
October 23, 2020

You can help Humber win the title of Fair Trade Campus Week All-Star!

During Fair Trade Campus Week (October 26-30), celebrate the fair trade movement virtually and raise awarenees about issues surrounding trade justice. 

How to enter the National Fair Trade Campus Week Challenge: 

  1. You must use the official Fair Trade Campus Week hashtag #FTCW20 in order for your post to count.
  2. Post must explicitly be promoting Fair Trade Campus Week 2020 activities and/or Fairtrade products in order to be counted. 
  3. Social Media posts can come from official campus accounts OR Campus Week organizers. If you'd like to use a personal account, make sure you use the hashtag #FTCW20 AND tag @SustainHumber. 
  4. Twitter and Instagram posts using #FTCW20 will be combined for total number of posts. Sorry, Instagram Stories can’t be included (but you can still share your Campus Week activities in your Stories!).

Interested in buying Fairtrade? Check out this page highlighting local companies selling Fairtrade products.

Visit Humber's Office of Sustainability for #FTCW20 activities: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram I Blog

October 22, 2020

Earlier this month, Jennifer Larson began a secondment as the Public Affairs Manager with the Government Relations, Marketing and Communications team. Jennifer will be covering Jenna Donelson’s maternity leave, and we wish Jenna all the best.

Jennifer joined Humber in 2017 as the Partnership Development Manager and has since taken on the role of Strategic Communications and Innovation Manager. She has developed and implemented a multi-year communications strategy to increase awareness of ARI’s activities, led ongoing strategic communications for the Barrett CTI and developed communications to build profile for Humber’s industry-academia partnership model and the Advanced Manufacturing Skills Consortium.

Jennifer will be focused on strengthening Humber’s relationships across multiple levels of government to further the college’s strategic objectives, and providing advice and leadership to identify and steward the college’s responses to funding, policy or legislative opportunities. Jennifer will also act as the lead in supporting community consultations and communications for the Humber Cultural Hub project.

October 22, 2020
Campus Closure and Hydro Shutdown

North Campus to be closed on Sunday, November 8, 2020

When Sunday, November 8, 2020 (all day)
Location North Campus – all buildings including the University of Guelph-Humber, Residences and the Arboretum/Centre for Urban Ecology
Purpose To perform work to support the Finch West LRT project including relocation of hydro poles on Hwy 27, and maintenance of electrical lines coming onto North Campus.

The Humber North Campus will be closed on Sunday, November 8, 2020. Students and employees will not be allowed entry into the College facilities (with the exception of Residence) during the hydro service interruption.

All mechanical and electrical systems across North Campus will be offline during the shutdown.

Central systems including Banner, Blackboard, Email and will be available.

The Centre for Trades and Technology and the Education and Training Solution buildings (110 and 30 Carrier Drive) will not be affected by the hydro service interruption.

For more information or if you have questions, please contact Chris Nanos, Manager, Plant Services, at

October 21, 2020

The health and safety of Humber staff and students is our top priority. With that in mind, we have created a webpage to provide clear, step-by-step instructions for everyone on campus and at home who may have questions about when and how to report COVID-19.

I encourage you to bookmark the page ( and visit it whenever you have COVID-19 reporting questions and want to know what to do next.

Please be reminded that if you are feeling unwell or exhibiting any COVID-19 related symptoms, do not come to campus.

As always, visit, and for the latest updates and information on the full range of COVID-19 topics.

Stay well, 

Lori Diduch

October 21, 2020
Khon Ta
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

A friendly reminder that the capital project submission deadline is November 2, 2020. Please find attached document that illustrates the different project types (both small and large projects) and related procedures.

In relation to “large” projects, if your Faculty/Department is planning to reconfigure office spaces, changing function of a space, requesting additional office spaces, purchasing and installing equipment with project estimates equal to or greater than $50,000, please submit a “space allocation and project request” form to the Capital Planning & Space Management committee to review and make recommendation to the Executive team. The request form requires SVP/VP approval.

The form is available online at



October 20, 2020

Faculty of Applied and Sciences Technology (FAST), Continuing Education department launches a new program called Home Efficiency Retrofit Orientation (HERO). HERO is developed in partnership with Enbridge Gas and delivered in collaboration with different Ontario municipalities such as City of Toronto and City of Vaughan.

