021.

Rafael is presently Director, Capital, Energy and Support Services with HealthPRO Canada, where he works with hundreds of public healthcare organizations across Canada. He brings 20 years of leadership experience in higher education, healthcare, and corporate environments. He has a comprehensive background in operations and service management, and extensive knowledge in strategic project delivery in complex technical environments.

Rafael’s professional experience is complemented by a Master of Science in Telecommunications, a Bachelor of Science in Engineering, and additional postgraduate certifications in procurement law, purchasing, and operations management. In his spare time, you will find Rafael traveling with his family, gardening, or fixing something around the house.

“I am excited that Rafael has accepted our offer,” said Brenda Whiteside. “The University will benefit from his leadership experience in both higher education and corporate environments as well as domestically and internationally. In addition, his collaborative spirit and emphasis on relationships align well with our values.” 

"I am thrilled and honoured to join the University of Guelph-Humber team,” said Perez. “I am a believer in the power of collective efforts and can already sense that the University’s great team and culture are two of its many assets.”  

After May 3, the following University of Guelph-Humber teams will transition back to report to this role: Finance and Administration; Academic and Technology Services; and Digital Communications and Web Services.

Please help me in welcoming Rafael to his new role and to the University of Guelph-Humber.


Brenda Whiteside
Interim Director, Administration and Student Services
University of Guelph-Humber

April 19, 2021

Further to Friday’s provincial announcement extending the emergency declaration and stay-at-home order until at least May 20, 2021, we have reviewed the amended provincial regulations.  

The regulations do not limit any travel to and from the College for students, faculty or staff with legitimate needs to be on-campus, and there are no additional restrictions on in-person learning. The winter term will conclude, and the spring/summer term will begin as planned. 

April 19, 2021
Matthew Travill

As many folks are aware, Pride planning is well underway at The LGBTQ+ Resource Centre. This year, the LGBTQ+ Resource Centre wanted to extend the invite to different faculties or staff groups to have their Pride events or trainings hosted on the main Pride calendar of events and advertised widely by the LGBTQ+ Resource Centre and its campus partners.

Folks who wish to host a Pride-related event should reach out to Matthew Travill (Student Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives Coordinator- LGBTQ+ Resource Centres) via email at

April 19, 2021

We are excited to share that Humber College was named one of Canada’s Greenest Employers for the 6th year in a row! The award recognizes employers that lead the nation in making environmental values part of their organizational culture. 

“It’s an honour to be recognized for the sixth year in a row as one of Canada’s Greenest Employers. While we have a lot more work to do, I am definitely seeing the work and commitment of the Humber community happening every day. I’m excited to see what more we can do to make sure there is a better future for all,” said Lindsay Walker, associate director, Office of Sustainability.

Some of Humber's sustainability highlights include: 

Building NX Retrofit 

Building NX is the first institutional building retrofit to achieve the Passivhaus Institut EnerPHit certification in Canada. The building now uses 97 per cent less heating energy and 70 per cent less energy than before and is an industry-leading example of zero-carbon excellence. The ambitious project was guided by Humber’s Integrated Master Plan (IEMP). Watch this video to learn more about the IEMP or visit our website.   

Gold Standard for Sustainability Excellence at Post-Secondary Institution

Humber received a Gold designation of the latest stringent version of the Sustainability Tracking and Assessment Rating System (STARS) run by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. 

Award-winning Forest Nature Program

Humber’s Forest Nature Program was a recipient of the 2019 Edward Burtynsky Award for excellence in environmental inquiry. The program (called “The Willows”) received the award for recognizing the importance of Indigenous perspectives and connections with natural surroundings. 

Humber Learning Outcomes

In 2020, the Humber Learning Outcomes (HLO) framework was launched. The HLO framework is a key priority of Humber’s 2018-2023 Strategic Plan. In support of our strategic mission, the Humber community aims to represent our unique polytechnic identity by developing global citizens who embody the knowledge and skills to lead and innovate. 

2019-2024 Sustainability Plan  

The 2019–2024 Sustainability Plan outlines a bold approach to reimagine our future to shape healthy, inclusive and sustainable communities. The plan outlines over 100 actions the college community is committed to achieving by 2024, taking on the shared responsibility to own and reflect our values in our actions. 

Finalist for 2019 Ontario Business Achievement Awards (OBAAs) Sustainability

Humber was a finalist for the OBAA Sustainability Award as it is a leader in sustainable campus operations, which supports a vibrant campus community. With aggressive energy and climate commitments, Humber builds and operates low-impact campuses that support health and well-being, equity, diversity and inclusion, learning, innovation, biodiversity, and ecosystem health and community. 

Please view our 2019-2024 Humber Sustainability Plan and Supporting Actions to learn more about Humber's long-term sustainability vision and goals. 

~The Office of Sustainability 

Connect with us: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Email 

April 19, 2021
Aaron Brown

As part of the Consent Peer Education Program (CPEP) and Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity's Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) programming in April 2021, students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to participate in our SAAM Challenge! Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in April, a prompt will be provided on the CPEP Instagram and through the Humber Communiqué to encourage people to take an action in recognition of SAAM. Participants who share a photo addressing the prompt by emailing it to will be entered into a raffle to win a $150 gift card; all entries must be submitted by Monday, May 3 at 12 p.m. to be eligible for the prize!

