
April 6, 2021

Dear Humber staff,

Last week, the Ontario government has enacted a province-wide shutdown which began over the weekend and will last for a period of at least four weeks.

Teaching and learning at Humber remains unchanged and will continue as scheduled with the current protocols in place.

During this period, staff on campus must be limited to only those necessary for the delivery of in-person learning and campus operations.

For those working on campus, we wanted to take this opportunity to remind you of the health and safety protocols that we have in place and ask for your continued cooperation in helping to make our campuses as safe as possible.

Health and safety measures include: 

  • Masks or face coverings are mandatory on campus. Exceptions include staff in personal workspaces in which 6 feet/2 metres of physical distancing is possible, or those with a medical exemption. Mask exemptions necessitating accommodations will require verification or medical documentation. This will help determine appropriate accommodation measures specific to the individual. Please use this resource for how to wear a mask safely.
  • Physical distancing is to be maintained as much as possible, particularly as cases of variants of concern increase in the community. Where physical distancing is not possible, additional health and safety protocols will be introduced.
  • Screening protocol in place each time learners and employees access facilities.
  • Required health and safety training and orientation.
  • Reduced class sizes based on required class size caps and physical distancing.

In addition to the measures outlined above, staff and students on campus are asked to practice proper, regular hand hygiene by washing their hands and/or using hand sanitizer.

You can find information on how and when to report COVID-19 here. Remember that if you have COVID-19 symptoms, are feeling unwell or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, contact the COVID Reporting Health Team at or 416.675.5007.

If any of these apply to your situation, do not come to campus until you have heard back from the COVID Reporting Health Team.  

For the latest information, visit  

As health and safety is a shared responsibility, we appreciate your ongoing support and commitment to keeping our community safe.  

Take care and be well,

Lori Diduch 
Vice-President, Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness

April 6, 2021

Notice of External Film Shoot

Location: Lakeshore Campus

  • Exterior of the loading dock on the east side of the Lakeshore Campus
  • Parking Lot 4 and 5 including accessible stalls
  • G Commons

When: April 8 to 10, 2021

  • Set prep will begin on Thursday, April 8 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and continue on Friday, April 9 from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Filming will take place overnight on Friday, April 9 from 4:30 p.m. to Saturday, April 10 at 7 a.m.
  • Set tear down will be complete on Saturday, April 10

Please be advised that Lot 4 and 5 will be unavailable all day and night beginning Friday, April 9 until the 4 p.m. on April 10. Parking is available in the Welcome Centre Parking Garage and Lot 1, with accessible parking stalls by the Tim Hortons.

Public Safety will be onsite while the crew is on Humber property.

In addition to Humber College’s COVID-19 safety protocols, Film productions will follow the COVID-19 Safety Guidelines issued by the Film and Television Industry of Ontario, approved by the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skill Development. Information can be found here.

The production will also implement additional safety measures in coordination with the Toronto Film Office. Safety guidelines found here.

Please contact Sara Vani or Connie Sanfilippo with any questions.

April 6, 2021
Did You Know - OneDrive

There are so many advantages to using OneDrive over the H-Drive.

Availability: Anywhere, anyhow – on your laptop, a public computer, or your mobile. As long as you have a connection to the internet, you have access to your files.

Space: Staff and students are provisioned with 500 mb of H-Drive space and 1 tb of OneDrive space – that’s 1,000,000 mb!

Collaboration: OneDrive allows a better process for sharing a document.

Learn the basics of a variety of Microsoft 365 apps and WebEx by signing up to 1:1 Virtual Coaching at

April 5, 2021
Rebecca Trautwein
Humber's Virtual Global Summer School

Humber International is pleased to announce that Humber students are eligible to an earn elective credit by joining Humber's Virtual Global Summer School, which will run from July 5 to 23, 2021.  

Not only do Humber students have the opportunity to connect with peers outside of their academic programs, but they will be enrolled with students from our global academic partner network worldwide! Each course offers a mix of synchronous live elements and self-directed modules to allow students to participate with flexible schedules from any time zone.  

Why join Humber’s Global Humber School? 

  • Work on real-world projects for elective credit
  • Build your network among a global community
  • Learn from Humber faculty and industry experts
  • Expand on your intercultural development
  • Flexible learning option - earn credit in intensive three weeks 

Explore your options and register

Diploma and Advanced Diploma Students can choose from:

Degree-Seeking Students can choose from:

Students are responsible for checking with an advisor for their specific academic path requirements.  

This year we are bringing the social calendar into the virtual environment as well. Participants will be able to connect “outside the classroom” with activities like global karaoke, games nights, live streams and more.

The Global Summer School enhances Humber’s strategic pillars to foster career-ready citizens and provide accessible education allowing students greater choice and flexibility in their learning. It also supports Humber’s Internationalization Strategy to “be the polytechnic institution of choice for the academically curious and creative from around the world to learn from, and contribute to the Humber community”.

By joining the Global Summer School, Humber students have the unique opportunity to work together with peers from around the world on creative solutions to local, national and global issues.

April 5, 2021
Elizabeth McPherson
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Humber College has a Professional Development Policy provision that awards scholarships for post-secondary, degree and graduate programs. All full-time (admin, support, academic) employees are eligible to apply for a scholarship up to 50 per cent of their annual tuition fees, up to a maximum of $5,000 per year. The scholarship award is available for a program for up to four (4) years in duration.

The application deadline is May 31, 2021. All full-time employees interested in applying can find more details on the application process and forms in the links below:

Visit the HROE Learning and Development site for details on all Professional Development offerings.

