
April 12, 2021
Did You Know - OneDrive - Recent Files

Another handy button to use in OneDrive is your Recent button, located on the left-side menu. Click on it to see your most recent files, with categories like Yesterday, This week, Last week, and Last month.

Alternatively, you can identify your recent documents anywhere in your My files area from the three lines at the front of the file name. That is an easy, identifying way of showing that a file is new.

Learn the basics of a variety of Microsoft 365 apps and WebEx by signing up to 1:1 Virtual Coaching at

April 9, 2021
Jamie Even

Registration Now Open

  • Don’t miss out on your opportunity to register
  • Exclusive to the Humber Community (students, staff, faculty)

You must be able to commit to the program from May to August 2021.

Delivery of Training:

To follow protocols for physical distancing due to COVID-19, the Student Personal Training service may take place via remote delivery with the following training options:

  • Option 1: Live stream via a service such as MS Teams, Zoom, Skype, or
  • Option 2: "Homework-style" exercise program that you can complete on your own at home, or
  • Option 3: A combination of Option 1 and 2

For further information and online registration, please click here.

April 9, 2021
Samantha Beauchamp

As we navigate the current challenges faced worldwide, there is a growing conversation around the topic of authentic, empathetic and wise leadership. This week's article focuses on what it takes to be a wise, phronetic leader.

The origin of practical wisdom lies in the concept of ‘phronesis’ – an ancient Greek word – one of three ways of knowing as described by Aristotle (phronesis has been translated as practical wisdom, prudence, intellectual virtue)

Check out the full Applied Research and Innovation article here.

April 9, 2021
Did You Know - OneDrive Sharing

Collaborating and sharing a document is so easy with OneDrive. Not too long ago, if you wanted to collaborate on a document, you would write a first draft, email it to your group, and each of them would edit it, but you could end up with multiple versions of the original document. 

Say goodbye to version 1, version 2, version 3 and so on and say hello to sharing with cloud documents. Everyone can edit the same document at the same time. The people editing the document are represented with a unique coloured flag that even shows where they are in the document.

There are multiple ways of sharing a document. You can use the Share button in most Microsoft 365 apps, or you can share within OneDrive.

Learn the basics of a variety of Microsoft 365 apps and WebEx by signing up to 1:1 Virtual Coaching at

April 9, 2021
Aaron Brown

As part of the Consent Peer Education Program (CPEP) and Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity's Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) programming in April 2021, students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to participate in our SAAM Challenge! Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in April, a prompt will be provided on the CPEP Instagram and through the Humber Communiqué to encourage people to take an action in recognition of SAAM. Participants who share a photo addressing the prompt by emailing it to will be entered into a raffle to win a $150 gift card; all entries must be submitted by Monday, May 3 at 12 p.m. to be eligible for the prize!

Today's prompt is...Shine A Light: Highlight someone in the public eye or someone in your own life who is working to end sexual violence.

Fists raised in the air with prompt written above them


April 8, 2021

Humber and the University of Guelph-Humber (UofGH) have partnered with the William Osler Health System (Osler) to expand access to the COVID-19 vaccine in Osler’s Etobicoke catchment area.

Starting Wednesday, April 14, Osler will transition its current Etobicoke COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic, located at Etobicoke General Hospital, to the Osler-Humber College COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic. The clinic will be located in the UofGH building at Humber’s North Campus.

Osler will provide oversight for the vaccine clinic and offer clinical experience for students in Humber’s Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness. Many students will benefit from practical, real-world experience administering vaccines and being able to gain required work-integrated learning experience for their programs.

This partnership provides the community with access to COVID-19 vaccine shots in a safe, convenient place. Appointments at Osler’s COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic can be booked online through Osler’s website or by phone at 905-494-6685, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., 7 days a week. Vaccinations are by appointment only.

The Osler-Humber College COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic is a community clinic, similar to the clinic operating at the Toronto Congress Centre and will vaccinate those deemed eligible by the Province’s COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan and the Toronto Public Health Unit.

All appointments booked on or after April 14, will automatically be moved over to the Main Lobby at the University of Guelph-Humber. Initially, between April 14 and 16, the clinic will maintain similar hours to the clinic at Etobicoke General Hospital, between 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The goal is to ramp up to open seven days a week and have hours that can accommodate essential workers in the community who may work shifts. 

For the four-month period of the clinic’s operations, only Vaccine Clinic staff, volunteers and those with confirmed vaccine appointments will be permitted to use the front doors at UofGH and Lot 3 for parking.

An official announcement will be made by Osler this afternoon. For any questions or inquiries please contact Tyler Charlebois, Manager, Strategic Partnerships, Humber.

We appreciate your patience and support around this special circumstance and opportunity to provide a vaccine clinic to our community members.

April 8, 2021






College Council is the collective voice of the College in that it is an assembly of faculty, support staff, students, and administrators who suggest directions in which the College should proceed. College Council advises the President on those College issues which it considers to be long- and short-term priorities as identified in Humber’s Strategic Plan. 