The Home Efficiency Retrofit Orientation (HERO) program helps homeowners incorporate best practice energy-efficiency upgrades in home renovations that improve comfort, resilience, peace of mind, GHG reductions, and lower energy costs. The session will provide insights on eligible rebate programs and topics covered include: Heating/Cooling systems, Insulation, Windows, Hot Water Heating & reducing Air Leakage. It is geared toward single-family homeowners (i.e. detached, semi-detached, townhome house types).

This is a two-hour session delivered virtually, and free of charge to the homeowners.

If you are City of Toronto resident and interested in attending this session, register here.

If you are City of Vaughan resident and interested in attending this session, register here.

FAST is currently working on making this session available to the residents of other municipalities. If you would like to enquire if this session will be available in your area, please email:

October 20, 2020
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Partial Load Registry – Please register for Partial Load Work for 2021 by October 30, 2020

About the Registry (Article 26.10)

The Partial-Load Registry is in place for current or previously employed partial-load employees of Humber College to register their interest in being employed as a partial load faculty for the 2021 calendar year. Registered partial-load employees will be eligible to receive priority hiring for available partial load work based on the criteria set out in Article 26.10 of the OPSEU Academic Collective Agreement.

When and Where Do I Register?

We are pleased to announce that registration for the 2021 calendar year will begin on June 10, 2020. We strongly encourage you to register prior to the October 30, 2020 deadline. Please note that registration for prior years does not automatically register you for the upcoming year.

In order to access the Partial Load Registry, please find the access point on the front page of the Humber Human Resources webpage or go to the link at:

When you register, it is extremely important that you provide an accurate employee (Person) number (this can be found on your online pay stub or by contacting the I. T. Support Centre), and your ‘N’ number (Humber Number, available through your departmental contact or through I. T. Support Centre) in order for your registration to be effective. Once you register, you will receive a confirmation response which should be retained for your records.


Should you have any questions about the Partial Load Registry procedures, please speak with your Associate Dean, the Client Support Centre (ext. 5001), or your OPSEU union representative (

Thank you for all of your contributions to Humber College. We look forward to having you register for future partial load employment.


Heather Black
Director, HRBP Services
Employee and Labour Relations

Pearline Lung
Acting President, OPSEU Local 562

October 20, 2020
Amy Weir

Humber Libraries offers a wide range of tools and services to assist students with research assignments:

  • The Library’s Discover search provides access to millions of credible research sources
  • Video Tutorials and Research Guides are available and offer self-led research guidance and instruction
  • Research Help is available via chat from 6 am – Midnight; Email and Appointment-based help are also available
  • Book a Librarian to visit your virtual class to teach students research and digital literacy skills. 85.5% of faculty agreed students did better on their assignments after a Librarian’s visit to their class (2019 Humber Libraries Faculty Survey)


October 20, 2020

Shonah Chalmers, Culinary Professor and Humber alumnus, is the second member of the Humber and Guelph-Humber community to be featured.

As a sustainability leader in the foodservice industry, Shonah has positively impacted the Humber community for more than 10 years. Shonah explains that “in cooking, you’re always sort of sustainable,” because as a chef you must use all your food supplies, and most importantly use everything properly, for cost and waste reduction purposes.

For as long as Shonah can remember, sustainability has always been a priority, “when I was younger, we didn’t have a lot, so we didn’t waste a lot.” Shonah acknowledges that throughout her career as a chef she has been sustainable and not even realized it. This is something she aims to teach her students, “[the food service industry] are the biggest contributors [to food waste] that can make a change and can affect things positively or negatively based on really small choices.”

“I believe that if I can share some ideas and some parts of what I’ve learned about sustainability and get people talking about it, it can have a ripple effect,” says Shonah.

To learn more about Shonah Chalmers, read the full feature article on Humber’s Office of Sustainability’s website.

October 19, 2020

The Financial Services and Purchasing teams are happy to share the improvements made to the New/Modify Vendor form. The form has been updated to include vendor payment set up and information. The new form can be found at New/Modify Vendor Request on the Humber Finance website.

The addition of vendor payment information to the new form will streamline the vendor set up process and lead to completion of entire vendor registration process in Banner in one workflow. An attached quote or invoice from the vendor is still required for validating vendor contact information.

For any other Vendor set up or Purchasing related questions, please mail