Questions? Please email us at

April 5, 2021
Aaron Brown

As part of the Consent Peer Education Program (CPEP) and Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity's Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) programming in April 2021, students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to participate in our SAAM Challenge! Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in April, a prompt will be provided on the CPEP Instagram and through the Humber Communiqué to encourage people to take an action in recognition of SAAM. Participants who share a photo addressing the prompt by emailing it to will be entered into a raffle to win a $150 gift card; all entries must be submitted by Monday, May 3 at 12 p.m. to be eligible for the prize!

Today's prompt is...Decorate Your Virtual Space: Create a custom video call background to bring attention to SAAM, or use our template!

Fists raised in air with prompt written above them


April 5, 2021
Shane Bentham

Testing Services is pleased to announce that we will be open over the final exam period for Guelph-Humber learners from April 15 to 27, 2021 and for Humber learners from April 26 to May 5, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

We are opening with the understanding that a majority of the assessment delivery for courses will continue to support learners and provide testing, which was done over the Winter 2021 midterm period. However, we understand that the accommodation needs of some learners cannot be met in this manner, and it is in these unique circumstances that we will focus on during this period. Those unique accommodations include, but are not limited to:

  • Supervising extra breaks
  • Invigilation conflicts with assistive technology needs
  • Paper based examinations
  • Environmental/space considerations
  • Computer assisted testing which is not possible at a learner’s home
  • Require a reader/scribe

We will continue to be in compliance with public health guidelines and will operate with a maximum capacity of 10 persons in our spaces at any given time, including staff. Therefore, we will be able to serve no more than seven (7) learners at both centres at any given time.

The request to write in Testing Services must be done in consultation with the learner’s Accessibility Consultant, professor, and/or Associate Dean/ Program Head prior to submitting the test to Testing Services in sufficient time.

We require faculty to provide submissions to us using the Blackboard Test Referral Form or through the Online Test Submission portal through Register Blast. We will not be accepting any physical test submissions at either centre nor will we be allowing faculty to pick up completed tests during this time.  

Faculty that have registered with our Online Submission Service will have any completed exams returned to them via their Humber or UGH email addresses. Remote invigilation is also available through the use of MS Teams or another platform, if necessary.

Any questions regarding our Online Test Submission service or remote invigilation can be forwarded to us by email at or

In order to avoid any delays and mitigate any barriers to the test process, we ask that faculty submit their final exams to Testing Services as per the following deadlines:

Final Exams to be written the week of April 16, 2021 Must be submitted to Testing Services by Friday, April 9, 2021 at 2 p.m.
Final Exams to be written the week of April 23, 2021 Must be submitted to Testing Services by Friday, April 16, 2021 at 2 p.m.
Final Exams to be written the week of April 30, 2021 Must be submitted to Testing Services by Friday, April 23, 2021 at 2 p.m.
Final Exams to be written the week of May 5, 2021 Must be submitted to Testing Services by Friday, April 30, 2021 at 2 p.m.

Learners that will be completing their final exams at Testing Services will be required to schedule an appointment in advance on our website. As we did during the winter midterm exam period, we will not be able to accommodate walk-ins during this time.

For booking at North Testing Services, please have students click here, and for Lakeshore Testing Services click here.

Learners are asked to bring only the supplies or items that they need to complete testing and adhere to all physical distancing and COVID-19 protocols as required to maintain a safe testing environment for all.

We look forward to supporting our learners during this time. 


Shane Bentham
Manager, Testing and Integrated Services

April 5, 2021

As previously shared with the Humber community, masks are to be worn within all areas of campus buildings, except in private workspaces or offices where 6 ft. of physical distance can be maintained.

Mask exemptions necessitating accommodations will require verification or medical documentation. This will help determine appropriate accommodation measures specific to the individual.

Employees and students who cannot wear a mask must notify the college prior to coming on site by contacting The college will review each situation on a case-by-case basis and work with the individual to identify appropriate accommodations. The college is committed to finding workable solutions with the individual, but cannot guarantee that all requests will result in the ability to complete work and/or learning on campus.

Masks and face coverings are an important measure used to help prevent the spread of infection in addition to physically distancing, carrying out proper hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette, and staying home if you are ill.

Health and safety are a shared responsibility and cooperation with the measures Humber has in place is appreciated.

April 5, 2021
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology is pleased to share with the College the April issue of the Dean’s Newsletter.

Subscribe here to get our following newsletter editions.

March 4, 2021

As many of you know, the Humber-Seneca Polytechnic Partnership was launched in 2018.

The Humber-Seneca Polytechnic Partnership (HSPP) has expanded learning opportunities for students as they begin, continue or complete their post-secondary education with either institution. 

A recently signed milestone pathways agreement has established more than 200 pathways between the two polytechnic institutions, increasing opportunities for degree completion in business, public safety, mental health, data science and analysis, and interdisciplinary studies.

The HSPP pathway agreement creates various options to build on diplomas in areas like business, where students can choose degree options with specializations in management, accounting and finance, fashion and human resources.  The agreement also includes joint efforts on program planning and development as well as teaching and learning activities. 

This latest HSPP initiative leverages the expertise and combined resources of both Humber and Seneca for the benefit of our respective students. When we formed the HSPP we were focused on collaboration rather than competition and we are proud to be able to work together to increase access to world-class education in Ontario.

Since its creation, the HSPP has promoted broad co-operation and collaboration between Humber and Seneca while enhancing and expanding learning opportunities for students at both institutions.

In addition to this latest agreement, the HSPP has also provided opportunities for international collaboration, to improve youth employment in the Maldives, as well as joint procurement for shared efficiencies between the two colleges. 

Students can find information on these pathways and how to access them as well as more details about the HSPP on