As of 2018, Humber’s 3 Strategic Pillars provide the foundation for the strategic priorities and corresponding supporting actions:  

i. Career-Ready Citizens

ii. Accessible Education

iii. Healthy and Inclusive Community

The Council advises the President of the College in matters affecting academic policy, planning, and practice, including, the successful implementation of Humber’s Strategic Plan initiatives. College policy or business items ultimately proceeding to the College's Board of Governors may appear at College Council at the discretion of the President, before final disposition at the Board of Governors.

Please visit our website for further information:



College Council will be comprised of elected representatives from academic staff members, support staff members, administrative staff members, and students.


While we are working remotely, College Council meets once per month on Thursdays, September to May, from 4 to 6 p.m. (this is subject to change once we return in-person). A meeting is also held in the first week of June, one day following the annual retreat. It is the representative’s responsibility to represent their constituents by attending meetings and contributing to the discussions, and bringing back information from College Council meetings to their constituents. Members of Council can have the opportunity to become more involved through sub-committee membership.

The College Council Executive would like to acknowledge and thank the following employees who will be leaving Council:

  • Eva Hearn – Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellness
  • Sheila Moore – Faculty of Business
  • Ionela Bacain – Faculty of Business
  • Rose Anthony - Students & Institutional Planning
  • Kerry Johnston – Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology
  • Colin Wildman – Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology
  • Risa Handler – Chair – Humber College Council
  • Denise Rooney – Vice Chair – Humber College Council


The following positions are open for nomination/election on College Council for the term June 2021 to June 2023.

Elected Academic Areas 

Area of Representation 


Employee Group 


Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology 



Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology 



Faculty of Business 



Faculty of Business 



Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellness 



Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences and Innovative Learning  



Other Areas Reporting to the SVP Academic 



Students & Institutional Planning  




Nominees - Based on the table above, please email your interest, or if you have questions to Denise Rooney at and include the following information:

  1. Your name, contact information, area of representation, position, campus, employee-group - Faculty, Support or Admin
  2. The names of TWO nominators from your constituent area including contact information, title, campus and employee group. For example faculty must be nominated by two faculty, support must be nominated by two support.
  3. Please CC the nominaators on your email correspondence to Denise Rooney




April 8, 2021
Gord Gilmour, Program Coordinator

The winter semester students of the Emergency Telecommunications program have created and recorded some public service announcements to be aired on 96.9 Radio Humber during National Telecommunicators Week. They have applied the knowledge they have gained during this semester to provide you with information on how to assist the emergency call taker should you ever have to call for emergency assistance. 

The students will be leaving the program with the fundamental skills of an emergency communicator and will enter the fast paced and often highly stressful work force of dedicated public servants.

The students and faculty of EMTC program are encouraging you to listen for these PSA’s during National Telecommunicators week happening April 11 to April 17.

April 8, 2021
Aaron Brown
Two men encouraging men to take action against harmful behaviours

At Humber, we recognize that we all have a responsibility in preventing and addressing sexual violence. Sexual violence is rooted in gender-based violence, and so men may feel that it is a "women's issue"; however, we acknowledge that men must also take action and hold one another accountable. The Survey on Individual Safety in the Postsecondary Student Population (Statistics Canada, 2019) found that men were less likely to view unwanted sexualized behaviours as harmful, twice as likely to think people are too offended by unwanted sexualized behaviours, and the perpetrators of unwanted sexualized behaviours are more often men.

The Men Seeking Change working group encourages men to reflect on behaviours that could cause harm to others and to intervene when they see these behaviours happening. We will be sharing examples of inappropriate behaviours and ways men could intervene in these behaviours over March and April as a reminder to take action and maintain our culture of respect.

Unhealthy Behaviour: Unwanted physical contact or getting too close.

Example: Delia (she/her) is talking with her coworkers Xavier (he/him), Marcela (she/her), and Cameron (she/her) in the boardroom after a meeting has just ended. Jason (he/him) pops in to say hello to everyone, and while he’s chatting, he gives Delia’s shoulders a gentle massage. Jason leaves and Xavier returns to his office.

What could Xavier have done differently?

Xavier could have stayed behind to check in with Delia one-on-one to see how she felt about the shoulder massage. Xavier could also have had a conversation with Jason as he left about how the shoulder massage was inappropriate and could have made Delia uncomfortable.

Example: Moe (she/her), Reid (they/them), Prasanna (he/him) and Tony (he/him) always get coffee together in the morning. While in the line, Tony always stands very close behind Reid, which makes them feel quite uncomfortable. Prasanna notices that Tony is standing so close to Reid that his hands brush against their skin when he makes any movements. Prasanna orders his coffee and heads off to his class.

What could Prasanna have done differently?  

Prasanna could have made a light joke about how there’s plenty of space in line without Tony needing to be standing up against Reid to cue Tony to change his behaviours. Alternatively, Prasanna could have taken Reid aside to check in with them, or taken Tony aside to note his observations.

Two examples of men making unwanted physical contact and ways they could have intervened.

April 8, 2021
Did You Know - OneDrive Sharing

Any files you share, or files that are shared with you, are all housed in a convenient view located in the left menu.

They are divided as Shared with you and Shared by you.

Consider regularly reviewing the files that you have shared to determine if they still need to be shared. Call it OneDrive housekeeping.

Learn the basics of a variety of Microsoft 365 apps and WebEx by signing up to 1:1 Virtual Coaching at
