
September 16, 2020
Casey Norris

Humber Galleries' Instagram as a Canvas call for artwork is back for the Fall semester.

While many of us continue to stay safe & distanced working and learning at home for the Fall, we want to celebrate even more of the Humber Community's artwork and creativity. This time around, we're extending our themed calls to be a month long & include special online galleries.

The first call for September is a special one for all the Humber College Staff & Faculty. We know there's been a lot of creativity happening throughout our community during the Summer and lockdown and we want to see it; it can be anything from sketches to photography to music. If it's creative, we would love to share it!

Check out or follow us on Instagram @humbergalleries for more info on how to submit! All staff are welcome to participate and all types of creative works are accepted.

September 15, 2020
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness team has compiled a Welcome Back to Campus e-Brochure to help staff and faculty who are now working on campus. The one-page document includes helpful tips and reminders for what can be expected on campus this term.

An earlier version of this document may have been shared by managers with their teams. An updated version with the latest information can be found in the attached PDF and will also be posted on in the coming days.

Please keep the document handy as a quick reference in the weeks ahead.


Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness 

September 15, 2020

If you missed the HROE (Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness) Virtual Town Halls, the sessions are now available online.

The town halls provided employees with information about college operations and more as we prepared to return to campus.

To access them, please click here.

September 15, 2020
Office of Sustainability
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Alex Hoa, Assistant Manager, Cafe LinX and Retail Service, is the first member of the Humber and Guelph-Humber community to be featured in the Sustainability Spotlight Series.

After completing the post-graduate, Event Management program at Humber three years ago, Alex assisted with Etobicoke Lakeshore Culture Days, an annual event at the Lakeshore Campus, and later took on the role of Assistant Manager, Cafe LinX and Retail Services.

Alex shared with us that she is on a continuous journey to make changes in her lifestyle to incorporate sustainability. When asked to share her secret, Alex says, “the first step is to find what you’re interested in and how you can incorporate sustainability in a positive and meaningful way. Think deeply about what you’re passionate about and be willing to change or adapt.”

To read Alex's full Sustainability Spotlight feature, click on the attachment. To learn more about Alex's commitment to sustainability, click here


For more information about Humber’s commitment to sustainability, visit the Office of Sustainability

September 15, 2020
Jessica Estrela
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Dear Humber community,

Carl Oliver and I, the Co-Chairs for this year’s United Way Campaign, along with its great team of volunteers are excited to announce the return of our annual “Thanksgiving Pie” sale to get our campaign season started. 

We will have two pick up locations at the North and Lakeshore campuses and will only accept credit or debit cards. Each pie costs $15. We want to ensure all are safe and can therefore will not accept CASH! 

The new e-form will make the ordering very easy and we only bake what is ordered in advance, so place your order early to ensure you get your favourite pie for Thanksgiving. 


Your UW Committee Co-Chairs,

Rudi Fischbacher
Associate Dean, Faculty of Business

Carl Oliver
Associate Dean, School of Applied Technology
September 14, 2020

If a student or staff member has COVID-19 symptoms, thinks they may have COVID-19 or has tested positive for the virus, please follow the confidential protocol for reporting to the College as soon as possible.  

A confidential email ( and confidential phone line (416.675.5007) have been set up for these COVID-19-related inquiries and concerns. They are monitored by regulated health professionals from the Student Wellness and Accessibility Centre (SWAC) and members of the Occupational Health and Safety team.  

They will be monitored Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. until 10 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Responses can be expected within four hours, except at the end of the timeframe when a response will be given the next day.

September 14, 2020

Please note that until further notice, employees require their staff ID cards to access the 3rd floor or above in the Learning Resource Commons at North Campus.

September 14, 2020

Get started by logging into and clicking on the Teams icon.

Microsoft Teams provides video conferencing, workplace chat, and file storage for real time collaboration. All Humber and University of Guelph-Humber staff have access to Microsoft Teams, as part of the Microsoft 365 suite. 

Did you know? You can have Teams Meetings.

  • Meetings one-on-one
  • Meetings with up to 250 people
  • Live Events with up to 10,000 participants 
  • Meetings and Live Events support live captioning 

You can record a meeting, with transcription, so that those who missed the meeting, or want to re-watch, can search for a key word, and go directly to that part of the meeting. 

Did you know?... You can create a Team  

Teams can be created with/by any employees at Humber or Guelph-Humber.

With Teams, you can post announcements, store files and every member of that team can have access. Members can also collaborate on a file at the same time.

Within a Team you can have ‘private channels’ that only members of that channel can see.

Did you know?... You can chat 

  • You can start one-one and group chats

If you need support, you can contact the I.T. Support Centre, at x8888. For more resources on working remotely, visit here.

September 14, 2020
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

We are excited to announce that new waste bins are coming to campus!

The 4-stream waste bins include compost in key areas and clear signage to make sorting waste as easy as possible. The new bins arrived at Lakeshore campus in March 2020 and will be at North Campus by the end of this week. All of the current bins will be donated, and the new bins are made of recycled milk jugs!

Before you dispose of something on campus, please ensure you are following the easy-to-read signage to help us divert waste from the landfill.

September 14, 2020
Sorsha Heard
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Centre for Teaching & Learning is pleased to announce a final call for applications for the Teaching Innovation Fund.

About the fund: The fund includes $1,400 per investigator and support in developing and conducting a research project about teaching and learning. There are typically two types of projects: “Build” projects, in which you develop and build a new, evidence-based teaching tool or approach, and “Impact” projects, in which you measure the impact of an innovative teaching tool or approach with your students. 

For more information and to access the application form, see the attached documents. To hear from faculty that have previously conducted research with the fund, visit the CTL's YouTube channel.

The deadline for applications is Friday, September 18 at 5 p.m.

Applications may be submitted to