Today's prompt is...Resource Shout-Out: Help share information by giving one of your favourite resources for survivors a shout-out; this could be an organization, infographic, report, book, etc.

Fists raised in the air with prompt written above


April 19, 2021
Did You Know - MS Word - Dictation

You can dictate your documents with Word. The new dictation toolbar, voice commands, and auto-punctuation make creating content with your voice fast and easy. The Dictate feature is found at the top-right in the ribbon.

Once you click the dictation icon, a small window will appear at the bottom of your document. Click the microphone icon to start. To view the settings, click on the cog icon. You can choose from a list of languages, set auto-punctuate, and even set a profanity filter. If set, the profane word will display as dots.

Learn more about Dictation at the Microsoft Support webpage.

Learn the basics of a variety of Microsoft 365 apps and WebEx by signing up for 1:1 Virtual Coaching at

April 19, 2021
Save the Date: Annual Advisor Training

Please save the date for the virtual 6th Annual Advisor Training from May 25 to June 4, 2021.

Advising & Career Services is committed to providing meaningful learning experiences to Humber and Guelph-Humber’s faculty and staff. We are excited to announce that the 6th Annual Advisor Training will be held as a virtual conference starting May 25 and ending June 4, 2021.

This year's theme is A Way Forward: Advising Through Change and we look forward to having advisors, program coordinators, faculty and staff from all departments and academic faculties at Humber and Guelph-Humber join us to discuss, share, and learn about advising techniques, skills and issues that affect us all.

A detailed session schedule will be released by the first week of May, and all sessions will be accessible virtually via Microsoft Teams to the Humber and Guelph-Humber community. For more information and updates, please check our website:

April 19, 2021

Many of you are aware that Melanie Chai, Associate Director, Advising & Career Services will soon be setting off on parental leave. We will certainly miss her skilled leadership during that time but are also very excited for her and her family as they prepare to welcome a new addition to their ranks.

I am pleased to announce that, Christina Alcena (she/her), currently the Manager, Equity & Student Life, is the successful incumbent for the role of Interim Associate Director, Advising & Career Services, filling in for Melanie during her absence.

As the Manager, Equity & Student Life, Christina led significant organizational change that brought the Student Diversity & Inclusion Hubs together with Student Life in service of common student success and retention outcomes. Christina worked closely with this new team to advance key objectives related to supporting students from equity-deserving groups and growing our transition programming to meet students’ evolving needs, with specific attention to inter-sectional identities and in response to the ever changing learning and employment context. This included supporting the team through a complete re-invention of our offerings – Orientation, FYE, The BASE & LGBTQ+ Resource Centre - to an online environment that would continue to deliver meaningful support, engagement and community engagement for students.

During her tenure, Christina has also played a critical role as a member of Humber’s EDI Task Force, has served as a member of the Humber Gallery Committee as well as the Black/African Employee Resource Group (ERG), and made great strides in advancing the Humber-Seneca Polytechnic Partnership. Christina holds a Masters of Education Curriculum, Teaching & Learning and is currently an EdD candidate for a Doctor of Education in Social Justice Education at OISE. 

Christina’s track record in her most recent role, her knowledge of Student Success & Engagement and Humber, together with her education and 9+ years of experience both inside and outside of post-secondary education, position her well to support the Advising & Career Services team in advancing their priorities in the next 20 months. Christina’s official start date as the Interim Associate Director, Advising & Career Services is May 10, although she will be engaged with both teams leading up to her start date and until her current position is filled. 

I hope you will join me in congratulating Christina on this new assignment. We are grateful to Christina for taking on this secondment and excited for her contributions to this portfolio. 

Chantal Joy
Associate Dean, Transition & Academic Support
Student Success and Engagement
Pronouns | She/Her/Hers (Info on Pronouns)

April 19, 2021
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee   

This committee (JOHSC) is an advisory body that helps to stimulate or raise awareness of health and safety issues in the workplace. These health and safety issues include physical hazards as well as workplace psychosocial hazards.

The committee is made up of Humber management and employees who work together to achieve the goal of making our community a safe workplace.

Did you know that one of the tasks of the JOHSC is to perform workplace inspections?

These are done in small teams with one faculty, one support staff and one administrator, and typically take about two hours. The JOHSC team inspects all areas of campus to identify any health and safety issues. A record of the inspection is passed along to the Occupational Health and Safety Department who informs the area supervisor of the team's findings.

These inspections are not meant to be punitive, but rather to help workers and supervisors to keep Humber a safe place to work. So, if you see a team walking through your area, feel free to approach them if you have any questions or concerns.


If you notice a hazard in your area, you do not have to wait for the JOHSC inspection. You should report it to the area supervisor right away.

Humber has one JOHSC representing each campus and community employment centre. For meeting dates, workplace inspection schedules, or the contact information of the committee members, please click here.
